The Planck, Again, Again
The Planck, Again, Again
The Planck is the quantity of electrification, Q. The Einsteiner calls this a photon, and says that a Planck is the time integral of energy, W, in Joules. These relations are demonstrated in these writings and also represent the established engineering theories. Nothing is new.
The Planck, Q, is the union of dielectricity, Psi, and the magnetism, Phi. These two inductions, Psi and Phi give birth to, Q, the electrification, in a transverse electro-magnetic configuration.
In Heaviside/Poynting reasoning it is:
V Psi Phi, equals Q
That simple, Maxwell would have loved it, but he died too soon.
Physicists like three dimensions, the reason is hidden away somewhere.
(1) Mass, m
(2) Space, l
(3) Time, t
"The three"
However for the electrical engineer, who is an engineer of electric power, P, in KiloWatts, or Kilo-Volt-Ampere reactive, he has no interest in mass. Therefore "The Three" become:
(1) Electrification, Q
(2) Space, l
(3) Time, t
And for the physicist:
Q equals the time integral of the shrine itself,
W= mc squared
Q, equals Wt
How simple, get the "Monsters from the Id" out of your head. No mystic secrets, just basic high school algebra. But it would make no sense to someone from the DMV.
In a more primary dimensional expression, the Planck divorces into a pair of primary dimensions, the dielectric induction, and the magnetic induction. Thus the Planck in itself is not a primary dimension, but serves as a primary dimensional relation, for the materialist.
Taken from C.P. Steinmetz in "Impulses, Waves, and Discharges", are three dimensional conditions:
(1) The magnetic field, Phi
(2) The dielectric field, Psi
(3) The electric field, Q
When Steinmetz uses the term "Electrical Field" this is defined by Q. The Dielectric field is NOT... the electric field. Is the dead horse dead yet?
Q, in Planck is
Psi, in Coulomb.
And, E equals mc squared times t equals Q. The materialistic expression to pacify the physicist. If Phi, or Psi is zero, then Q is zero. It is that Q is the PRODUCT of Psi and Phi. Both Psi and Phi must be present in order to have any Electrification, Q. Hence Q is a double frequency term that is maximum when the dielectric energy content is equal to the magnetic energy content.
See figure in the following post
Epilogue, the Planck is not a quantum mystical myriad of Queeks and Quarks, it is a fundamental relation in both physics and electrical engineering terms. Keep the Quarks out of the Condensers, the engineer says. On the other hand, for the Quantic minded, how complex can you make a crystal set? What if Einstein says it cannot work? It is a bottomless pit.
No announcement yet.
Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?
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Originally posted by Rosphere View PostThe coyote howled at the one moon about the one dimension of space.
22-AUG transmission:
OK, I can incorporate this idea into the proposed conceptual model. One dimension of space. Got it. Another coyote hears the cry and begins to howl at the same moon. So how many dimensions do we have?
From the same 22-AUG transmission:
Later, from the 8-DEC transmission:
Yes, I have read many times, consistently, that items 3) and 4) from the AUG transmission unite to form item (1) from the DEC transmission. However, I am confused about how 4 dimensions becomes 3 dimensions in one season.
It was a big deal back in August to be precise and meticulous about what is and what is not a dimension, and how many dimensions exist for electrical engineering and the number of the counting was FOUR. And now the number of the counting is THREE. Is the coyote still in control of T-rex, or has a Bolinas-weasel taken-over the T-rex account to misguide us all?
I do apologize for being late to the party as I have only recently discovered these transmissions. I have been reading them and downloading referenced material and reading some of that as well over the holiday. I decided to go back and make my own subject-organized notes based on all the transmissions when I ran into this, "how many dimensions," issue.
Again, sorry if I missed the explanation of the decision to combine the two dimensions into one. I will correct/delete this post/transmission if I can find it or someone can point it out for me.
Thank you,
The Planck is defined as the undivided quantity, Q, of the total electric induction. In a Biblical sense an analog is, “and in the beginning…” Every other substantial relation found its derivation in the Planck. A pair, Phi and Psi were arrived at by a divorce
I can assure you that Eric is still very much active and that he has access to his account.
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Originally posted by T-rex View PostBabbitt's Concept of Faradays Contigous Particle of the Aether
so the force then would tend to attract on the negative and propel on the positive?
