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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • OrionLightShip
    This is the start of my Multipactor project. I need to update it, but my funding (looking at a house to buy tomorrow) for a hard vacuum is the hold-up on bringing it into realization. Now, I am working on the foundation concepts that will make it the most efficient.

    I have found inconsistencies within the patents as well. I believe there is more than math hidden within.


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  • madhatter
    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
    In your avatar photo you have a picture of a Farnsworth Multipactor Tube. Where did you get the photo?

    What counter space algebra are you referring to? Is there another source for the counter space theory?
    I thought that might catch someones attention, I made the picture. It's a rendering from a project I'm working on. I can post up the full size pic later today, I'm currently at the airport between flights and not on the workstation utilized to generate it. I've run the simulation to get an approximate effect of the tube in operation but I don't think it's correct as it's based on current physics. I do hope to re-write the program physics in order to get a better approximation. It's part of the research into dielectric wave optics, I'm doing. Farnsworth was a brilliant man and from preliminary review of his patents that are available there is a bit of a missmatch to the design and the equations utilized, either it's been altered or he was withholding a bit.

    For the extended clifford grassmann algebra of counterspace, I was directed to this site Algebraic it's very simply done. I borrowed from there.

    I appreciate your time and effort in covering the dielectric for the group. As a physicists I never consider my education over and personally found the foundations upon which I was taught to be severely lacking and corrupted in areas. I will be the first to say, I don't know and ask questions. Each day I learn more. For me your information and the implications of it are beyond just the utilization of energy, it gets into the fundamental forces of nature and is one step closer to pulling back the curtain.

    Thank you again for your effort and time.

    I seem to recall you've personally had first hand experience with the multipactor? If so I've got a number of questions for you.

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  • t-rex

    In your avatar photo you have a picture of a Farnsworth Multipactor Tube. Where did you get the photo?

    Originally posted by madhatter View Post
    And now pulling from counter space algebra:
    In counter space dealing with the planar linkages. The most suitable linkage tensor for light is the contravariant bivector, represented by a cone in counter space (dual to the oriented-circle-representation in space). It is suitable for polar affine linkages characteristic of light. This would be actual counter space cones acting as photons, the polar area of a photon being constant. Thus photons are initially neither waves nor particles. Their polar area embraces the whole of the apparatus and so the "spooky" multi-path type experiments of modern physics may be more comprehensible.

    This leads to the conclusion that time is the reciprocal of radial turn i.e. the turn between spatially parallel planes. Thus time increases outward from the counter space infinates (CSI) in counter space. The consequence is that light itself does not in fact have a velocity, but it appears to have one in ordinary space. This follows because the product of the radial distance of the apex of a cone from a CSI, and the turn of the orthogonal plane in the apex, is constant. An interaction must occur at the apex, so if the turn is the reciprocal of the time then we have a constant ratio of distance to time, which seems like a velocity for our spatial consciousness. It is independent of the state of motion of the observer.
    What counter space algebra are you referring to? Is there another source for the counter space theory?

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  • t-rex
    A Question For Frequency LC vs MK

    (1) LC, equals, time square, per (radians per second) square

    (2) One over LC, equals frequency square in radians per second squared

    (3) MK, equals frequency square in radians per second squared

    (4) Omega equals frequency in radians per second

    (5) F, equals equals omega per two Pi, in cycles per second

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  • madhatter
    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
    Albert has decided to travel to a foreign country, one filled with internal strife, and lack of reason. Upon his arrival, he refuses to speak the language of the country, forcing its people to speak his language. Then, he hires an enemy of the country to translate for him. He uses the translater to broadcast his contempt for the country religion.Too bad, an I.E.D. (roadside bomb) had Albert's name on it. This happens to so many, unnoticed.

