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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • Application of Space to the Electric Dimensional Relations

    Application of Space to the Electric Dimensional Relations

    In order to gain an understanding of the electric field of induction a concept of the distribution of this induction in the dimension of space must be developed. An example is a 200 mile long power line. It has a span of 600 feet between towers. This is a 230 kilovolt, 60 cycle/sec, 3 phase line. It can be shown that for each span of line between supporting structures there exist an electro-motive force, E, in Volts, this in series along this span, and a displacement current, I, in Amperes, this in shunt along this span. The series E.M.F., and the shunt displacement of each span compound with each successive span. The total E.M.F. and total displacement for the entire length, 200 miles, of the line is found by integrating over the total number of spans. However, this integrated value is not given by the simple addition of the individual E.M.F.s and displacements developed by each of the individual spans. Here we find an exponential function of space determines the relation between the individual values, and the total values of E.M.F. and displacement. These considerations are developed by Carl P. Steinmetz in his “Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena” book, in particular the chapter on “Transients in Space.”

    The general problem of the representation in space is given by the introductory part of “Transients in Space” and also by Ernst Guillimen in the introductory chapters in his “Communications Networks” vol. 2. Read these, they are a most important study. These writings form the basis for the theories of electrical engineering utilized today.

    The metrical dimension of space is most often considered as a VOLUME, this representing an enclosed quantity of space. This space is filled with something substansive, often which must be paid for, such as a gallon of milk. The milk is the substantial dimension, the “throw away” gallon container is the metrical dimension. In general, this volume of space is considered a cubic quantity, or boundary, this such as a cubic foot, cubic yard, cubic centimetre, and etc. It is habitual to express a volume in cubic terms, this in three mutually perpendicular co-ordinates, wrongly called “dimensions.” It is also habitual to express electric relations in the same manner, a corner of a cube, such as Psi, Phi, and Q. This now is three dimensional, a 3D relation, since Psi, Phi, and Q are dimensions. The cubic relation itself has no substansive dimensions, it is only the metrical dimension of space expressed by a group of three mutually perpendicular co-ordinates. This is important.

    It is given here that a one centimetre cube is the elemental unit of the dimension of space, a volume of one cubic cm. This is about the size of a common sugar cube, but instead of sugar, this cube is filled with electric induction. It is a cube of electricity. What exists outside the boundaries of this cube is for now unknown, it is excluded by the boundaries. For most of the examples that follow, all space is filled with 10-C transformer oil, the dielectric. All boundaries enclosing, or dividing, this space are sheet copper, the metallic. Here given is the metallic-dielectric geometry, such as a power transformer, or a static condenser, two fundamental apparatus in electrical work.

    In the case of the 200 mile long A.C. power line the basic element of space is the span. This is first order space. Here it is given as per 600 feet, this now a unit value. It now equals one, one span. This unit value is known as a differential element, it is indivisible, the smallest “line on the ruler.” It relates to the Newton-Leibnitz concept of the infinitesimal.

    It is considered that cubic, or third order space, is the most general expression of space, a metrical dimension. Since the ordinary transformers and condensers utilized in power engineering are of considerable volume, it is then allowable to consider one cubic cm. as a differential element, that is, an infinitesimal quantity if space. Taking the, one cubic cm. of space, as a unit value, gives the differential element of the metrical dimension of space. It is hereby about the size of a sugar cube, but filled with 10-C oil. Hence the VOLUME is given as ONE cubic cm., the AREA as ONE square cm., the DISTANCE as ONE cm., the SPAN as ONE per cm., the DENSITY as ONE per square cm., and the CONCENTRATION as ONE per cubic cm., all faces, corners, spacings, and etc. of this unit cube are ONE. Hence our differential, indivisible, element of the metrical dimension of space. All orders, or powers, of this space equals one, one squared is one, one cubed is one, and etc. All are one.

    This may just as well have been a cubic yard, or a cubic nanometre. The consideration of “unit value” is to reduce the size to the point to which there is no distinguishable variation of the substansive dimension with respect to the unit of the metrical dimension of space. It is then a space scalar condition, no variation in space. For example, consider the 200 mile long A.C. power line. It has a propagation velocity very near that of light. For a frequency of 60 cycles per second, this gives the wavelength as 2880 miles in length. The total distance of this line is 200 miles, this a significant fraction of a quarter wave or an impedance to admittance transformation. However the per 600 feet of a span is an infinitesimal fraction of the quarter wave distance. Hence the distance between towers, the spans, serve as the differential element. It is then 600 feet is of unit value, indivisible. There are no intervening towers.

