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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • I disagree at this point. (surprise! lol)

    ...any work others may add to it. I have to think about this further, but the idea is that anyone is free to copy the material and improve on it freely for non-commercial purposes, but such that a printed version can be made that still includes those voluntary additions...
    This, quite easily I think, set's the stage for Eric's work to become hijacked by whatever lunatic want's to parasitically (intentionally or not) attach his nonsense to Eric's work.

    For example: I have a large following of superstitious religious zealots that think that my interpretation of 11 dimensional quantum string theory means that aliens bla bla bla. I also have a popular show on the History channel. If I were to find some loose connection to EPD's work, via misinterpretation or whatever, then I could just piggyback my nonsense onto the back of Eric's paper leading thousands into a erroneous theory by hijacking EPD's authority.

    I don't like the idea that any nutjob can come in and take EPD's work and do whatever and and up watering it down or any other "unintended" consequence.
    Last edited by Pinwheel; 10-06-2011, 09:23 AM. Reason: changed mind


    • So then what I'm thinking is licence to freely distribute, but not to modify, or add to. That way you can always keep modified versions to be known as just that - modified.

      Because if I can add to a paper and distribute it then what keeps me from taking away from a paper? In that sense this is different than a linux distro. With linux you can add to the thing to try and make it better, or take away from a thing and make it better. If you do that with EPD's stuff then you could (most likely will) end up being in the same boat we already currently find ourselves in.

      IE: it is suggested that we currently have a distorted view of electricity, partially due to erroneous additional info about the nature of electrons. Or, we have a limited understanding of Tesla circuitry due, in part, to our ignorance (lack of info, or info taken away) of the Displacement current and the dielectric field.

      People shouldn't be able to add to or take away from Eric's stuff and then perpetrate that it's legit. They should do their own stuff, according to whatever, and then cite his work which then could be referenced and undistorted and reliable.
      Last edited by Pinwheel; 10-06-2011, 09:25 AM.


      • Light and Electricity

        Hi All

        I came across this article about Light and Electricity / dielectricty, which makes a few references to Eric, so may be helpful background reading?

        True Nature of Light & Electricity



        • Originally posted by Pinwheel View Post
          So then what I'm thinking is licence to freely distribute, but not to modify, or add to. That way you can always keep modified versions to be known as just that - modified.

          Because if I can add to a paper and distribute it then what keeps me from taking away from a paper? In that sense this is different than a linux distro. With linux you can add to the thing to try and make it better, or take away from a thing and make it better. If you do that with EPD's stuff then you could (most likely will) end up being in the same boat we already currently find ourselves in.

          IE: it is suggested that we currently have a distorted view of electricity, partially due to erroneous additional info about the nature of electrons. Or, we have a limited understanding of Tesla circuitry due, in part, to our ignorance (lack of info, or info taken away) of the Displacement current and the dielectric field.

          People shouldn't be able to add to or take away from Eric's stuff and then perpetrate that it's legit. They should do their own stuff, according to whatever, and then cite his work which then could be referenced and undistorted and reliable.
          Good points. Creative Commons licenses come in a few different tastes:
          Choose a License

          This one may be the most suitable:
          Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

          You are free:

          * to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work

          Under the following conditions:

          * Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
          * Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
          * No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

          The reason I thought about being able to make derivative works is because I hope to get other people involved with the digitization process. For example, it would be very nice if some people were prepared to re-draw the pictures and we should be legally allowed to include those in the printed version I hope we can realise if enough people participate in the process, so Eric can finally make some money of his work.

          So, the idea is to use freely distributable digital copies on one hand to distribute the information contained in the works, and on the other hand use it as an advertizing tool to sell a paper version (or versions) at some point in the future in order to generate some income for Eric.

          Coming to think of it, it is not necessary to allow derivative works of the "official" completed pdf's (or whatever format), as long as the people that are willing to help agree that all commercial rights to their contributions go to Eric. Or something in that direction.

          So, the idea is to setup a separate website for this project, where people can subscribe to and contribute to. So, all we need is to make sure that the people that subscribe formally agree to give Eric the commercial rights to all contributions they make to the website.

