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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • Longitudinal wave antenna

    I was loking at Eric Dollard's video "Tesla longitudinal electricity" with Tom Brown and Peter Lindemann. The question is about the antenna construction. The wire, rather the coaxial cable, for the secondary coil is wound on 16 spokes originating from a central hub. Each spoke is notched on the top (and may be also on the bottom?), so as the wire wounding fits in these notches. The way Peter Lindemann explains it that the first turn goes on the "bottom" and the second turn on top of the first and this sequence repeats about 20 times. The way Lindeman explains it is not clear to me. Are there two turns in each notch on the top of the spokes or one turn in the top notch and the second turn below the top one in the bottom notch. This latest configuration would result in two parallel flat spiral coils seperated roughly by the thickness of each spoke. Any insight is welcome.
    Also a question about the secondary coil made up of 3 - 1" wide by .010" thichk bronze strips. When I calculate the surface area, as advocated by Eric Dollard, of the primary do I calculate just the outside area of the coil or individually all three strips making up the coil? Somehow they don't ad up either way.
    One more question concerning the equipment Tesla used for his Colorado Springs experiments. He had among other things a Westinghouse generator/transformer rated abut 26HP. If one would like to repeat (very carefully) some of the experiments at home on a much smaller scale, what size transformer would one need, i.e. input and output Voltage rating and Amper rating. Would a transformer rated, say between 10 to 20 amp, be sufficient at what output Voltage?


    • Originally posted by Nhopa View Post
      The way Peter Lindemann explains it that the first turn goes on the "bottom" and the second turn on top of the first and this sequence repeats about 20 times. The way Lindeman explains it is not clear to me. Are there two turns in each notch on the top of the spokes or one turn in the top notch and the second turn below the top one in the bottom notch.
      There are two turns in each notch, so the wire length is effectively doubled for the same size base. Wind one complete turn, then wind the next turn on top of the one you just did. When you get back to the start again move into the next notch and repeat 2 turns again. Each notch is to have two turns in it.

      The easiest way to match the windings is by weight. With a flat spiral coil I put the primary on first so I know how much length I need and cut it. Then I put this on the scales and weigh out an equal amount of thinner wire for the secondary, compensating for the lead-in and lead-out wires etc. I aim to get the weight of the copper in the winding itself as close as possible, excluding the bits I need to connect it with.

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • My timing sucks

        Eric we need to talk.


        Originally posted by T-rex View Post
        Tesla's Diagram of overground vs underground waves Hetzian/Telluric

        Note Telluric velocity, a function of angle around the earth, it is a cosecant, infinity at the poles, luminal at the equator. Pi over two is the integral "velocity"


        • There are some contest crystal radios that are hard to beat.
          The spider or diamond weave are going with the higher Q
          It would be nice show improvement but without Ham license your just receiving.

          Birmingham, Alabama Crystal Radio Group - 2009 Crystal Radios
          2 circuits with spider web coils
          Last edited by mikrovolt; 01-16-2012, 12:16 AM.


          • However so lowly

            I am trying to accomplish the impossible without lifting a finger.

            Eric could you work in my lab?

            Originally posted by T-rex View Post
            Dimensional Meanings

            So far we have strongly emphasized dimensions and dimensional relations. Dimensional representation is the most direct method of analysis and synthesis with regard to the electric phenomena.. Electrical engineering has four primary dimensions;
            (1) time, t, second
            (2) space, l, centimeter
            (3) magnetism, Phi, Weber
            (4) dielectricity, Psi, Coulomb
            There are no other electrical dimensions, that is it! The electric-dimensional RELATIONS are derived from these primary dimensions, but the relations are not new dimensions. There are no others than “the four.”

            Consider a certain hypothetical transmission system, the Integratron system of George Van Tassle. (not the Goddess temple “Integratron” of today) The Integratron effects transmission around space. Let us say one is on earth and another is on mars. If you enter the “in door” on the earth unit, you exit the “out door” on the mars unit.

            In performing this operation you did NOT travel from earth to mars thru any intervening dimensional relation of space. No velocity or space per time, was effected. However time has not been altered so it may be said that the dimension of space has been cancelled out. Space was the transmission obstacle and the electro-geometrical structure of the Integratron neutralized the dimension of space. This is called a SPACE SCALAR, no variation in space.