    No perceptible variation of the series E.M.F., E in Volts, or the shunt displacement, I in Amperes, exist along this 600 foot span of A.C. power line. Hereby it is said the E.M.F. per span, or the displacement per span. In the general case it is given as Volts per span and Amperes per span. These dimensional relations represent the voltage gradient and current gradient along the length of line. Dimensionally it is;

    1) Volts per cm.
    2) Ampere per cm.

    It should be noted that this pair of gradients exist in space quadrature to the previous given gradients, the dielectric gradient, d, and the magnetic gradient, m. This is a fundamental relation in electro-magnetic induction and its propagation.

    It can be seen that each span has a back E.M.F. in series with the power flow, and a displacement, or charging, current in shunt with the power flow. These are a consequence of the electric field of induction in a time rate of variation, the 60 cycle, or 377 radians per second. These are transmission impairments and give rise to a delay in propagation which progressively compounds down the line, from span to span. These differential elements, or spans, must be summed up, or INTEGRATED, in order to determine the total E.M.F., total displacement, and the total delay in propagation. This is not so easy of a task. Now for higher orders of space the situation is that order more difficult.

    In the application of the metrical dimension of space to the substantial dimensions of electricity, the concept of magnetic inductance, and electro-static capacity, are utilized. Steinmetz, in his “Impulses, Waves, and Discharges”, established the inductance and the capacitance as the “Energy Storage” coefficients of the electric field of induction. It must be noted that here the term ELECTRIC FIELD is NOT the “electro-static” field, it is the union of the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction. Erase the “electric field” wording of the one wing parrot. These two distinct dimensional relations, the INDUCTANCE and the CAPACITANCE serve to define the ability of bounded to contain the electric field of induction, this field representing STORED ENERGY.

    What follows here is the development of the properties related to the dielectric and magnetic fields and the interaction of these with the bounding metallic-dielectric geometry. Considerations involving energy will be arrived at later on. In this view inductance and capacitance now represent GEOMETRIC CO-EFFICIENTS, expressing the relation of the BOUNDING GEOMETRY with the fields of induction which it bounds. In essence inductance and capacitance are of a scalar form. Here enters the concepts of what is known as “radionics.” The inductance and capacitance each exist in distinction to the electricity itself. The inductance and capacitance ultimately serve as geometric expressions. This is important. Hereby they can be expressed as completely metrical dimensional relations, that is, having no substansive dimension.

    We have of yet actually given the dimensional relations which make up inductance and capacitance. Further considerations involving the electric field have yet to be understood. Break, more to follow…

    DE N6KPH

    Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
    Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


    • Basic Electrical Relations in Space

      Basic Electrical Relations in Space

      Let a one centimetre cube of the metrical dimension of space be given as unit space. The given metrical boundaries define a unit cube, a sugar cube with no sugar, no 10-C oil, not even any aether. This cube of space is empty, void. This unit of space, a metrical unit, is NOT in connection with any substantial dimension. This is a unit cube of void space.

      It is postulated that electric induction, as a property of the aether, cannot be established without the presence of this aether, or another dielectric medium. This is to say, void space is not capable of supporting electric induction. Hereby it is reasoned that the aether is a substansive dimension, or it can be expressed as a substansive dimensional relation. The dimensional expression of the aether it is best given as a primary dimension, expressed only in a dimensional relation derived from a primary substansive dimension and its relationship to a primary metrical dimension, time or space. This is served by the concept of the Planck, Q, this in conjunction with a space versor system expressing the Planck in real (electro-magnetic) components. See E.P. Dollard “Theory of Wireless Power.”

      In general we have been speaking in terms of line of force, that is lines of magnetic and lines of dielectric induction. It is as of yet known “how big” these lines of force may be. These lines of induction can be expressed analogously, such as a bag of uncooked spaghetti. Its individual strands serve as analogs to the individual lines of induction.. Hence long, thin, strands with axes in a broadside bundle. If then the bag of spaghetti is snapped in two, when it is viewed endwise, a circular cluster of small end-sections of each strand are seen. These are elements of the strands of spaghetti.

