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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • t-rex
    Back to Space, or Why One Over The Speed of Light Squared

    In order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the dimensional relations of the magnetic inductance, and the electro-static capacitance it is necessary to turn again to the metrical dimension of space. It is, however, this dimension of space has become warped, as expressed in a N.F.G. It is in what follows found that the Faraday understanding is in direct conflict with the Einstein understanding, the latter extinguishing the former. Lines of induction have given way to relativistic concepts, fact has succumbed to phantasy. This condition has a direct influence upon the conceptual understanding of the conditions and dimensions that give rise to electrical inductivity as expressed by the co-efficients of magnetic and dielectric fields known as “the inductance” and “the capacitance”.

    The concept of space, as given by Albert Einstein, constitutes a serious impediment to the understanding of this metrical dimension. The salient constituent of the Einstein “Theory of Relativity” is the Minkowski “Four-Space”. To quote Einstein “With out it the General Theory of Relativity, etc., would of perhaps got no farther than its long cloths,” “Relativity” by Albert Einstein, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. Minkowski proposed a fourth co-ordinate be compounded upon the three co-ordinate (cubic) set of Descartes, “Cartesian” third order space. Einstein here accordingly represents this fourth order space in “Gaussian” rather that “Cartesian” co-ordinates.

    The fourth co-ordinate, or length, of space is derived as

    (1) Velocity – Time

    Since it is dimensionally

    (2) Velocity, or Space per Time

    Substituting (2) into (1) gives

    (3) Space – Time per Time or Space – Numeric

    Here derived is a fictitious space co-ordinate, a length, this given as a light second. Hence

    (4) Centimeter – Second per Second, or Centimeter


    (5) Second per Second, or Numeric

    Minkowski affixes a versor operator, the square root of negative one, to this numeric. It has been shown that this versor can possess two distinct values, and hence two distinct versor positions in time. Taking the light second as ct, where c is the luminal velocity, and t is the time period, the versor gives the pair

    (A) Positive jct, Light – Seconds

    (B) Negative jct, Light – Seconds

    This quadrature form implies four distinct time frames, however, Einstein ignores the versor positions, retaining only one, jct. Einstein – Minkowski represents this as an ill-conceived space versor.

    Einstein remarks here “Time is robbed of its independence”. Now time is married to the velocity of light. Minkowski goes on to say, “Hence forth space by itself and time by itself are doomed”. All are relative to the velocity of light. This is “The Theory of Relativity.”

    Here any development of a mathematics of space comes to a standstill. Space now is just a factor of the velocity of light. It is instructive to reflect here upon the history of one over the speed of light square. The dimensional relation is,

    (6) Constant, or Second Square per Centimeter Square

    One over c square finds an origin in the work of James Clerk Maxwell, 1831 to 1879. Maxwell was a Scottish born natural philosopher. His work follows the trail of Ben Franklin and Michael Faraday, thru the mathematics of Newton – Liebnitz. Here arose the “Faraday – Maxwell” theory of electricity, the foundation of electrical understanding. But does anyone understand it? I think not.

    Maxwell, in his studies, had determined the existence of a distinct factor of proportionality, this factor expressing a ratio of mechanical force exerted upon physical matter thru dielectric actions, to mechanical force exerted upon physical matter thru magnetic actions. This of course relates directly to our principle question at hand for the quantum mechanics; the condition of equal and opposite forces between dielectricity and magnetism. No answer yet.

    It may be noted that Maxwell’s determination of this “proportionality factor” gave rise to a NUMERIC value of one over c square. It is a faulty inference to assume this factor is an actual velocity, or is the dimensional relation of a velocity at all. Here given it is numeric. In the comparisons of optics and electrodynamics it is found that a dielectric has the following characteristics;
    (1) Refractive Index

    (2) Dielectric Inductivity

    (3) Luminal Velocity

    All three of these relations are exactly related to the velocity of light. But here again is one over c square and actual velocity?

    Maxwell’s discovery of a factor of proportionality between dielectricity and magnetism led to his theory of conjugate pair of inductions, dielectric and magnetic, in union, propagating at the velocity of light thru the “Luminiferous Aether”. Hence, electro-magnetic waves in free space, unbounded by gross physical matter, mass free energy. This propagation is within the dielectric, or aetheric, medium itself. It is free of so-called “charge carriers” (electrons), a mass-less form of electricity. This concept had a very powerful impact upon the scientific and philosophical thoughts of Maxwell’s era. So here begins the notion of “wireless”, the transmission of electricity without wires or other guiding structures.