          One of the questions is what would be the best collaboration tool to put on such a website. I am currently working with PmWiki, which is very flexible and there is a module that allows you to enable subscriptions with email verification. It also has a module that allows you to enter latex math formulas, which I have currently enabled at my wiki. It also allows attachments of files, such as images, etc. So, as far as editing goes, I think this is a very useful tool.

          However, I have no idea what it would take to convert the pages on the wiki into a decent printed version, which could for example be published trough Self Publishing, Book Printing & eBook Publishing | . I would like to avoid hand-editing as much as possible. A quick look at the PmWiki "cookbook" suggests there is an easy solution: PmWiki | Cookbook / PublishPDF. However, it may very well be that this module does not like the math module, so that would have to be tested.

          So far, so good.

          Another point is how to make sure that any money that is being made with printed versions, and I would really like to see that happen, really goes to Eric and not to someone else.

          My idea would be to ask the board of "" foundation, of which I am a board member, to take care of managing any funds that result from the sale of printed versions and to make sure Eric gets his money:

 Foundation is the international branch of the Dutch "Stichting". ScriptumLibre creates awareness about the economic and social meaning of free knowledge and culture for our society. See our Objectives page for more information.

          ScriptumLibre works on creating awareness of the economic and social meaning of free knowledge and culture for our society. ScriptumLibre fulfills a protecting and promoting role. On the one hand free information ensures more competition and better market working because monopoly shaping is reduced. On the other hand, free knowledge and free culture offer unhindered access to that information, and that serves the development of mankind directly. Moreover ScriptumLibre is concerned about the erosion of privacy by legislators. ScriptumLibre cooperates internationally with the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure, Free Software Foundation Europe, Project Gutenberg, European Digital Rights and a lot of other organisations.
          This foundation also manages the support fund for Brenno De Winter, a Dutch IT journalist that came into trouble while investigating the security leaks in the Dutch "OV Chipkaart", a digital access control system for public transport. See for example: Dutch reporter won't be charged for transit card fraud | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

          Since Vrijschrift also hosts projects that fall within the objectives, I have already asked the board if Vrijschrift would be prepared to host a site for Eric, but we have to wait what the other board members think of this idea. I hope they agree to hosting as well as to manage a fund for Eric should we get that far, because that way we can concentrate on getting the digitization work done and won't have to worry about legal issues and/or making sure Eric gets his money if they project is as succesfull as I hope it will be.

          So, this is what I'm thinking about. Any comments and feedback is welcome, of course. All I want is to do the right thing for everyone, including Eric.


          • Its not necessarily Greek as in Tesla but enjoy nonetheless

            Please forgive me for wandering off course so far, I must to let you know I am still in the hunt no matter how far it looks I have strayed....

            Please enjoy 2 links
            Video The electrical engineer "in the Nicola Tesla folder"


            Originally posted by T-rex View Post
            Impedance and Admittance

            At this point the next level of dimensional relations can be derived from the primary dimensional relations given thus far;

            (I) The law of electro-magnetic induction, Faraday’s law, that is the electro-motive force E, in volts, is given by the proportionality (ratio) of the total quantity of magnetic induction Phi, to the time rate of the gain or loss of this quantity of magnetic induction, in per second. The voltage E is given by the rate of variation of magnetism. Change in magnetism is volts of E.M.F.
            (II) The law of magneto-dielectric induction, Maxwell’s law. That is, the displacement current I, in amperes, is given by the proportionality (ratio) of the total quantity of dielectric induction Psi, to the time rate of the gain or loss of this quantity of dielectric induction, in per second. The current I is given by the time rate of variation of dielectricity. Change in dielectricity is Amperes of displacement.

            In both cases “quickness” is the factor of direct proportionality. Example, 120 volts at 60 cycles per second applied to a transformer winding results in a greater rate of change in magnetism than 110 volts, 60 cycles applied to the same winding, despite both being 60 cycles. Why? The slope of 120VAC is greater than 110VAC. Try it on your oscilloscope and see.