      This package of spaghetti is an analog to the total dielectric induction. Now there are 100 strands of spaghetti in this package, or boundary condition. Here Psi is then given as 100 strands, the total quantity of spaghetti. Viewing this package endwise, 100 end sections of the individual strands are seen in a circular bundle. The cross sectional area of this bundle, bounded by the package is a one square inch AREA. This is analogous to a dielectric flux DENSITY, the density of dielectric induction, in PER SQUARE INCH. Hence the density of spaghetti is given as 100 strands per square inch. The total undivided quantity of spaghetti is 100 strands. The substansive dimension of spaghetti is in containment by the “throw away” package, this as the metrical dimension of space. Counter-spatial representation is given as 100 strands per square inch. The grocery store regards this as one indivisible unit quantity in space of spaghettic induction.

      Here the substantial dimension of spaghetti, Psi, is operated upon mathematically by the metrical dimension of space, per square inch. Here arrived at is the dimensional representation of spaghetti in space, strands per square inch. This is a second order space relation, in a counter-spatial form.

      A pair of dimensional relations follow from the spaghetti analog. One is the dielectric flux density, Psi over A,

      (1) Coulombs per square cm.

      And the magnetic flux density, Phi over A,

      (2) Webers per square cm.

      Here A is the area in square cm, a second order expression of space. A primary dimensional expression for second order space is the ACRE, the space for which she extracts her toll.

      Since the total electric induction, Q, is the product of the dielectricity, Psi, and of the magnetism, Phi, it may be asked, what of the product of the dielectric flux density, and the magnetic flux density? This is given as,

      (3) Coulomb per square cm
      Weber per square cm

      Substituting the dimensional relation,

      (4) Coulomb-Weber, or Planck

      Hereby gives the dimensional relation of the product of the flux densities as,

      (5) Planck per quatric cm.

      Hereby the product of the pair of flux densities, (1) and (2) Gives rise to a fourth order space relation (5), this in counter-spatial form. Now what in hell set off the poodle this time?

      73 DE N6KPH

      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


      • Does it go on from there?

        [...]it may be asked, what of the product of the dielectric flux density, and the magnetic flux density?
        The ratio of the dielectric flux density over the dielectric induction is the ... (I have no idea).


        The ratio of the magnetic flux density over the magnetic induction is the ... (I have no idea).

        Similar to how impedance and admittance were treated earlier?

        Weber per Coulomb
        Equals Ohms.

        Coulomb per Weber
        Equals Siemens.
        Or perhaps,

        Planck^4 / (either) phi or psi = something

        Like, there's another set of dimensional relations and ratios that one would want to consider now that we are looking at the substantial properties of the electric field density in cm^4.

        /edit -and now I realize I was reading it wrong - it's Planck/cm^4.
        Last edited by Pinwheel; 10-18-2011, 01:19 AM.


        • Eric,
          Very informative post indeed! I'm going to read more of Transients in Space tonight (For anyone interested in doing the same it's located in Steinmetz - Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscillations) I eagerly await your next transmission

          Originally posted by Pinwheel View Post
          Does it go on from there?

          The ratio of the dielectric flux density over the dielectric induction is the ... (I have no idea).


          The ratio of the magnetic flux density over the magnetic induction is the ... (I have no idea).

          Similar to how impedance and admittance were treated earlier?

          Or perhaps,

          Planck^4 / (either) phi or psi = something

          Like, there's another set of dimensional relations and ratios that one would want to consider now that we are looking at the substantial properties of the electric field density in cm^4.

          /edit -and now I realize I was reading it wrong - it's Planck/cm^4.
          Good to see your trying to thinking ahead but the ratio of dielectric field density to magnetic field density or visa versa is Impeadence (webers per coulomb) and Admittance (coulombs per weber) since the space to the 2nd power cancels when dividing. See an example here; WolframAlpha
          Scribd account;


          • I get it

            Originally posted by Dollard, E. P. (N6KPH) View Post
            ...for those who’s minds have been polluted by the prevalent quantum goddess reality:


            The air in the room; the room is filled with air and has atmospheric pressure of 2998 mB, your stereo is blasting away, the speakers are creating longitudinal waves having length and frequency and exert a oscillating force centered on 2998 mB (+ or – 10 mB)

            RG is the air pressure, a scalar
            XB is the sound of the stereo, a longitudinal wave

            XG = RB, thus no transverse waves exist (XG – RB) = ZERO

            Hence (RG + XB) is what is going on in the room, the disinformers have convinced you that this whole quantity (RB + XB) is scalar, RG is the only scalar component. It is DC and has NO FREQUENCY, no WAVELENGTH and thus NO WAVE! SCALER = NO WAVE - GET IT???