            At this point the Einsteiner would say that you traveled from earth to mars in “another dimension.” Then, after a big blast off the bong, now it’s a wormhole!

            Another example, long distance D.C. power transmission. Long distance power transmission utilizing alternating current suffers from the effects of electro-motive force, E and the displacement current I both time derivatives. The compounding of E & I over long distances results in serious transmission impairments. The dimension of time is eliminated. Thus the dimensional relations involving time such as E and I disappear, but not into “another dimension”, there is none.

            D.C. has zero frequency hence it has no relation to time. It is eternal, invariable, constant. Direct current is a TIME SCALAR, no variation in time. The Quantum Car Mechanics and the Soviet Scalar Xenophobes, each in their self edification, have twisted this basic dimensional reality of the engineer into a distorted labyrinth of utter confusion. Wormholes, scalar waves, and etc. represent an oral/anal equivalency. Such concepts confuse, not clarify, engineering concepts. Yet the parrots lap it up eagerly, it has such a sweet taste. So does anti-freeze.

            73 DE N6KPH


            • Originally posted by john_g View Post

              Many thanks for the decode - I hadn't noticed the plate in your photo.


              You're welcome. Good luck

              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


              • Forces Upon Conductors, and the Planck (1 of 2)

                It has come to pass that the condition for equal and opposite forces upon the conductors of a transverse electro-magnetic transmission line has become a forgotten chapter. The solution seemed so near, but silence. But, intuitively we know this solution is important. On this subject, those with the high “College Degrees” seem to offer little information of benefit. It is however that these individuals seem to be able to kick up quite a fuss over trivial matters. Is it that in reality The College “Education” offers no real education, but in actuality is only some kind of “Rite of Passage”? And it is Very Expensive, giving the notion that it is worth something. Heaviside called it “Brain Torture”, and he had little good to say about “Education”. See first chapter in E.M.T. Vol I.

                This condition of Equal and Opposite forces, or “Neutral Condition” is of the nature of an Impedance, but it just as well could be an Admittance. It is a ratio, and as an Impedance it is the ratio of Electro-Static Potential, e, drawing the conductors nearer to each other, to the Magneto-Motive Force, i, pushing the conductors away from each other. Thus by Ohm’s Law, e over i equals Z, in Ohms. Hence the Neutral Condition is expressed as an Impedance and this condition will result from this impedance having a specific value, that is, a defined ratio of e to i. This is our “Magic Number”.

                Based upon reasoning developed in the prior discussion of this subject, for the Neutral Condition, the ratio of the potential, e, in Volts, to the M.M.F., i, in Amperes, is numerically equal to the Natural Impedance of the line. This has yet to be proven, but the mathematical reasoning thus far leads toward this conclusion. It makes sense from an Intuitive Level, so this path will be followed. The lingering complication surrounds the use of the Aether Constants, the Permeability, Mu, and the Permittivity, Epsilon. Here seems to be where all electrical theories fall short of a concrete definition. This situation was seen in the analog of Inductance and Capacitance as a “Car Dynamic”, and the use of pounds per square inch.

                It can be derived that the Natural Impedance of the line gives rise to a natural ratio of Magnetic Induction, Phi, and Dielectric Induction, Psi, these throughout the line supporting the Electric Field. This again brings us back to the unit of Electrification, Q, or the Planck. It may be inferred that the Neutral Condition, a condition derived from the ratio of Inductance to Capacitance, that every Magnetic Line of Force, and every Dielectric Line of Force, are each united into a unit of Electrification, or a Planck. There are those that would call this union a “Photon”. All Magnetic Lines are united with all Dielectric Lines, no Magnetic Lines, nor Dielectric Lines are left over. Here, in this condition, the Magnetic Field and the Dielectric Field perfectly mesh together into the Electrification. In this condition the flow of the Electrification is matched to the character of the transmission line thru which it is propagated. Hence the Natural Impedance of the Line is also its Characteristic Impedance.