            E and I are not to be considered opposites of each other, but they exist in a COMPLIMENTARY-SYMMETRY form. The four pole archetype of electricity shows itself in that there is E and e or I and i. This leads to the answer for our second question, the null force condition, that is what ratio of E to I, and thus e to i give rise to a cancellation of “e pulls” and “i pushes.” Another ratio to be investigated.
            Taking the ratio of the E.M.F. E, and the displacement I, that is E over I, we have evoked “Ohms law”: The dimensional relation of E.M.F., Phi over T; divided by the dimensional relation of displacement, Psi over T. This results in a new dimensional relation. This relation is known as the IMPEDANCE Z, in OHMS. E per I is Z. For a given product of E and I in Watts. We may have a large E and a small I, a high impedance, or we may have a small E and a large I, a low impedance. Hence, a unit of power (activity) in Watts may be in the form of a high impedance (12KV, 1 Amp) or a low impedance (1KV, 12 Amp), both the same power (12 KVA). Think of the transmission in your car. The engine is delivering 20 horsepower (activity) and this is delivered to the wheels. The engine is running 1800 R.P.M. (volts), but the drive shaft is running 180 R.P.M. (volts). The engine is a high impedance, the driveshaft a low impedance, but the power is 20 HP in both. We call this an IMPEDANCE TRANSFORMATION and this is effected by what is known as a TRANSFORMER, (the transmission, it has a RATIO of ten to one).

            The dimensional relation of impedance, Z in Ohms, can be expressed in an alternate manner from the primary dimensions. E divided by I equals Z, Ohms law. But we have dimensionally that the E.M.F. E in volts is given by Faraday’s law

            Webers per second

            Likewise the displacement I in Amperes is given by Maxwell’s law

            Coulombs per second

            Taking the ratio of E over I and substituting, the impedance is given by

            Weber-second per
            Coulomb-second = Ohms

            Here, dimensionally speaking, we have second per second which is thus dimensionless, or scalar, a TIME SCALAR. Hence the primary dimensional expression for impedance, Z in Ohms, is given

            Weber per Coulomb
            Equals Ohm.

            Hereby the impedance of the electric field of induction is defined as the ratio of the total magnetic induction to the total dielectric induction, Phi over Psi gives Ohms Z. This is known as the characteristic impedance of the electric field of induction.

            It must be remembered that the scalar term of seconds per seconds expresses the hysteresis angle between the time frame for E and the time frame for I, as the pair weave their dance thru the dimension of time (note, get that 2D or 3D out of your head, we are in the dimension of time!) The ratio Z, the impedance, is therefore a “directed quantity” in the dimension of time. This is to say the impedance has magnitude and a position in time. Listen to Bach organ music for further as this is too complex for now.

            Since arriving at the concept of impedance it may be asked what results from its inverse I over E, the ratio of displacement current to electromotive force. This ratio is called the ADMITTANCE Y of the electrical system. Following the same path dimensionally as was done with impedance it is,

            Coulomb – second
            Per Weber – second

            Hence the admittance Y is given dimensionally by,

            Coulomb per Weber
            Equals Siemens.

            Admittance Y in Siemens is the ratio of Psi to Phi, the ratio of the dielectric field to the magnetic field of the electric field of induction. This is called the characteristic admittance of the electric field.

            As for the scalar term of seconds per second the same situation exists as with the impedance Z in Ohms. It is however that there is also a time “angle” between the time frame of impedance Z in Ohms and admittance Y in Siemens, just as there is with Volts and Amperes. Hereby results that the impedance is NOT just the inverse of the admittance, that is, Z is NOT one over Y, they are MIRROR IMAGES. Look in the mirror. Your head is up, your feet are down, but your right is left and your left is right. This is much too complex.

            In conclusion, the impedance and admittance serve as proportionality factors between the magnetic and the dielectric, or the dielectric and the magnetic, fields respectively.

            73 DE N6KPH


            • wearing the stupid hat

              I have a D.C. transmission line, the conductors are 2 inches in
              diameter, spacing is 18 feet. How many ounces of force are developed
              upon a 600 foot span of this line, for the following;
              1. 1000 ampere line current.
              2. For 1000 KV line potential?
              I am waiting.

