Look, Eric,
My wife and I will gladly accomodate you as
a permanant guest without rent (NOT KIDDING !)
as long as you will take the time to show me
your thinking and methods on all matters asked !
I have heard tales of you living out of your car.
No humbling needed, no judgements made.
No announcement yet.
Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?
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Originally posted by pault View PostDoes anybody know where I could see (the missing) figures 1, 2 and 3 from this article (or describe them to me)?
Introduction to Dielectricity and Capacitance | Journal of Borderland Research
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Missing figures
Does anybody know where I could see (the missing) figures 1, 2 and 3 from this article (or describe them to me)?
Introduction to Dielectricity and Capacitance | Journal of Borderland Research
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Indeed, Eric as well as Nikola provided us with many insights. I am doing my best to understand them, and if I may say so myself, I do understand quite a lot of their achievements, at the very least the basic principles.
You may want to head over to the thread about Tesla's magnifying transmitter and read how that is actually supposed to work. I included many references to study and learn from. For that reason I also published Eric's books on my website in my archive: Directory contents of /pdf/
Originally posted by MJL View PostI believe Eric Dollard has already provided us with everything we need, its all there. He has made his contribution to humanity. That he was rewarded with the worst humankind has to offer is cruel irony. Walk in his footsteps, if you dare ….
As I said from my mobile above, both Dollard and Tesla provided us with everything we need, indeed. But you have to actually read their papers and books and try to understand them.
Everything I could get my hands on by Eric Dollard can be found at my server: Directory contents of /pdf/Eric_Dollard_Document_Collection/
I know these are still copyighted, but as far as I am aware, Eric doesn't mind this stuff being shared, as long as we're not trying to make money with his work. To me, it is an honor to be able to make these works available for all for free. I am very greatful for this information and I am trying to make them available in fully digitized form, starting with the Theory of Wirelss Power: Tuks DrippingPedia : Theory Of Wireless Power
I finished about 75% I guess, and added some further notes and reference you can follow for further information here and there.
I also made a page with Eric's post on this forum, enhanced with some links and pictures from a.o. the Rotary Electrostatic Converter built by Chris Carson:
Tuks DrippingPedia : Energetic Form Posts
And a link to a YT video with transcript on a lecture:
Tuks DrippingPedia : Sbarc Lecture
I also have some audio files with interviews with Eric:
Directory contents of /audio/Eric_Dollard/
If you want a quick intro into Tesla's Wireless Transmission system, you can read these posts, which draw very heavily on Nikola and Eric's work:
Oh, one more thing: If you are able and willing to help a hand with the digitizing process, or spot an error in the wiki, the password is the name of this forum, without the "forum" (and the "www / .com") and then a 3 for the second e. Especially the hand-written books are a lot of work to digitize (http://www.tuks.nl/pdf/Eric_Dollard_...%20Dollard.pdf and http://www.tuks.nl/pdf/Eric_Dollard_...%20Dollard.pdf ), because these will have to be done by hand. Fortunately, the wiki supports math using LaTeXMathML (which needs a plugin on Internet Explorer), but that also needs some getting used to. Some examples at: Tuks DrippingPedia : ASCII Math Sandbox.
Once the TOWP is finished, I will probably go for the condensed intro into Tesla coils, which I already ran trough the OCR reader: http://www.tuks.nl/pdf/Eric_Dollard_...esla_Coils.pdf - this is an older version, my current OCR version is finished including (most of?) the faster than light article. So, if someone is willing to add that to the wiki, please drop me a mail at lamare over at the gmail dot com domain and I will make the latest version of my digitizing efforts on that one available.Last edited by lamare; 07-13-2011, 08:22 AM. Reason: Added some links I was unable to add from my mobile.
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There are many of us out there with little but a basic understanding of electricity and attempting to read and understand much of the material that is required is far beyond me. Which saddens me, because I will still attempt it, but I know that it will be a long time before I understand it enough to build anything meaningful. And to me that is the problem.
