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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • Kokomoj0
    Originally posted by madhatter View Post
    For those who have managed a radio signal from the 3 coil setup, how? I've built and re-wound these coils till I'm dizzy and get zip nada nothing, i've matched surface area, tried density, re-calc'd and re-crunched the numbers. I've also tried the 3 different schematics looking for anything and get nothing.

    a simple AM crystal radio works fine, but the primary, 2nd and extra coil arrangement net nothing.
    are you able to get it to resonate at and around the freq of the station?

    if you make a tiny tank and drive it on the same freq near the receiver it should go nuts, if not you may not be tuned properly?

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  • madhatter
    For those who have managed a radio signal from the 3 coil setup, how? I've built and re-wound these coils till I'm dizzy and get zip nada nothing, i've matched surface area, tried density, re-calc'd and re-crunched the numbers. I've also tried the 3 different schematics looking for anything and get nothing.

    a simple AM crystal radio works fine, but the primary, 2nd and extra coil arrangement net nothing.

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  • lamare
    Originally posted by T-rex View Post

    (II) There exists no real engineering “Theory of Gravity”, none. There is no “Tesla Theory”, no “Einstein Theory”, no Theory at all. All we have is guesswork and speculation, nothing for the engineer. All we have is the basic algebraic expressions of Newton, and the observations of astronomers. Gravity tells us what to do, we do not tell it what to do. Hence the idea of gravity is akin to the idea of God, unknowable. But to be sure we do have no shortage of priests muttering in Latin.
    Not quite. There is one. Paul Stowe's ether theory. Basically a definition of a fluid using Newtonian terminology, which is an arbitrary choice for describing the ether:
    Tuks DrippingPedia : Stowe Personal E Mail

    From this Newtonian superfluid, he can define ALL physical processes in terms of his description of the ether:

    I have determined that in my opinion all of physical processes can be defined in terms of the aether populational momenta (p). Such that,

    Force (F) -> Grad p
    Charge (q) -> Div p
    Magnetism (B) -> Curl p

    Gravity for example is Grad E where E is the electric potential at x. This resolves to Le Sagian type process as outlined in the Pushing Gravity models. The electric potential E in turn is created by charge which is Div p...

    My model is a direct extension of Maxwell's vortex model of interacting rings (the smoke ring model). I have been able to define all fundamental constants in terms of basic parameters, including the gravitational constant G. Further, G is, within this system, seamlessly integrated to all others, fitting into a unified system.

    The key to this system's definition is the realization that charge is fundamentally a result AND the measure of the compressibility of Maxwell's aether.
    The idea that gravity = grad E aligns very nicely with the Biefeld-Brown effect, whereby "anti-gravity" is produced using asymmetric capacitors:

    Biefeld–Brown effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Lifters Experiments home page by Jean-Louis Naudin

    In other words: gravity is basically the Venturi effect in the ether:
    Venturi effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    An equation for the drop in pressure due to the Venturi effect may be derived from a combination of Bernoulli's principle and the continuity equation.
    Nothing mysterious here. Just what you would expect in a fluid-like medium as the (a)ether...

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  • SilverToGold
    Hi Eric... I'm the guy that asked about the hollow Earth and posted the coyote picture.

    Thank you very much for your post concerning your reasoning that supports the hollow Earth theory. I found it very interesting.

    And a big thanks for the video that you posted for free to help everyone here. I hope everyone reading this thread will do the right thing and donate money to you.

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  • Gestalt
    Originally posted by Web000x View Post
    The following is a presentation given by Eric at the San Francisco Tesla Society on December 9, 2007. I'm working on getting the corresponding Powerpoint presentation to go along with it.
    Wow! Thanks for putting this up!
    Truly a goldmine.

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  • Web000x

    The following is a presentation given by Eric at the San Francisco Tesla Society on December 9, 2007. I'm working on getting the corresponding Powerpoint presentation to go along with it.