    So it came to pass, the theoretical physicist came to electrichenlanden, but left in a bodybag. See; ElectroMagnetic Theory, Oliver Heaviside, Vol 1, "Introduction", Vol 2, art 223, art 224, art 225, and art 226. p 1-12 "Mathematics is an Experimental Science", Vol 3, "Adagio, Andante, Allegro Moderato", p 1-3. This may help the wounded to recovery.
    Whaa? is this a response to my previous post?
    Here is a a quote from your earlier post, in reference to the counter-space.

    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
    These dimensional relations give rise to centimeter per centimeter. What can we make of this, a space scalar. This dimensional condition represents a SPACE INTEGRAL. Integration, as it is known, is derived from the Newton – Liebnitz concepts and represents the inverse of differentiation. This application to c.m. per c.m. is called the line integral of d or m. Integration is best avoided.
    What we are doing is this; the electric forces dimensionally are in PER C.M., that is, in a counter-spatial form. In the integration, the product of the counterspace span in per c.m. is multiplied by spatial distance of the span. Per c.m. time c.m. the product of counterspace and space results in a dimensional cancellation, or numeric. This is called a SPACE SCALAR condition. It is dimensionless but posesses an “angle.”
    In conclusion, the force exists in a counter-spatial gradient, where as the potential, or M.M.E., exist in a spatial distance. The potential e is the integral of the force d, and the M.M.E. i is the integral of the force M. Read the introductory chapters of Heaviside’s “E.M. Theory, volume one.”
    This triggered a connection to coounterspace algebra:
    Originally posted by ---;
    The polar relationship between space and counter space means that the measure of separation of planes is polar to that of points in space, while the measure of the separation of points (shift) is polar to that of planes and hence like an angle. Thus pairs of planes can define vectors, but not pairs of points.

    This means that the metric of counter space is expressed by turn and shift, whereas that of space is embodied in length and angle. In addition the polar opposite of area and volume may be defined, which are referred to as polar area and polar volume. The polar area of a cone in counter space is made up of the planes in its vertex
    does this bear any resemblance to what you are saying?

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  • t-rex
    Size of Planck

    The axiom has been prophesized;

    The electrification Q, is a quantum step quantity, an unproven as of yet. One line of dielectric induction, Psi, and one loop of dielectric induction, Phi, in union, give rise to one unit (Photon). Hence an atom of electricity, by "atomic reasoning". This indivisable unit or atom is called a Planck. Atomicists say its size is 6.62 times ten to the minus 34 power. This is known as Planck's Constant. All probability it's in MKS units.

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  • t-rex
    Crash Landing

    Albert has decided to travel to a foreign country, one filled with internal strife, and lack of reason. Upon his arrival, he refuses to speak the language of the country, forcing its people to speak his language. Then, he hires an enemy of the country to translate for him. He uses the translater to broadcast his contempt for the country religion.Too bad, an I.E.D. (roadside bomb) had Albert's name on it. This happens to so many, unnoticed.

    So it came to pass, the theoretical physicist came to electrichenlanden, but left in a bodybag. See; ElectroMagnetic Theory, Oliver Heaviside, Vol 1, "Introduction", Vol 2, art 223, art 224, art 225, and art 226. p 1-12 "Mathematics is an Experimental Science", Vol 3, "Adagio, Andante, Allegro Moderato", p 1-3. This may help the wounded to recovery.

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  • madhatter
    A question on counter spacial relations in respect to e and i. In one of your posts you state:
    [quote:T-rex]It is noteworthy that two metrical “space” relations, L and C when combined collapse dimensionally into the primary dimension of Time. Hereby it can be shown that the dimension of TIME exists between the Magnetic Field of Induction, and the Dielectric Field of Induction, despite these fields being a relation of space.

    If then, the inductance is a geometric expression in centimeters and the capacitance is a geometric expression in per centimeters, the dimension of time results as a consequence of one over c square (second square over centimeter square). This would suggest that possibly time rather than velocity is the “dimensional transform” between the magnetic and dielectric fields of induction. It only appears as a velocity in an Electro-Magnetic configuration. The dimension of time is the “crossing point” so to speak. Time is the exchange of Magnetism and Dielectricity and their transformation into Electric Power and Energy. Frequency gives rise to energy, this in plancks per second.