There are so many of us who would build if we had a decent set of directions, but it seems that those who take the time to teach at my level are in it for all the wrong reasons. So many are out to sell information and make money. My hope is that some day, someone will appear who will take us step by step through the process of building something that will provide us with free energy. Some of you consider that spoon feeding. If I was the only one who wanted this technology, I would agree that I don't need or deserve to be spoon fed. But I think about the people who are too old to learn, like my parents. People who need this technology now, not in three years when I have finally figured out what Eric Dollard is talking about, if I ever do. People without adequate drinking water because they have no electricity to pump it. How do I explain to THEM why they have to wait? I know many of the people who have worked in the area of free energy have been mistreated. But there is mistreatment, and MISTREATMENT. There are children suffering and dying every day for want of clean water that this kind of technology could supply. Which brings me to my second problem. Do I spend what money I have trying to build things to solve this free energy puzzle or use that money to assist those so desperately in need? I try to do BOTH, and so I don't have all the money I need for experimenting. It's hard to spend money for coils of wire when you know children are dying of thirst. For those of you working so hard on the puzzle, and who are willing to share, I salute you all from the bottom of my heart. For those of you who have the answers, if you truly do, and do not share, how can you justify that at all? Ever? I certainly could not. Not even if I felt I had been mistreated. I might be bitter for the pain caused to myself and my family, but you only get one chance at this life to make a difference, and even if no one else ever knew the contribution I made, I would know. And for me that would be enough.
Sometimes you have to give a man a fish to keep him alive long enough to teach him to fish. Just my two cents.
Earlier in the thread Aaron talked about using pressed earth bricks for cheap home construction. Here is info on how to build your own machine to make the bricks. Thought some might be interested in that, and in the other machines you can build for a small community. CEB Press Intro - Open Source EcologyLast edited by Turion; 07-13-2011, 07:03 AM.
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Wisdom yes wisdom
Ah, a stroke of truth, Studiing and learning to study the correct information is the absolute right way to do it.
I am so behind and learning everything in such an abstract way. I find so many components of electricty handled and used in various ways; The math and higher math are huge steps beyond what I can organize mentally correctly. outstanding post MJL it will probably help Eric feel the contemporary love you speak of.
I do baby steps, compile notes from Erics videos. try to find similarities in what others have tought and are using that resemble the masters explanations and examples. Read Tesla and watch how others are applying potential, amperes, Freq, Disruptive discharges and the like, looking for similar longitudinal electric and hunting down and listening to anyone that uses Tesla's, and Erics enunciation of electrical terms. this tells me they are at least trying to immulate the best.
While keeping all of this giong in my mind I realize there is a huge amount of magic that is left to find.
Good luck everyone.
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I agree completely
Thank you for a very well thought out post. I agree completely with you.
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Originally posted by MJL View PostDisclaimer: Spelling mistakes, especially names, reflect my ignorance and laziness, which is total. Every word here is my heartfelt opinion. I make no claims as what is actually the case. Everything I know about Eric I have learned from watching in videos and reading his work. This means I know precisely nothing about the man himself, simply the little that has been recorded.
I found this forum after "Googling" Eric Dollard and finding this classic thread which featured both the man himself as well as Peter Lindeman. My heart aches at the inhumanity shown to Eric by various individuals and institutions. It mirrors the way Tesla was treated in his later years and I for one am appalled at the way humankind treats its great inventive minds. All that aside, I see a recurring theme in the posts whereby people both praise Eric and then implore him to impart some "knowledge", as though he is a lone flickering candle that will leave us in darkness once it extinguishes. The problem I have with this is people are not listening to what he is saying. Repeatedly in both the videos I've watched and the papers I've read, he has said that he learned everything from the prior masters...
“Well it all goes back; you got to go to the library. I can give you some names. Steinmetz, Kennelly, Heaviside, Maxwell, Faraday, Bueley. Ah lets see who else, a mathematician by the name McFarlane who worked out of Austin Texas. Those are pretty much it, you work with those guys, and do your basic studies you know learn the algebra and dimensionalities. Takes about fourteen/fifteen years…”
The implication is that if all the references, papers, patents, books and videos are still in existence, including all of the new material which Eric Dollard himself has contributed, then why are you asking him to spoon feed you? He spent years researching, experimenting, building his knowledge. Yes he probably has that "Genius" capacity, but to what extent does calling him a "genius" belittle his hard work? To what extent, does calling him a “genius” shut your own mind off to the possibility of understanding the phenomena as he does.