    Leading up to the work of Heinrich Hertz, 1857 to 1894, the wireless transmission of electricity had found experimental verification by Joseph Henry, and Elihu Thompson. It even was patented by M. Loomis. See “Secrets of Cold War Technology” by Jerry Vasillatos. These examples however were no electro-magnetic, they were electro-static (dielectric). Heinrich Hertz provided the first complete laboratory demonstration of the transmission of electricity thru “free space”, (across the room). This was instantly considered proof of the Maxwell theory of electro-magnetism, and electro-magnetic waves. When Nikola Tesla engaged in the experiments of Hertz, he found these waves not to be completely electro-magnetic. The early death of Hertz prevented any further progress. However “the world view” kept hold of its belief that “Hertzian” waves are only transverse E. M. waves, the two distinctions now synonymous.

    When Nikola Tesla undertook the development of his unique transmission transformers, he soon found the velocity of light had no relation here. In his “Colorado Springs Notes” experiment and calculation demonstrate that the propagation on his “extra coil” tends toward 180 percent luminal velocity. See “Theory of Wireless Power”, by E. P. Dollard. It is found that the extra coil propagation is not even in the dimension of velocity at all. See “Transmission and Reception of Telluric Electric Waves”, by E. P. Dollard. The one over c square is not applicable to the efforts of Nikola Tesla. Tesla is not equal to one over c square.

    In the writings of J. J. Thompson it is found he considered dielectric propagation and magnetic propagation can be independent. Also considered is that the magnetism is a secondary response to dielectric forces. This is also found in the writings of C. P. Steinmentz, “Transients in Space”, page 394 to 419, from “Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena”. Here considered is a “Hysteresis of the Aether”, given as an alternative to the concept of electromagnetic radiation. In this chapter the velocity of the dielectric induction and the velocity of magnetic induction are given as independent variables. The factor one over c squared is here only a dimensional transform between inductance and capacitance. See The International Tesla Society lecture on the “Hysteresis of the Aether” by E. P. Dollard. Here again one over c squared is only a proportionality factor, not a velocity.

    Finally, it has been disclosed by insiders within the space program, N.A.S.A., of a “certain complication”. It was found that when far outside the Earth’s field of influence the stars and sun are NOT VISIBLE! However, the Earth and the Moon are plainly visible. No direct light in outer space, only that made visible by gross physical matter. This gives rise to an important question, does the “light” from the sun propagate with a velocity at all, or is it simply a function of time. The “time delay” may be no more than a hysteresis of the luminiferous aether.

    It should be noted it is only by the time delay that we can consider velocity in many situations. Otherwise also needed is the wavelength. Is it the primary luminal induction, say from the Sun, a hysteresis in order to engender visible light on Earth? Now we are dug in deep!

    So, what meaning do we attribute to one over c square? It is a velocity, an index, a ratio, a proportionality factor, and even a constituent of the Farad. It is in everything, and now we hang Einstein’s Theory of Relativity on top of it all. Such is one over c square.

    In order to make a determination on this matter of one over c square it is instructive to enter the One Wing Parrot itself. We will take the position of Dorthey, who must conquer the Wicked Witch of the West, (WWW). Now she must stand, with her poodle and some unlikely friends from Lone Pine, before the great Wizard of Oz. Dorthey simply wants to go back to Kansas, and so do we. Here we must meet face to face with Einstein and the Theory of Relativity. In order to become better acquainted with the development of Relativity refer to E. Whittaker, “History of the Theories of the Aether”. Here follows only the salient features of Relativity as expressed by Albert Einstein. The primary purpose here is how Relativity relates to Electrical Engineering thru the concepts of Inductance and Capacitance.

    Einstein’s theory finds its seed in a certain speed of light dilemma and the related experiments of Fitzeau involving moving liquid dielectrics (10-C Oil). Consider a pair of red lasers in a setup like the cubic experiments given earlier. Two red lasers, side by side, distant from each other, again are utilized. Each individual beam is received by its own individual target. Here the measurements are made. One laser is stationary, the other laser is moving towards its target at 50 percent luminal velocity, c. It is of course found that the beam sent by the stationary laser arrives at its target with a lag in time (hysteresis) that co-responds to the delay involved in luminal propagation thru the span between the laser and its target. The moving laser beam also arrives at its target with a lag in time, but not that of 150 percent luminal velocity as given by the superposition of velocities. It arrives with the same delay as that due to luminal velocity thru the span between the laser and its target. Hence the law of superposition is now not applicable to luminal velocity, no matter what the velocity of the moving laser, the velocity of the beam is always c. This situation provides the cornerstone upon which lay the Einstein concept of Relativity.

