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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • Raui
    Originally posted by Web000x View Post
    I understand your method. My bad on the confusion.

    I'm sick of trying to tame high voltages for parameter variation using a Joseph Hiddink capacity changer. Magnetism is the next step...

    Have you determined a good start for a core material?

    You'd be after a core material with a very steep B/H curve so a mag-amp core would be the most ideal. From what I've seen they are pretty expensive though. Here is a link to one; MAGAMP - Square Loop Cores

    Good to hear from you again Eric. I've got nothing to really add to the discussion yet, I'm busily reading Man or Matter and I highly recommend it. Electromagnetic Induction is next on my list.

    All, I've added some more documents to my references list ( including Electromagnetic Induction.


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  • garrettm4
    Correction on Design and Use of a Switched Capacitor

    I would like to add a correction to my approach in the design of a synchronous parametric generator. The concept of charging in parallel and discharge in series is an interesting topic which can be debated in many ways, the concept I have come to see as being the most useful, is the exact opposite of the above, or charging in series and discharge in parallel. As many have pointed out, if you do the math on a switched capacitor you will see that the energy in terms of work is equal any way you do it, series/charge parallel/discharge or parallel/charge series/discharge. This fact comes from the inability to change the total value of capacitance to such a value that will be useful, i.e. if two 30uf are used, you will have 60uf in parallel and 15uf in series, both will yield equivalent "work". A rotary or spring type or even one akin to a MagAmp, if it existed, as others have described and debated, would be able to have a capacity change that would actually be useful.

    With that said, I have come to realize the flaw in my current understanding, and would like to describe, what I believe, a useful situation a switched capacitance can provide. In a parametric oscillator, if you have an inductance that can change to two values that are not in the relationship of La=(Lb/2), it is possible to get one resonant frequency in the parametric oscillator with a switched capacitor (something not possible with a static capacitor). If for instance the switched capacitor has the values of Ca=60uf parallel/discharge, Cb=15uf series/charge (from two separate 30uf caps) and we have variable inductor values of La=0.1173h charge and Lb=0.4691h, discharge, and the oscillatory frequency of the system is 60 cycles per second, you will find that the discharge of Lb into Cb and Ca into La are of the same resonant frequency whereby the impedance of both dynamic values of L & C are matched and current into the inductor will rise exponentially as a result of the capacitors translating the excess energy of the MagAMP from a voltage E (EMF) to a current I (Displacement Current).

    On their own, switched capacitors aren't terribly useful, but, when used in an appropriate system to match the RESONANT FREQUENCY of both storage components, you can facilitate the energy translation, here given, it can be a useful tool.

    Garrett M
    Last edited by garrettm4; 01-11-2012, 11:10 PM.

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  • LtBolo
    @Garrett M

    Many pages back in this thread, we demonstrated a rotary inductive parameter change device and found that it clearly worked as described in the Russian article. As with their device, we found that the drive motor was being loaded consistent with the increase in output power. It was very obvious that one could create power without any form of rotating magnetic field, but it was also obvious that wasn't going to exceed unity.

    That pushed us toward considering other designs that might alter inductance or capacitance in such a way as to not require a mechanical force. We had a number of ideas, but had largely lost confidence in the concept and did not pursue them further.

    Admittedly I have not studied your design in detail yet, but something you said caught my eye. Yes, these things do ramp up rather quickly, and when not properly regulated, they will summarily eat themselves. In the case of what we did, the regulation came in the form of loading the motor down, so nothing ever ramped to destruction. If one ever did find the real OU solution, regulation would be a must, and yes it would take a micro to handle it.

    I would certainly love to hear more about your test experience.
    Last edited by LtBolo; 08-23-2011, 02:12 AM.