Any cursory examination of Tesla always emphasises his gifts, notably his enhanced capacity for visualisation. I remember reading an autobiographical piece written by Tesla from his earliest memories onwards. What struck me quite profoundly was not his “gifts” but his discipline and sheer propensity for hard work. He speaks about spending thirteen hours a day while at university in the library studying. I may be speaking out of hand but I believe anybody who expends such effort is going to develop a comprehensive understanding of that which they are studying. It is obvious this kind of work ethic remained with Tesla throughout his days.
Eric had the intuitive intelligence to cut through the bull**** that the rest of us muddle our minds with, and maybe one man in million ever has the chance to do such a thing … but he did it. His contribution is enormous, a new algebra for understanding the full range of electrical phenomena. You have found the master, now show the proper respect, by learning as much as possible about his work before asking obvious questions and wasting his time.
I resonate with the sentiment that we all feel toward Eric. It is composed of love, awe, sadness and hope. It is also intertwined with love for Tesla making it all the more. I myself am ashamed to admit I used to wish that Tesla had “done more”, leave a clue, bury a device in the desert, something to that effect. However impractical and improbable, the sentiment reflected is that the “knowledge” is "lost forever" and only such a scenario would see it found again ...
I see the same sentiment reflected in posts written here and elsewhere on the internet.
Stop begging, regain your dignity. If the knowledge was discovered once it stands to reason it can be found again. I believe Eric Dollard does not want students, he wants contemporaries, people with a competent understanding of electrical concepts that can also contribute to the knowledge.
This brings me to what I guess is the main point of my thesis-in-post-form. Some of us must seem to Eric, as Edison seemed to Tesla. Brute force experimenters without enough basic understanding of the phenomena we are playing with. Its easy to just pick up some electrical components and start piecing them together. It takes discipline to sit down and learn equations, and do all the “boring” stuff which is so crucial to having a true understanding of the phenomena. We want Eric to dazzle us with his hard earned “knowledge” rather than learning the math properly ourselves.
I believe Eric Dollard has already provided us with everything we need, its all there. He has made his contribution to humanity. That he was rewarded with the worst humankind has to offer is cruel irony. Walk in his footsteps, if you dare ….
Postscript: It occurs to me that while I’m talking about Eric, he might in fact, by chance, read this. To you Sir, I say simply, “Amazing” and “Thank You”
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My Thoughts about Eric P. Dollard
Disclaimer: Spelling mistakes, especially names, reflect my ignorance and laziness, which is total. Every word here is my heartfelt opinion. I make no claims as what is actually the case. Everything I know about Eric I have learned from watching in videos and reading his work. This means I know precisely nothing about the man himself, simply the little that has been recorded.
I found this forum after "Googling" Eric Dollard and finding this classic thread which featured both the man himself as well as Peter Lindeman. My heart aches at the inhumanity shown to Eric by various individuals and institutions. It mirrors the way Tesla was treated in his later years and I for one am appalled at the way humankind treats its great inventive minds. All that aside, I see a recurring theme in the posts whereby people both praise Eric and then implore him to impart some "knowledge", as though he is a lone flickering candle that will leave us in darkness once it extinguishes. The problem I have with this is people are not listening to what he is saying. Repeatedly in both the videos I've watched and the papers I've read, he has said that he learned everything from the prior masters...
“Well it all goes back; you got to go to the library. I can give you some names. Steinmetz, Kennelly, Heaviside, Maxwell, Faraday, Bueley. Ah lets see who else, a mathematician by the name McFarlane who worked out of Austin Texas. Those are pretty much it, you work with those guys, and do your basic studies you know learn the algebra and dimensionalities. Takes about fourteen/fifteen years…”
The implication is that if all the references, papers, patents, books and videos are still in existence, including all of the new material which Eric Dollard himself has contributed, then why are you asking him to spoon feed you? He spent years researching, experimenting, building his knowledge. Yes he probably has that "Genius" capacity, but to what extent does calling him a "genius" belittle his hard work? To what extent, does calling him a “genius” shut your own mind off to the possibility of understanding the phenomena as he does.
