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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • jpolakow
    Supplement to Intro to Tesla Transformers

    The so called Hairpin circuit is really no more than Tesla's first experiments with the one turn primary. Since a short section of transmission line serves as an inductance then hence the Hairpin.

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  • t-rex
    Supplement to Intro to Tesla Transformers

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  • h2ocommuter
    no guessing just methodical research

    Thank Raui, I knew the artist style, He is a masterful conceptualist...M c escher
    too the point.... I appreciate the clarity in your approach. As These new maths are my primary objective I find your incites refreshing. Thanks a lot.
    Conductance =1/R

    I like many have marveled at your actions for many years and hope we collectively can salvage your goals and dreams somehow.
    I accept you have many objections and some may be vindictive. I can but imagine your efforts being dashed and smashed at Bolinas, and "Boxer as a representative of the people?" and yes not only from the ship yard to this Bales stiff. yea i am peeved to my highest order and it probably couldn't mean less to you I encourage you to persevere and overcome. shake off the dust, lift your head and rejoice, we are here and want to follow your leading's.
    As humbling as it may be I am only worthy to be here because i admire your work. I did not start realizing my mental deficiencies at a young age as you did but at 43 years old or about that. I have not ceased to give my every energy to building what is calculated and correctly dementionalized into my head. You may think you are talking to ingrates that want to be spoon fed. some may be I am not and anyone who thinks this is what they need should go to a pig-sty and have a lunch on me. Stop begging pull up your trousers, hit the books. This work is of the highest level as La Marie has proposed and disproving Einstein is one of my highest priorities. I just go about things as I conceptualize and understand their meaning.

    My last point humbly and boldly I think new videos may be what is necessary to invigorate some interest and funds.
    I will be available to help in these in-devours. I have been collecting many of the devices you had used in your videos with Tom Brown et-all and would be happy to set up all experiments, document and video the details as needed.

    Take Hope and peace.
    I believe in you Eric P Dollard
    Even though we are surrounded by wickedness we must remain true to ourselves.
    You are the best Eric! We stand with you. No one will make it better for us, but us! "individually"!

    Merry Christmas!

    John has my number

    Last edited by h2ocommuter; 12-25-2011, 06:19 AM. Reason: Little bit o this little bit o that

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  • Kokomoj0
    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
    Remember the Soviet Scalar Conspiracy, The Tesla Howitzer, Tesla E.L.F. and control, Tesla Switch, Tesla this Tesla that. But Where is Tesla? Nikola Tesla curses the Soviet Scalar Xenophobes, the primary source of Tesla Dis-Information.

    73 DE N6KPH

    yeh talk about dating ourselves!

    when you think about it since light falls off at the square of the distance and we can see a star 13 billion light years away that sort of tells me that either we all have super man eyes or there is a longitudinal component to light.

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  • Kokomoj0
    If he reported it when it happened, and has the records, now its on ebay, heads will roll!

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  • OrionLightShip
    I for one, would like for Eric to continue his discourse, and I regret my previous negative reaction to his demands. Since there was no response to video, I will go ahead and make that donation next week anyway. I prefer to use snail mail and a postal money order. I have an address in morro bay, if that is the correct one to use.

    The charge of theft against Bales would best be brought about directly by Eric since he is the one holding the actual evidence. If Eric files a criminal complaint and hands the evidence to the police, they have to investigate it. I am not a lawyer, but that is what makes sense to me. I don't know if a third party can initiate a criminal complaint.

    Good luck and I hope my small donation will be of some help.

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  • t-rex
    Welcome Aboard the Good Ship Lucifer (NFG-666)

    It is tragically evident that "public forums" must labor under the constraint of arrogant bottom feeders. This is the intrinsic nature of 21st century America; A law so to speak, that is;

    (1) The lowest common denominator must dominate

    America is like a stricken ship, a ship with its mast dragging the bottom and its keel to the sky, sailing to a violent self destruction.

    The individual American in the 21st century is best described by Oliver Heaviside, Electro Magnetic Theory Vol I, Art 9, "They become mere eating, drinking, and money grabbing machines." Heaviside continues: "and yet they seem so happy." Well Oliver, today is not the 19th century, it's the 21st, so the "happy" is replaced with "malevolent".