I have usually thought of a vortex pulling in this case from the inside to space and a torrent as a water hose dumping out.
It would seem to make sense in terms of equal and opposite force and being at rest I suppose.
I would be very interested in seeing how the bonding forces would look between 2 of them.
Oh and happy new year everyone!Last edited by Kokomoj0; 01-01-2012, 03:21 PM.
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Originally posted by john_g View PostHi
Here's a link to a site with loads of different plans for crystal radios; which may help with Eric's challenge:
Crystal Radio Plans, Schematics, and Circuits
Wishing you all a very happy new year.
here is the one I built!
Had no clue what I was doing, just knew longer was better so I went to the auto scrap yard and cut about many junk car coils and used the primary, took my daddy's climbing spikes and pounded insulators about 20 feet above the ground on then telephone poles. The antenna was about 1/8th mile long and I used it both as a youngster for the crystal set and when I was older for amplified am radios.
Anyway I am not sure I know how it works precisely in terms of Erics teachings. That is what explanations Eric would look for or expect.
Otherwise its a LC resonant tank with a variable C, the antenna wire coil is the primary, the other one the secondary, the diode is a low knee voltage germanium, the rf carrier is amplitude modulated rf, (AM), the diode rectifies 1/2 the wave, the rf cannot be heard as the .0001 cap filters most of it out, but the rectified audio impressed on it can, and you would use crystal headset because they required very little power.
had a lot of fun with that radio, incredible reception with that long antenna.Last edited by Kokomoj0; 01-01-2012, 03:03 PM.
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Originally posted by T-rex View Post(1) Unfortunately I must say that PinWheel is correct, for the most part. It seems to be a hopeless lot indeed. However take in to consideration that I operate by the "Way of the Coyote", and my contempt for humans is accordingly absolute. See "God's Dog".
May be the best way to illustrate this, is to refer to the movie “Force 10 from Navarone (1978)”:
Force 10 from Navarone (1978)
Stiff Upper Lip - Television Tropes & Idioms
Force 10 From Navarone Film of the Book. The team has detonated explosives inside a dam in attempt to breach it. The situation is desperate: if they fail, thousands of Partisans will be slaughtered by the Nazis. Sergeant Miller (British) and Sergeant Weaver (American) are waiting to see what happens.
Weaver: Nothing! We’ve been through all this, and nothing!
Miller: You can’t expect an enormous volcano with three tiny bags of explosives. You have to let nature take her course. Give it time, it’ll work.
Happy 2012 to all!
-- Arend --
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stars and sun invisible from space
I haven't corresponded with Tom in months. Emailed him about this but didn't hear back yet but I found the below online:
Another incredible chunk of information....There are some bizarre things going on with the Sun and the properties of light in space. John Keely says that the Sun and stars are invisible when viewed from space. Light only manifests when in the presence of a gas which serves as a percussive medium for the Aether to allow the generation of light through interference; thereby slowing the Aether to lower frequencies.
Rudolph Steiner also says that the Sun and stars are invisible from space.
Tom Brown (of Borderland Sciences in California) says he talked on the phone to one astronaut who said they could not take pictures of the Sun or stars UNLESS the camera was inside the ship (where there is air). On hearing this, Tom called NASA and asked the Public Information Officer if the Sun could be seen from space. The PIO said of course.
At that point Tom explained about the story he was working on and that he had talked to an astronaut who confirmed the premise of no visible light from space. The PIO got very upset on the phone and said that information was not supposed to be given to the public.Last edited by Aaron; 01-01-2012, 07:37 AM.
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Crystal Radios
Here's a link to a site with loads of different plans for crystal radios; which may help with Eric's challenge:
Crystal Radio Plans, Schematics, and Circuits
Wishing you all a very happy new year.
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Babbitt's Concept of Faradays Contigous Particle of the Aether
Babbitt's Concept of Faradays Contigous Particle of the Aether
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And Secondly, the Dead Horse Died:
(1) Unfortunately I must say that PinWheel is correct, for the most part. It seems to be a hopeless lot indeed. However take in to consideration that I operate by the "Way of the Coyote", and my contempt for humans is accordingly absolute. See "God's Dog".