              Tentative Answer:
              I know I will be made to wear the stupid hat and have to stand in the corner. However considering the above problem, of how many ounces of force are developed, I would tentatively and cautiously answer that the are no ounces of force developed. I say this because in the post titled “ Variation with Respect to Time EF003” Dollard says, “ So long as there is no variation of the electrification, that is so long as it is static, no other phenomenon manifests”.

              As the above problem concerns a D.C. Transmission line, there is no variation with respect to time. It’s DC. “D.C. has zero frequency hence it has no relation to time. It is eternal, invariable, constant. Direct current is a TIME SCALAR, no variation in time”

              However there would certainly be an inductance component and a capacitance component of the transmission line. However since there is 1000M Watts of electrical activity Q, there are certainly a large amount of energy involved, which suggests to me that my answer is completely wrong?

              As here Eric said “The metallic-dielectric geometric structure bounding the electric field of induction engenders the mechanical forces developed by this bounded field. Where E and I are strictly electric forces, e and i give rise to mechanical forces upon physical matter thru the dimension of SPACE. i and e are the seat of magnetic forces pushing the metallic and of dielectric force pulling the metallic. i is a pushing force, e is a pulling force”

              “These represent the four terms of the “Telegraph Equation” of Oliver Heaviside in their primordial form”.

              I’ll need to do some more homework, reading and study over the weekend, look up Heaviside’s Telegraph Equation, if I can find it, see if I can compute the maths.
              Last edited by Sputins; 10-07-2011, 10:42 AM. Reason: the hat
              "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


              • H20commuter Motor Find


                Fantastic find shown in you video – well jealous!




                • Originally posted by john_g View Post

                  Fantastic find shown in you video – well jealous!


                  I agree, what a score!

                  Mike Klimesh
                  Live to experiment, Experiment to live (+_+)


                  • Originally posted by mklimesh View Post
                    I agree, what a score!

                    Mike Klimesh
                    Wow! Great! What does the plate on device say ?


                    • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                      Wow! Great! What does the plate on device say ?
                      Great find! Let us know when you power it up!
                      Cheers Mike


                      • The End of Time

                        The End of Time

                        This dimension of time, and its dimensional relation to electric phenomena, thus far has been the primary discussion. This metrical dimension, in seconds, and its relation to the substantial dimensions of Q, Psi and Phi has yielded a set of fundamental electrical relationships. As of yet the dimension of space is regarded as a frontier, occult from the human mind.

                        The idea of the dimension of time is a relatively modern development, beginning with the “age of clocks” in Europe. Out of this evolved the epic time dimensional works of J.S. Bach, 1685 to 1750. Following Bach the Newton – Liebnitz system of mathematics allowed for an analytical treatment of the dimension of time. The development of a base one number system, such as given by A. MacFarlane, and a system of electrical dimensional relations by O. Heaviside, led to the epic time dimensional works of C.P. Steinmetz 1965 to 1923. Steinmetz writing in “Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena” stands as an algebraic analog to Bach’s last work, “Die Kunst der Fuge”, BWV – 1080. Time in both forward and reverse, as well as multiple hysteretic time frames, within a complimentary – symmetrical geometric construct are portrayed in both the works of J.S. Bach and C.P. Steinmets. A persistent rumor exists, starting with Edison’s attempts to make contact with the dead. An unknown Christian organization contracted Steinmetz to develop an apparatus to allow viewing in present time the life of Jesus Christ in his time. Quite a story but no possible verification. However, in the realm of fiction, it was noticed that an old 1963 Outer Limits episode titled “Borderland” portrayed a layout like Steinmetz may have used in his G.E. laboratory. It is unfortunate that few, if any, have, or will follow the footsteps of the giants, they are too deep. Most will, without a thought, lap up the sweet neuro-toxins administered in liberal doses by the pendants, mystics, and dis-informers. Coyotes however are hard to trick and thus are hard to poison. We will continue to follow their path, hard as it may be.