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  • vrand
    Originally posted by T-rex View Post
    Hello All,

    Continuing with the concept of the variation of a quantity (or dimension) with respect to time (another dimension). We may say then we are talking about a RATIO of a physical dimension to a metrical dimension. Previously given, the ratio of a physical dimension, the Planck Q to a metrical dimension the time t gives then the dimensional relation of energy W. Then from the Newton-Liebnitz concept we say delta Q over delta t equals W, that is, the first order time derivative of electrification Q equals the energy W. Now the Einsteiner says the inverse, and that is, the time integral of W, the energy, over time interval t’ to t” is the electrification Q. This is to say Q is the PRODUCT of the energy W and the time interval T. W times T equals Q. This is backward-ass, thereby occluding the interrelationships of these three distinct relationships.

    Further, hit your erase button on the gibberish of 1, 2, or 3 dimensional space, there is only ONE DIMENSION OF SPACE – SPACE! Coordinates are NOT dimensions. Example, the volume of a cylinder can be expressed in TWO terms, height and circumference. So where is the third “dimension”, erased?

    Continuing then it has been given that the total electrification Q is the union, or product, of the total dielectric induction Psi and the total magnetic induction Phi, Psi times Phi equals Q. In other words, the dimensional relationship Q, the total electrification, is the product of the dimension of total dielectric induction Psi, and the dimension of total magnetic induction Phi. Hence we have FOUR primary dimensions in electrical engineering. These are
    1) Time 3) Dielectricity
    2) Space 4) Magnetism

    Every other relation, quantity, or expression, Volt, Amp, Ohm, etc. is derived from these FOUR dimensions. Time and Space are the metrical dimensions, Dielectricity and Magnetism are the physical dimensions. It is that basic! We are now prepared to move forward in our effort to stop being parrots.

    Break – more to follow DE N6KPH
    Hi Eric!

    Keep it coming!

    Here is one of your Classic Borderland Research videos that I just found today!

    Free Energy Research with Eric Dollard, Peter Lindemann and Thomas Brown on Vimeo

    Free Energy Research with Eric Dollard, Peter Lindemann and Thomas Brown

    Classic borderland labs video from 1987.

    Eric Dollard gives a demonstration of the two sides of electricity, the decaying electromagnetic side and the growing dielectric side, and shows his singing Tesla coil burning Golden Ratio patterns into wood.

    Peter Lindemann demonstrates his Rotating Parametric Transformer operating at 108% efficiency. Shows an Alternating Current N-Machine provciding the researcher with AC waveforms directly extracted from space.

    Amazing science from the golden days of borderland research!
    The Alternating Current N-Machine looked promising, was it ever developed or found to be over-unity?

    Cheers Mike
    Last edited by vrand; 08-22-2011, 11:33 PM.

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  • t-rex
    Continuing with Variation of a Dimension with Respect to Time

    Hello All,

    Continuing with the concept of the variation of a quantity (or dimension) with respect to time (another dimension). We may say then we are talking about a RATIO of a physical dimension to a metrical dimension. Previously given, the ratio of a physical dimension, the Planck Q to a metrical dimension the time t gives then the dimensional relation of energy W. Then from the Newton-Liebnitz concept we say delta Q over delta t equals W, that is, the first order time derivative of electrification Q equals the energy W. Now the Einsteiner says the inverse, and that is, the time integral of W, the energy, over time interval t’ to t” is the electrification Q. This is to say Q is the PRODUCT of the energy W and the time interval T. W times T equals Q. This is backward-ass, thereby occluding the interrelationships of these three distinct relationships.

    Further, hit your erase button on the gibberish of 1, 2, or 3 dimensional space, there is only ONE DIMENSION OF SPACE – SPACE! Coordinates are NOT dimensions. Example, the volume of a cylinder can be expressed in TWO terms, height and circumference. So where is the third “dimension”, erased?