    And now pulling from counter space algebra:
    In counter space dealing with the planar linkages. The most suitable linkage tensor for light is the contravariant bivector, represented by a cone in counter space (dual to the oriented-circle-representation in space). It is suitable for polar affine linkages characteristic of light. This would be actual counter space cones acting as photons, the polar area of a photon being constant. Thus photons are initially neither waves nor particles. Their polar area embraces the whole of the apparatus and so the "spooky" multi-path type experiments of modern physics may be more comprehensible.

    This leads to the conclusion that time is the reciprocal of radial turn i.e. the turn between spatially parallel planes. Thus time increases outward from the counter space infinates (CSI) in counter space. The consequence is that light itself does not in fact have a velocity, but it appears to have one in ordinary space. This follows because the product of the radial distance of the apex of a cone from a CSI, and the turn of the orthogonal plane in the apex, is constant. An interaction must occur at the apex, so if the turn is the reciprocal of the time then we have a constant ratio of distance to time, which seems like a velocity for our spatial consciousness. It is independent of the state of motion of the observer.

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  • madhatter
    Proof that old dogs can learn new tricks, I'll admit that I just finally got IT in respect to the conjugate phase relation of the quadrature nature Eric has been talking about.

    I'll utilize an analogy to help explain what Eric is talking about. the Insulator Psi and the Conductor Phi.

    If I 'shocked' you using a condenser (capacitor) then the electro-static volts would be e and the ampere current displacement would be I.

    If I did the same using a magnetic generator then the electro-motive volts would E and the conduction current is i.

    It may seem trivial but Eric is correct that this is where the confusion starts.

    So not all physicists are in-teachable.

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  • Web000x
    Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
    In the picture of the Tesla magnification transformer
    I can understand most of the drawing except the construction
    of the primary loop and and how the leads are connected.
    Also I am not sure what happens at this junction.
    From everything that Eric has said about inductance, the picture seems to show sheet conductor in a geometric arrangement that is developing the most magnetism around the sheet conductor loop, or magnetizing loop, instead of the transmission leads. The beginning of the sheet conductor from the power supply is VERY (without corona) close together to give the greatest capacitance and least inductance. Like is said in the borderland video by Eric about keeping the magnetism where you want it. There ARE two sheet conductor leads in that picture going to the magnetizing loop which is being energized by a charged capacitor.

    Last edited by Web000x; 12-16-2011, 02:17 PM.

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  • mikrovolt
    In the picture of the Tesla magnification transformer
    I can understand most of the drawing except the construction
    of the primary loop and and how the leads are connected.
    Also I am not sure what happens at this junction.

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  • Web000x
    MK Resonant Frequency

    Hey Eric,

    I have been messing around with the L.M.D. wave transmission system and can't quite figure out how the resonant frequency of the MK wave is calculated.

    You say that MK has to be represented in per (Henry - Farad), or per Second square. Trying to replace LC with MK in the standard formula(One over two pi times the square root of LC) for the calculation of resonant frequency seems to be incorrect. Do you have a formula developed for the MK resonant frequency of a transmission system like you have shown in the Borderland Science videos?



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  • t-rex
    Extending Inductance and Capacitance

    In the previous section the following dimensional relation has been established,

    (1) Henry – Farad, or Second Square.

    Here given is the dimensional relation uniting inductance and capacitance, time.

    This dimensional relation (15) can be expressed in a pair of forms

    (2) Per Henry, or Farad per Second Square


    (3) Per Farad, or Henry per Second Square

    Substituting the relations;

    (4) Henry per Second, or Ohm,


    (5) Farad per Second, or Siemens,

    Into relations (2) and (3) results in the following relations;

    (7) Per Henry, or Siemens per Second,


    (8) Per Farad, or Ohm per Second.