                        Up to this point in time these time sequential internet transmissions have been intent in presenting, in a hypo-complex fashion, the primary electrical relations previously relegated to the tongues of parrots with only one wing. The only unique dimensional relation has been the Planck, Q. The Planck is defined as the undivided quantity, Q, of the total electric induction. In a Biblical sense an analog is, “and in the beginning…” Every other substantial relation found its derivation in the Planck. A pair, Phi and Psi were arrived at by a divorce, four more by direct interaction of a substantial dimension with the metrical dimension of time, these being E, I, W, P, and finally two more Z and Y, were derived in a pair of paths, one path thru the metrical dimension of time, the other path thru direct relations of the primary substantial dimensions of Phi and Psi. These give us the ONE and a following set of EIGHT.

                        It is important to remember not to become enamored to our models, or the models of others, with regard to the nature of the inductive process, or the nature of the medium which engendered it. These constructs, here and elsewhere, are illustrative, not concrete, but that is not to say that concrete constructs should not be sought. The primary intent and effort here is the establishment of concrete engineering formulation applied to the development of specific electrical apparatus. It is goal orientated much like the actions of large aggressive reptiles. Too bad they are extinct. What one does after that big blast off the bong, or the Nth beer in the bar, is considered a personal issue, not for publication or enforcement.

                        Concluding this sequence of time dimensional relationships the following tables are given.
                        Table 1
                        The One: The undivided quantity of electric induction.
                        Given as: The Planck, Q, in Weber - Coulomb.

                        The primary pair of dimensions:

                        One: The total dielectric induction.
                        Given as: The Coulomb, Psi, a primary dimension.

                        Two: The total magnetic induction.
                        Given as: The Weber, Phi, a primary dimension.

                        The first set of secondary dimensional relations:

                        One: The displacement current.
                        Given as: The Ampere, I, in Coulomb per second.

                        Two: The electromotive force.
                        Given as: The Volt, E, in Weber per second.

                        The second set of secondary dimensional relations:

                        Three: The energy.
                        Given as: The Joule, W, in Planck per second.

                        Four: The activity (power).
                        Given as: The Watt, P, in Joule per second.

                        And finally the pair with dual derivation:

                        One: The impedance.
                        Given as: The Ohm, Z, in Volt per Ampere, or in, Weber per Coulomb.

                        Two: The admittance.
                        Given as: The Siemens, Y, in Ampere per Volt, or in, Coulomb per Weber.

                        Also, throughout the dimensional relation for time is given as:

                        The complex frequency in Neper – radians per second, v.

                        And thus closes our system of electrical units in a dimensional relation with time.

                        Table 2

                        DIELECTRIC ELECTRIC MAGNETIC
                        -------------- Planck ----------------
                        Coulomb -------------- Weber
                        Ampere -------------- Volt
                        Siemens -------------- Ohm
                        -------------- Joule ---------------
                        -------------- Watt ---------------
                        (Neper – radian per second)

                        73 DE N6KPH

                        Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                        Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                        • Originally posted by h2ocommuter View Post
                          Please forgive me for wandering off course so far, I must to let you know I am still in the hunt no matter how far it looks I have strayed....

                          Please enjoy 2 links
                          Video The electrical engineer "in the Nicola Tesla folder"

                          Hi h2ocommuter, I'm not sure of what the motor/generator that you have will
                          output, but you're description of what is shown in the drawing is wrong.

                          Turning the page to the right so the generator is at the top as it is in you're video.

                          The left side is AC (clearly marked A) and the right side is DC (clearly marked D),
                          This is further confirmed by the way coils are excited directly by the currents
                          on the left side (AC). It's all explained in the text, so don't believe me.

                          This is a plan showing how currents of high frequency and potential can be
                          obtained from a DC generator or a AC generator of low frequency. The DC
                          generators on the right show that the main generator is likely a DC generator
                          as well having the input chopped by commutator the output can be AC by the
                          looks of it.

                          I think what you have is an induction motor or generator. I think currents can
                          be taken from the armature when it is used to generate and DC is supplied to
                          the armature when used as a motor, I think but I cannot be certain on that
                          point. But the Tesla drawing is self explanatory.

                          Congrats on the pickup.



                          • gulp: oh; just a bit excited the words are correct enough.