    Continuing then it has been given that the total electrification Q is the union, or product, of the total dielectric induction Psi and the total magnetic induction Phi, Psi times Phi equals Q. In other words, the dimensional relationship Q, the total electrification, is the product of the dimension of total dielectric induction Psi, and the dimension of total magnetic induction Phi. Hence we have FOUR primary dimensions in electrical engineering. These are
    1) Time 3) Dielectricity
    2) Space 4) Magnetism

    Every other relation, quantity, or expression, Volt, Amp, Ohm, etc. is derived from these FOUR dimensions. Time and Space are the metrical dimensions, Dielectricity and Magnetism are the physical dimensions. It is that basic! We are now prepared to move forward in our effort to stop being parrots.

    Break – more to follow DE N6KPH

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  • Web000x
    I understand your method. My bad on the confusion.

    I'm sick of trying to tame high voltages for parameter variation using a Joseph Hiddink capacity changer. Magnetism is the next step...

    Have you determined a good start for a core material?


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  • garrettm4
    Swithced Capacitor

    Originally posted by Web000x View Post
    Do you have any test data from the circuit?

    I understand the possibility of using the Magamp to vary the inductance successfully, but do you really think that using two static caps being switched in and out of position will really work as a true capacity parameter variation?

    I have yet to do any extensive analyzing of the numbers, but from all of the math that I've worked with in the "Charge Conserving Capacitive Spring" thread suggests that you actually need to move capacitor plates in order to produce the effect that we are looking for.

    In my view, which to some may seen crazy, it is the method of the implementation of any one thing that makes it useful, or in other words, it is how you use it and in what context. The two capacitors in series/charge, and parallel/discharge, is only used to lower the voltage of the design and raise the current of the variable inductor, but needs to be matched to the proper natural impedance or natural admittance of the circuit so as to be able to transfer the excess work of the variable inductance.

    On a side note, the method of two capacitors, parallel/charge series/discharge, isn't very useful for charging batteries from my experience, although I have seen some strange effects, the battery will charge extremely fast after having been completely discharged in a sudo-"Tesla Switch" oscillator (described by "Bill & Ray" on one of Bill Jenkins radio broadcasts), as opposed to being discharged normally in a resistive load and then charged. So the thoughts of a battery as a giant electrolytic capacitor come to my mind and lines of dielectric force to describe why that the above use or method is quite a poor implementation. In my view, dielectric lines of force want to "move" into something like an inductor and thus a translation of energy takes place. John Bedini's battery charging method comes to mind although it is used in a different context, the thought can be retained of impedance matching and the use of one type of energy to generate another type, dielectric to magnetic and vice versa (if the idea of a battery as a giant electrolytic capacitor is used).

    The point being, the circuit I gave was in a unique situation where there is a resonant tank shuttling energy across one storage element to another fed by a unique source (switched battery bank) that is able to absorb and store excess energy, if present. If the parametric variation is disabled or turned off the the LC tank will still build a high resonant current and voltage across its-self (but to the source seem as an infinite resistance, if it has a high Q), and if you modulate the right parameter at the right time, it is theoretically possible to get excess work but that doesn't mean the resistive load you hook up will use it properly. So the difference in my implementation is use of the switched capacitor merely as a means of translating the excess work of the variable inductor to match a single resonant frequency as opposed to two resonant frequencies from one value of capacity. The use of the unique transistor configuration (known as a solid state relay) is from the fact that a single transistor transfers power uni-directionally and not bidirectionally as would be required to transfer the excess energy back to the source, if present.

    Now, I can say that I do think it is possible, under the right context of use, to use a switched capacitor and have a successful result. With out belaboring the issue, you will only know if you try, theory helps but doesn't dictate reality, and sometimes reality is quite harsh.

    Please read "Correction on Design and Use of a Switched Capacitor" I posted below for a update to this general Idea

    Garrett M
    Last edited by garrettm4; 01-12-2012, 01:13 AM.

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  • dharma-practitioner
    Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
    For those who would like to know how I constructed my solid-state SPV generator take a glance at the circuit diagram:

    Note that if you can get one of these devices to work, they simply self destruct within a few seconds of operation, if you loop the two equations above you will see a exponential rise in oscillatory energy.
    What is this Special SSR that you speak of?. I hope to find it so that I can replicate your circuit and put up a yotube.