            If people don’t get this fundamental concept – my time is better spent talking to my pet Coyote… I have nothing further to say…
            I totally get it Eric. This has been my thought about the electrostatic for while, but knowing who to bring this to practical application has been hard for me. I have been working on a capacitor with one metal plate and one plasma plate. The idea to very capacitance over time at extreme frequencies. Am I headed in the right direction at all?

            I have only now found your work. I gave up on understanding Tesla years ago, because I made the mistake of seeking education from Babylon. I have only now picked it up again. Tesla has been my primary hero since I was 10 years old. Your last post just broke my heart. I am so sorry. I have nothing to offer you, but if you ever need a place to stay the door is open.

            There are years of time span in your work and I would guess that you have refined your ideas, but being at the beginning, I need a way to get to the relevant info and not wast time with outdated ideas. I assume from your frustration you have, like Tesla, already explained everything but have not been perceived. I beg this one request from you Eric in the name of Tesla and all that is Good. Can you please provide a list of your works and/or others which gives us the secrets of Tesla?

            Having all the relevant material specifically listed in one place would greatly speed the learning/relearning curve! With this info I promise to learn it, build it, and teach it worldwide!

            Right now, I don't even know where to look for all your data, math, ect..


            • Might I suggest that cutting a pasting Eric's work alone - together in one place and reading it - in its entirety -may be the way to see this in a cohesive manner. It is one way to remove the disjointed thoughts.

              That - and Eric has posted the textbooks that he started with. I some 35 years ago, found the very same thing, when I was reading Mech and EE Eng books, back in high school - The NEW texts, were 300 pages and left out all of the steps from question to solution. Going back 5 or 10 editions - and maybe 20 to 40 years of publishing, allowed me to find the very same questions, asked and answered - for 40 years. The simple truth was that during the 70's and 80's, Texts got cut 2 and 300 pages - but what was left on the floor was the math and word explanations - of how you sorted things out in "First Principles". I found - the older the book - the better the explanation.


              • Originally posted by wizofid View Post
                Might I suggest that cutting a pasting Eric's work alone - together in one place and reading it - in its entirety -may be the way to see this in a cohesive manner. It is one way to remove the disjointed thoughts.
                You may want to take a look here:
                Tuks DrippingPedia : Energetic Form Posts


                • I'm pretty sure Raui's forum signature is of use.


                  • Experimental Cubic Volumes

                    Experimental Cubic Volumes

                    It has been heretofore established an existence of a volumetric, or cubical, unit of space, the metrical dimension. This unit of the dimension of space is defined as one cubic centimetre, the size of a common sugar cube. It is given this metrical cubic volume of space is void of any substansive dimension, no sugar, no 10-C oil, and even no aether, since aether is considered a substansive dimensional relation. Hence, indivisible, void, and a pure metrical unit, this is our cubic volume of EMPTY SPACE.

                    Consider the axiom that a field of electric induction cannot exist in the absence of the aether. Then just how does this cubic void space interact with an electric field? Since the laws of lines of force as established by Michael Faraday, and developed by J.J. Thompson, and as further established by C.P. Steinmetz, maintain that no line of force can just end in space. The lines of magnetic induction exist as closed loops, no beginning, no end, continuous expansive or contractive loops. Magnetism is a circumferal force. In a conjugate manner the lines of dielectric induction terminate upon physical surfaces, where they bond into the intra-molecular dimensions. Dielectricity is a radial force.

                    The Maxwell concept of electro-magnetic induction and its propagation gives an altered concept of the nature of dielectric induction. In this situation the lines of dielectric induction may also terminate upon themselves, forming closed curves in a manner analogous to the loops of magnetic induction. This condition is a necessity for the propagation of electro-magnetic waves in a dielectric medium, (sugar, oil, aether, etc.) without guiding metallic structures (wires, waveguides, etc.) This eliminates the “charge carrier”, that is, the dielectric induction is now completely independent of any terminal surfaces. The dielectric induction is now completely dielectric. This is the fundamental concept underlying the Maxwell theory of electro-magnetism. It is here that J.C. Maxwell found his fame. But the pedant tells us just the exact opposite! So intent is this mind-state in forcing a “materialism” upon electrical theory that Maxwell’s work is re-worked to suit this view, it is then taken up by the one wing parrots, their screeches drowning out the original concepts of Maxwell.