                            Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                            Hi h2ocommuter,
                            Congrats on the pickup.

                            Thank you so much. Thank you all for the good reguards.
                            Oh I have a good grip the book is very well written indeed.

                            @ everyone, Take the time to Copy everything Eric posts because nowhere in this world will this information ever flow from another persons lips. unless we all get this information documented and varified and take it to the students of the world. grab it while you can.

                            Zane Muckey


                            • Space


                              Our discussion on the theory of electric phenomena will now shift from the metrical dimension of time and develop the application of the metrical dimension of space. As a frontier, space will be treated in an experimental manner. One is cautioned against being, or becoming, enamored to any particular concept of space presented here or elsewhere. The importance of the study of J.J. Thompson, “Electricity and Matter”, and O. Heaviside, “E-M Theory”, volume 1, (introductory chapters), this cannot be over-emphasized. Do your homework. And as said by Heaviside, it is said here; “If you think these are hard to read, well, they are even harder to write (in the front seat of my car).

                              Greater complexity is encountered in the application of the dimension of space than that of time. Space relations are not well understood in the contemporary engineering world, and misconception abounds. N.F.G. relations introduced by the QRM mystics, such as curved space and 2D, 3D thinking has all but eliminated any real comprehension of the application of the dimension of space to electrical study.

                              Relations in the dimension of time are ADDITIVE, relations of forward and reverse. Time relations are linear, so to speak, along w versor path in time. Not so in the dimension of space, here it is MULTIPLICITIVE. Time relations are arithmetic progressions, whereas space relations are geometric progressions.

                              Consider a numerical illustration:

                              For the time relations, it is;
                              3 and 3 gives 6

                              For space relations, it is;
                              3 and 3 gives 9

                              Two distinctively different results.

                              In time it is expressed as;
                              3 plus 3 equals 6

                              In space it is expressed as;
                              3 times 3 equals 9

                              Taking an alternate approach we have for time, a pair of 3’s, that is, two 3’s. The same for space, two 3’s.

                              Then it is for time;
                              3 times 2 equals 6

                              And for space it is;
                              3 to the 2 power equals 9

                              Hence, it can be stated that the time relations are LINEAR whereas the space relations are LOGARITHMIC.

                              In working with time dimension relations there has been developed a versor algebra, an “algebra of time.” The development of this time algebra is primarily due to the efforts of Carl Proteus Steinmetz of General Electric Corp. (also see A. MacFarlane, “The Imaginary of Algebra”). Versor algebra utilizes a BASE ONE number system, that is, the number ONE raised to a specific power. In common use is the base TWO number system, binary, and the base TEN number system, decimal. But a base one number system seems unlikely, it can only give one. This is exactly what we want in a versor system, as will be shown.

                              The versor concept applied to time relations has been established in engineering work for practical use, but not so for space relations. The concept of space versor algebra jammed up and seized with what is known as QUANTERNIONS. Development of space versors “finished” with quanternions (see A. MacFarlane “Principals of the Algebra of Physics”) and little else progressed up to the “Theory of Wireless Power” by E.P. Dollard where a space versor algebra is presented. Note that versors are NOT VECTORS.

                              So as to arrive at an understanding of versor algebra in general it is instructive to consider known concepts of versor algebra for time. Consider a second order time relation. This is given as, the square root of positive one, a seemingly useless statement. An alternate expression is given as, ONE raised to the one half power, let us say raised to the PER TWO power. This is a second order relationship and by definition must give a pair of roots, that is, two distinct values, thus the roots are given as (1) Positive one, and (2) Negative one. We will call negative one an IMAGINARY NUMBER. Both roots, (1) and (2) are more properly named VERSOR OPERATIONS. Their magnitude is unity and they are dimensionless. Therefore, by application to the concept of the additive process, it has now been extended to include subtraction. (plus and minus). We have arrived at an expression for time phase opposition.