    These relations suggest that variation of resistance with respect to time results in an “Elastance” K, in per Farad. Likewise, a variation of conductance with respect to time results in an “Enductance” M, in per Henry. What is significant here is that the variation of resistance gives rise to a reactance, this without energy storage in an actual field. See C.P. Steinmetz, “Theory and Calculation of Alternate Current Phenomena”, 1900 edition, “Pulsation of Resistance”.

    Henry, time to the zero power,

    Henry per second, time to the first power,


    Ohm, time to the first power,

    Ohm per second, time to the second power


    Per Farad, time to the second power


    Henry per Second Square, or Per Farad.

    Here it is suggested that the variation of a magnetic inductance at a rate which is the square of the time function (cosine squared, etc.) converts this inductance into the equivalent of a Dielectric Elastance. Likewise, the variation of an electro-static capacity at a rate which is the square of the time function (sine squared, etc) converts this capacitance into the equivalent of a Magnetic Enductance. L, in Henry, is transformed thru time squared into K, in Per Farad. C, in Farad, is transformed into M, in Per Henry. Here the principles of Parameter Variation have been extended to include “second order” Parameter Variation, this giving rise to a quadrapolar configuration of inductance, L, M, and capacitance, C, K. Little knowledge exists on this topic, however the principle of the “Negative Resistance” Telephone Repeater is similar. Many experimental possibilities exist here.

    While the previous material gives alternate expressions for inductance and capacitance in the dimension of time, it is very instructive to consider alternate expressions for inductance and capacitance in the dimensions of space, since they are geometric expressions of space in and of themselves. In the previous writings they have been, for the most part, directed primarily into electro-magnetic relations. Such is the giga-watt D.C. powerline to Los Angeles. The so called current is in opposite directions and the potential is of opposite polarity. Hereby, the magnetic field, as given by L, in Henry, repels, and the dielectric field, as given by C, in Farad, attracts. L and C represent the transverse E.M. forces. However, consider the current is in the same direction, and the potential is the same on both wires. Now the magnetic field attracts, and the dielectric field repels. Here result in alternate expression for the Magnetic and Dielectric Forces;

    Henry, L, magnetic repulsion,

    Farad, C, dielectric attraction,

    And alternately,

    Per Henry, M, magnetic attraction,

    Per Farad, K, dielectric repulsion.

    LC represents the Transverse Electro-Magnetic wave,

    MK represents the Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric Wave.

    The T.E.M., or LC wave propagates along the conductor axis, The L.M.D., or MK, propagates normal to the axis of the conductor. In general, both LC and MK waves exist on a complex structure such as a resonant transformer coil. Here derived is a quadrapolar magnetic/dielectric relationship. Resonance is now on a higher order since two energy exchanges are now FOUR energy exchanges, hence a Fourth order differential equation results. See, L.V. Bewely, “Transmission Systems” book. This fourth order resonance was very important for Tesla’s Transformers and today is ignored. (Corums).

    Here established is the forms of inductance, and two forms of capacitance. Expressing these in dimensional relations,

    (1) L, Henry. Trasverse Inductance.
    Centimeter Square

    (2) C, Farad. Transverse Capacitance.
    Second Square per Centimeter Square


    (3) M, per Henry. Longitudinal Inductance.
    Per Centimeter Square

    (4) K, per Farad. Longitudinal Capacitance.
    Centimeter Square per Second Square.

    Hence given is the quadrapolar relations

    L, the self inductance

    C, the self capacitance

    M, the mutual enductance

    K, the mutual elastance.

    Derived is two time scalar space distributions,

    LM, Henry per Henry

    CK, Farad per Farad

    LM is called the Magnetic Space Factor,

    CK is called the Dielectric Space Factor.

    These space factors LM and CK represent this quadrapolar space distribution as extensions of the basic L and C. Also, a pair of frequencies now exist,

    LC, Henry – Farad, or Second Square


    MK, per (Henry – Farad) or per Second Square.