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  • garrettm4
    Graphing of Sine Waves

    To assist anyone who would like to graph these waveforms for further study I copied some of my notes on the graphing of sine wave in radians:

    The above notes are intended to help anyone who didn't know how to graph a wave with dc offset or phase angle relations and are not meant to be a all in one source on the subject.

    I hope someone finds them useful.

    Garrett M
    Last edited by garrettm4; 01-12-2012, 12:42 AM.

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  • Web000x
    Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
    For those who would like to know how I constructed my solid-state SPV generator take a glance at the circuit diagram:

    While there are many improvement to make, the basic design does works, although it is a bit complex to control all the switching elements.

    Some insight into how and when the switching should take place consider the diagram below:

    (This diagram was made with Microsoft Mathematics for those who would like to graph the waves under study, I have the worksheet saved if anyone wants it)

    The, 2x frequency, blue square wave shown is one of the control signals for the circuit and for the sake of discourse we will say it controls the MagAMP in the above circuit diagram. The green sine wave is that of voltage and is in a quadrature relationship with the purple sine wave of current and the black, 2x frequency, is that of power, something that will interest you is that the power waveform goes into both the top and bottom half of the graph, this represents reactive power or a surging to and fro of stored and returned energy. Something to take note of, is if, the black waveform is on one side or the other, top or bottom of graph with respect to the x axis, this would mean unilateral transfer of power is taking place, or simply power dissipating into a load. Dependent upon the actions taking place in the circuit, the power waveform can be any place between the two points of top/bottom or in between. Thus you could see in a device that returns more power than it consumes, such as in the circuit above, that the power wave form will be smaller on top and bigger down below where it is situated on the x axis. Thus the source input becomes a load and the load now a source. The understanding that power is a cross product of voltage and current, with phase angle taken into account, and the direction it flows is fundamental in making one of these devices work. Now back to the blue control waveform as seen above, the current pulsed into the control winding of the MagAMP controls its relative saturation or capacity at any one moment in time. Thus you would saturate the core from the zero crossing / rise to peak portion of the purple wave and desaturate at the peak to fall / zero crossing portion. Thus inductance changed from L0, low inductance to L1, high inductance at the proper times. As for the switched capacitor as can be seen in the circuit above, you would have a separate control signal that would be out of phase with the one controlling the inductance. Thus the capacitance would go from CO, large value from zero crossing/ rise to peak and to C1, small value at peak to fall / zero crossing.

    What you will notice is that there will be two resonant frequencies C1 & L0 and L1 & C0. Caused from C1 discharging into L0 and L1 discharging into C0.

    Take into consideration the following equations:

    The first one shows the discharge of C1 into L0 with currentA and voltageB and the other shows L1 discharge into C0 at currentA and voltageA, this caused from the fact that current remained the same during the point of parameter change for inductance but voltage changed because both capacitors are now in parallel. With the law of conservation of energy taken into mind, these equations state, that the maximum energy stored could only be that of the source energy, or L1 for C0 and C1 for L0. Thus excess energy can only come from the parameter change and nothing else.

    Note that if you can get one of these devices to work, they simply self destruct within a few seconds of operation, if you loop the two equations above you will see a exponential rise in oscillatory energy. Thus you need to properly load the circuit to remove the excess energy from the oscillatory system. The concept of positive feedback to build the oscillations and a negative feedback mechanism to control the magnitude of the output comes to mind. The best method would be to alter the phase angles of the control circuits and not their frequency so as to slightly alter where on the curves of the voltage and current you choose to change your parameter. So a microcontroller could, with some hard work, tame the circuit, at least in principle.
    Do you have any test data from the circuit?

    I understand the possibility of using the Magamp to vary the inductance successfully, but do you really think that using two static caps being switched in and out of position will really work as a true capacity parameter variation?

