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but nobody is going to build a TMT immediately, it's just not going to happen.
I don't claim to understand the maths or even what's really going on, but I really don't see what the huge difficulty is in just building something that will work Eric's video from 1988 or whatever clearly shows how to build a basic working model to begin experimenting with. A lot is revealed just by doing that. Then just recently, in fact in the TMT thread that Eric doesn't like and elsewhere on this forum, information has been shared regarding the construction based on Eric's information and Tesla's own words, so frankly there is enough information already available to at least build a small scale model that is almost guaranteed to work to a certain degree. A 51 metre diameter TMT or full scale Wardenclyffe tower would not happen immediately I agree. But the point is that Tesla had less information when he started than we have here, and he could figure things out and tweak things through the whole process of developing it, starting small and having things reveal themselves I would imagine. So just by using the available information anyone can get started, and one can't really NOT learn something from it, and develop one's own understanding "naturally". And there's so little wire in reconstructing something like Eric's small flat spiral coils it's not even expensive to find out these things and get started. Much cheaper than a lot of the other projects that are going on here. I don't see why it's necessary to fully understand all the maths just to be able to build something that works.
Yea, sorry I was just speaking for myself. I am confident that people here will replicate Tesla's work accurately and observe effects as noted by Tesla and Eric Dollard. Eric's information has been really really helpful his videos that I saw a few years ago really focused me on what I should be researching in terms of my own interests, and I plan on replicating the TMT myself once I have the funds to do so. Understanding the math, I think, is essential to properly understand what it is you are doing and to have an accurate explanation quantifying the forces being manipulated, and I think this is Eric's point? I am a student in school right now learning Electrical Engineering so I have also had a difficult time purging my mind of the status quo concepts of Electricity. Eric's writings and pretty much this whole thread has really helped me, I now have a vast collection of books that I can read thanks to this thread(currently reading Goethes Theory of Colours). I can't wait to see what Eric's new transmissions about the TMT and I hope he has a change of mind and continues to spread his knowledge, either way I am thankful.
well I would have to listen to the video again but Eric in his Sbarc lecture I believe used roughly 100 watts to transmit from LA to I think San Francisco at 5/9 and change. I would think that would transfer power equally well if there was a LMD receiver there even though its maybe 300-400 miles between them. You wont transmit on that low power that distance with any other method that I know of. Pay particular attention to what he said about winding the coil, and the ground required!
Anyway I am watching the video now, I've watched that one before and I
must say that it is making a lot more sense to me now than it did when I first
watched it (before I started experimenting) it's my opinion there is a lot to be
gained by actually doing stuff. And dR is right it doesn't cost much and it's fun.
I'm interested in technology that can make available a few hundred watts of
power at least, at places where there is no grid or infrastructure, not
necessarily extra long distances, I don't care what it's called TMT or not
as long as it works and I don't need to string wire's from here to there and it's
reasonably efficient. I would be happy to input 200 watts to get 100 watts
from the receiver.
When I can convince myself that I know enough to design one successfully I am very interested in knowing without any doubt that it drags in excess electrostatic energy to prove to myself and any interested corporate robot naysayers that Tesla was in fact correct! nah nah neener neener! LOL That and it touches on getting into Teslas head as he had a very pragmatic grounded understanding of the "way things work" that I can seriously appreciate.
I agree, but I'm prepared to build many coils and research and experiment
every day. 3 years ago I didn't even really know what a transistor did.
Now I can do all sorts of stuff, so it would be difficult to harsh my buzz.
Anyway I am watching the video now, I've watched that one before and I
must say that it is making a lot more sense to me now than it did when I first
watched it (before I started experimenting) it's my opinion there is a lot to be
gained by actually doing stuff. And dR is right it doesn't cost much and it's fun.
I'm interested in technology that can make available a few hundred watts of
power at least, at places where there is no grid or infrastructure, not
necessarily extra long distances, I don't care what it's called TMT or not
as long as it works and I don't need to string wire's from here to there and it's
reasonably efficient. I would be happy to input 200 watts to get 100 watts
from the receiver.
I agree, but I'm prepared to build many coils and research and experiment
every day. 3 years ago I didn't even really know what a transistor did.