    It is however that Einstein may have left out a few details. The stationary laser puts a red spot on its target. It is a red laser, just like the moving laser. They are both red, big deal. But wait Mr. Wizard, Look! Look! The spot on the moving laser's target is GREEN!

    Break, more to follow,

    DE N6KPH

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  • t-rex
    Here begins a series of writings titled "The Theory of Anti-Relativity" by E. P. Dollard.

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  • tao
    Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
    Hi Guys,

    OK, here it is. Chris built beautiful models. The first picture shows Chris's name for the machine.

    The second picture shows an oblique view of the whole machine. Total length of the machine is about 24 inches long, while the mounting base is about 30 inches long. The little green device at the far end is the DC drive motor used to rotate the plates.

    The third picture shows the motor drive unit. The motor is a DC brush type, with a permanent magnet field. It is 2.125 inches long and 1.25 inches in diameter.

    The fourth picture shows an end view when the rotor plates are in alignment with the stator plates. This is the position for highest capacitance in that section.

    The fifth picture shows an end view when the rotor plates are out of alignment with the stator plates. This is the position for lowest capacitance in that section.

    The sixth picture shows another, lower angle shot of the whole machine. It also shows how one section is out of phase with the other.

    The last picture shows the end plate with Chris's name and the date the machine first ran, May 20, 1988.



    Just thought some people would like to know this.

    My calculations show that Chris would have been able to get a maximum of near 1 watt (through a resistive load) with his setup that he built. I can post my calculations if anyone is interested.

    This certainly explains Dollard's statement: "Chris determined that it was starting to exhibit the effects of synthesis of electrical energy from the electrostatic field."

    The reason it was only one watt is due to three things:

    1. The RPM of the device and the number of sectors that make up the variable caps.
    2. The total capacitance of the two caps.
    3. The voltage placed on the variable caps.

    Last edited by tao; 11-18-2011, 06:18 PM. Reason: ...

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  • Web000x
    Originally posted by tao View Post
    The answer...

    A combination of Bertil Werjefelt + Chris Carson...

    Magnetic and electrostatic, on the same shaft, a 100% torque cancellation (or as near as possible) over 360d of rotation...

    I'll of course post in more detail soon ...
    Please do! All of the equations that I try to use never seem to be right on the mark. I doubt that I have the right books, but it shouldn't be a difficult thing to find since they're all over the net..


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  • tao
    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
    A few observations are in order here. First, existing technology produces machines which are strictly magnetic, such as the A.C. induction motor, or strictly dielectric, such as the wimhurst machine. No machine is produced where the magnetic and the dielectric fields work together in an electric field. What relationship of the forces, potential, e, and M.M.F., i, gives rise to equal and opposite mechanical force, this now applied to a rotating geometry?
    The answer...

    A combination of Bertil Werjefelt + Chris Carson...

    Magnetic and electrostatic, on the same shaft, a 100% torque cancellation (or as near as possible) over 360d of rotation...

    I'll of course post in more detail soon ...

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  • t-rex
    The "Telegraph Equation", Finale'

    It has been given that the product ZY, in Siemens – Ohm, is a dimensionless magnitude having a versor position in time. It is the product of a pair of versor sums
    Y = G – jB

    Z = R + jX

    However, it is the product of versor sums are also versor sums. Taking this product
    ZY = (R + jX)(G – jB)
    And factoring like terms, gives the following factors,

    a = (XB + RG)
    Where a is the power factor, the percent of energy lost from the total movement of electrical energy in an electrical configuration.

    b = (XG – RB)

    Where b is the induction factor, the percent of energy stored by the total movement of energy in an electrical configuration.

    Here the resulting sub-factors are defined, for the power factor,
    XB, the factor representing the cyclic exchange of energy between dielectric and magnetic forms.

    RG, the factor representing the acyclic dissipation of energy from both dielectric and magnetic forms.