                              Extending these ideas results in a versor expression for fourth order time relations, the fourth root of positive one. This is ONE to the ONE FOURTH power (one to the PER FOUR power). This can be partially resolved into a pair of square roots, each of which have two roots, giving the required four roots. It is given that the square root of positive one produces a pair of roots, that is,

                              1) Positive 1.
                              2) Negative 1

                              Now, in addition, is the second square root, the square root of negative one, this producing a pair of roots,

                              1) Positive j
                              2) Negative j
                              Hereby we arrive at the required four roots produced by the fourth root of positive one, four to the one fourth. These are given as;

                              0) Positive 1
                              1) Positive j
                              2) Negative 1
                              3) Negative j

                              Here the concept of the additive process, addition, is now further generalized. There is more than only plus and minus. This versor expression is for time phase quadrature and for time phase opposition. We now see versors as a degree of lead or lag on a given order of time, here in fourth order time. One to the one fourth power gives the four quadrature versor operators. CAUTION, do not view this as 2D or 4D time, this is NOT a VECTORAL system. Further on this is given in the “Symbolic Representation” papers by E.P. Dollard.

                              The versor algebra here given thus far has been orientated to represent the dimension of time. Versor algebra is based upon degrees or orders of the dimension to which they are applied. The following orders of space, in terms of perceptual understanding begins the degrees or divisions of the dimension of space. The fundamental unit of space here will be the centimeter, or cm.

                              I - First order of space:
                              (a) DISTANCE Space to the positive first power, cm.
                              (b) SPAN Space to the negative first power, per cm.

                              II – Second order space:
                              (a) AREA Space to the positive second power, square cm.
                              (b) DENSITY Space to the negative second power, per square cm.

                              III – Third order space:
                              (a) VOLUME Space to the positive third power, cubic cm
                              (b) CONCENTRATION Space to the negative third power, per cubic cm.

                              IV – Fourth order space:
                              (a) Space to the positive fourth power, quartic cm.
                              (b) Space to the negative fourth power, per quartic cm.

                              Finally Nth order space.

                              The (a) group are the spatial relations, and the
                              (b) Group are the counter-spatial relations. Higher order space, such as fourth order lack definition, it is undefined space. Einstein 4D space, crystal structured? It remains un-defined!

                              These orders of space can be worked into a simple tale:
                              I ran out of orange juice, bummer. Now I got to drive a DISTANCE of 15 MILES to the lizard pit (store). Let’s take Rathead, the poodle, along for a chance to get out of the house. Along the way I’ll count the number of poles on that old J carrier line, they have a SPAN of one PER 150 FEET. Rathead has got to stay in the car, that 1000 ACRE AREA of land behind the store is infested with coyotes. They have a population DENSITY of one PER 50 ACRE. This store only sells juice in a VOLUME of half GALLONS. The CONCENTRATION of vitamin C in this juice is one unit daily requirement PER 8 CUBIC OUNCE serving. When considering next the fourth order of space, Rathead begins to bark his head off at some UNKNOWN THING. Stupid poodle, let’s go. Break, more follows on Space.

                              73 DE N6KPH

                              Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
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                              • If I'm not mistaken the IV - Fourth order space: would be non communicative. with vanishing scalar fields. hence the inability to visualize a dimension outside of ours. We can measure and see the effects of such a thing, though it may make no sense, similar to 2D world watching two circles merge into one while in 3D space it's two spheres in phase moving in thru 2D plane, if one of the spheres orbited the other it would look truly strange to 2D world. the point being 2D would not have anyway to visualize the 3D world that is responsible for what they see.

                                I noticed that the quaternion multiplication table shows this non commutative property and that is lost with the vector notation since it is commutative.

                                Eric, I applaud your efforts. This is no doubt a difficult msg to convey when dealing with spacial units and scalar fields that are dimensionless. I may very well be wrong here, I think that the proper equations will show the 'effect' of the scalar field and taking notice of how it is derived and can be manipulated will be key to understanding the nature of electricity and the universe.

                                There is notable progress being done with spherical harmonics and wave functions as computational power and graphics programs have progressed. although it's being used as a 3D spacial tool it can be manipulated to show the effect of the 4D scalar field on the wave function. Though this hasn't been done, I have taken the task of working thru the eq to do this. to say it's not easy is a massive understatement. fortunately I have the associated graphic math programs for just this task, side effect of business work.