    Eric Dollard - S.F.T.S. - Dec. 9, 2007 - Part 1 - YouTube

    Eric Dollard - S.F.T.S. - Dec. 9, 2007 - Part 2 - YouTube

    Eric Dollard - S.F.T.S. - Dec. 9, 2007 - Part 3 - YouTube

    Eric Dollard - S.F.T.S. - Dec. 9, 2007 - Part 4 - YouTube

    Eric Dollard - S.F.T.S. - Dec. 9, 2007 - Part 5 - YouTube

    Eric Dollard - S.F.T.S. - Dec. 9, 2007 - Part 6 - YouTube

    Eric Dollard - S.F.T.S. - Dec. 9, 2007 - Part 7 - YouTube

    Eric Dollard - S.F.T.S. - Dec. 9, 2007 - Part 8 - YouTube

    When asked if he wanted to sell copies of this presentation, Eric said "No, just put it out there". Sorry for the redundancy, but please donate to this man. He makes WAY LESS money that he should for all of his efforts to help us.


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  • pnajafi
    lmpused DC

    Let me know how useful this analogy is:

    when you have a pandlum swining, you can push the pandulum by holding it and going with it to the other side of the swing, then changhe direction and push it back. This is a continues sine wave input to the Tesla system.

    With pulsed DC, however, you just wait for the pandulum to swing and just at the right time, you tap it. If you tap it at the natural frequency of the system the pandulum will keep swinging more and more.

    In the first case, more energy was inputeted to push and move back and forth wit the pandulum and in the second case much less input is used.

    How useful or correct is this analogy in your opinion, I am trying to understand more.

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  • Kokomoj0
    Originally posted by kitcar View Post
    For german speaking readers (or use google translate), here Meyl is debunked.

    There is a guy "Jensen" selling replications of the the meyl resonating coil sets on for a thrith of the price by the way.
    wdjensen123 | eBay
    The guy on ebay has a completely different design and takes into consideration none of what eric has been talking about, however meyl does seem to at least take the spacing into account.

    translated into english:
    The scalar Meyl'schen

    Only academic misconduct or misleading marketing of pseudo-knowledge?

    by Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Keck

    Professor Meyl marketed demo and experiment kits for 800, - EUR or 1400 - EUR. Which allegedly one anywhere in the room space available energy can be detected. In this documentary, I show that Meyl blatantly against the academic integrity violation and justifying why I am of the opinion that the buyer takes Meyl his sets, the participants in his seminars and the buyers of his books are misleading.

    Introduction >>
    Marketing of Meyl'schen sets
    Space energy, overunity and neutrinos
    Scientific misconduct
    Experiments with the demo set >>
    The lazy trick with the "ground wire"
    Contradictory statements
    Over Unity, for only acting in good faith
    Measurements with the demo set >>
    Attempts by Waser
    Report of Naunin
    Measurements of Weidner
    Meyls scalar-set has no
    CE-Marking >>
    Ohn this labeling may not be sold, the set
    and the buyers can not set into operation
    Tesla's patent >>
    Relying on Tesla's patent is misleading
    Comments >>
    Meyls opinion on Naunins report
    my comments
    Scientific misconduct
    Legal regulations >>
    An example >>
    Examples of Meyls "New Physics"
    Preliminary observations >>
    Electrons without charge >>
    Matter-antimatter photon >>
    The abolition of the 2nd Law of thermodynamics >>
    The deactivation of radioactive waste - abiogenesis >>
    Biological utilization of neutrinos >>
    The soft Obelisk of Aswan >>
    Chicken with fusion reactor >>
    The crook of the augurs >>
    The water car >>
    Meyls work in the public >>
    Verdummungs events and their effect
    The remarkable part of the FH Furtwangen
    Esoteric lectures >>
    Esoteric theses >>
    A positive example of the USA >>
    Recent developments in Furtwangen >>
    Opinion of the dean of this report >>

    Conclusion >>

    Feb. 03:
    Meyls Steinbeis Transfer Center has been closed
    March 03:
    Scalar Syndrome >>

    March 04:
    Prof. Meyl ensures the distribution of overunity sets a >>

    Supplement May 2008
    Looking back at Meyls great esoteric show at the Southwest Fair in Villingen / Schwenningen >>
    Meyl >> about his critics
    Version of the documentation of 16.05.2008

    nothing about debunked in the titles but lots of general tesla put down by steiner physicists.