    And, for the induction factor,
    XG, the factor representing the transfer of energy out of magnetic form and into dielectric form.

    RB, the factor representing the transfer of energy out of dielectric form and into magnetic form.

    The propagation constant, ZY, in Ohm – Siemens can hereby be expressed as the versor sum of the power factor, a, in percent, and the induction factor, b, in percent. This results in,
    ZY = ha +jb
    Ohm – Siemens, or Total Percent

    ZY must always equal 100 percent but it has a variable position in time, this expressed as a resultant of ha and jb.

    The versor operators are defined as,
    h, the roots of the square root of positive one

    j, the roots of the square root of negative one

    Expanding the expression for the propagation constant, ZY, as a versor sum of the expressions for a and for b, gives
    ZY = h(XB + RG) + j(XG – RB)

    Hereby established is the most important algebraic expression of dimensional relations, this defining the movement in time of electrical energy in any electrical configuration.

    This algebraic expression is called the “Heaviside Telegraph Equation.” It is in this expression the electrical energy is expressed directly in its four pole archetype. Note that this four polar archetype underlies all Native American artforms. Is this related to America as the birthplace electrical technology thru Tesla, Edison, and Steinmetz? Europe was too consumed in self edification mathematics, except GÖTHE.

    This algebraic expression gives a pair of waves in motion thru the dimension of time, one moving forward in time, the other backward in time. See “Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena”, C. P. Steinmetz, the chapter, “Resistance, Inductance, and Capacity”. Here (R + S) is forward in time and (R – S) is backwards in time.

    Geometrically, this expression represents a pair of counter propagating logarithmic spirals. This spiral form is demonstrated in Ernst Guillimen, “Communication Networks” Volume One, and in “Theory and Calculation of A.C. Phenomena”, Appendix – “Oscillating Currents”, C. P. Steinmetz. It is important to remember that these “motions in time” are of a versor form, finding no equivalence in spatial representation except by analogy. There is no such thing as a surface of time, no 2D time. These are versor, not vector expressions.

    Expressing the four distinct sub-factors, the versor combination of which gives the propagation constant, ZY, in Ohm – Siemens, it is,

    (I) The Power Factor Pair
    XB, the “axial” product, the longitudinal component of energy motion in time, forward and backward in an alternating manner.

    RG, the “dot” product, the scalar component of energy dissipation, this independent of time.

    (II) The Induction Factor Pair
    XG, the “cross” product, the transverse component energy transfer thru time from magnetic to dielectric. This is a clockwise versor around axis XB.

    RB, the “cross” product, the transverse component of energy transfer thru time from dielectric to magnetic. This is a counter-clockwise versor around axis XB.

    In the pendantic, mystic, and dis-information world there are two products, the dot and the cross, here exists four products, axial, dot, and a conjugate pair of cross products. Here is why misunderstanding exists, the basis for the “longitudinal scalar” idiots.

    In its versor form the Telegraph Equation is expressed symbolically as
    k(ZY) = ha + jb

    Where the magnitude, ZY, represents the electricity, and the operator, k, represents its versor position in time. This is given for a 360 degree scale on a power factor meter, an analog computer for expression of k(ZY). (ZY is the pointer, k is the scale, that simple.)

    Expressing a versor relation as,
    k = jh

    That is, negative one to the one half power times positive one to the one half power, gives negative one to the one fourth power. Since this “fourth root” of negative one suggests a conjugate of the fourth root of positive one, it is then
    k, the roots of the EIGHTH root of positive one

    This as the most general versor operator for the Telegraph Equation.

    Here we are beyond the scope of this elementary series of discussions on the rudiments of electrical theory. This series concludes here. But it was fun, don’t you think? It will make you think. For a more in depth study of this subject see the following;

    “Theory and Calculation of A.C. Phenomena”, C. P. Steinmetz, the chapters, “Power and Double Frequency Quantities” and the appendix “Roots of the Unit”.

    “Symbolic Representation” Papers by E. P. Dollard, and all references given in these papers.

    “Electro-Magnetic Theory”, O. Heaviside, in particular the development of his “Telegraph Equation”.

    “Physics and Mathematics in Electrical Communication”, James Owen Perinne.

    Finally, for an excellent musical portrayal of the ZY relationship listen to G. F. Handel, “Alexander’s Feast, or the Power of Music”, the final coral movement. It is a good ending to this series of writings.

