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Amen. Awesome progression. Thank you for your time Mr. Dollard.
Yes, good progress, but what exactly is that HYSTERESIS which apparently fix relation of various relations per time when electricity is flowing out from power source ? It all looks to me like that : electricity flow out from power source like light from incandescent bulb and splits into various relations per time like light into various colors using prism.Does this analogy make sense ?
Wow! I remember reading something (I believe it was Matt Jones posted) on one of the forums where that is exactly what he was doing... Combining two power sources- one for lots of amperes (and tiny bit of volts) and second for lots of volts (and very limited amperage) to obtain some interesting results. Don't remember when or where that was written, but I will check with Matt.
David Bowling
When I connect battery and bulb by wires bulb is shining. Apparently battery fixed relation between coulombs,webers and plancks and we have got effect (light).
What makes the power source ability to fix/connect all those different "time frames" together ? I can't do the same using two power sources : one for lots of amperes (and tiny bit of volts) and second for lots of volts (and very limited amperage) to obtain multiplication of plancks - or can I ? That would be the simplest way to multiplication of power and one of the most mysterious questions : why and due to what physical law power source generate electricity with fixed ratio of amps per volts WORKING TOGETHER ?
Not having any background in physics, electricity, or engineering, I have little to "unlearn" which is a plus, but it also makes understanding everything you are saying more difficult. I do appreciate the opportunity to read all that you have written, and it has led to several continuing conversations with my son, who is an engineer.
Trying to figure out how to apply everything you are showing us to the different builds I have is a step I hope to take in the future, but for now that will have to wait until I have a better grasp of these concepts and how to apply them. Right now it would be only wild guesses, and while that is fun, it can also be expensive and dangerous, so I will wait.
Again, thanks for sharing. I check in here a couple times a day to see if you have posted anything new. I sincerely look forward to it, and hope you will continue to share.
Oliver Heaviside one stated that “The law of continuity of energy” is maintained when the energy existant at one time disappears but reappears at another time. In H.G. Wells’ “Time Machine” The professor argues with the doctor saying that his time device (which just vanished) is still at the same spot in the room, but the doctor can’t see it because it is there, yes, but in another time. It moved through the dimension of time.
The motion of electricity in time has been the primary topic so far. Given is the three basic relations;
1. Plancks per second gives Joules.
2. Coulombs per second gives Amperes.
3. Webers per second gives Volts.
Joules, Amperes or Volts, are SECONDARY reactions in response to variation of our known PRIMARY dimensions, the total electrification in Plancks, the total dielectrification in Coulombs, the total magnetization in Webers.
In terms established by Oliver Heaviside, the Volts of E.M.F. are a MAGNETIC REACTANCE, and the Amperes of displacement are a DIELECTRIC SUSCEPTANCE. The degree to which the reactance and the susceptance manifest is proportional to the time rate of variation, that is, per second. Here the dimension of time is not seconds, it is PER SECONDS, one over T. Somewhat like counterspace, but this is NOT COUNTER TIME. One instance of a per time arrangement is cycles per second. This is known as the FREQUENCY F, in cycles per second. Here is a dimensional relation of per second, frequency F. This frequency F represents only a rotational (alternating) cycle, and thereby is only a partial frequency. Also existent is a cycle of geometric progression or regression. This “frequency” is given in decibels per second. Hence our general frequency is given as decibel-cycle per second, or for Newton-Liebnitz methodology, it is neper-radian per second, v. Hereby:
1. v Q equals W, Joule or Planck per second.
2. v PSI equals I, Ampere, or Coulomb per second.
3. v PHI equals E, Volt, or Weber per second.
The dimensional factor, v, in per second we will call the Heaviside “Time Operator” This time operator describes the variation with respect to time as a “versor operator”
E and I are NOT necessarily time coincident, but one may lag or lead another. Cause and effect become separated by what is known as HYSTERESIS. It can be said that E and I exist in different “time frames.” This subject rapidly accelerates into a Bach type reality and is much too complex for now.
I appreciate everything that you have been doing lately on this forum.
I have been reading as much of the suggested reading material as I possibly can. It takes me time to digest it all as my brain goes into overload if I try to read too much technical based literature in one sitting. Thank you for all of the posts defining quantities so clearly. It makes it much easier on me when I get to the unfamiliar portions of the literature.
I just wanted to say thanks so go check your paypal account.
Thankyou for continuing the internet tranmissions from where you have previously left off.
If total eletrification Q = Psi . Phi
Or the total eletrification Q = Total Dielectric induction, times the Total Magnetic induction.
The more dielectric induction (capacitance), the more Counterspace.
The more magnetic induction (inductance) the more Space.
So then of the four primary dimensions of Electrical induction Q, we have the two primary physical dimensions. One of Dielectricity (more Counterspace) and the other physical dimension of magnitism (more Space). But there is only one dimension of Space?
Of the other two primary metrical dimensions Space and Time, it follows then if there is space and counterspace, then is there then time and counter-time? But then there is only one dimension of time?
The more magnetic induction, the more Space, the more time? - (Makes sense to me, the bigger the inductance the lower the frequency).
The more dielectric induction, the more Counterspace, the more Countertime?