    I was thinking Eric would have an explanation of what could be going on there and how meyl can possibly claim more out than in when it does not follow precisely teslas work? It seems these would be important distinctions in need of examination to aid in our understanding and design?

    Meyl just has 2 flat coils on double sided pc board as described in my previous post.

    that and no only are they debunking meyl but also tesla if that is the case. meyl claims over unity, that said he is either lying, got lucky and it works, or the einsteiners are out to get him and of course if they do, since he is representing teslas work, without a functional explanation from the tesla supporters will take the whole idea down with him.

    Cant just sit back and throw rotten eggs without an empirical bona fide explanation why his should not be working and is (if he is not lying), and why we cannot seem to get the same results?

    See the problems here this unfolds in the scientific community? Lot at stake here in my opinion.
    Last edited by Kokomoj0; 03-21-2012, 01:33 AM.

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  • garrettm4
    Wire Diameter Error in Given Equations, Also Coil-Form Width Compensation Problems

    This may have already been pointed out, but there is a minor error (~+8%) in the coil spacing for the wire diameter equation given by Mr. Dollard (caused from the divisors exact figure). I’m working out my transformer build and came across this problem, so I thought I would pass along the correct divisor and the step by step solution as well.

    Algebraically, the wire diameter can be found by using:

    h = coil height (20% of width given) (in meters)
    d = wire diameter (soon to be found) (in meters)
    T = number of turns (20 given) (numeric)
    S = spacing factor (62% given) (numeric)

    It can be seen that the wire diameter times the number of turns PLUS the spacing in-between the wires ("fill factor") should give the total height.

    For given desired parameters (listed above):

    Wire Diameter:

    Remember that the wire diameter d is given in meters, so be sure to move the decimal to the correct place if using cm or mm when looking for wire.

    Thus for a 20 turn, single layer solenoid, with 62% coil spacing, the wire diameter is 3.1466331% of the coil height, where coil height is 20% of coil width. (Interestingly the wire diameter for given conditions approximates pi% of coil height, this may just be a coincidence, but I thought it was something to point out. You could simplify the design process by using this as a "shortcut".)

    The error of the original “32.8” divisor comes out to be a 67.36842% coil spacing factor instead of the specified 62%, which inadvertently causes a smaller wire diameter to be used than wanted. I believe this to be caused by a “double rounding up” mishap of the divisor when Mr. Dollard wrote it down (the 31.78 if accidentally rounded up “twice” would give 32.8). It would seem Murphy's Law was the culprit here.


    Something else to point out, is that "a" given by Mr. Dollard is the "Fill Factor" NOT the "Spacing Factor". This is a debatable issue of "semantics", BUT, I think this should be explained a little better, so that there are less misunderstandings for those building the Tesla Transformer.

    "Fill Factor":

    a = Fill Factor (numeric) (this is the dead space PLUS the turn count)
    T= Turns (numeric)
    S = Spacing Factor (numeric) (this is the ratio of wire diameter to coil pitch) (62% given)

    The fill factor is an interesting quantity, if analyzed it will be seen to be the dead space or unused portion + the turn count this when divided into the height of the coil produces the available space for wire, it also subdivides this space yielding the maximum wire diameter. As can be seen, this yields a limiting case for maximum wire size, or the ideal size for use, for a given spacing factor and number of turns used. You can go smaller in the wire diameter if you want, although its not all that useful to do so. Furthermore, the spacing factor S is another limiting case, the minimum spacing needed. SO you can go bigger in the spacing department as well if needed.