                    It may be logically inferred hereby that, for the condition of a cubic volume of space, the line of magnetic, and the lines of electric, induction must bend around this cubic void of space. These lines cannot be interrupted or broken by this void. Hence by the insertion of a cubic void into a space supporting electric induction the lines of force are pushed aside. The overall induction in the supportive space is then hereby reduced, since now there is a unit volume less of this space. This is to say that the inductivity of the supportive space is reduced by the insertion of an aetherless cubic volume of space, the cube of empty space.

                    Consider certain experimental configurations. One configuration consists of a widely spaced pair of laser produced beam of light, side by side traveling through the aetheric medium. The second configuration is a pair of one square centimetre copper plates. These two plates face each other squarely and are separated by a span of one centimetre. This defines a partial boundary for our one cubic centimetre, or unit, cube. Hence any unit cube volume can be inserted between the pair of one square cm copper plates. It is also given that all space within and surrounding these copper squares is void, no sugar, no oil, no aether, just empty space.

                    In our first experimental configuration we have a set of three unit cubes, one is filled with 10-C oil, the second is filled with aether, and the third is void. Taking the side by side spaced laser beams, we measure the speed, or time delay of propagation of both beams through supporting aether through which they propagate. Here, both arrive at the end point at the same time, thus propagating at identical velocities of propagation. First, take the unit cube of oil and insert it into beam number one, leaving beam number two unchanged. It is hereby found that beam one arrives delayed in time relative to the arrival time of beam two. Here it can be inferred that light travels slower in the oil. By measurement it is found to be about 70 percent of the light velocity in the aether.

                    Next, take a unit cube of aether and insert this cube into beam one, again leaving beam two unaltered. Obviously both beams arrive at the same time since both propagate through only aether.

                    Finally, take a unit cube of void space and insert it into beam one, beam two again unaltered. The poodle begins to bark. We now have two distinctly opposing possible outcomes.

                    (A) Beam one is stopped at the facing boundary of the cubic void. No beam one is detected at the receiving end. Now it may be asked, what became of beam one? Was it sent back, or was it consumed, thus in violation of the Law of Energy Perpetuity? This we are unable to answer.

                    (B) Beam one arrives advanced in time relative to the arrival time of beam two, this to say, that the propagation through the void space is now instantaneous, in other words with an infinite (un-defined) velocity. It takes no time to span the distance of the unit void space. How is this possible?

                    Now we take our next experimental configuration, the pair of parallel one square cm. copper plates, these in void space. Thus far we have no concept defining capacitance, but we do possess a capacitance meter. How fortunate! Upon connecting this instrument to the unit copper plates in a void it is found that this metallic-dielectric configuration has zero capacity. This is understandable since we now have no dielectric, and hence, no dielectric induction.

                    Next, we insert a unit cube of aether between the unit square copper plates. Now the instrument indicates one electro-static unit of capacitance, this as expected.

                    Finally, we insert a unit cube of 10-C oil between the unit square copper plates. Now the instrument indicates an increase in capacitance over that of the aether. This increase in capacitance is in EXACT proportion to the square (second power) of the decrease in the velocity of light through the same identical cube of oil. It is then given, the change in the velocity of light through a dielectric medium is the square root of the inverse of the change in capacitance effected by this dielectric medium. Hence capacitance exists in a direct relationship with the velocity of light in a given medium. Zero capacitance, infinite velocity.

                    Hereby this dimensional relation is given as,

                    Seconds Squared
                    Centimetres Squared

                    This is to say, one over the speed of light squared, that is, one over c squared. Here it is useful to take the speed of light as a unit value, or one. See for example, C.P. Steinmetz’s “Impulses, Waves, and Discharges”, chapter on “Velocity Measure.” It is in this relationship between luminal velocity and electro-static capacity that we find the luminal velocity concepts of the relativists, the c squared in the E equals M-c squared. Call it a “dimensional fluke” if you wish. However, capacitance is forever married to the velocity of light, to one over c squared.