    We seek new symbolisms by which to express our modern techno-fascist society.

    (2) Replace "In God We Trust", with "I Want A New Drug Now."

    (3) Remove the "Stars and Stripes Flag", and raise a flag displaying a burning car.

    Yes indeed, 21st century America. Let's relate this to the "Energetic Forum":

    (4) Where Is My Free Energy Fuse Box!? I Want My Free Energy Fuse Box, I Want It Now! I Don't Care How It Works Or What It Does, I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!!

    (5) "Pump Them Scalar Waves",

    (6) "Smash Them Dipoles"

    (7) "the Back E.M.F."

    We have verily become inundated with this coyote vomit for decades now. Endlessly flailing with "Bedini Battery Bashers" for a quarter century now, but not once is seen,

    (8) Kilowatt-Hours IN vs. Kilowatt Hours OUT. Not once!

    Remember the Soviet Scalar Conspiracy, The Tesla Howitzer, Tesla E.L.F. and control, Tesla Switch, Tesla this Tesla that. But Where is Tesla? Nikola Tesla curses the Soviet Scalar Xenophobes, the primary source of Tesla Dis-Information.

    But out of the morass a golden dragonfly rose into the air, La-mare and his "The First Longitudinal Moon Bounce." At this point I shifted my writings from rudimentary ideas to reproducible engineering with the "military minded" aim to initiate within this "Energetic Forum" the "First Tesla Telluric Transmission in history." A perfect compliment to La-Mare's efforts.
    The Objective:

    (9) International Ham Radio Contest to disprove Einstien's Theory.

    Ultimately my primary objective is to continue my work started at Landers, that is;

    (10a) Develop a superior submarine communications system for the United States Navy.

    (10b) Adapt system principles to a system for Advance Seismic Warning (A.S.W.). This for the City of Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power.

    These systems were completed at Landers by the way, in a completely engineerable form. The product of 30 years of work. (See pictures of the site on the American Marconi Website)

    None of the work at Landers was ever intended to be released to the public, this station was for government use only. But the "Legal System" gave it to Bales. It has come to pass that it is being sold off a chunk at a time on e-bay. Homeland Security. Let's Hope Israel gets some of it and turns it into weapons of mass destruction. Providence plays these jokes now and then.

    For a basic description of my work at Landers see; "System for the Transmission and Reception of Telluric Waves", E.P. Dollard. The engineering embodiment at Landers took the work of Tesla and Alexanderson to the next level, and being a Naval development, will not be demonstrated or discussed on my part. However, even the weak minded may have noticed that I am giving complete engineering instructions on Tesla's Telluric Transmission System, as he envisioned it. I am speaking to what I suspect may be a "silent majority." And I know that any competent radio engineer or experimenter can make a go of it. However what part of this silent majority has a malevolent intent (Iran let's say)?

    One thing is for certain, if you get close to a working system, or present it, the Good Ship Lucifer will P.E.E.E. on you. This is how Tesla's work is obstructed, and the 21st Century American is well suited for this task. What else can he do?

    73 DE N6KPH

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  • ren
    [QUOTE=jpolakow;172456]Eric relayed the following to me:

    You've got something special with those laminations in the transformer, something different than normal. Try to make some diagrams and pictures if you can.

    Will do.

    I will be home in a couple of days and I'll post some pictures.


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  • Redisnoc
    Thanks for the input--
    rest assured that "You get the most Flak when you are over the target"
    We are ALL directly headed over the target--
    and what jpolakow says below HAS to happen, so expect it and
    do as he requests, 'pass the negative by.
    Many thanks,
    Eric and jpolakow, and Dave
    another Dave

    Important!! --> I assure you there is some more of that coming by the way. I know firsthand. In the very immediate future. So mental preparation must be made. Do not let anything written force you into a defensive response. Any negativity will impede progress, and insure degeneration of this thread. You can't control anyone elses response so you're going to have to be happy controlling your own behavior. Let's just say a negative response is hoped for by some, and that is by design, to make this thread degenerate. Simply put: please do not respond to negativity, not just for yourself but for all readers.