    "Spacing Factor":

    S = Spacing Factor (numeric) (62% given)
    d = wire diameter (in meters)
    P = coil pitch, the distance between the center of one turn and the next (in meters)

    It can be seen that the "spacing factor" is the ratio of wire diameter to coil pitch. This ratio is found according to the Radiotron Handbook to be best for all coil types at 0.60. Mr. Dollard has outlined 0.62 as the spacing factor desired, interestingly this is very close to the reciprocal of Phi (0.61803... = 1 / 1.61803...). NOTE, this is a limiting case, the 0.62 is the minimum required and the Ideal for use, BUT can be increased without too much harm. Just don't go any LESS, don't put your wires too close, its better to keep them spaced.

    Coil Pitch:


    P = coil pitch (in meters)
    r = wire radius (in meters)
    d = wire diameter (in meters)
    l_2 = distance in-between wires (in meters)

    It can be seen that the pitch is the distance between the center of one turn and the next, or the sum of the radius of both wires and the arbitrary distance in-between each of these wires.

    Distance In-Between Wires (for given parameters of S):

    I though this might help people who have already wound their coil, to see if they have the correct MINIMUM spacing (if your l_2 measurement is bigger don't worry if its smaller you need to fix it), otherwise this isn't all that useful. For coax users you need to factor out the jacket for this to be helpful.


    NOTE FOR COAX USERS (specifically on the secondary winding):

    I don't know if anyone has ran into this issue as well, but the coil-form's width (w_0) should be one wire-diameter length (d) smaller to accommodate the wire correctly.

    (Original Coil-Form Width) - (2 * (Wire Radius)) = (Compensated Coil-Form Width)


    w_0 = the original coil-form width (derived from turn length) (in meters)
    d = the wire diameter (in meters)
    w_1 = the compensated coil-form width (in meters)

    Coax with the jacket left on would exacerbate the alignment error and lower the coil Q due to dielectric losses of the jacket (the jacket should be removed, albeit a PITA to do). This becomes a bigger problem if large coax or more than 20 turns is used (greater offset error), the wire wont line up to be a perfect 20, or however many turns at the end, if the coil-form isn't compensated for the use of large diameter wires and also for the wire's jacketing.

    With this adjustment, the CENTER of the wire will be placed EXACTLY at the previously calculated "imaginary cylinder SURFACE" of the Coil-Form w_0. If compensation is not done this may give rise to lower magnification factor because of "less complete turns" (the 20th turn would only be partially complete, getting worse with thicker jackets and larger wire diameter), although this really is only a problem for coax users, like myself.


    Furthermore, the "turn length" l_1, is in theory a perfect ring of a minute diameter not a split and stretched ring (helix) with (potentially) substantial diameter like is seen on the coil-form while building (this is exacerbated with large spacing factors). This leads to the coil-form being too wide for the desired number of "complete turns" for the given length of wire used, this is still true even if you compensate for wire diameter. To make more clear what I am saying, the resultant helix is longer than the calculated circle, thus less turns are produced for a given length of wire.

    I will put up the "helix correction factor" for the new compensated coil-form width in a bit.

    I want to point out that the adjustments I have talked about are very minor and would only change the physical dimensions of the coil-form a very very small amount and with building tolerances considered they might not even be worth the extra effort to implement.

    Garrett M
    Last edited by garrettm4; 03-26-2012, 10:10 PM.

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  • albertMunich
    There is also SCHWILLE ELEKTRONIK close to Munich who built the original Meyl coils. Mr Schwille made the program for the drawing of the concentric coils and etched the printed circuit boards. I think he still has them for sale.
    google for Schwille Elektronik and you will find him. BTW he sees the whole Meyl/Tesla system as a kind of open capacitor.

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  • kitcar
    For german speaking readers (or use google translate), here Meyl is debunked.

    There is a guy "Jensen" selling replications of the the meyl resonating coil sets on for a thrith of the price by the way.
    wdjensen123 | eBay

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  • Kokomoj0
    Here is what bothers me. Meyl regardless of how well he duplicated teslas work put his coils on a printed circuit board to test the theory. The kool thing about that is consistency. The windings are cad drawn and perfect spacing etc and that is good for splitting hairs. He had about a 4 turn primary and roughly a 90 turn secondary on the other side. The 4 turn primary was underneath the secondary and I would estimate the secondary was about 62% spacing incidentally.