Thank you DE N6KPH for your electrical engineering, mustard seed planting, internet transmissions. Wonderful!
One dimension of space that is space raised to the positive exponent is simply called space (acre). Space raised to the negative exponent is called counter space (per sq. centimeter). One dimension of time that is time multiplied by positive one is called forward time and the dimension of time multiplied by negative 1 is called reverse time. Space is multiplicitive (exponential) and time is additive (linear). One dimension of time(second), one dimension of space (centimeter). System of base one numbers converts the dimension into forward, backward, counter, etc.
Continuing with the conceptualization of RATES OF CHANGE with respect to time and the interactions that arise.
In summary it has been given that variation of a quantity of dielectric induction, psi, with respect to time is the DISPLACEMENT CURRENT, in amperes, i. We will call this Maxwell’s Law of Dielectric Induction after its’ discoverer James Maxwell.
Also given is that the variation of a quantity of magnetic induction, phi, with respect to time is the ELECTRO-MOTIVE FORCE in volts, e. We will call this Faraday’s Law of Electro-Magnetic Induction, after it’s discoverer Michael Farady.
It should be noted that displacement currents flow thru the insulation (dielectric). It is NOT the familiar conduction current of the electronic ideologies.
Likewise the electro-motive force is a result of the conductor (metallic). It is NOT the electro-static potential of the dielectric field. A conjugate relation exists here, the “insulator’ and the “conductor”. So now we have TWO distinct “volts” and TWO distinct “amps”, hence e and I are seen to have dual definitions. The ampere, I may be a displacement current, or may be a conduction current. Likewise the volts, e, may be an electro-motive force, or it may be an electro-static potential. These distinctions are important and misunderstanding rests here.
The Maxwell-Tompson concept of electric induction, and the of the aether which engenders this induction, considers the dielectric lines of force, and the magnetic lines of force, as CONCREATE PHYSICAL REALITIES. (Read electricity and matter by J.J. Tompson, and also read Theory of Light and color by Babbit, the Un-sterilized version).
These lines can be considered “tubes of force” a hydro-dynamical vortex tube of sorts. Here we find the “hydro-dynamical model of the aether” as given by James Clerk Maxwell. Understanding of this sort has been buried by the relativists and quantum car mechanics. From the initial concept of Faraday, thru the theoretical reasoning of Maxwell, into the experimentalist like Crookes and J.J. Thompson, it gave an ENGINEERABLE CONCEPT of the primordial aether. Finally Nikola Tesla, Oliver Heaviside, and Carl Steinmetz turned this into today’s electrical technology. The roots of Edison sprang to life.
So what may aether be? Consider what are called the “states of matter”.
3. GAS
Hence, the five distinct states of matter.
Electricity is embodied in the aetheric state of matter, or “proto-matter”. Electricity is aether in a state of dynamic polarization; magnetism is aether in motion, dielectricity is aether under stress or strain. The motions and strains of the aether give rise to electrification. Phi times Psi gives Q.
In defining the hydro-dynamical tubes of force as concrete realities, a distinct phenomenon taking place with the aether, the constitution of the Planck sticks its snout out of the sand. The tubes of force are discrete, fiber-like, quanta as some would say. Experiments by J.J. Tompson indicate this. Lines of force are a quantum phenomenon, distinct concrete entities.
Further, we have the idea of “Planck’s Constant”, any variation in the total density of electric induction Q, in Planck’s, cannot vary continuously but must exhibit its variation in discontinuous, or discrete steps. Hence a distinct quanta Q. We may infer that the union, or CROSS PRODUCT, of a single tube of DIELECTIC induction, with a single tube of MAGNETIC induction, gives birth to a single unit of ELECTRICICATION Q. This idea embodies the concept of the photon, a QUANTUM UNIT of electro-magnetic induction. Also consider the J.J. Tompson concept of the “electron” (his own discovery). Tompson considered the electron the terminal end of one unit line of dielectric induction. One tube, one electron. So then, how big is a unit Planck, the quantum unit of electric induction, Q?
Let us summarize the knowledge we have gained from what has been given to this point. The basic engineering dimensional relationships are hereby:
Q, the undivided quantity of the total electrification, “Planck”
W, the time rate of the production or consumption of this electricification,
“Joule”. (energy)
PSI, the total dielectric induction, or the ratio of the total electric induction Q,
to the total magnetic induction which is embodied in this electric induction.
This is the “Coulomb” (charge)
PHI, the total magnetic induction, or the ratio of the total electric induction, Q, to the total dielectric induction, psi, which is embodied within this electric
induction. This is the ”Weber” (induction)
E, the electo-motive force which results from the production or consumption
of the total magnetic induction Phi. The unit is the “Volt”
I, the displacement current which results from the production or
consumption of total dielectric induction Psi. The unit is the “Ampere”.
1. Q, Planck; Psi, Coulombs; Phi, Webers
2. w, Jjoules; E, Volts; I, Amperes.