    It hereby can be seen that resonance of a complex structure, such as an oscillating coil, is much more difficult to represent than a simple LC relationship. Here is the major obstacle to the engineering of Tesla type resonant transformers.

    Break more to follow
    DE N6KPH

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  • t-rex
    Electrical Resonance of Inductance and Capacitance

    It has been given by previous writing that there exists the following laws:

    The Laws of Proportion

    1) Weber, or Ampere - Henry

    2) Coulomb, or Volt – Farad

    The Laws of Induction

    3) Volt, or Weber per Second

    4) Ampere, or Coulomb per Second

    Substituting relation (4) into relation (1), and re-arranging gives,

    (5) Henry, or Weber – Second per Coulomb,

    And substituting relation (3) into relation (2), and re-arranging gives.

    (6) Farad, or Coulomb – Second per Weber.

    It has also been given in previous writings that a proportionality factor, or ratio exists between the Magnetic Field and the Dielectric Field of Inductions,

    (7) Ohm, or Weber per Coulomb

    (8) Siemens, or Coulomb per Weber

    These relationships represent the Characteristic Impedance, and the Characteristic Admittance, respectively, of the Electric Field.

    Substituting relation (7) into relation (5), and substituting relation (8) into relation (6) gives,

    (9) Henry, or Ohm – Second,

    (10) Farad, or Siemens – Second.

    Since the Electric Induction is the product of the magnetic induction and the dielectric induction, the product of the magnetic co-efficient (9) and the dielectric co-efficient (10) gives the electric relation as,

    (11) Henry – Farad, or
    Ohm – Siemens – Second square

    The relation

    (12) Ohm – Siemens, Numeric, h

    Is the dimensionless versor operator, and it cancels from (11). Hence

    (13) Henry – Farad

    Second square

    (13b) ,

    Denoting time square by the relation

    (14) Omega square, or (radians per second) square.

    Where omega (ω) is the angular frequency of oscillation of the L C relationship. It is then,

    (14a) Per (Henry – Farad)


    (Radians per Second) square

    Hence the frequency of oscillation is given by the relation,

    (14b) Omega equals one over the square root of the product of the inductance L and the capacitance C. Omega is the angular frequency in radians per second.

    It is noteworthy that two metrical “space” relations, L and C when combined collapse dimensionally into the primary dimension of Time. Hereby it can be shown that the dimension of TIME exists between the Magnetic Field of Induction, and the Dielectric Field of Induction, despite these fields being a relation of space.

    If then, the inductance is a geometric expression in centimeters and the capacitance is a geometric expression in per centimeters, the dimension of time results as a consequence of one over c square (second square over centimeter square). This would suggest that possibly time rather than velocity is the “dimensional transform” between the magnetic and dielectric fields of induction. It only appears as a velocity in an Electro-Magnetic configuration. The dimension of time is the “crossing point” so to speak. Time is the exchange of Magnetism and Dielectricity and their transformation into Electric Power and Energy. Frequency gives rise to energy, this in plancks per second.

    Taking the relation LC equals T square, and factoring gives,

    (15) Henry per Second, Ohm,


    (16) Second per Farad, per Siemens.

    Taking the ratio of (15) to (16) and substituting,

    (17) Ohm per – per Siemens, or Ohm square,

    It is hereby that the square root of relation (17) is the Characteristic Impedance of the LC configuration.

    (17a) Ohm square, or Henry per Farad

    Z square is the ratio of L to C, this from the magnetic standpoint.

    Likewise from the dielectric standpoint

    (18) Farad per Second, or Siemens


    (19) Second per Henry, or per Ohm.

    And, taking the ratio of (18) to (19),

    (20) Siemens per – per Ohm, or Siemens Square

    It is hereby that the square root of relation (20) is the Characteristic Admittance of the LC configuration.

    (20a) Siemens Square, or Farad per Henry.

    Y square is the ratio of C to L, this from the dielectric standpoint.