    Now what bothers me is that he said in his lectures that he was able to get at 3 different schools where he taught how the device works, he said they (the students) measured 100%, 300% and 1000% output over input at the receivers.

    So did he get lucky and get something right by accident or doing some kind of magicians trick or what?

    Well needless to say all the german physicists are all over him about this faster than speed of light business and calling him a fraud etc etc.

    Now interestingly another physicist somehow measured the density around the dome while meyls towers were in operation and he charted out it all out and was surprised to see that the density was substantially greater on the side facing the receiver.

    So is meyl just leading us up the golden path or did he get really lucky and just happen to build a device that works?

    There is an old saying that goes, you cant argue with success, at least not much. and "IF" meyl really had success did he use erics math or how did he derive his work?

    Last edited by Kokomoj0; 03-18-2012, 04:11 AM.

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  • t-rex
    Notes on a Hollow Earth

    Some time ago someone put out a picture of a coyote, and the coyote asked about the idea of A Hollow Earth. This is a persistent story, however, I cannot produce and engineerable concept of a Hollow Earth. The existing algebra for gravity is not well developed. It would seem possible however thru Functional Thinking that such a physical condition can make sense. This could lead to a functional Theory, so let us give it a try.

    (I) To begin, science today exists in a Direct Analog to the situation with the Catholic Church in the years prior to Martin Luther (1499). Reading, or even possessing a Bible, was a Capital Offense and the penalty was Death. The “Church” was taking steps to ban music in their structures and this sparked the Lutheran Revolt. You were required to pay your own way into Heaven, to the Church of course. You will not need money in Heaven anyway. Great monarchs feared the wealth and power of the Church, ask the Knights Templar. By the way what ever became of Jesus? (He Died)

    Verily, this is “Science Today”, a sort of T.V. show. The Pope is now Al Gore, and it is that the Pope has many Bishops, and in turn the Bishops have many Priests. We have met some of Them in the Town of Bolinas, Hillary’s “Village”. But the Bolinas station pre-dates these people. And as Tesla said, “they are no more than microbes of a nasty disease”.

    The R.C.A. Research at the Landers Installation continued the scientific study of the Interaction of the Earth with solar and cosmic forces. Here is the starting point for the knowledge of the Earth’s Interior. The physical mass of the Earth is here found to be alive with mechanical and electrical impulses and oscillations. These are continuously active often reaching astonishing magnitudes. Leveled cities and incinerated substations serve testimony to these wave-forms, and these seem to come from nowhere.

    The Landers Installation contained the highest sensitivity and fidelity seismic recording system in known existence. In proportion to the standard (U.S.G.S.) systems, the one at Landers was 120 decibels more sensitive. A mosquito is now a jet aircraft. Also advancements on the Alexanderson system produced a network serving as a “Radio Telescope” for reception of Telluric Currents in the Earth. This also was of high sensitivity and fidelity. Here the amplifier theories of Bell Telephone Labs, along with Navy requirements of reliability and electro-magnetic compatibility, this with Western Electric Construction Practices, led to a remarkable “Bell System Installation”. But it is gone! (See the American Marconi website for pictures of this installation before they vanish like the rest.)

    Here then existed a complimentary pair of systems. One was the Seismic Recorder-Indicator receiving mechanical vibrations from within the Earth, the other was the Telluric Recorder-Indicator receiving electrical vibrations from within the Earth. The sensitivity was normally set in the range of one milli-micro watt on both systems. This is one million times smaller than a telephone signal.

    Among the various findings at this installation we will focus upon a few basic relations.

    1) The mechanical waveforms and the electrical waveforms during significant events are directly inter-related with each other.

    2) These electrical waveforms lead, in time, the co-responding mechanical waveforms. This time angle is from one half to two rotations of the Earth. The Giant Japan Quake was two rotations.

    3) Lightning Impulses arrive at the Alexanderson underground antenna ahead in time of the lightning impulses at the beverage over ground antenna.

    4) The telluric signals are in no way related to any so called “Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide”. These signals definitely originate from the interior of the Earth.

