Originally posted by Kokomoj0
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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?
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Last edited by t-rex; 12-13-2011, 06:54 PM.SUPPORT ERIC DOLLARD'S WORK AT EPD LABORATORIES, INC.
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Originally posted by mikrovoltT-rex, I understand your situation with the computer frustration,
this does help explain why the communication lag.
Will the Viktor Schauberger repulsion system add significantly to the
non-pollutant energy ?
If so were does a person begin to assimilate the Schauberger repulsion device ?
what is the notation for torque as it relates to this ?Last edited by t-rex; 12-13-2011, 06:54 PM.SUPPORT ERIC DOLLARD'S WORK AT EPD LABORATORIES, INC.
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Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
So I presume that fence is a huge primary magnetizing coil, the one he is siitting under is the secondary, and the center which is that same height as the secondary I presume is the extra "tesla" coil with the sphere on top?
So the fence could even be a secondary. I haven't read anything yet about an extra coil that big, though, mostly the extra coil is wound around a barrel... Reading on: "The total length of wire in the extra coil circuit was: the extra coil itself 889 meters, namely 149 turns each of diameter 1.9 meters plus special coil inserted in series: 307 meters, namely 160 turns each of diam. of 0.61 meter. This special coil was used when the ball on top was not employed as capacity and the coil was so adjusted that the vibration was the same without the ball as with the ball and without the special coil ... The total length of wire was therefore: secondary + special coil + extra coil = 803 + 307 + 889 = 1999 meters"
So, in that picture, he could very well be sitting inside the secondary and under the extra.
is the secondary wire spacing that gets wider toward the top because of poor insulation and high voltage or is that some kind of tuning?
both? From what you are saying it sounds like we would want that secondary to be close wound and also the extra tesla coil with the sphere on top to be close wound? The primary I remember you mentioned using strap bronze for good impulse response.
Maybe I should be asking what we are all looking at in that picThat sphere almost looks out of place? and the center does not look like coil but a pipe. Like the center of a transmission line?
The book, Colorado Springs Notes, is full of equations and diagrams, I cannot recommend it highly enough. That sphere is out of place, though... It's not big enough to hold all the sparks in"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."
Black Elk - Oglala Sioux
Reply to Pault's Question
Here's the exact quotes and timestamps: (note one post is by Sputins)
2011-August-22 03:40 pm
Continuing then it has been given that the total electrification Q is the union, or product, of the total dielectric induction Psi and the total magnetic induction Phi, Psi times Phi equals Q.
2011-August-31 02:41pm
Electricity is embodied in the aetheric state of matter, or “proto-matter”. Electricity is aether in a state of dynamic polarization; magnetism is aether in motion, dielectricity is aether under stress or strain. The motions and strains of the aether give rise to electrification. Phi times Psi gives Q.
2011-August-31 03:12pm
Question by Sputins
If total eletrification Q = Psi . Phi
Or the total eletrification Q = Total Dielectric induction, times the Total Magnetic induction.
(showing what he understood, which is my present understanding also)
2011-September-16 05:59 pm
Given thus far is the product of the magnetic induction, Phi, and of the dielectric induction, Psi, giving forth the total electric induction, Q.
Sorry, if by "restated" you took it to mean that is exactly what Eric said, that is not true as you have suspected. I was trying to encapsulate in math equations what Eric was stating along the way as he presented his ideas.
When I said 1 Planck = 1 Psi * 1 Phi, it assumes that they have magnitude, because at this moment of time I have no better idea to go on. I am trying to address questions as I started from the very beginning of Eric's posts, so that people could see the struggles that a person will have when picking up this new material.
Thanks for your question, I hope that I have answered it.
From what I see Eric is stating that Phi & Psi are algebraic Versors not Vectors or Scalars. And most certainly not Quaternion Versors of spacial relation. This is probably the biggest hurdle for those with a physics background.
It's difficult to not automatically assume they are vectors and treat them as such. Also it's difficult to avoid the 4th dimensional association that Eric if I understand him correctly warns against.
I think the issue is the joule/watt confusion. Here's how I have it:
Watt = Joule per Second
Joule = Planck per Second
Planck = Psi * Phi
Psi, ψ = dielectric induction, lines of force
Phi, ϕ = magnetic induction, lines of force
(E and I and e and i)
Displacement current, Ampere, I, Coulomb per second.
Electromotive force, Volt, E, Weber per second.
Magnetomotive force, Ampere, i, Weber per Henry
Electrostatic potential, Volt, e, Coulomb per Farad
You, Logical_American, are very much correct in understanding that there are complex numbers involved. When I said my experience in math was limited to "one imaginary layer", I wasn't just throwing words around. In Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave, you will find the symbol k, which makes i/j look like kid stuff.
"The symbol k^n is a versor operator where k is the axis and n is the amount of turning arounk the axis k. Since the rotational unit in this case is π/2 or quarter cycle the symbol is more correctly given as k sub 4 to the nth"
"Thus the quadrantal versor operator k sub 4 to the n serves as a fundamental symbolic representation of the alternating electric wave"
I think it's important to note that everything is symbolic. You can take a guass meter and measure a magnetic field. Now you now that if you move a given conductor through that field at a given speed, you will have such-and-such an emf. All of our existing definitions are symbolic and circular, because we do not properly understand what a magnetic field IS. We define it by its effect, and because we can't SEE what the field is made of, we just kind of ignore it. The ether got "disproved" and we are right back to "spooky action at a distance.""The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."