                    Investigating dielectric capacitance a bit further, consider an experiment of Ben Franklin, the father of the electro-static condenser. Here we will dispel the “electronics nerd” concept that a capacitor stores “electrons” in its plates. Taking the pair of copper plates as in the previous experiment, but now we have two pairs of plates, one pair of plates distant from the other pair of plates. Upon one pair of plates is imposed an electro-static potential between them. The cube of 10-C oil is inserted between this “charged” set of plates. This hereby establishes a dielectric field of induction within the unit cube of 10-C oil. Now we then remove this cube of oil, withdrawing it from the space bounded by the charged pair of copper plates, and taking this unit cube of oil, it is then inserted into the space bounded by the other un-charged pair of plates. Upon insertion it is found that the un-charged pair of plates have now in fact become charged also. It here can be seen that a cube of dielectric induction can be carried through space, from one set of plates to another set of plates. This induction is contained by the boundaries of the 10-C oil. Well golly-gee Mr. Wizard, what happened to all those electrons, Isn’t oil an insulator?

                    Here given has been various examples of dimensional relations involving space. First order space has been the long distance power line, second order space has been the package of spaghetti, third order space has been the cube of 10-C transformer oil, and, over the incessant barking of the poodle, fourth order space has been invoked as a product of conjugate flux densities.

                    With the understanding hereby developed it is now possible to enter development of the concept of inductance and of capacitance, along with their use in the application of the metrical dimension of space to the substantial dimensions of electric induction. From this can be derived a substansive concept of the aether.

                    73 DE N6KPH

                    Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                    Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                    • Thanks for your transmission Eric!

                      Originally posted by Pinwheel View Post
                      I'm pretty sure Raui's forum signature is of use.
                      It's the artistic realization of a particular canon of Bach's. See Bach: Endlessly Rising Modulation Canon (with score!) - YouTube for the particular canon. The idea is discussed in greater detail (and is where I got the idea from) in Doug Hofstader's Godel, Escher, Bach and the Eternal Golden Braid. Basically the canon changes key by the time it gets to the end of the sequence and it seemlessly blends meaning it doesn't make the song tune sound off and can continue to be played over and over with every time corresponding to a heightening of the key. Same thing with Drawing Hands by Escher with this infinite loop type situation occuring. I don't fully understand how this ties in with what Eric is saying but I do know that it does.

                      I have assembled a list of freely downloadable books, alot of which Eric has referenced, here; It contains every single book Eric has referenced on the forum with the exception of Ernst Guillemin's Communication Networks plus some references he has referenced in his books. I stress that anyone who is reading Eric's posts should check them out especially Heaviside's Electromagnetic Induction and its Propagation.

                      Last edited by Raui; 10-22-2011, 01:19 AM.
                      Scribd account;


                      • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                        Experimental Cubic Volumes

                        It has been heretofore established an existence of a volumetric, or cubical, unit of space, the metrical dimension. This unit of the dimension of space is defined as one cubic centimetre, the size of a common sugar cube. It is given this metrical cubic volume of space is void of any substansive dimension, no sugar, no 10-C oil, and even no aether, since aether is considered a substansive dimensional relation. Hence, indivisible, void, and a pure metrical unit, this is our cubic volume of EMPTY SPACE.

                        Consider the axiom that a field of electric induction cannot exist in the absence of the aether. Then just how does this cubic void space interact with an electric field? Since the laws of lines of force as established by Michael Faraday, and developed by J.J. Thompson, and as further established by C.P. Steinmetz, maintain that no line of force can just end in space. The lines of magnetic induction exist as closed loops, no beginning, no end, continuous expansive or contractive loops. Magnetism is a circumferal force. In a conjugate manner the lines of dielectric induction terminate upon physical surfaces, where they bond into the intra-molecular dimensions. Dielectricity is a radial force.

                        The Maxwell concept of electro-magnetic induction and its propagation gives an altered concept of the nature of dielectric induction. In this situation the lines of dielectric induction may also terminate upon themselves, forming closed curves in a manner analogous to the loops of magnetic induction. This condition is a necessity for the propagation of electro-magnetic waves in a dielectric medium, (sugar, oil, aether, etc.) without guiding metallic structures (wires, waveguides, etc.) This eliminates the “charge carrier”, that is, the dielectric induction is now completely independent of any terminal surfaces. The dielectric induction is now completely dielectric. This is the fundamental concept underlying the Maxwell theory of electro-magnetism. It is here that J.C. Maxwell found his fame. But the pedant tells us just the exact opposite! So intent is this mind-state in forcing a “materialism” upon electrical theory that Maxwell’s work is re-worked to suit this view, it is then taken up by the one wing parrots, their screeches drowning out the original concepts of Maxwell.