    73 DE N6KPH SK.

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  • t-rex
    The Telegraph Equation, Part One

    From the previous sections it has been established a set of dimensional relations as derived from four basic electrical laws,

    (1) The Law of Dielectric Proportion
    (a) Farad, or Coulomb per Volt

    (b) Coulomb, or Volt – Farad

    (2) The Law of Magnetic Proportion
    (a) Henry, or Weber per Ampere

    (b) Weber, or Ampere – Henry

    (3) The Law of Magnetic Induction
    (a) Volt, or Weber per Second

    (b) Weber, or Volt – Second
    (4) The Law of Dielectric Induction
    (a) Ampere, or Coulomb per Second

    (b) Coulomb, or Ampere – Second
    Recombination of these dimensional relations, or electrical laws, then expresses a pair of ratios, of primary dimensions in variation with respect to time. Hence, for the dielectric field,

    (5) Farad per Second, or

    And for the magnetic field,

    (6) Henry per Second,
    Or Ohm.

    From this pair of dimensional relations are derived a series of energy transfer and storage co-efficients. Grouping these into a pair of categories, these are given as,

    (I) Energy Storage and Dissipation
    (a) Dielectric Energy Storage,
    Suceptance, B, in Farad per Second

    (b) Magnetic Energy Storage,
    Reactance, X, in Henry per Second
    (c) Dielectric Energy Dissipation,
    Conductance, G, in Siemens

    (d) Magnetic Energy Dissipation,
    Resistance, R, in Ohm

    (II) The Energy Consumption or Production
    (a) Dielectric Energy Consumption,
    Conductance, G, in Farad per Second,
    Or Siemens

    (b) Magnetic Energy Consumption,
    Resistance, R, in Henry per Second,
    Or Ohm

    (c) Dielectric Energy Production,
    Acceptance, S, in Farad per Second,
    Or Siemens

    (d) Magnetic Energy Production,
    Receptance, H, in Henry per Second,
    Or Ohm

    It should be noted that these various groupings of coefficients exist in distinct, independent, time frames. The dissipation coefficients are the result of random molecular variations, that is, noise. The consumption coefficients are harmonic in nature, relating to the operating frequencies, likewise for the production coefficients. The random and the harmonic time functions are NOT ADDITIVE. In general, the combinations of these coefficients appear as versor sums. More on this later.

    Since the total electric induction is the product of the total dielectric induction and the total magnetic induction, there exists the products of the coefficients of dielectric induction and the coefficients of magnetic induction. These products give rise to a set of electrical factors. These factors, the product of the dielectric part, in Siemens, and of the magnetic part, in Ohm, gives rise to the dimensional relation

    (7) Ohm – Seimens, or

    Hence, this derived dimensional relation, or FACTOR, is a numeric, that is, dimensionless. Since both the Ohm and the Siemens are versor quantities, it follows that this numeric is also a versor, a dimensionless versor magnitude. It is not a scalar, it is a versor with a position in time.

    These factors are hereby established to be dimensionless versor magnitudes. Combining the dielectric and magnetic coefficients gives the following factors,
    (a) The Energy Storage Factor,
    XB, in Ohm – Siemens, or
    Henry – Farad per Second Squared

    (b) The Energy Loss Factor,
    RG, in Ohm – Siemens

    (c) The Energy Gain Factor,
    HS, in Ohm – Siemens,
    Or Henry – Farad per Second Squared.
    Hereby it is, HS supplies the energy, XB holds the energy, RG removes the energy. These three factors define the movement of electricity thru the dimension of time, this for a generalized electrical configuration.

    It is usually that the electrical configuration, the metallic-dielectric geometry, exhibits only energy losses, no component of energy gain exists. An example is one span of a J-Carrier open wire transmission line. This line holds energy in its bound electric field of induction, but a portion of this energy is lost thru molecular action within the glass insulators and within the copperweld wires. There exists no component of energy gain in this span of open wire line. Here it is the parametric terms vanish. No factor HS exists and RG is pure dissipation. These simplifications allow for the algebraic expression in an archetypical form of the generalized electrical configuration.