    I have yet to do any extensive analyzing of the numbers, but from all of the math that I've worked with in the "Charge Conserving Capacitive Spring" thread suggests that you actually need to move capacitor plates in order to produce the effect that we are looking for.

    Last edited by Web000x; 08-21-2011, 03:28 PM.

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  • garrettm4
    Solid-State SPV Generator Design

    For those who would like to know how I constructed my solid-state SPV generator take a glance at the circuit diagram:

    While there are many improvement to make, the basic design does work, although it is a bit complex to control all the switching elements.

    Some insight into how and when the switching should take place consider the diagram below:

    This was graphed with Microsoft Mathematics for help on graphing this problem see "Graphing Syntax of Sine Waves"

    The, 2x frequency, Blue-square-wave shown is one of the control signals for the circuit, it controls the operation of the Magnetic Amplifier (MagAMP) in the above circuit diagram. The Green-sine-wave is that of Voltage and is in a quadrature relation with the Purple-sine-wave of Current, this quadrature relation is the natural result (waveform) of circuits with large amounts of SELF-INDUCTION (L & C). The 2x frequency Black-sine-wave, is that of Power, something of interest, is that if the Power-waveform goes into both the top and bottom half of the graph, this represents Reactive Power or a surging to and fro of stored and returned energy. Something to take note of, is if, the Black-waveform is on one side or the other, top or bottom of graph with respect to the x axis, this would mean a unidirectional transfer of Power is taking place, or simply Active Power dissipating into a Load or Power transferred via Mutual-Induction. Dependent upon the actions taking place in the circuit, the Power-waveform can be any place along the y axis with respect to the x axis, the specific placement of this waveform dictates the magnitudes of the Active, Reactive, & Vector Power of the circuit. Thus you could see in a device that returns more Power than it consumes, such as in the circuit above, that the Power-waveform will be smaller on top and bigger down below where it is situated on the x axis. Thus the Source input becomes a quasi-load and the Load now a quasi-source. The understanding that Power is a product of Voltage & Current (with their phase angle taken into account) and the direction of its flow is fundamental in making one of these devices work. Back to the Blue control waveform, as seen above, the Current pulsed into the control winding of the MagAMP controls the relative-saturation or "inductive capacity" at any one moment in time. Thus you would saturate the core during the zero-crossing & rise-to-peak portion of the Purple-sine-wave and desaturate during the peak-to-fall & zero-crossing portion. Thus the inductance changed from L0 (low inductance) to L1 (high inductance) at the proper times. As for the switched capacitor, as can be seen in the circuit above, you would have a separate control signal that would be out-of-phase with the one controlling the inductance. Thus the capacitance would be C0 (large capacity) from zero-crossing & rise-to-peak and change to C1 (small capacity) during the peak-to-fall & zero-crossing.

    An excellent resource for more study on this topic:
    E. P. Dollard - Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves [1985]

    What you will notice is that there will be two resonant frequencies C1 & L0 and L1 & C0. Caused from C1 discharging into L0 and L1 discharging into C0.

    Take into consideration the following equations:

    Correction: The big E, electromotive force, should be shown as little e, electrostatic potential!

    The first one shows the discharge of C1 into L0 with currentA and voltageB and the other shows L1 discharge into C0 at currentA and voltageA, this is caused from the fact that current remained the same during the point of parameter change for inductance but voltage changes at parameter change because both capacitors are either in series, voltageB or in parallel, voltageA. With the law of conservation of energy taken into mind, these equations state, that the maximum energy stored could only be that of the source energy, or L1 for C0 and C1 for L0. Thus excess energy can only come from the parameter change of inductance, for the above circuit, and nothing else, seeing as how a "normal switched capacitor" doesn't have useful parameter change values, C0 & C1, for production of extra work. For further discussion on this issue read the references listed at the bottom.