                        It may be logically inferred hereby that, for the condition of a cubic volume of space, the line of magnetic, and the lines of electric, induction must bend around this cubic void of space. These lines cannot be interrupted or broken by this void. Hence by the insertion of a cubic void into a space supporting electric induction the lines of force are pushed aside. The overall induction in the supportive space is then hereby reduced, since now there is a unit volume less of this space. This is to say that the inductivity of the supportive space is reduced by the insertion of an aetherless cubic volume of space, the cube of empty space.

                        Consider certain experimental configurations. One configuration consists of a widely spaced pair of laser produced beam of light, side by side traveling through the aetheric medium. The second configuration is a pair of one square centimetre copper plates. These two plates face each other squarely and are separated by a span of one centimetre. This defines a partial boundary for our one cubic centimetre, or unit, cube. Hence any unit cube volume can be inserted between the pair of one square cm copper plates. It is also given that all space within and surrounding these copper squares is void, no sugar, no oil, no aether, just empty space.

                        In our first experimental configuration we have a set of three unit cubes, one is filled with 10-C oil, the second is filled with aether, and the third is void. Taking the side by side spaced laser beams, we measure the speed, or time delay of propagation of both beams through supporting aether through which they propagate. Here, both arrive at the end point at the same time, thus propagating at identical velocities of propagation. First, take the unit cube of oil and insert it into beam number one, leaving beam number two unchanged. It is hereby found that beam one arrives delayed in time relative to the arrival time of beam two. Here it can be inferred that light travels slower in the oil. By measurement it is found to be about 70 percent of the light velocity in the aether.

                        Next, take a unit cube of aether and insert this cube into beam one, again leaving beam two unaltered. Obviously both beams arrive at the same time since both propagate through only aether.

                        Finally, take a unit cube of void space and insert it into beam one, beam two again unaltered. The poodle begins to bark. We now have two distinctly opposing possible outcomes.

                        (A) Beam one is stopped at the facing boundary of the cubic void. No beam one is detected at the receiving end. Now it may be asked, what became of beam one? Was it sent back, or was it consumed, thus in violation of the Law of Energy Perpetuity? This we are unable to answer.

                        (B) Beam one arrives advanced in time relative to the arrival time of beam two, this to say, that the propagation through the void space is now instantaneous, in other words with an infinite (un-defined) velocity. It takes no time to span the distance of the unit void space. How is this possible?

                        Now we take our next experimental configuration, the pair of parallel one square cm. copper plates, these in void space. Thus far we have no concept defining capacitance, but we do possess a capacitance meter. How fortunate! Upon connecting this instrument to the unit copper plates in a void it is found that this metallic-dielectric configuration has zero capacity. This is understandable since we now have no dielectric, and hence, no dielectric induction.

                        Next, we insert a unit cube of aether between the unit square copper plates. Now the instrument indicates one electro-static unit of capacitance, this as expected.

                        Finally, we insert a unit cube of 10-C oil between the unit square copper plates. Now the instrument indicates an increase in capacitance over that of the aether. This increase in capacitance is in EXACT proportion to the square (second power) of the decrease in the velocity of light through the same identical cube of oil. It is then given, the change in the velocity of light through a dielectric medium is the square root of the inverse of the change in capacitance effected by this dielectric medium. Hence capacitance exists in a direct relationship with the velocity of light in a given medium. Zero capacitance, infinite velocity.

                        Hereby this dimensional relation is given as,

                        Seconds Squared
                        Centimetres Squared

                        This is to say, one over the speed of light squared, that is, one over c squared. Here it is useful to take the speed of light as a unit value, or one. See for example, C.P. Steinmetz’s “Impulses, Waves, and Discharges”, chapter on “Velocity Measure.” It is in this relationship between luminal velocity and electro-static capacity that we find the luminal velocity concepts of the relativists, the c squared in the E equals M-c squared. Call it a “dimensional fluke” if you wish. However, capacitance is forever married to the velocity of light, to one over c squared.