    Given the basic dimensional relations,

    X, the Reactance, in Henry per Second


    B, the Suceptance, in Farad per Second

    These relations representing energy exchange between the dielectric field, and the magnetic field, of inductions. This energy exchange is in an alternating form. It is also

    R, the Resistance, in Ohm


    G, the Conductance, in Siemens

    These relations representing energy removal from the magnetic field, and the dielectric field, of inductions. This energy loss is in a continuous form. Hereby XB is the alternating “current” factor, and RG is the direct, or continuous, “current” factor.

    Obviously, in the situation of an electric generator, HS could replace RG in such a configuration. Here energy is produced in a manner of negligible losses, and thus RG drops out of the equation. It is however, a system or configuration exhibiting both loss and gain requires a more complex algebraic expression. This is developed in the final section of “Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave” by E. P. Dollard.

    Combining terms with like dimensional relations, that is, Ohm and Henry per Second, or Siemens and Farad per Second, gives rise to a total impedance, or a total admittance of the electrical configuration. Hence it is,

    (I) The Total Admittance, Y, in Siemens
    (8) Y = G – jB

    The versor sum of the Conductance, G, in Siemems, and the Suceptance, B, in
    Farad per Second.
    (II) The Total Impedance, Z, in Ohm
    (9) Z = R + jX

    The versor sum of the Resistance, R, in Ohm, and the Reactance, X, in Henry per

    Here Y represents the dielectric field, and Z represents the magnetic field.

    The electric field is the product of the dielectric field, and the magnetic field. Q is Psi times Phi. Taking then the product of the total dielectric Admittance, Y, in Siemens, and the total magnetic Impedance, Z, in Ohm, gives the dimensional relation

    (10) Siemem – Ohm
    Or Numeric

    Hence ZY is a dimensionless magnitude, it having a versor position in time, since both Z and Y have a versor position in time. The product of the two versors is also a versor. ZY is not scalar, it is a dimensionless versor magnitude. It represents a wave propagation in the dimension of time, a TIME WAVE.

    Last edited by t-rex; 11-15-2011, 10:37 PM. Reason: Title

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  • t-rex
    Parameter Variation Continued

    In the last section the dimensional relations of conductance and resistance were developed for the condition of a static, or stationary, metallic-dielectric geometry. The conductance represents the leakage of energy from the dielectric field, and the resistance represents the leakage of energy from the magnetic field. Energy loss is internal to the physical mass which constitutes the metallic-dielectric geometry. This loss is of molecular form.

    Instead of the parameter variation resulting from internal motions, there exists the parameter variation which results from external motion. This parameter variation with respect to time is the result of the contiguous parts of the geometric form being in relative motion with respect to each other. Again the A.C. induction motor serves as an example of such a geometric structure. Here is a metallic-dielectric geometric structure with relative motion between its physical parts. A motor or a generator operate thru parameter variation via rotational motion. An example is the common “Electro-static” generator, such as the “Wimhurst Machine”, a rotating variable electro-static condenser.

    In general the metallic-dielectric geometry delivers mechanical force as an electric motor, or is driven by mechanical force as an electric generator. Mechanical/Electrical parameter changes, these as, Farad per second and Henry per second, give rise to the metallic-dielectric geometry becoming and electric motor, taking energy from the field, or becoming an electric generator, giving energy to the field.

    In the case which the geometry is taking energy as an electric motor, it is for a dielectric machine, a parametric Conductance, G, results,

    (1) Farad per second, or Siemens
    Conductance, G,

    And for a magnetic machine, a parametric Resistance, R, results,

    (2) Henry per second, or Ohm,
    Resistance, R.

    R and G here represent the removal of energy from the electric field, just as with the condition of molecular losses.

    For the condition of a mechanically driven metallic-dielectric geometry giving energy as an electric generator, an alternate form of dimensional expression is desired. These expressions serve to distinguish that part of the relations which represent the loss of energy as distinct from that part of the relations which represent the gain of energy. The square root of positive one is the “operator” which distinguishes the gain part from loss part. It is supply, or demand.

    These alternate dimensional relations are, for the dielectric field,

    (3) Farad per second, or Siemens,
    The Acceptance, S

    And for the magnetic field,

    (4) Henry per second, or Ohm,
    The Receptance, H

    Hence for the dielectric machine an ACCEPTANCE, S, in Siemens, and for a magnetic machine a RECEPTANCE, H, in Ohm. Where R and G represent energy consumption co-efficients, it is S and H represent energy production co-efficients.