Any cursory examination of Tesla always emphasises his gifts, notably his enhanced capacity for visualisation. I remember reading an autobiographical piece written by Tesla from his earliest memories onwards. What struck me quite profoundly was not his “gifts” but his discipline and sheer propensity for hard work. He speaks about spending thirteen hours a day while at university in the library studying. I may be speaking out of hand but I believe anybody who expends such effort is going to develop a comprehensive understanding of that which they are studying. It is obvious this kind of work ethic remained with Tesla throughout his days.
Eric had the intuitive intelligence to cut through the bull**** that the rest of us muddle our minds with, and maybe one man in million ever has the chance to do such a thing … but he did it. His contribution is enormous, a new algebra for understanding the full range of electrical phenomena. You have found the master, now show the proper respect, by learning as much as possible about his work before asking obvious questions and wasting his time.
I resonate with the sentiment that we all feel toward Eric. It is composed of love, awe, sadness and hope. It is also intertwined with love for Tesla making it all the more. I myself am ashamed to admit I used to wish that Tesla had “done more”, leave a clue, bury a device in the desert, something to that effect. However impractical and improbable, the sentiment reflected is that the “knowledge” is "lost forever" and only such a scenario would see it found again ...
I see the same sentiment reflected in posts written here and elsewhere on the internet.
Stop begging, regain your dignity. If the knowledge was discovered once it stands to reason it can be found again. I believe Eric Dollard does not want students, he wants contemporaries, people with a competent understanding of electrical concepts that can also contribute to the knowledge.
This brings me to what I guess is the main point of my thesis-in-post-form. Some of us must seem to Eric, as Edison seemed to Tesla. Brute force experimenters without enough basic understanding of the phenomena we are playing with. Its easy to just pick up some electrical components and start piecing them together. It takes discipline to sit down and learn equations, and do all the “boring” stuff which is so crucial to having a true understanding of the phenomena. We want Eric to dazzle us with his hard earned “knowledge” rather than learning the math properly ourselves.
I believe Eric Dollard has already provided us with everything we need, its all there. He has made his contribution to humanity. That he was rewarded with the worst humankind has to offer is cruel irony. Walk in his footsteps, if you dare ….
Postscript: It occurs to me that while I’m talking about Eric, he might in fact, by chance, read this. To you Sir, I say simply, “Amazing” and “Thank You”
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Urgent Last go arround....T-Rex
Ok, I am taxed to the max. I am pushing so hard times are getting short and not much time for minutia. i am so proud of everyone who does the research and dillagence to make these things happen.
here is probably my last post. the government will probably close everything off before we know it. Probable down time ? use a magnetic metal to stop EMP.... from mass coronal ejections for your electronic equipment... store your data...
Iwill be sending all my research into a secure holding place on 25 GB discs Newegg.com - Vinpower Digital 25GB 4X BD-R 50 Packs Disc Model OQBDR04LT-50
Sorry this note is somewhat convoluted i do not have time or the inclination to comparmentalize everything i am sending out. Just know It is with honorable intent. h2ocommuter.
My rendition of BB's racing boat electrolyzer is not finished yet so I apologize. inflation has made my dollar nearly useless. but that is what I get for allowing the COLA's to go on for ever. But anyway It looks nothing like Bobs Boat system except for the math. And that is 7680 Square inches "sin", per cell, wet bath 2 volt per cell. X 5 or 6 X 2. well that is from memory.
I am so busy trying to get my research archived I have little time to tune for details like that.
I have talked to Fred Wells, AKA; Fast Freddy the other day and am working toward the direction he sent me. I should be ready to contact him in the next few days after I complete the required tasks. Pray for me It is God's speed I will be needing.
I need to understand what causes threshhold Please! If you truly know please reply if not, don't. Zane Fast Freddies system is holding the keys to Cold Fusion and I want it! for humanity. If we become extinct this go arround it would be a shame. 3600 year orbit for this celistrial object.
It looks to me to be a plasma type object and in that cace very few people can even understand what I am saying. T-Rex will...... I need to get him covered........... I am trying to get his handle to the radio men at this group. I have spent hours this morning and can't hardly think.
Be well. Zane
Please educate yourself to these immediate possibilities. Make up your own mind about your plan of action and decide what is prudent for you to do.