Now I can do all sorts of stuff, so it would be difficult to harsh my buzz.
when you use a ham receiver or cb etc they have a signal strength meter on them. It basically means the meter was pegged to the right hand side LOL
I have played a lot in radio when I was younger and have experienced how well things work with a really good ground.
Notice what Eric said about the required ground the effects and the plate current and how to obtain those high currents.
Its a lot more than just math, the actual construction is also an art, then combining everything together into a final device can get quite complex.
I have been looking for my copy of orcad as you can throw some very difficult designs in the circuit simulator and it is surprizingly accurate.
I am very curious as to what it would do with these types of circuits if anything at all.
Now I do not know what you all have for transmission rules in your hood, but they require us to have a license except in certain freqs and low power levels and other few exceptions. Not that I could imagine how they would be able to track it easily if you get up into the 90% transmission effeciency range? Hertzian all you need is a couple loops and triangulate, but no matter where you go with this I would think that you would get so close to the same readings that it would be extremely difficult to trace? The thought just popped into my head LOL Not advocating anything here. Maybe Eric can elaborate on that?
You sure about that? I don't hear anyone shouting eureka.
Retribution, we don't need no stinking retribution.
Dave, now this is just my opinion. I think everyone here would be a lot better off if you would refrain from being his messenger of doom and stop actively trying to solicit funds for him. Just my opinion. Stay or go, that is his right and decision to make, but this is just childish nonsense. I'm sorry he got screwed, but he should have dealt with it properly then when he could have possibly accomplished something. I'm also pretty sure that what ever happened to him, had the force of law on their side and there is no fighting that...not after all this time. Not without his drivers license number inscribed on the device. He needs to let this go and participate here like everyone else does. Life is tough on this planet, everyone knows that. You just have to get back up again, and again, and again. I wish I had the magic words for him to hear and regain that spirit which is in all of us, but sadly; I do not.
From what I can tell, I am the only one building out in the open on this thread. I am not done therefore, no "eureka" yet. You have to build to see.
A lifetime of experience > picture > 999 words. Eric has a lifetime of experience. I don't. I'll help the man however I can. Food costs money. I eat daily. Eric should also eat daily. Since I have no money, I can only try to pursued people to give Eric money. You obviously don't live on a meager amount of money since you are trying to part with it in the "Dollard Reward" thread. Please understand that we are all trying here. Complete poverty sucks. Everybody should be entitled to a "little bit extra". I am not sure that you have seen the brilliance in the T-Rex transmissions. Having gone to school for electrical engineering (not Chemistry as is your background), I see the truth to what is coming from Eric's mind, abstract thought. All of his math resonates with my observations.
Do understand that my cause is from the heart for a better world.
Not that I could imagine how they would be able to track it easily if you get up into the 90% transmission effeciency range? Hertzian all you need is a couple loops and triangulate, but no matter where you go with this I would think that you would get so close to the same readings that it would be extremely difficult to trace? The thought just popped into my head LOL Not advocating anything here.
Sounds good to me
Its a lot more than just math, the actual construction is also an art, then combining everything together into a final device can get quite complex.
No doubt, that's why I said basic working model It doesn't need to be that complex to get the effect. Are you only planning on ever building one full scale model, and what are you going to do with it?? All I'm saying is that not fully understanding the maths shouldn't prevent one from experimenting with such things because the experimenting would not be wasted time.
I know, it just looks like no one is wanting to just get in there and build something that's all [edit] My comments are because I've built flat spiral coils according to Eric's information in the video except mine are 30cm diameter, it's not a "proper TMT", but frankly if my coils are working then you'd have to do something really stupid not to have yours work. I think there's a reason why Eric made that video and included the construction details. I can't stress how little "planning" went into making mine. Not to be claiming miraculous results or anything because there are also other variables involved, the point is the simple pile of wood and copper thrown together in a basic arrangement works.
Mr. Dollard, I can "clean up" and make more legible some of the pictures you are uploading to the forum.
If this post is deemed useless I will delete it ASAP, let me know. I just want to throw in any help I can with getting your information across to everyone.