    Note that if you can get one of these devices to work, they simply self destruct within a few seconds of operation, if you loop the two equations above you will see a exponential rise in oscillatory energy. Thus you need to properly load the circuit to remove the excess energy from the oscillatory system. The concept of positive feedback to build the oscillations and a negative feedback mechanism to control the magnitude of the output comes to mind. The best method would be to alter the phase angles of the control circuits and not their frequency so as to slightly alter where on the curves of the voltage and current you choose to change your parameter. So a microcontroller could, with some hard work, tame the circuit, at least in principle.

    Errata present in the above, PLEASE READ:

    "Switched Capacitor"


    "Correction on Design and Use of a Switched Capacitor"

    These are posted below as updates, with some corrections, to this topic.

    Garrett M
    Last edited by garrettm4; 01-12-2012, 07:53 PM.

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  • Raui
    If anybody is interested in the document I believe Eric is talking about when he talks about Oliver Heaviside's "Electromagnetic Induction" you can find it in Electrical Papers vol 1 and 2 which are available freely here;
    Electrical papers : Heaviside, Oliver, 1850-1925 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
    Electrical papers : Heaviside, Oliver, 1850-1925 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

    I am in the process of splitting the documents and combining all the Electromagnetic Induction papers into one file. At the moment though it's 110mb so when I find a way to shrink it substantially I'll upload it.


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  • 7imix
    garrettm4, thank you for those posts. Lots of extremely good information in there, especially about changing the permeability of a core with a control winding. I will have to think long and hard about that.

    Ras, about Bach, here is a quote from "Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave" which may be helpful, from page 52:

    This multiplication, or modulation, of one wave by another wave of the same number of divisions produces what may be called canonic electric waves, after the process in music where one melody is combined with itself delayed by a given number of divisions of the measure, producing harmony by interference with itself.
    Canon (music) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Last edited by 7imix; 08-21-2011, 07:28 AM. Reason: add link to wikipedia page

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  • garrettm4
    For those who don't believe that the aluminum disk changed the parameter of reluctance take into consideration that:

    No mutual attraction or repulsion between two bodies can result from flux lines of a magnetic-field unless each body has an independent magnetic-field. In other words, a magnetic field can only produce a force against another magnetic-field or a “magnetized body” can only exert force against another “magnetized body”. Therefore any interaction a non-magnetized body displays in a magnetic-field is from an induced magnetic-field around the body. The Induced magnetic-field is caused by two distinct phenomena, one from the magnetic lines of force “cutting” all conducting surfaces in the field, indirectly causing electric currents, the other, by the magnetic lines of force passing through all materials in the field, causing polarization of the materials (magnetization).

    Thus the flux lines of the magnetic-field were repelled by the induced field of the aluminum and pass around rather than through, thereby changing the length of the magnetic path.

    Back to the topic of how to change the inductance of an inductor by changing only its internal factors rather than physical ones. A possible solution to the problem can be seen in the form of controlling the properties of the area in which the the magnetic-field encloses. Thus the shape of the iron core and the use of its shape to control the length of the magnetic path or alternatively the overall storage capacity or relative permeability. If we follow what the Russians did, we would change the length of the path periodically. A common core design that uses changing lengths of a magnetic path is that of a ferro-resonant transformer, an "off the shelf" part that can easily be put to use. The use of a control winding that you short-out periodically is one way to use the ferro-resonant core design. Note, there are many draw backs to using a ferro-resonant transformer core but I won't get into them right now. A method of changing the relative permeability and not the length of the magnetic path, can be seen as an embodiment of the "magnetic amplifier" (amplifier as in a small force controlling a larger one) where you control the relative permeability or capacity by its overall state of magnetization (or saturation) with a control winding. In this case you would apply power to the control winding periodically to control the over all inductance. The shape of a simple "magamp" is that of the EI core were the control winding is wound around the center leg and the inductor winding go around the outer two legs. The specific details of its implementation are subject to personal choice, i.e. use of diodes and dc control or no diodes and ac control ect.