                        Investigating dielectric capacitance a bit further, consider an experiment of Ben Franklin, the father of the electro-static condenser. Here we will dispel the “electronics nerd” concept that a capacitor stores “electrons” in its plates. Taking the pair of copper plates as in the previous experiment, but now we have two pairs of plates, one pair of plates distant from the other pair of plates. Upon one pair of plates is imposed an electro-static potential between them. The cube of 10-C oil is inserted between this “charged” set of plates. This hereby establishes a dielectric field of induction within the unit cube of 10-C oil. Now we then remove this cube of oil, withdrawing it from the space bounded by the charged pair of copper plates, and taking this unit cube of oil, it is then inserted into the space bounded by the other un-charged pair of plates. Upon insertion it is found that the un-charged pair of plates have now in fact become charged also. It here can be seen that a cube of dielectric induction can be carried through space, from one set of plates to another set of plates. This induction is contained by the boundaries of the 10-C oil. Well golly-gee Mr. Wizard, what happened to all those electrons, Isn’t oil an insulator?

                        Here given has been various examples of dimensional relations involving space. First order space has been the long distance power line, second order space has been the package of spaghetti, third order space has been the cube of 10-C transformer oil, and, over the incessant barking of the poodle, fourth order space has been invoked as a product of conjugate flux densities.

                        With the understanding hereby developed it is now possible to enter development of the concept of inductance and of capacitance, along with their use in the application of the metrical dimension of space to the substantial dimensions of electric induction. From this can be derived a substansive concept of the aether.

                        73 DE N6KPH
                        Thank you, your input is always welcome.


                        • @Raui

                          I meant your signiture...
                          Scribd account; raui on Scribd | Scribd
                          as in people are looking to see all of EPD's stuff in one spot.


                          • thanks Eric for all your transmissions


                            • I spoke to Tom B, and heard he donated 500 to Eric, (who should just open source BTW) i heard Eric is still an angry SOB thats okay we tolerate bothers with an attitude but only for so long hope he works with the open source community soon



                              • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                                I spoke to Tom B, and heard he donated 500 to Eric, (who should just open source BTW) i heard Eric is still an angry SOB thats okay we tolerate bothers with an attitude but only for so long hope he works with the open source community soon

                                @Ash: Eric gave me formal permission to publish his stuff:

                                Originally posted by lamare View Post

                                And finally, there is some good news. Eric gave me official permission to republish his material:

                                You have my official permission to publish whatever you want so long as you do not take credit for it, or do it for profit and exclude me from the returns.
                                What I intend to do is to release his work under more or less the creative commons non commercial license, but add a condition that allows Eric to get the returns of any work others may add to it. I have to think about this further, but the idea is that anyone is free to copy the material and improve on it freely for non-commercial purposes, but such that a printed version can be made that still includes those voluntary additions, while the returns do go to Eric.
                                Also see:

                                Originally posted by lamare View Post


                                Another point is how to make sure that any money that is being made with printed versions, and I would really like to see that happen, really goes to Eric and not to someone else.

                                My idea would be to ask the board of "" foundation, of which I am a board member, to take care of managing any funds that result from the sale of printed versions and to make sure Eric gets his money:


                                Since Vrijschrift also hosts projects that fall within the objectives, I have already asked the board if Vrijschrift would be prepared to host a site for Eric, but we have to wait what the other board members think of this idea. I hope they agree to hosting as well as to manage a fund for Eric should we get that far, because that way we can concentrate on getting the digitization work done and won't have to worry about legal issues and/or making sure Eric gets his money if they project is as succesfull as I hope it will be.

                                So, this is what I'm thinking about. Any comments and feedback is welcome, of course. All I want is to do the right thing for everyone, including Eric.
                                So far, I haven't got any reply on my request for hosting and/or fund management, so I'm afraid this will turn out to be a dead end. Maybe Panacea can do something here?

                                It would be nice if someone (Panacea?) could register a domain, like, and provides at least some storage space. So far, I have published the (partially) digitized versions of Dollard's work at my site, using PmWiki (See a.o. Tuks DrippingPedia : Transmission Of Electricity and the side bar) , which is very flexible and a.o. supports Latex Math notation and has a module to generate a book out of some wiki pages. Since I have only 2 GB at my server, I cannot host video material, etc. But if we could host video material somewhere else and may be also move the raw document collection ( Directory contents of /pdf/Eric_Dollard_Document_Collection/ ), I think I could host the main (PmWwiki) site without any problems.