    5) Both mechanical and electrical waveforms often become sinusoidal, particularly before a Major Event. This is to say, both become alternating waves. This is important. Theory:

    Because there exist “sine waves”, that is, circular functions, these waves thus represent natural harmonic frequencies of the Earth itself. This observation indicates that the Earth is hollow. The Earth, mechanically is hereby a huge “Helmholtz Resonator”, and electrically it is hereby a huge “Cavity Resonator”. Also, as explained by N. Tesla, the “Earth-Ionosphere Condenser” is far too thin to support any wave-guide modes. Only electro-magnetic waves parallel, of magneto-dielectric waves normal, to the surface of the Earth are possible. This sends the notions of T. Grotz, or The Corum Gang, to the dumpster. Again it is food for the crows and the rats, they love it.

    (II) There exists no real engineering “Theory of Gravity”, none. There is no “Tesla Theory”, no “Einstein Theory”, no Theory at all. All we have is guesswork and speculation, nothing for the engineer. All we have is the basic algebraic expressions of Newton, and the observations of astronomers. Gravity tells us what to do, we do not tell it what to do. Hence the idea of gravity is akin to the idea of God, unknowable. But to be sure we do have no shortage of priests muttering in Latin.

    Since age six I have been turning wrenches, filling test tubes, and discharging condensers, etc. It might be possible that at age sixty I may have acquired some archetypal sense of physical reality. With no more than this “heuristic” sense and in the “Coyote Like” manner of Thomas Alva Edison, let us attempt at a basic “Theory of Gravity”.

    The notion that the force of gravity increases in intensity toward the center of the Earth, reaching infinity at the central point of singularity, makes no sense to my engineering mind. I cannot see how to build it, something just does not seem right. It is an axiom that isolated masses in free space congregate toward one another, and draw together upon vectors on their “Centers of Gravity.” It is also, however, an axiom that the outer masses shield, or screen, the inner masses of the congregation. The physical model is throwing a batch of marbles out of the space ship into free space and watching them congregate. What will they do, can we see it on “Youtube”?

    The Earth itself is a contiguous mass, and it is postulated by contemporary dogma that all force vectors are radially directed towards and into the center point of the Earth. This is certainly true at the surface but what about inside. But wait Mr. Wizard no mass is left in an infinitesimal singularity to draw anything, all the mass is now outside of it!

    It may be best to consider gravity to be based upon causes external to the physical body exhibiting the effects of gravity. This has already been done for electricity, despite the fierce opposition of the “Catholics”. The force of gravity inside a body is then in analog to the depth of penetration into a metallic body by electricity. This is known as the skin effect. In this the force of gravity would be a space integral not unlike that for magnetic penetration into a metallic body. Now the force of gravity can even reverse direction in analogy to electricity within metallic bodies. Here then the “Center of Gravity” would exist at a finite depth below the surface, and also a finite distance from the center. This condition could give rise to an inner surface and hence a Hollow Earth. Let us take a tentative value of about a third in, near the value of one over epsilon, the log base. This establishes the inner surface upon which to stand. Now your head points to the center of the Earth, whereas, on the surface your head points to the sky.

    (III) To stretch the Theory of a Hollow Earth to heretical extremes. Let us suppose that at the center of the Earth at the singular point, this in a photo emissive spherical geometry, there exists a “Farnsworth Star”. This star provides the radiant energy for life within the Earth. Its radiant matter provides a continuous supply of “electrons” to the body of the Earth, this is explaining the so called “Negative Charge” on planet Earth. Taking this to fiction is the movie “Journey to The Center of The Earth”, the original, not he adulterous (censored) re-make. Watch this movie.

    Finally, we can take our notions of a Hollow Earth to the “Art Bell” level, la-la land phantasy. There are those who claim that there are people who live in the Hollow Earth, and they travel to our surface world thru a passage within Mt. Shasta. I myself try to avoid these things, if I can.