Yes, this is exactly what is needed. Please proceed with cleaning up the pictures. Thankyou.
Ultimately what I put on here is for the silent majority, not useless or petty bickering. Remember, you must have a government license to transmit radio frequency energy(as in a Wireless Tesla Transmitter). Also, misshandling the device may end up burning out your neighbor's digital equipment. Or your own. These are not toys, and one part of the silent majority gleans these forums for information to make weapons against us(Corums).
Thank your for your reply Mr. Dollard. I will repost only those images that are in need of visual enhancement. I will let someone else judge whether these should be put in their own forum, left as I post, or downloaded and reposted via your T-Rex account, or otherwise distributed.
Originally published: May-June 1986 JBR, Pgs 15-23
The oscillating current transformer functions quite differently than a conventional transformer in that the law of dielectric induction is utilized as well as the familiar law of magnetic induction. The propagation of waves along the coil axis does not resemble the propagation of waves along a conventional transmission line, but is complicated by inter-turn capacitance & mutual magnetic inductance. In this respect the O.C. transformer does not behave like a resonant transmission line, nor a R.C.L. circuit, but more like a special type of wave guide. Perhaps the most important feature of the O.C. transformer is that in the course of propagation along the coil axis the electric energy is dematerialized, that is, rendered mass free energy resembling Dr. Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy in its behavior. It is this feature that renders the O.C. transformer useful for wireless power transmission and reception, and gives the O.C. transformer singular importance in the study of Dr. Tesla's research.
Fundamentals of Coil Induction
Consider the elemental slice of a coil shown in fig. 1. Between the turns 1, 2 & 3 of the coiled conductor exists a complex electric wave consisting of two basic components. In one component (fig. 2), the lines of magnetic and dielectric flux cross at right angles, producing a photon flux perpendicular to these crossings, hereby propagating energy along the gap, parallel to the conductors and around the coil. This is the transverse electro-magnetic wave. In the other component, shown in fig. 3, the lines of magnetic flux do not cross but unite along the same axis, perpendicular to the coil conductors, hereby energy is conveyed along the coil axis. This is the Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric Wave.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Hence, two distinct forms of energy flow are present in the coiled conductor, propagating at right angles with respect to each other, as shown in fig. 4. Hereby a resultant wave is produced which propagates around the coil in a helical fashion, leading the transverse wave between the conductors. Thus the oscillating coil posses a complex wavelength which is shorter than the wavelength of the coiled conductor.
Coil Calculation
If the assumptions are made that an alternating current is applied to one end of the coil, the other end of the coil is open circuited, any additional external inductance and capacitance must be taken into account, then simple formulae may be derived for a single layer solenoid.
The well known formula for the total inductance of a single layer solenoid is
r is coil Radius
l is coil length
N is number of turns
Figure 3
The capacitance of a single layer solenoid is given by the formula
where the factor p is a function of the length to diameter ratio, tabulated in table 1. The dimensions of the coil are shown in fig. 1. The capacitance is minimum when length to diameter ratio is equal to one.
Because the coil is assumed to be in oscillation with a standing wave, the current distribution along the coil is not uniform, but varies sinusoidally with respect to distance along the coil. This alters the results obtained by equation (1), thus for resonance
likewise, for capacitance
Hereby the velocity of propagation is given by
That is, the velocity of light, and
Where n equals the ratio of coil length to coil diameter. The values of propagation factor η are tabulated in table 2.
Thus, the frequency of oscillation or resonance of the coil is given by the relation
Where L(sub)0 equals total length of the coiled conductor in inches.
The characteristic impedance of the resonant coil is given by
and N equals number of turns. The values of sheet impedance, Z(sub)s, are tabulated in table (3).
The time constant of the coil, that is, the rate of energy dissipation due to coil resistance is given by the approximate formula
r = coil radius
l = coil length
In general, the dissipation of the coil's oscillating energy by conductor resistance:
Decreases with increase of coil diameter, d;
Decreases with increase of coil length, l, rapidly when the ratio, n, of length to diameter is small with little decrease beyond n=1
Is minimum when the ratio of wire diameter to coil pitch is 60%.