This is very much an "ELE", Extinction Level Event we are being hit with.
The NASA viewer should be your main time line gauge, next and possibly more important should be where the rubber meet the road. i.e.: what is happening in front of your vehicle. Is the government shutting down the roads and or is mother nature unleashing a deluge of obstacles that will preclude you from "You" getting to your destination????
Good Luck everyone.
the views and possible event scenarios are each persons due diligence to evaluate and no one should make that decision for you. you are now informed. Choose wisely grashopper.
may you use your Hex controller to do many wonderful things. Zane, h2ocommuter@gmail.com
YouTube - ‪ELEnin Dwarf Star Warning September 26, 2011‬‏
Planet X Brown Dwarf Research on Paltalk | Education - Other
JPL Small-Body Database Browser
Originally posted by Sputins View Post@ Zane - The name's Sputins, with an ess..
- Don't worry too much, I also struggle with Dollard's maths and algebra. You have a good attitude anyway. I find listening to the Dollard MP3 on Electric Waves helpful in understanding the maths, or at least the concepts, more importantly. Yes do experiment with the LMD tests, try rectifying the output.. Charge a secondary capacitor, discharge it when it's just starting to re-charge. -Careful though you might get zapped by a Longitudinal-Electrostatic-shockwave in air. (As I did)!
I 'm sorry i didn't quite understand your original question? - However the question I originally asked, was how to vary capacitance as quickly as possible? (Now this should go in the Parametic Variation thread). - As Dollard told us & later Raui also said, switching Capacitance between series and parallel may have good effect. (?) Using relays, vibrators or maybe transistors..?
Another way which would be far more difficult would be to change the dielectric constant (material) as fast as possible, - I.e. a gas or a vaccum - however it probably can't be done fast enough for any noticable effect? Perhaps pulse the container with gas or vacuum? (Maybe? - I have had some thoughts however)..
I'll share another thought I had, which I haven't had time to experiment with yet, which is to use a variable capacitor, (I.e. The Chris Carson method - and we'll refer to it as that in honour of him), only advance it slightly by housing the variable capacitor in a vaccum environment, or in a gas of higher dielectric strength. (Maybe Nitrous oxide for example). May give a higher capacitance, & at higher voltages and thus greater a variance? - I have some through-wall bearings from some old X-ray equipment. I.e. one side is in a hard vaccum and the other side being motor driven. - It's possible to do! - It might all be in vain however as it may be nessasary to keep the dielectric value at "unity" 1.0 as to better interact with the environment?
@SilverToGold - I loved your post and comment's - I 100% agree, awesome reply!
@Raui, - hope you are well, sorry for my past over enthusiastic PM.
- I have been putting together an eddited, (& slightly adulterated) audio-compilation of Dollard's media material, which when finished i will post the download link here, for the hardcore Dollard enthusiusts!
I'm getting married soon! So most of my experimentation is somewhat on hold for the moment..
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maths & algebra
Originally posted by h2ocommuter View PostI am sorry I cannot do the math. I have looked into the Eric Dollard equasions to dugh,,,,, look at them but not much hope for this engineer, That original text was from Putins I think. Moreover when I replicate some of the LMD tests and try to adapt some "faster than light" " longitudinal " electricity I will be on the path I have chosen to work.
- Don't worry too much, I also struggle with Dollard's maths and algebra. You have a good attitude anyway. I find listening to the Dollard MP3 on Electric Waves helpful in understanding the maths, or at least the concepts, more importantly. Yes do experiment with the LMD tests, try rectifying the output.. Charge a secondary capacitor, discharge it when it's just starting to re-charge. -Careful though you might get zapped by a Longitudinal-Electrostatic-shockwave in air. (As I did)!
I 'm sorry i didn't quite understand your original question? - However the question I originally asked, was how to vary capacitance as quickly as possible? (Now this should go in the Parametic Variation thread). - As Dollard told us & later Raui also said, switching Capacitance between series and parallel may have good effect. (?) Using relays, vibrators or maybe transistors..?
Another way which would be far more difficult would be to change the dielectric constant (material) as fast as possible, - I.e. a gas or a vaccum - however it probably can't be done fast enough for any noticable effect? Perhaps pulse the container with gas or vacuum? (Maybe? - I have had some thoughts however)..