Group one consists of PRIMARY quantities, group two consists of REACTIONS by the primary quantities to their variation in quantity with respect to Time . 73 DE NGKPH
PHI, the total magnetic induction, or the ratio of the total electric induction, Q, to the total dielectric induction, psi, which is embodied within this electric
induction. This is the ”Weber” (induction)
E, the electo-motive force which results from the production or consumption
of the total magnetic induction Phi. The unit is the “Volt”
I, the displacement current which results from the production or
consumption of total dielectric induction Psi. The unit is the “Ampere”.
1. Q, Planck; Psi, Coulombs; Phi, Webers
2. w, Jjoules; E, Volts; I, Amperes.
Group one consists of PRIMARY quantities, group two consists of REACTIONS by the primary quantities to their variation in quantity with respect to Time .
Continuing on the concept change with respect to time. The total electrification Q in Plancks is a resultant of the union, of PRODUCT, of a pair of inductions, the total dielectric induction, Psi and the total magnetic induction, Phi.
Now let us deal with these two inductions individually. Variation of the total dielectric induction Psi with respect to time t, that is, the RATIO of the dimension of dielectric induction to the dimension of time, dielectric induction over time, or the time rate with which the dielectric induction is produced or consumed, the DISPLACEMENT CURRENT in amperes I.* PSI over t equals current I. This makes sense since the charge in a battery is given as Ampere–Hours, that is I times t equals Psi.
*Let us call this Maxwell law.
Hence we have arrived at a new dimensional relationship, the “current” in Amperes.
Analogously, we have the variation of the total magnetic induction Phi with respect to time t, that is, the RATIO of the dimension of magnetic induction to the dimension of time, magnetic induction over time, or the time rate with which the magnetism is produced or consumed, is the electro-motive force in Volts. Phi over t equals the voltage E. We know this as the “Faraday law”. Hence we have arrived at a new complimentary dimensional relationship, the E.M.F. in Volts.
Taking the one step further, consider the radio of the variation of the magnetic induction phi with respect to time t, E, to the variation of the dielectric induction Psi with respect to time t, i. Since the dimension of time appears on both top & bottom of the ratio this dimension cancels leaving simply the ratio of Phi to Psi. Hereby the RATIO of the total magnetic induction Phi to the total dielectric induction Psi gives the dimensional relation of impedance, Z, in Ohms. This can be arrived at some what differently. Since the variation of magnetism with respect to time is the electro-motive force, E, and since the variation of dielectricity with respect to time is the displacement current, I, then the RATIO of the electro-motive force, E, to the displacement current, I, give the impedance, Z, in Ohms. That is, the ratio of E to I is Z in Ohms.
Inversely, from the standpoint of dielectricity rather than magnetism the RATIO of the total dielectric induction Psi to the total magnetic induction Phi, that is the ratio of dielectricity to magnetism is the “Admittance”, Y, in Siemens. Hence the ratio of the displacement current I to the electro-motive force E gives the Admittance ,Y, in Siemens. I over E equals Y.
Here by we have arrived at four new distinctive dimensional relationships;
1. Displacement current in amperes I
2. Electro-motive force in volts E
3. The impedance in ohms Z
4. The admittance in Siemens Y
Continuing then it has been given that the total electrification Q is the union, or product, of the total dielectric induction Psi and the total magnetic induction Phi, Psi times Phi equals Q. In other words, the dimensional relationship Q, the total electrification, is the product of the dimension of total dielectric induction Psi, and the dimension of total magnetic induction Phi.
1. In Sinusoidal A/C, are the Psi and Phi always opposite in phase, 180 degrees apart.?.
2. Is BEMF, the expense product of Psi due to partial resonance?.
Further, hit your erase button on the gibberish of 1, 2, or 3 dimensional space, there is only ONE DIMENSION OF SPACE – SPACE! Coordinates are NOT dimensions. Example, the volume of a cylinder can be expressed in TWO terms, height and circumference. So where is the third “dimension”, erased?
Continuing then it has been given that the total electrification Q is the union, or product, of the total dielectric induction Psi and the total magnetic induction Phi, Psi times Phi equals Q. In other words, the dimensional relationship Q, the total electrification, is the product of the dimension of total dielectric induction Psi, and the dimension of total magnetic induction Phi. Hence we have FOUR primary dimensions in electrical engineering. These are
1) Time 3) Dielectricity
2) Space 4) Magnetism
Thankyou for continuing the internet tranmissions from where you have previously left off.
If total eletrification Q = Psi . Phi
Or the total eletrification Q = Total Dielectric induction, times the Total Magnetic induction.
The more dielectric induction (capacitance), the more Counterspace.
The more magnetic induction (inductance) the more Space.
So then of the four primary dimensions of Electrical induction Q, we have the two primary physical dimensions. One of Dielectricity (more Counterspace) and the other physical dimension of magnitism (more Space). But there is only one dimension of Space?
Of the other two primary metrical dimensions Space and Time, it follows then if there is space and counterspace, then is there then time and counter-time? But then there is only one dimension of time?
The more magnetic induction, the more Space, the more time? - (Makes sense to me, the bigger the inductance the lower the frequency).
The more dielectric induction, the more Counterspace, the more Countertime?
Thank you DE N6KPH for your electrical engineering, mustard seed planting, internet transmissions. Wonderful!
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