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  • jpolakow
    Originally posted by Sputins View Post
    I have always loved the picture attached, It shows Eric Dollard in "full flight" and with fire in your eyes! (Perhaps hair a little darker too) hehe.

    It looks like to me that it's a "Balanced" TMT coil type device. Single loop primary, heavy secondary coils and the extra coils on each end. Perhaps it's the same one as on the inside cover of "Introduction to Tesla Transformers"?

    What can you tell us about that TMT coil, the photo and presentation itself?
    What about the power supply circuit?
    This response was relayed to me from Eric:
    That machine was designed to do plasma experiments not to transmit, it was a balanced TMT as you said. If you want to build a transmitter for experiments(without transmitting) you need two coils out of phase.

    Our hands were drawing electrostatic energy off of the two terminals to light the bulb. That geometry was specific for plasma generation, not necessarily what you want for transmitting into the earth.

    If you want to see how the geometry of the Wireless Tesla Transmitter works you must check the Colorado Springs notes. It has the number of turns, width/height ratio, etc. Taking these you can scale it down to anything you want. My analysis of the Tesla Transmitter (shown in the Colorado Springs Notes) is in Intro to Tesla Transformers. My analysis is not just of the Colorado version, but the Tesla Transmitter in general. Everything is there. Although I must warn you- you need a government license if you want to transmit radio frequency energy. The one in the picture is balanced so it can't transmit. Can get much higher energy densities this way, so you need to make sure you don't burn your neighbors house down. If you fired half of the power in the picture shown you would burn something up. It had 1/2 of a mega-volt-ampere of field activity. Wrongly called a resonant circuit with a high Q. It has distributed constants. Read theory of wireless power.

    This transmitter was described in Intro to Tesla Transmitters. But also described is the Colorado Springs version.

    As far as the equipment we(myself P.T. Farnsworth the III, and David Franklin) had in the RCA Bolinas Laboratory:
    The power supply we used was a 10 Kw radio transmitter. It was a specially designed radar transmitter in a push/pull scenario. It was a pulsed high frequency radio transmitter. The switching tubes were push pull- a set of 6 Eimac 450-TL hf transmittting triodes. Plate voltage of 6300 volts. Discharges leapt from the of end of the coils to a length of 4 1/2 ft. Total field energy of 1/2 million volt-amperes reactive. 3000 kilo-cycles per second. RCA came in and cutoff the 3 phase power and took all of the oil filled transmormers, so what you see is us just lighting a small bulb in our hands. Don't try to copy that device, it was primordial. I didn't have any of the math done yet.

    Everything I've written so far is how to do this right. It's already been written in this thread and my books. Some of the pieces and pictures I have posted in this thread may seem like disparate pieces of information, but it is all connected. Each is important to the replication of the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter. I've given you all the tools.

    Advice to anyone wanting to get involved building the tesla magnifying transmitter: before you get started go get a ham radio license. Otherwise you shouldn't be getting involved in this sh!t. You have to transmit on Industrial Scientific and Medical frequencies or Ham radio. Ham radio goes back to my original aim. My first question for you before you start building this is: Why do you want to build this thing in the first place? Are you willing to read the books and do the research required to build it? I'm not going to spoon feed all of you or you'll never learn anything.

    My only desire was to develop this technology for the Navy so that they could communicate with submarines, without the subs having to drag long antennaes behind them. And then Olin Bales ended up with my lab and all my equipment. And now it's being resold on ebay. I could have predicted the next big California earthquake but now its over and gone. It is extremely unlikely my antenna field will ever be rebuilt. I want to see the first anti relativistic (anti-Einstein) radio transmission. Who is going to do this? WHERE IS LAMARE??

    I am going to make a documented case that the Corums ripped off the Army. I could have done way better. I will publish this later. They're next.

    </End of Eric's Transmission>

    Now from me (let me preface this is not an attack on anyone):
    From Eric's point of view he is very frustrated at people's questions/responses. To him everybody has taken a lacksadaisical approach to what he is presenting. It seems nobody has been reading the research material/references he has pointed out. So when someone asks a question and Eric doesn't respond, it is generally because the question has already been answered in one of the references he has provided. The Steinmetz material and his previously published material is the most important. So to get a response, an intelligent question must be asked. In other threads in the forum it is generally not assumed that you must read supporting materials to participate, but by Eric in this thread it is.