(2) Bearden, Puharich, the Corum's, etc are verily absolute dis-informers, or at best ignorant techno-fascists. I would say the U.S. Army is behind them. And to watch this group suck up that coyote vomit is revolting to say the least. Mind you this has been going on since the Soviet Scalar Conspiracy, nearly 30 years now! Lap it up.
(3) And then the Quantum Mystics, they seek Pandora. Her "Box" is the plethora of demons and nems. The Aether is now a myriad of quarks and queeks, with charm and strangeness. It flowers into a Kurzweil Quantum Geek Fest, a nano-quantitized French Revolution. It will be so "spiritual" (Lucifer).
(4) Remember the "Good Ole Days", Domino Effect, Soviet Strike Capability, Vietnam, not much different than now really. A real charming "leader" emerged out of this great episode in human history, Pol Pot. He was a loving and caring man. In a CommonWeal type compassion for his people, he had all the engineers in his country EXECUTED. Today we have the Clinton Global Initiatiative spreading this philosophy around the planet. What future lays ahead for the Electrical Engineer, tell me, can you?
(5) And why is it "They" or let us say "It", do not like Oliver? They don't like him at all. He murdered the potential, horrid. It is no wonder that while the Euro-Lehrned were suppresing Oliver Heaviside's Telegraph Equation, IT BECAME THE FOUNDATION FOR LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONY IN AMERICA (A.T.T.). Moreso Heaviside's Telegraph Equation and related operational calculus serves as the cornerstone of American Electrical Engineering. The full potential of Heaviside's work has not nearly been reached, and it's application to the transmission structures of Tesla could result in a tremendous new understanding of electricity. Not here, well?
(6) Pump them scalar waves, smash them dipoles, capture that back E.M.F. .......
No man can resist the "Song of the Siren"
73 DE N6KPH SKLast edited by t-rex; 12-31-2011, 09:14 PM.
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Originally posted by T-rex View Post
Remember equating the Laws of Physics to the Laws of Electricity can be very misleading and is the principle cause for misunderstanding.
The problem with current physics is that it is such a theater of misunderstandings that it is very hard to get everything straight and push trough all the misunderstandings and errors.
But there is only one aether and therefore all of physics can be described using some kind of fluid dynamics. The problem is how to do it right, so we can re-invent Tesla's gravity model, which was undoubtedly an aether model.
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The Primary Circuit, First
A global contest, who will be the first HAM radio operator to disprove Einstein? Will it be you?
We begin with the "Primary Circuit." It is a parallel resonant circuit. This exists in the dimension of time, it is space scalar. Hence no T.E.M., etc. Tim only in Neper-Radians per second. PER SECOND. It should be noted that no generalized analysis of this circuit even exists today, so where do YOU want to begin. I will tell you how, get a 1960's Radio Amateur's Handbook, and read it. Then make a 100 watt 80 meter transmitter. Then you can begin to understand Tesla. Throw all the Bearden, Corum, etc. , into the garbage, let the rats and crows have it.
The circuit I have shown is from the Colorado Springs Notes, read this for circuit values, these can be scaled. The reasoning here is that no resistance is wanted in the main tank circuit (L1,C1), it must be tight against leaks to assure maximum magnification factor. The Auxilary Circuit (L2,C2) is an impedance matching network to carry energy from the supply E.M.F. to the tank circuit M.M.F. The energy in L2 C2 refracts into L1 C1 so as not to disturb the primary M.M.F. This M.M.F. to be maximized to the highest possible magnitude.*
* See Nikola Tesla, "System of Concatenated Tuned Circuits", patent number unknown
Here is how the contest works. We learn how to make a "Crystal Set", just as everybody should. It is a "Rite of Passage". A crystal set is an A.M. radio that uses no battery, the magnification factor of its tank circuit powers the radio. Hence it can be seen that the A.M. broadcast station's transmitted energy is powering the crystal set, JUST AS TESLA ENVISIONED. Wow Mr. Wizard that is fantastic. Let's start today.
Break more to follow
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Originally posted by Armagdn03 View PostWHAT???? Where did you find this? I believe the plank was described as the product of Phi and Psi, treating one as an "imaginary" number. (Which is in actuality adding a second dimension to "number line" algebra). Think UNIT CIRCLE.
Dewey B Larson was onto something, although also confused. This is the MATH OF ONE
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