Black Elk - Oglala Sioux
Oscillating Current Transformer
The oscillating current transformer
Last edited by t-rex; 12-15-2011, 12:51 PM.SUPPORT ERIC DOLLARD'S WORK AT EPD LABORATORIES, INC.
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It seems that "the long coils of popular design" have combined the secondary and the extra into one unit, while Tesla seems to say that the extra and the secondary should not be inductively coupled.
June 18, 1899
Experiments were continued with the oscillator showing that proper vibration does not take place, evidently owing to some cause which is still to be explained. To see whether the trouble is due to poor induction from the primary, a coil-wound on a drum of about 30" diam, 10" long, 500 turns approx. of No. 26 wire, used in some experiments in New York -- was connected to the free end of the secondary and with this coil a great rise was obtained, streamers about 12" long being obtained on the last free turn even with a small excitation of secondary. The trouble seems to be due to internal capacity. The total length of a quarter wave with coil was about 2400 feet, which agrees fairly with the calculation from the vibration of the primary circuit. The experiments with the coil show strikingly the advantage of an extra coil, as I call it, already noticed in experiments in New York; that is, a coil practically not inductively connected but merely used to raise the impressed electromotive force."The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."
Black Elk - Oglala Sioux
Originally posted by T-rex View PostThere is NO TEM. Everything in this system is longitudinal. Why do you think the transmitter is monopolar, only connecting to the ground?
sounds like Lamare then would not need to be too concerned about the feed line to the sphere. I raised that question in his moonshot thread.
Originally posted by QuarterPole View PostYes to primary and secondary. **Actually, maybe not, I'm currently reading Colorado Springs Notes, and I'm at October 8, 1899: "Now the length of wire in the secondary was 803 meters, namely 17 turns each of a diameter of 15 meters."
So the fence could even be a secondary. I haven't read anything yet about an extra coil that big, though, mostly the extra coil is wound around a barrel... Reading on: "The total length of wire in the extra coil circuit was: the extra coil itself 889 meters, namely 149 turns each of diameter 1.9 meters plus special coil inserted in series: 307 meters, namely 160 turns each of diam. of 0.61 meter. This special coil was used when the ball on top was not employed as capacity and the coil was so adjusted that the vibration was the same without the ball as with the ball and without the special coil ... The total length of wire was therefore: secondary + special coil + extra coil = 803 + 307 + 889 = 1999 meters"
So, in that picture, he could very well be sitting inside the secondary and under the extra.
The magnifying effect adds up to high "pressure" at the top of the coil. He did increase spacing to avoid sparks within the coil. This is explained in Colorado Springs Notes. He studied the effects of capacitance, and offers math to estimate same in a coil. He does a lot of math to estimate frequency, and to make sure each element was in tune with the next. He also had a small adjustable coil before the primary, which he used along with the jar capacitors to tune it to the secondary.
Tesla tried every combination he could think of. Different coils and capacitors in series and parallel. The extra coil was often added to the end of the secondary, but not always. He rewound the extra many many times.
The book, Colorado Springs Notes, is full of equations and diagrams, I cannot recommend it highly enough. That sphere is out of place, though... It's not big enough to hold all the sparks in
Electrical Oscillations in Induction Coils
The following quote is from John M. Miller in Further Discussion on Electrical Oscillations in Antennaes and Induction Coils
"When applying the theory of uniform lines to coils I think a very large error is made at once, which vitiates, very largely any conclusions reached .The L and C of the coil, per centimeter length, are by no means uniform, a neccessary condition in the theory of uniform lines; in a long solenoid the L per centimeter near the center of the coil is nearly twice as great as the L per centimeter at the ends, a fact which follows from elementary theory, and one which has been verified in our laboratory by measuring the wave length of a high frequency wave traveling along such a solenoid. The wave length is much shorter in the center in the center of the coil than it is near the ends. What the capacity per centimeter of a solenoid is has never been measured, I think, but it is undoubtedly greater in the center of the coil than near the ends."Attached FilesLast edited by t-rex; 12-15-2011, 12:53 PM.SUPPORT ERIC DOLLARD'S WORK AT EPD LABORATORIES, INC.
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The following is from the Steinmetz book Theory and Calculation of Transient Electrical Phenomena.
If someone could locate the paper that would be helpful:
Abnormal Voltages In Transformers. J.M. Weed. American Institute of Electrical Engineers. September 1915, p 2157
Last edited by t-rex; 12-15-2011, 12:43 PM.SUPPORT ERIC DOLLARD'S WORK AT EPD LABORATORIES, INC.
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Originally posted by T-rex View PostThe following is from the Steinmetz book Theory and Calculation of Transient Electrical Phenomena.
If someone could locate the paper that would be helpful:
Abnormal Voltages In Transformers. J.M. Weed. American Institute of Electrical Engineers. September 1915, p 2157
Transactions - American Institute of Electrical Engineers - Google Books
My best to you,