    Now let's get down to what Eric would like to see happen. From Eric's point of view he agreed to start posting his writings in this thread on one condition: The readers investigate and pursue the people that have screwed him (Olin Bales primarily). Obviously readers can't just silently agree to something by reading this thread, but that was the outcome hoped for. It is probably hard to fathom how much Eric has lost. But by knowing it you will understand his comtempt for the human race- yes that includes you and me. Eric has the best understanding of electricity since Tesla, and almost everyone he has come into contact with has tried to screw him over one way or another, to use him for this information. He has had entire transmitting stations, costing millions of dollars and years of his life to be built, taken from him. Not just once, but multiple times. From his point of view his whole life's work since he was 6 years old has been taken from him. That will start to explain SOME of his negativity.

    So now to what he wants: He wants to see people actively pursuing the people that have screwed him. He wants this more than anything else. This was his prime motivation in starting this thread. From his point of view he has spent 6 months of his life (full-time) researching, writing, re-writing, and inventing everything that has been written here. And nobody has pursued Olin. More information on this can be gleaned from the yahoo group N6KPH. Donations to him are helpful too.

    This is not some cry for help. This is more like- Eric's interest in this thread has waned, and he has no more motivation for pursuing it. So- if you like this thread and want to see it continue, you have to contribute in some way. This is not a request for donations. This is more like: Somebody please start looking into the Olin Bales situation because Eric is on his way out. Interest has been lost.

    Now some comment from me regarding the present situation:
    I'm glad nobody will be bickering and fighting. Arguments and insults will only push Everyone further away from our common goal: building working devices. When we fight, we are divided, and we lose energy towards achieving our goal. Although differences occur, I think it's extremely important to show respect for each other's opinion, however biased/insulting/outlandish/incorrect it may be. When we resort to insults, that is when we are in a defensive mode and it is difficult for further cooperative progress to be made. Is this a primer for something to come? Why yes it is, thankyou for asking. Some inflammatory things have been written so far. I'm not pointing fingers.

    Important!! --> I assure you there is some more of that coming by the way. I know firsthand. In the very immediate future. So mental preparation must be made. Do not let anything written force you into a defensive response. Any negativity will impede progress, and insure degeneration of this thread. You can't control anyone elses response so you're going to have to be happy controlling your own behavior. Let's just say a negative response is hoped for by some, and that is by design, to make this thread degenerate. Simply put: please do not respond to negativity, not just for yourself but for all readers.
    Last edited by jpolakow; 12-24-2011, 08:08 PM.

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  • jpolakow
    Originally posted by ren View Post
    Hi Dave and all,

    I was also interested in the ferrite core comment in regards to inductive parameter variation. Some of Armagdns advice finally sunk into my pea sized brain and I wound a small toroidal transformer from scratch, placing 10 turns around the circumference before winding the secondary in the usual fashion. I commend you on your own build, I'm looking forward to what you come up with. I know it ain't easy getting stuff done on a shoestring budget. I've taken to roaming the streets collecting all the electrical junk people throw out for council pickup and taking it home to salvage parts for use and for scrap. @ 80 cents a kilo for transformers and motors it takes a fair weight before you get any significant funds from the recyclers but it's better than nothing.

    In my travels I recently came across some audio equipment which netted a transformer I haven't come across before. I believe it may be similar to what Eric described in his post. It is a round core shaped in a rectangle with rounded edges. What I found interesting was the method of construction of the core itself. It seems to be made of fine (steel?) laminations, the first layer very thin in width and each layer progressively thicker till it reaches the center of the core then the reverse, giving the rounded effect to the core. Was a real dog to get out, covered in resin and plastic. I'm still trying to get the windings off to see if it is split in half or if it is one solid piece. It's probably old hat to the veterans here, but it was new to me and seemed to fit the description Eric wrote about. I will post a picture if anyone is interested.

    Eric relayed the following to me:

    You've got something special with those laminations in the transformer, something different than normal. Try to make some diagrams and pictures if you can.