By examination of the attached tables, 1, 2 & 3, it is seen that the long coils of popular designs do not result in optimum performance. In general, coils should be short and wide, and not longer than n=1. The frequency is usually given as F(sub)0=V(sub)c/λ(sub)0 which by equation (7) is incorrect. Winding on solid or continuous formers rather than spaced slender rods, as shown in fig. 1, greatly retards wave propagation as indicated in equation (6), thereby seriously distorting the wave. The dielectric constant of the coil, ε, should be as close to unity as is physically possible to insure high efficiency of transformation.
The equations for the volt-ampere relations of the oscillating coil are
For negligible losses and absolute values
By the law of conservation of energy
If the terminal capacitance is small, then the approximate input/output relations of the Tesla coil are given by
NOTE: Mr. Dollard has stated that there are errors in the above tables 1-3 so bear this in mind.
Notes to the reader this was a much larger project than anticipated so I will update this periodically for the equations, lists and tables left out. Also being such a large volume there are bound to be error so please let me know and I will correct them ASAP. (On a side note, its quite an annoyance posting this in web friendly formatting)
the dude
Because of the nature of the thread that you posted this in, I am assuming that the statement is in regards to parameter variation. I am curious about the context of really in the bolded portion of this quote. Even though I will be operating in the lower frequency range, are you saying that I will probably not get results from using a conventional transformer configuration that we spoke about on the phone and is posted in the following picture?
Or was that quote just to convey to the experimenter that they will need to find non-conventional materials to use if trying to get into parameter variation at high frequencies for the production of more Plancks?
Hi Dave and all,
I was also interested in the ferrite core comment in regards to inductive parameter variation. Some of Armagdns advice finally sunk into my pea sized brain and I wound a small toroidal transformer from scratch, placing 10 turns around the circumference before winding the secondary in the usual fashion. I commend you on your own build, I'm looking forward to what you come up with. I know it ain't easy getting stuff done on a shoestring budget. I've taken to roaming the streets collecting all the electrical junk people throw out for council pickup and taking it home to salvage parts for use and for scrap. @ 80 cents a kilo for transformers and motors it takes a fair weight before you get any significant funds from the recyclers but it's better than nothing.
In my travels I recently came across some audio equipment which netted a transformer I haven't come across before. I believe it may be similar to what Eric described in his post. It is a round core shaped in a rectangle with rounded edges. What I found interesting was the method of construction of the core itself. It seems to be made of fine (steel?) laminations, the first layer very thin in width and each layer progressively thicker till it reaches the center of the core then the reverse, giving the rounded effect to the core. Was a real dog to get out, covered in resin and plastic. I'm still trying to get the windings off to see if it is split in half or if it is one solid piece. It's probably old hat to the veterans here, but it was new to me and seemed to fit the description Eric wrote about. I will post a picture if anyone is interested.
I really hope this thread doesn't turn into a ****fight, it is one of the few places left on the Internet I look forward to visiting, and revisiting. I'd like to make a small donation to Eric when I get home. It won't be much but every dollar counts. I really do appreciate all he has shared here. It takes guts to do what he has done despite all the **** that has come his way because of it.
Im happy to see people alot more knowledgeable are digesting this information and are attempting to put it into practice. I don't expect anything amazing from my own efforts, lacking the complete understanding of what is really going on here, but it's fun to try. Every now and then something sinks in and progress is made.
"Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson
There won't be a fight because I hereby apologize for my anger and my lack of control in the way I dealt with that anger. I got mad at something Eric did with probably the best of intentions and I do apologize for that Eric. and @ALL
I hope you continue to share openly, your knowledge. I won't be inhabiting this thread or the Capacitance thread until such time the focus has passed from the narrow range now being studied. Only because I have no interest in the math and theory, but in the practical application of that math and theory. It is not that I am too stupid to follow, but I really don't have the time or inclination to follow it. I leave that to others so inclined.