    The assumption, of the above designs, is that you are "modulating" a "carrier wave", or more simply you have power flowing though the variable inductors and are indirectly controlling the inductance at specific times (2x frequency of carrier wave) along the current and voltage quadrature-wave-forms, as apposed to directly switching the inductance.

    The point being that you don't have to commutate to change the in circuit inductance value. The information above is by no means complete or through and is just a rough place to start for those who would like to build a solid state variable inductor that doesn't destroy the control circuit.

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  • garrettm4
    Syncronous Parameter Variation of Inductance L

    Originally posted by 7imix View Post

    I think it is possible to reproduce the phenomena with solid-state components, but with much lower efficiency. Most solid state components will immediately be fried (I've fried tons) when switching an inductor with the change in voltage over time (dv/dt) required to produce the "opposite of dc" waveform, sharp impulses with a duty cycle as close to zero as practical. Components that are able to withstand the voltages required may not have the switching speeds needed to get close to the resonant frequency, much less the quarter wave. However components are continuing to improve and there may be a sweet spot of components -- a microcontroller, optocouplers or digital isolators, mosfet drivers and mosfets or IGBTs -- that will demonstrate the phenomena with less magnifying than the extremely high voltage spark gap setups.
    I have personally gotten a crude model of a synchronous parameter variation machine to work built using solid-state parts in a parallel capacitor/inductor configuration. I'll give more details in a bit, but first I want to talk about the problems encountered, why they happen and what to do about them.

    From an engineering point-of-view you never want to commutate an inductance because as you have stated above the magnitude of differential voltage per differential time is outside of the specifications of any and all solid-state parts.

    To help those who don't know why this takes place I have copied some more of my notes below on the subject:

    ... A constant quantity of current will hold a loop of force at a constant distance from the conductor passing the current, thus, no energy movement from expansion or contraction of the loop takes place. If the flow of current increases, energy is absorbed and stored by the field as the loops now push outward at a corresponding velocity. Because the energy is in motion an EMF must accompany the current flow in order for it to represent power or work. The magnitude of this EMF corresponds directly to the velocity of the field or the time-rate of expansion or collapse of the loops. If the current ceases to change in magnitude thereby becoming constant, no EMF accompanies it, as no power is being absorbed by the field or work being done. If the current decreases, this represents a negative velocity or collapse of the field whereby the loops contract. Because the EMF corresponds directly to the velocity of the magnetic-field, it reverses polarity, and thereby reverses power, whereby the stored energy now moves from the collapsing field back into the conducting wire by the action of “cutting”. Since no power is required to maintain a field, only current, the static or stationary field represents stored energy and an expansion or contraction of the field or loops can be seen as power or work...

    Note that in the most basic sense, inductors take a current and produce a voltage, so a rapidly collapsing magnetic-field converts the energy stored (((n*Phi*10^-8)/i)i^2)f/2 into a voltage to over come any resistance present so as to release its stored energy. If an "infinite resistance" is "seen" which happens during commutation be it mechanical or transistorized, huge transients of voltage occur from the very nature of the beast... the faster the flux lines "cut" the conducting wire the greater the voltage produced as per the law of electromagnetic induction.

    The point you will come to realize is that commutation is bad for transistors and also makes a lot of "electromagnetic noise" if mechanically done.

    The Solution to the problem of "well how do I change the total in circuit value of inductance dynamically" would be to actually look at what constitutes an inductance and change that instead of commutating two inductors or the number of windings on an inductor. So for all those who don't know what actually comprises inductance of an inductor, the most quintessential form of inductance is in the form of:
    (10^-8 is to give volts from flux lines one line is one maxwell and one hundred million or 10^8 lines is a weber, one weber per second is one volt)
    where phi is composed of:
    u= permeability of A
    H= magnetic-field intensity
    A= Cross-Section Area of the magnetic-field

    Or we now have:

    This formula can be arranged in many different forms, one of which, you will find of interest is the one, used by the Russians in their mechanical parametric apparatus and is of the form:

    where n is uniform number of turns and R is reluctance which is formulated as:
    R= l/uA
    l= length of magnetic path
    u= permeability of magnetic path
    A= cross-section area of magnetic path

    If you read what they wrote, the Russians found that in their rotary device that if permeability was used as the parameter for changing inductance that the device would not work, when they used iron to complete the magnetic path (magnetic path length remained the same). They then tested an aluminum disk having 7 blades and found the device would work. The reason I say they used reluctance is from the fact that, eddy currents generated by flux lines cutting the aluminum repelled the magnetic field making the magnetic path longer and shorter as it rotated in and out of the field, thus changing its inductance periodically.

    For those who don't believe that the aluminum disk changed the parameter of reluctance take into consideration that:

    No mutual attraction or repulsion between two bodies can result from flux lines of a magnetic-field unless each body has an independent magnetic-field. In other words, a magnetic field can only produce a force against another magnetic-field or a “magnetized body” can only exert force against another “magnetized body”. Therefore any interaction a non-magnetized body displays in a magnetic-field is from an induced magnetic-field around the body. The Induced magnetic-field is caused by two distinct phenomena, one from the magnetic lines of force “cutting” all conducting surfaces in the field, indirectly causing electric currents, the other, by the magnetic lines of force passing through all materials in the field, causing polarization of the materials (magnetization).

    Thus the flux lines of the magnetic-field were repelled by the induced field of the aluminum and pass around rather than through, thereby changing the length of the magnetic path. Here, a diamagnetic material such as pyrolitic-graphite or bismuth would be a better choice for the bladed disc used by the Russians. In theory, a non conductive or dielectric material that has diamagnetic properties or very very low permeability (lower than that of air) would be needed for maximum efficiency of design.

    As to the static approach of changing the magnitude of inductance without changing the number of wires or number of inductors or even the physical dimensions of the core. We have learned that inductance is a compound entity, we can change notably the length of its magnetic path, the permeability of the area enclosed by the magnetic field or our applied magnetomotive force or displacement current, the latter not so useful for these kind of devices.

    The solution is seen by changing only its internal factors rather than physical ones. One solution to the problem can be seen in the form of controlling the properties of the area in which the the magnetic-field encloses, thus the shape of the iron core and the use of its shape to control the length of the magnetic path or alternatively the overall storage capacity or relative permeability. If we follow what the Russians did, we would change the length of the path periodically. A common core design that uses changing lengths of a magnetic path is that of a ferro-resonant transformer, an "off the shelf" part that can easily be put to use. The use of a control winding that you short-out periodically is one way to use the ferro-resonant core design. Note, there are many draw backs to using a ferro-resonant transformer core but I won't get into them right now. A method of changing the relative permeability and not the length of the magnetic path, can be seen as an embodiment of the "magnetic amplifier" (amplifier as in a small force controlling a larger one) where you control the relative permeability or "inductive capacity" by its overall state of magnetization (or saturation) with a control winding. In this case you would apply power to the control winding periodically to control the over all inductance. The shape of a simple "magamp" is that of the "E-Core" where the control winding is wound around the center leg and the inductor windings go around the outer two legs. The specific details of its implementation are subject to personal choice, i.e. use of diodes and dc control or no diodes and ac control ect.

    The assumption of the above design, is that you are "modulating" a "carrier wave", or more simply you have power flowing though the variable inductors and are indirectly controlling the inductance at specific times (2x frequency of carrier wave) along the current and voltage quadrature-wave-forms, as apposed to directly switching the inductance.

    In closing, you don't have to commutate to change the in circuit inductance value. The information above is by no means complete or through and is just a rough place to start for those who would like to build a solid state variable inductor that doesn't destroy the control circuit.

    Please read my earlier post on permeability and what it does, this may assist in the understanding of the above work.

    Good luck,

    Garrett M
    Last edited by garrettm4; 02-22-2012, 05:01 AM.

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