    A few observations are in order here. First, existing technology produces machines which are strictly magnetic, such as the A.C. induction motor, or strictly dielectric, such as the wimhurst machine. No machine is produced where the magnetic and the dielectric fields work together in an electric field. What relationship of the forces, potential, e, and M.M.F., i, gives rise to equal and opposite mechanical force, this now applied to a rotating geometry?

    Second, not all parameter changes are the result of mechanical forces, nor random molecular motions. The magnetic amplifier is one such case, here a parametric inductance controlled by an auxiliary M.M.F. On the molecular level, certain plasma discharge tubes, such as the common fluorescent lighting tube, give rise to an assortment of parameter variations which can produce as well as consume energy from the electric field. Here is a vas realm for theory and experiment.

    73 DE N6KPH

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  • Raui
    Originally posted by pnajafi View Post
    Hi Raui and everyone,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I am a sort of noob in this forum and just wanted to tell Raui that I will read this material he posted (2-3 posts above). My brain has gone slower since graduation from university in computer engineering, but even after 3.5 yrs of work, somehow I have depressing days and times, where I feel empty and yearn for true(?) knowledge - I dunno what it is I yearn for, but it is like very painful, endless and yet one I seem to be hypnotized by- lack of understanding is the main pain....the more info I see sometimes, the more pain I feel. I am further upset and not happy with the way Tesla and Eric Dollard are being treated - but I do realize they enjoy something so deep that is of mysticism and science a sense they are richer than a lot of materially rich people in their spirit....well at least one thing for sure, no pain no gain.

    I am sorry for just mentioning to read Raui's work above. I am sure there are many contributors that I should be reading about, other than the main ones, on this forum and would be happy to learn from. It just happened that I think it is a good place to start (?)

    For now, I have learned from another friend on this Forum about TFC books link and Nikola Tesla's own journal and biographies (Nikola Tesla Information Resource | Books and Online Files) and I am doing my first experiment in the field of free energy (no pun intended) by really just following this ( It is really interesting how much I did not know about his life other than natural energy phenomena and etc. did you for example know Tesla advised for tobacco and against drinking tea?


    Also, can someone verify the paypal link above to help Eric Dollard is actually legit. I have to verify, before helping out.

    I hope truth prevail in our heart, we need patience and working together. Words are not as worthy as actions but sometimes the necessary means to cause actions. Even prophets in history who could do miracles were not seeing results right one case he had minimal results after 900 or so years of who are we to get impatient.

    Take care,

    If I've done anything to help you on your quest then I am very happy as I too know that feeling of emptiness and thirst for real knowledge I am very interested in where you got your information about the tobacco/tea information I have not read that before. I am sure the tobacco he advised using was not the sort that is sold in supermarkets though. Amazonian shamans use a tobacco which they believe aids in healing but think of the tobacco westerners smoke as poison so I wouldn't be surprised.

    I wish you luck with your experiments.


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  • pnajafi
    Thanks Raui

    Hi Raui and everyone,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I am a sort of noob in this forum and just wanted to tell Raui that I will read this material he posted (2-3 posts above). My brain has gone slower since graduation from university in computer engineering, but even after 3.5 yrs of work, somehow I have depressing days and times, where I feel empty and yearn for true(?) knowledge - I dunno what it is I yearn for, but it is like very painful, endless and yet one I seem to be hypnotized by- lack of understanding is the main pain....the more info I see sometimes, the more pain I feel. I am further upset and not happy with the way Tesla and Eric Dollard are being treated - but I do realize they enjoy something so deep that is of mysticism and science a sense they are richer than a lot of materially rich people in their spirit....well at least one thing for sure, no pain no gain.

    I am sorry for just mentioning to read Raui's work above. I am sure there are many contributors that I should be reading about, other than the main ones, on this forum and would be happy to learn from. It just happened that I think it is a good place to start (?)

    For now, I have learned from another friend on this Forum about TFC books link and Nikola Tesla's own journal and biographies (Nikola Tesla Information Resource | Books and Online Files) and I am doing my first experiment in the field of free energy (no pun intended) by really just following this ( It is really interesting how much I did not know about his life other than natural energy phenomena and etc. did you for example know Tesla advised for tobacco and against drinking tea?


    Also, can someone verify the paypal link above to help Eric Dollard is actually legit. I have to verify, before helping out.