Having said that, I would like to make one suggestion as a possibility. I'm not sure how many people are interested in the TMT or if even if the TMT is the main subject of interest but it would seem to me that instead of 20 people building the same coil, perhaps if the current benefactor has a video camera; Eric could himself build a coil with full video documentation. This coil could be sent to someone trusted here for testing, replication, distribution, etc... What better than a video of the master himself assembling the coil. That is something I would be willing to make a donation to see. Daily videos could be put up on YouTube for all to see. Just another crazy idea I had. The first $100 is on me if there are others so inclined and if Eric and his benefactor accepts this idea. Video lectures and video responses and questions....just a better media than no face and all paper.
Ultimately what I put on here is for the silent majority, not useless or petty bickering. Remember, you must have a government license to transmit radio frequency energy(as in a Wireless Tesla Transmitter). Also, misshandling the device may end up burning out your neighbor's digital equipment. Or your own. These are not toys, and one part of the silent majority gleans these forums for information to make weapons against us (Corums).
While we all hope to see you here, perhaps from time to time Eric, the material you have presented here on the Energetic Forum is absolutely priceless.
With further time (and experimentation) it will all be show to be true. The many, many pages on the fundamentals of Electricity, Dimensionality, Space, Time, Dielectricity and Magnetism and of course the NFG fun will be studied and referenced for years to come, by people around the globe.
As I said in an earlier post, "history is happening right here"! That statement was indeed true.
Thank you Eric Dollard!
By the way,
I have always loved the picture attached, It shows Eric Dollard in "full flight" and with fire in your eyes! (Perhaps hair a little darker too) hehe.
It looks like to me that it's a "Balanced" TMT coil type device. Single loop primary, heavy secondary coils and the extra coils on each end. Perhaps it's the same one as on the inside cover of "Introduction to Tesla Transformers"?
What can you tell us about that TMT coil, the photo and presentation itself?
What about the power supply circuit?
I was also interested in the ferrite core comment in regards to inductive parameter variation. Some of Armagdns advice finally sunk into my pea sized brain and I wound a small toroidal transformer from scratch, placing 10 turns around the circumference before winding the secondary in the usual fashion. I commend you on your own build, I'm looking forward to what you come up with. I know it ain't easy getting stuff done on a shoestring budget. I've taken to roaming the streets collecting all the electrical junk people throw out for council pickup and taking it home to salvage parts for use and for scrap. @ 80 cents a kilo for transformers and motors it takes a fair weight before you get any significant funds from the recyclers but it's better than nothing.
In my travels I recently came across some audio equipment which netted a transformer I haven't come across before. I believe it may be similar to what Eric described in his post. It is a round core shaped in a rectangle with rounded edges. What I found interesting was the method of construction of the core itself. It seems to be made of fine (steel?) laminations, the first layer very thin in width and each layer progressively thicker till it reaches the center of the core then the reverse, giving the rounded effect to the core. Was a real dog to get out, covered in resin and plastic. I'm still trying to get the windings off to see if it is split in half or if it is one solid piece. It's probably old hat to the veterans here, but it was new to me and seemed to fit the description Eric wrote about. I will post a picture if anyone is interested.
Eric relayed the following to me:
You've got something special with those laminations in the transformer, something different than normal. Try to make some diagrams and pictures if you can.
If I were to do it, I would not use ferrite no.
Alexanderson lays it out in his patents. Need a certain amount of oxidation on the core laminations. Bake laminations and cook them to get a certain amount of oxidation. Check out the patents for more details. That's one idea.
Navy uses alloyed permeable metal tape. Some examples: permavar umetel tape. The phone company uses very fine wire instead of ferrite. The iron wire must be at 90 degrees to the copper windings. If it is used as an inductor you want to put a cut or slit in the iron core windings so current doesn't flow. If it is a transformer you want to saturate the core so don't put a slit. With a magamp you want the core to be saturated, ferrite kind of defeats this. Ferrite is a bunch of separate particles in the core that can't conduct electrically with each other so saturation is difficult. Kind of like an air core.
You want electrical conductivity in the same versor axis as magnetic inductivity(flux). But the current in the windings flow 90 degrees to the magnetism flowing in the iron. Right angles to each other. Space Quadrature. While there is actually no current flow in the conductivity of the core, it seems to be a necessity. This may or may not be important with the magamp. However, don't take my word or theory as a final say on it. Experimentation is necessary. It is possible ferrite may work, so far it is unknown. You must find out for yourself.