    If I were to do it, I would not use ferrite no.
    Alexanderson lays it out in his patents. Need a certain amount of oxidation on the core laminations. Bake laminations and cook them to get a certain amount of oxidation. Check out the patents for more details. That's one idea.

    Navy uses alloyed permeable metal tape. Some examples: permavar umetel tape. The phone company uses very fine wire instead of ferrite. The iron wire must be at 90 degrees to the copper windings. If it is used as an inductor you want to put a cut or slit in the iron core windings so current doesn't flow. If it is a transformer you want to saturate the core so don't put a slit. With a magamp you want the core to be saturated, ferrite kind of defeats this. Ferrite is a bunch of separate particles in the core that can't conduct electrically with each other so saturation is difficult. Kind of like an air core.

    You want electrical conductivity in the same versor axis as magnetic inductivity(flux). But the current in the windings flow 90 degrees to the magnetism flowing in the iron. Right angles to each other. Space Quadrature. While there is actually no current flow in the conductivity of the core, it seems to be a necessity. This may or may not be important with the magamp. However, don't take my word or theory as a final say on it. Experimentation is necessary. It is possible ferrite may work, so far it is unknown. You must find out for yourself.

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  • Web000x
    There is no reason to fight. We are all in this together and are looking for solutions together. We will win this game.

    @ren, please do post the photo. I think it would probably help stir up some more useful hints from T-Rex.


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  • Kokomoj0
    Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
    There won't be a fight
    Takes a real man to do that!


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  • Sputins
    Balanced TMT

    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
    Ultimately what I put on here is for the silent majority, not useless or petty bickering. Remember, you must have a government license to transmit radio frequency energy(as in a Wireless Tesla Transmitter). Also, misshandling the device may end up burning out your neighbor's digital equipment. Or your own. These are not toys, and one part of the silent majority gleans these forums for information to make weapons against us (Corums).

    73 DE N6KPH
    While we all hope to see you here, perhaps from time to time Eric, the material you have presented here on the Energetic Forum is absolutely priceless.

    With further time (and experimentation) it will all be show to be true. The many, many pages on the fundamentals of Electricity, Dimensionality, Space, Time, Dielectricity and Magnetism and of course the NFG fun will be studied and referenced for years to come, by people around the globe.

    As I said in an earlier post, "history is happening right here"! That statement was indeed true.

    Thank you Eric Dollard!

    By the way,

    I have always loved the picture attached, It shows Eric Dollard in "full flight" and with fire in your eyes! (Perhaps hair a little darker too) hehe.

    It looks like to me that it's a "Balanced" TMT coil type device. Single loop primary, heavy secondary coils and the extra coils on each end. Perhaps it's the same one as on the inside cover of "Introduction to Tesla Transformers"?

    What can you tell us about that TMT coil, the photo and presentation itself?
    What about the power supply circuit?

    Thank you


    Attached Files

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  • OrionLightShip
    My apology

    There won't be a fight because I hereby apologize for my anger and my lack of control in the way I dealt with that anger. I got mad at something Eric did with probably the best of intentions and I do apologize for that Eric. and @ALL

    I hope you continue to share openly, your knowledge. I won't be inhabiting this thread or the Capacitance thread until such time the focus has passed from the narrow range now being studied. Only because I have no interest in the math and theory, but in the practical application of that math and theory. It is not that I am too stupid to follow, but I really don't have the time or inclination to follow it. I leave that to others so inclined.

    Having said that, I would like to make one suggestion as a possibility. I'm not sure how many people are interested in the TMT or if even if the TMT is the main subject of interest but it would seem to me that instead of 20 people building the same coil, perhaps if the current benefactor has a video camera; Eric could himself build a coil with full video documentation. This coil could be sent to someone trusted here for testing, replication, distribution, etc... What better than a video of the master himself assembling the coil. That is something I would be willing to make a donation to see. Daily videos could be put up on YouTube for all to see. Just another crazy idea I had. The first $100 is on me if there are others so inclined and if Eric and his benefactor accepts this idea. Video lectures and video responses and questions....just a better media than no face and all paper.


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