    This takes us to the Landers Installation of George Van Tassle. Contained in his Landers Installation was a hemispherical structure approximately 50 feet in diameter and thirty feet high. This structure served as a magneto-dielectric transformer, operating at a potential of 100 kilovolts. This is the same potential as used by Marconi and Alexanderson. In a strange way it seemed like the Wardenclyffe Dome had come back and was waiting. George Van Tassle called it the INTEGRATRON. This structure was founded upon archetypal Four Quadrant relations. The central figure is known as the “Solar Cross”. Van Tassle wrote a book on the Four Quadrant Theory called “When Stars Look Down”. Then (1978) Van Tassle was no more and his installation went to hell and beyond. (Not much different today).

    Later on in time, about 1982, the Integratron Installation gained a new superintendent, Donald Floyd Lockwood. (We always referred to him by his last name as in the Navy). Lockwood has now a problem to solve, this is where to find an engineer who can figureout how to make this extra-terrestrial apparatus work, with no blueprints or design formulae. Well, I wish you luck!

    One day Lockwood entered the galley of the Navy LSM I was working at the Richmond Yard. He had got wind of a “Certain Naval Electrical Engineer” that may be the one to “finish the dome”. Lockwood tells me that he has just come from Mt. Shasta where he had met with a lady who “walked out of the mountain”. She had given him a symbol, or diagram, and this would prove the identity of the engineer. Before I could get pissed off he puts the diagram next to my open notebook on the “Symbolic Representation of A.C. Waves”, page six. The diagram on page six and his were IDENTICAL!

    73 DE N6KPH

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  • mikrovolt
    When compression and rarefaction is sufficient to observe
    it becomes more evident that transverse is not the same.

    The boombox is acoustic example. Two people at ends of a rope
    can demonstrate both transverse and longitudinal waves.

    We sometimes use a function in an equation to produce a meaningful
    graph is not always evident so we plug in numbers and forget the demonstration and it becomes dogma.

    The lump transmission line or a tsunami are other examples to help see there is more than transverse waves. Some are more noble and would like to harness some of it as free individuals.

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  • garrettm4
    Archtype Electric "Waves"

    General or Archtype Electric "Waves"

    The Cyclic or Periodic variety:

    1) Forced Alternations: (example, generator or alternator)
    Alternating Current, Undamped - Continuous Level
    Time: Radians per Second
    Effective Field Energies: ONE, Magnetic OR Dielectric

    1A) Constant Potential (this is what you use in your home)
    RMS Current changes with load impedance, RMS Voltage remains constant

    1B) Constant Current
    RMS Voltage changes with load impedance, RMS Current remains constant

    2) Forced Oscillations: (example, LC tank or coax)
    Oscillating Current, Undamped - Continuous Level
    Time: Radians per Second
    Effective Field Energies: BOTH, Dielectric AND Magnetic

    3) Free Oscillations: (example, LC tank or coax)
    Oscillating Current, Damped - Logarithmic Rising or Falling Level
    Time: Neper-Radians per Second
    Effective Field Energies: BOTH, Dielectric AND Magnetic

    NOTE for 2) & 3) in a distributed element network like a coaxial cable a harmonic wave (square wave) can develop rather than a fundamental sine, which a lumped LC tank would produce.

    The Acyclic or Aperiodic Variety:


    A)Magnetic Discharge (through an "effective resistance"), Damped - Logarithmic Rising or Falling Level with a Steep wave-front
    Time: Nepers per Second
    Effective Field Energies: ONE, Magnetic

    B)Dielectric Discharge (through an "effective conductance"), Damped - Logarithmic Rising or Falling Level with a Steep wave-front
    Time: Nepers per Second
    Effective Field Energies: ONE, Dielectric

    The Non-Cyclic or Non-Periodic Variety:

    Continuous or Direct Current (NOT PULSED)
    Time: NONE
    Effective Field Energies: BOTH, Dielectric AND Magnetic

    A)Constant Potential (a battery)
    Current changes with load resistance, Voltage remains constant

    B)Constant Current
    Voltage changes with load resistance, Current remains constant

    NOTE, All of the above can be simplified further (condensed to only 4 general types) but I thought it best to expand the General Archtypes a little bit to give more insight.