I'll share another thought I had, which I haven't had time to experiment with yet, which is to use a variable capacitor, (I.e. The Chris Carson method - and we'll refer to it as that in honour of him), only advance it slightly by housing the variable capacitor in a vaccum environment, or in a gas of higher dielectric strength. (Maybe Nitrous oxide for example). May give a higher capacitance, & at higher voltages and thus greater a variance? - I have some through-wall bearings from some old X-ray equipment. I.e. one side is in a hard vaccum and the other side being motor driven. - It's possible to do! - It might all be in vain however as it may be nessasary to keep the dielectric value at "unity" 1.0 as to better interact with the environment?
@SilverToGold - I loved your post and comment's - I 100% agree, awesome reply!
@Raui, - hope you are well, sorry for my past over enthusiastic PM.
- I have been putting together an eddited, (& slightly adulterated) audio-compilation of Dollard's media material, which when finished i will post the download link here, for the hardcore Dollard enthusiusts!
I'm getting married soon! So most of my experimentation is somewhat on hold for the moment..
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Math, algebra, Trig, hoopla (=)
I am sorry I cannot do the math. I have looked into the Eric Dollard equasions to dugh,,,,, look at them but not much hope for this engineer, any way That original text was from Putins I think. This is the aproach I am taking with all my testing. consider the written word text I do understand and use my inovation to adapt whatever components I may guess will accomplish somthing I can measure. this is a hoot. Even so I propose many great things have been found this way. Also moreover when I replicate some of the LMD tests and try to adapt some "faster than light" " longitudinal " electricity I will be on the path I have chosen to work.
I think these tests will teach me more than the math ever could. after all the math originated from the testing!
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Originally posted by SilverToGold View PostYou have to understand Einstein is a liar and thief. His work was stolen from Roger Boskovich which was written back in the 1700's.
"Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources" — Albert Einstein
It was later overturned by people like Faraday, Maxwell and Tesla - who believed in a more physical and practical view of science. Einstein came along later (probably being introduced to it by his 1st wife) and brought it back into fame to help hide the true science of the physical world.
If you follow the great Einsteinian lie (which is all of main stream science), you will NOT be able to get to the truth that Tesla understood! It will warp your mind with nonsense like curved space time, slower than light travel, E=mc^2, time dilation and all other sorts of bogus fantasies most scientist believe in because their god Einstein said so.
His ideas are 100% counter to Tesla's.
Bearden buys into the lies of Einstein, hence his science and most of modern science is based on false premises.
Dollard does NOT believe in the Einsteinian lies. So if you are trying to compare the two, you have to understand this basic fact.
For more information on this I suggest you read the work of William Lyne. He goes into great details of this.
You want to make sense of this, you better read Lyne or you'll be lead astray.
I am using Eric Dollard's algebra for quantification.
I speak of trying to quantify the Bedini/Bearden jargon (converging negative energy) through the use of Dollard's math. There is no doubt in my mind that John Bedini has built quite a few "free energy" devices. All I am trying to do is figure out how Dollard's math can allow for free energy through commutative transients.
Don't worry. Unless Eric Dollard is a liar, I am on the right track.
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Originally posted by Web000x View PostI am really trying to quantify this Bearden/Bedini/Dollard confusion.
"Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources" — Albert Einstein
It was later overturned by people like Faraday, Maxwell and Tesla - who believed in a more physical and practical view of science. Einstein came along later (probably being introduced to it by his 1st wife) and brought it back into fame to help hide the true science of the physical world.
If you follow the great Einsteinian lie (which is all of main stream science), you will NOT be able to get to the truth that Tesla understood! It will warp your mind with nonsense like curved space time, slower than light travel, E=mc^2, time dilation and all other sorts of bogus fantasies most scientist believe in because their god Einstein said so.
His ideas are 100% counter to Tesla's.
Bearden buys into the lies of Einstein, hence his science and most of modern science is based on false premises.
Dollard does NOT believe in the Einsteinian lies. So if you are trying to compare the two, you have to understand this basic fact.
For more information on this I suggest you read the work of William Lyne. He goes into great details of this.
You want to make sense of this, you better read Lyne or you'll be lead astray.
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