    I hope truth prevail in our heart, we need patience and working together. Words are not as worthy as actions but sometimes the necessary means to cause actions. Even prophets in history who could do miracles were not seeing results right one case he had minimal results after 900 or so years of who are we to get impatient.

    Take care,


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  • Raui
    Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
    You are the man Raui, Keep up the good work brother.
    Still doesn't hold a candle to what you've presented!

    Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
    do you per chance have page 524?
    Yes it is on page 96/249 of the scribd document


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  • Kokomoj0
    Originally posted by Raui View Post
    So if you want to do what I do and read some of the material Eric has said to read then here is a list that will take you very far;
    Electromagnetic Induction

    do you per chance have page 524?

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  • jarvamundo
    Originally posted by Raui View Post
    read Electromagnetic induction and its Propagation by Heaviside,

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  • Armagdn03
    Originally posted by Raui View Post
    I'm really not meaning to blow my own trumpet here but Eric has said things like this in the past;
    "Raui seems to be the one that is able to progress with this material."
    "(Raui seems to "get it" the best)"

    I really am not that far ahead of you guys at all and I have had all the information that you guys have but with one probable difference, I'm actually reading the references and it's as simple as that. There is so much to be learned from these references. I urge everyone to read Electromagnetic induction and its Propagation by Heaviside, I have gleaned the most from this and I haven't even finished it yet! Even just reading the opening chapters of Steinmetz books will give you a lot greater understanding.

    Put aside for a second any conception of electricity you had so it does not interfere. Pretend that it's not electricity your reading about it's another phenomena of nature since you might as well, current theory is so different to this. This way is much more symmetrical and representative of both halves of electricity (the magnetic side and the dielectric side) So if you want to do what I do and read some of the material Eric has said to read then here is a list that will take you very far;
    Electromagnetic Induction
    Electric Discharges,Waves And Impulses : Charles Proteus Steinmetz : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
    Theory and calculation of alternating current phenomena : Steinmetz, Charles Proteus, 1865-1923 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
    Theory and calculation of transient electric phenomena and oscillations : Steinmetz, Charles Proteus, 1865-1923 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
    Electromagnetic theory : Heaviside, Oliver, 1850-1925 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
    Also read up on Goethe and his theory of knowledge as it also ties in big time, Man or Matter is a good place to start for that.

    While Eric's writings are drying up for this short period of time if anyone wants to progress further with this material then please read them. If you don't read them then don't be too hard on yourself if your not 'getting it' because 'your doing it wrong'. You might think these are 'outdated' but you should never judge a book by it's cover, they are goldmines if you approach them properly. Anyway, back to exam study I go Good luck guys

    You are the man Raui, Keep up the good work brother.

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  • Raui
    I'm really not meaning to blow my own trumpet here but Eric has said things like this in the past;
    "Raui seems to be the one that is able to progress with this material."
    "(Raui seems to "get it" the best)"

    I really am not that far ahead of you guys at all and I have had all the information that you guys have but with one probable difference, I'm actually reading the references and it's as simple as that. There is so much to be learned from these references. I urge everyone to read Electromagnetic induction and its Propagation by Heaviside, I have gleaned the most from this and I haven't even finished it yet! Even just reading the opening chapters of Steinmetz books will give you a lot greater understanding.

    Put aside for a second any conception of electricity you had so it does not interfere. Pretend that it's not electricity your reading about it's another phenomena of nature since you might as well, current theory is so different to this. This way is much more symmetrical and representative of both halves of electricity (the magnetic side and the dielectric side) So if you want to do what I do and read some of the material Eric has said to read then here is a list that will take you very far;
    Electromagnetic Induction
    Electric Discharges,Waves And Impulses : Charles Proteus Steinmetz : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
    Theory and calculation of alternating current phenomena : Steinmetz, Charles Proteus, 1865-1923 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
    Theory and calculation of transient electric phenomena and oscillations : Steinmetz, Charles Proteus, 1865-1923 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
    Electromagnetic theory : Heaviside, Oliver, 1850-1925 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
    Also read up on Goethe and his theory of knowledge as it also ties in big time, Man or Matter is a good place to start for that.

    While Eric's writings are drying up for this short period of time if anyone wants to progress further with this material then please read them. If you don't read them then don't be too hard on yourself if your not 'getting it' because 'your doing it wrong'. You might think these are 'outdated' but you should never judge a book by it's cover, they are goldmines if you approach them properly. Anyway, back to exam study I go Good luck guys


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