    Every other "wave" type is a combination of the above periodic, aperiodic and non-periodic types and can be looked at as compound waves.

    Compound waves with DC Source (example):

    Battery to BoomBox (radio) initial turn on is a Dielectric impulse, charging the filter capacitors. If on but not playing any music a quiescent current draw is DC. If playing music Load impedance changes dynamically, this causes a changing level in current draw and subsequently an AC signal is super-imposed upon the DC power signal from the battery. During turn off, if there was a high current draw as the switch was flipped off, then a Magnetic Impulse would be seen, although it would be very small due to low inductance.

    Tesla Longitudinal Wave Energy [Video Transcript] Excerpt:

    Mr. Dollard Giving a Lecture at a HAM Radio Meeting:

    Now if we analyze these systems we find that [in] the longitudinal magneto dielectric system […] the electrostatic lines of force and the magnetic lines of force are directed in the same axis as the propagation of electrical energy. In the Hertzian system, the magnetic lines of force and the electrostatic lines of force exist at right angles to the direction of electrical energy propagation and this is what accounts for it's incredible losses. In [the LMD] system we have little or no losses. In [the TEM] system we have an extremely high level of losses, in fact by its very definition is resistance. It's called radiation resistance, a term familiar to many.

    Also we have the waveforms that these devices produced. We are familiar with the conventional alternating current, and the alternating current has a real frequency in cycles per second, and it constantly cycles in a circular fashion back and forth. And then of course we know about the continuous current or the direct current which has no cycles per second. This would be called a scalar frequency. Scalar by definition is a quantity that does not vary in your system of variation, in either time or space or whatever variation you're talking about. An example would be atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure is the same everywhere in this room and that's a scalar function. But if we take the function of the height of people in the room, obviously that's a spatial function, I can see all these waves moving around. so we have a scalar function and then we have a regular function of variation in this dimension of space within this room.

    Now we have the waveforms that have been forgotten since the days of spark gap and wireless. One is the impulse wave, which is measured in decibels per second and has an exponential waveform. Where [the AC] waveform is expressed in sines and cosines, [the impulse] waveform is expressed in hyperbolic sines and hyperbolic cosines and never truly dampens out but always approaches zero asymptotically. Then we have the oscillating current waveform, and this is the one that was utilized by Tesla. This waveform is expressed in cycle-decibels per second. Now in Tesla's time, he had a concept which he called individualization where he would tune his resonant devices not only to respond to cycles per second but to the decibels per second and produce a second order of tuning where the waveform would become much more individualized.

    Carrying this concept on further, if we take the resonant action of a simple LC circuit it produces a sinusoidal function. But if we take the resonant action of a quarter wave transmission line shorted at one end and open at the other, not only will it resonate at the fundamental frequency, but it will resonate at the third harmonic, fifth, and ninth and ad infinitum all the way up and it will produce [a square wave]. So we can see with the conventional tuning we're using the sine wave, in the transmission line tuning we end up with rectangular waves. Now if we take the resonance of a coil instead of a linear transmission line which is shorted at one end to ground and open at the other end, the harmonics are in phase and we end up with impulses. Now we find with the sine wave, the amplitude rather than being one, is the square root of two, √2, higher because of the peak to average ratio. With the rectangular wave it would be one. With the impulses, it's infinity.

    Now what I attempted to show here is that in a measurable quantity of time like on an oscilloscope I've used the black to show what we would see on the screen. Now if we look at a square wave on the oscilloscope we know that this transition is not visible because the amount of time occupied is infinitesimal. Now with the impulse waveform, the pulses are of infinitesimal width.

    What I'm trying to show with the shading here is the integration that shows that the energy contained in the wave is the area underneath it. There is no area on [the impulse waveform]. The amplitudes are infinite. And these are the waveforms that Tesla were working with and these waveforms would tend to punch through where the continuous waveforms wouldn't make it.

    [end of excerpt]

    Garrett M
    Last edited by garrettm4; 03-20-2012, 01:57 AM.

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