    Hence it is given,





    Relating the Impedance, Z, and the Admittance, Y, to primary dimensional relations gives

    (23) Z, or Weber per Coulomb,

    (24) Y, or Coulomb per Weber,


    (23a) Z, or Volt per Ampere,

    (24a) Y, or Ampere per Volt,

    It is hereby seen that the ratio of magnetic induction bound in the reactance coil to the dielectric induction bound in the static condenser is expressed by the relation (21). Likewise, the ratio of the dielectric induction bound in the static condenser to the magnetic induction bound in the reactance coil is expressed by the relation (22). Thru relations (23a) & (23b) the proportionality between E.M.F., E, of the reactance coil and the displacement current, I, of the condenser are determined also by relations (21) & (22).

    (25) E = ZI , I = YE

    (26) Φ = ZΨ , Ψ = YΦ

    In a LC configuration with no gain or loss of energy, that is a configuration with no resistance or conductance, it is in this condition only that Z is one over Y. Here the LC configuration is in a “Free Oscillation,” with a frequency omega. The proportionality between Phi and Psi is then Z in Ohms. This is a condition of what is called “Perpetual Motion”, trapped energy surging between magnetic and dielectric forms, with no where to go. The energy itself remains constant in this LC oscillation. It is stored alternating current energy, hence the LC resonant circuit is known as a “Tank Circuit” in radio work. This phenomena of energy storage play a very important role in the work of Nikola Tesla.

    In the discussion of the “Telegraph Equation” two important factors were given,

    a, The Power Factor

    b, The Induction Factor

    And switchboard instruments have been developed to display these factors. Defining a and b

    The Power Factor is the ratio of the Energy produced or consumed to the total Energy of an electrical configuration,

    The Induction Factor is the ratio of the Energy stored, Magnetic and Dielectric, to the total energy of an electrical configuration.

    Relating these to the oscillating LC circuit,

    The Power Factor represents the “Leakage of Alternating Energy”,

    The Induction Factor representing the “Storage of Alternating Energy”.

    For the condition of no energy leakage, the Power Factor, a, is zero percent, the Induction Factor is 100 percent, hence perpetual motion.

    Of particular interest in the LC configuration is the “Magnification Factor” of Nikola Tesla’s work. Here is how Tesla achieved power gain with no amplifiers. Taking the ratio of the Induction Factor, b, to the Power Factor, a, that is,

    The ratio of Energy stored to Energy lost, b over a

    Here derived is what is called the Magnification Factor, n . This factor, n, is often called the “Q” or quality factor of the LC configuration, this in radio work. The following relation results,

    (27) Po = nP , Watts,


    Po is the Power, in watts, circulating in the LC configuration,

    P is the Power, in watts, supplying the losses of the LC configuration,

    n is the Magnification Factor.

    This is to say, for every watt of power delivered to the losses of the LC configuration, n times that power is exchanged in the LC configuration. Example, given is an LC configuration, its magnification factor, n, is 1000. An alternating frequency supply of energy, operating at a frequency of omega, is delivering energy to the LC configuration. The rate of energy delivered is one watt, this representing the losses of the LC circuit. It is then, n times one watt is the rate of energy exchange between L and C, or 1000 watts. Hence a Power Amplification of 1000, or 30 decibels. This is an underlying principle to a major part of the work of Nikola Tesla. (The Magnifying Transformer).

    Break, more to follow
    DE N6KPH

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  • the...dude?
    Abnormal Voltages In Transformers

    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
    If someone could locate the paper that would be helpful:
    Abnormal Voltages In Transformers. J.M. Weed. American Institute of Electrical Engineers. September 1915, p 2157
    I have taken the liberty to upload, to, the original article and the abstract below for those that are interested in Mr. Dollards reference:

    Note that the document is ~3.3mb and is 40pgs long (with the discussion of the article included)

    Last edited by the...dude?; 12-15-2011, 04:39 AM.

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