Difference of point of view ...
1# You leave in US in a comfortable house and environment, you don't need free electricity that much, your bills are not a too big expense.
2# You leave in a village in a poor country, you don't know what electricity is. But if you had something to light your house at night, or to run a small engine to move around or to pump water for your small land, you could stop starving for food. You could develop your production, bring it to the near by town with your small electric tricycle.
But more important, you could desalinate sea water to irrigate your desertic land, and to give water to drink to your people, to your animals.
Why rich countries are developed, because they have energy to produce goods. Without energy you just can't make roads, can't run trucks, can't run boats, can't live decently ...
Have they already spent a few months in such a poor place, to see and FEEL what it's like on a daily basis, and how hopeless is the future and dark the horizon from such a place ??
We are talking about the majority of humankind that are living in conditions worse that your pet.
No pipe water, no clean water, no electricity, no transportation, no electric devices, stone age like !
Really they don't care about your consciousness, they just want a chance to grow up, to develop, and that goes through access to cheap ENERGY.
Those who say THEY ARE NOT READY, are not those who HAVE BEEN THERE HAVE SEEN THAT.
Unfortunately they have THE SOLUTION to others problems, but from their point of view they see that they better not give them the solution ...
Who is right, who is wrong ? Both are right, both are wrong, but one has an easy life, the other doesn't have enough food, live in a zinc house, with no toilet, no electricity, no car, no fridge, no TV, because there is NO ELECTRICITY there ...
So pleeeease, to really take the right decision to give or not to give FREE ELECTRICITY to mankind, go and FEEL how it is THERE.
Thanks and good luck.
PS: Even in every developed countries there are very poor people that could do much better with free electricity.
Who are you to decide their access to free electricity ?!
I think it's greed, just greed.
Proof is that they are all selling staff on the subject ...
And even what you buy is just a few percentage of their knowledge, they keep the real picture, and they ask you to experiment by yourself.
How many thousands of dollars I have spent on those experiments !!!
With the full knowledge I could have built working models and give them in those very poor countries I have been, for the locals to reproduce these devices.
But NO, they want me to experiment and waste more money on research that will never end. And buy their latest book or DVD.
Just GREED in my humble opinion.
But it still better than nothing, so we don't throw the stone to them, we keep silent, hoping that one day they make their COMING OUT
and disclose everything they know.
God willing it will happen one day.
1# You leave in US in a comfortable house and environment, you don't need free electricity that much, your bills are not a too big expense.
2# You leave in a village in a poor country, you don't know what electricity is. But if you had something to light your house at night, or to run a small engine to move around or to pump water for your small land, you could stop starving for food. You could develop your production, bring it to the near by town with your small electric tricycle.
But more important, you could desalinate sea water to irrigate your desertic land, and to give water to drink to your people, to your animals.
Why rich countries are developed, because they have energy to produce goods. Without energy you just can't make roads, can't run trucks, can't run boats, can't live decently ...
Have they already spent a few months in such a poor place, to see and FEEL what it's like on a daily basis, and how hopeless is the future and dark the horizon from such a place ??
We are talking about the majority of humankind that are living in conditions worse that your pet.
No pipe water, no clean water, no electricity, no transportation, no electric devices, stone age like !
Really they don't care about your consciousness, they just want a chance to grow up, to develop, and that goes through access to cheap ENERGY.
Those who say THEY ARE NOT READY, are not those who HAVE BEEN THERE HAVE SEEN THAT.
Unfortunately they have THE SOLUTION to others problems, but from their point of view they see that they better not give them the solution ...
Who is right, who is wrong ? Both are right, both are wrong, but one has an easy life, the other doesn't have enough food, live in a zinc house, with no toilet, no electricity, no car, no fridge, no TV, because there is NO ELECTRICITY there ...
So pleeeease, to really take the right decision to give or not to give FREE ELECTRICITY to mankind, go and FEEL how it is THERE.
Thanks and good luck.
PS: Even in every developed countries there are very poor people that could do much better with free electricity.
Who are you to decide their access to free electricity ?!
I think it's greed, just greed.
Proof is that they are all selling staff on the subject ...
And even what you buy is just a few percentage of their knowledge, they keep the real picture, and they ask you to experiment by yourself.
How many thousands of dollars I have spent on those experiments !!!
With the full knowledge I could have built working models and give them in those very poor countries I have been, for the locals to reproduce these devices.
But NO, they want me to experiment and waste more money on research that will never end. And buy their latest book or DVD.
Just GREED in my humble opinion.
But it still better than nothing, so we don't throw the stone to them, we keep silent, hoping that one day they make their COMING OUT

God willing it will happen one day.