                When the flow of Electrification is not matched to the Transmission Line which is propagating it, a condition of unbalance is produced. There exists an excess of Magnetic Lines of Force, or excess of Dielectric Lines of Force, not all are united into Plancks. An excess of Magnetic Induction gives rise to stored energy in this induction. This results in the Transmission Line acting as an Inductance to the Propagation of the Electric Field. Likewise, an excess of Dielectric Induction gives rise to stored energy in this induction. This is to say, a mismatched, or unbalanced, condition in the flow of Electrification thru a transmission line gives rise to the line acting as an Inductor, or Capacitor, as well as its propagation of Electrification. In the limiting case the shorted line is an Inductor, and the open line is a Condenser. Here the flow of Electrification is zero, or canceled out.

                The condition of neutral force is a condition of the Impedance in the flow of Electrification. If this flow matches the Natural Impedance of the Transmission Line, the condition of equal and opposite forces exists. Hence a condition of mismatch must give rise to forces acting upon the conductors of the Transmission Line. It can be reasoned that when forces appear the conductors of the line, the flow of Electrification is not matched to the line thru which it is propagating. It may be said that it is a “Forced Fit”, and therefore forces appear as a strain upon the Forced Fitted Transmission Line. These forces upon the conductors can be equated to an excess of Magnetic, or Dielectric, Energy bound by the Transmission Line. This stored energy gives rise to physical forces upon the conductors of the Transmission Line. These forces can reach destructive magnitudes during fault current conditions.

                The Natural, or Characteristic, Impedance of the Transmission Line can also be equated with the Natural Power of the Line. Consider a Transmission Line with no distant end, and Infinite Line. Because of the Finite Velocity of Propagation, it’s sending end never sees the non existent distant end. Hereby Power can be supplied to this Infinite Line Indefinitely, forever. Connecting such a Line to a source of constant potential gives rise to a traveling wave, this wave charging the Line on its way to the non existent end of the line. See Heaviside, “E.M. Theory”, “Plane Electro-Magnetic Waves”. This wave goes on forever, a D.C. Power Flow. This gives rise to the continuous consumption of power from the source of constant potential, a nine volt battery let’s say. The battery is drained charging the Line. Thus the sending end of the Transmission Line with no distant end acts as a constant resistance. This resistance is called the “Surge Impedance” of the Line. The magnitude of this Surge Impedance is defined as the square root of the ratio of the Inductance, L, to the Capacitance, C. This is the same relation as that for the Natural Impedance of the line. This continuous flow of power into the Line with no end is called the “Natural Power” of the Line.

                A line carrying its Natural Power exhibits not physical forces upon its conductors. In the flow of Natural Power all Magnetic Lines of Force are united with all Dielectric Lines of Force, they are all united into Electrification, or Plancks. Therefore the Propagation of this Electrification thru the transmission line gives rise to no stored energy and the line can be regarded as a pure resistance, or a simple resistor. The value of this resistor, in Ohms, is given as the square root of the ratio of the Inductance, L, and the Capacitance, C, of the Line. This resistance is the Surge Impedance and is equivalent to the Natural, or Characteristic, Impedance of the Line. It then can be reasoned that when a finite section of Transmission Line is terminated by a resistance equal to the Natural Impedance of the Line, this Line will act as an Infinite Line. It will consume Power Indefinitely since the Terminating Resistor dissipates power away in the form of heat. The Transmission Line is then said to be terminated in its Characteristic Impedance. The terminating, or load, resistor consumes energy at the rate of the Natural Power of the Line. No stored energy exists in the Electric Field of the Line, no forces appear upon the Line conductors. Again the Neutral Condition.

                When the T.E.M. Transmission Line is delivering power to its natural impedance this flow of Power is uni-directional, that is, it is a one way flow from the source of Potential to the load resistance. All Lines of Force are united into Plancks, no leftovers. If, however, the Load Impedance is not equal to the Natural Impedance of the Line, the flow of Power is not the Natural Power of the Line. This impedance mismatch at the load end of the line is said to reflect a portion of the traveling wave back upon itself, toward the sending end of the Line. The magnitude of this wave is directly related to the degree of Impedance mismatch. Hence the existence of a Pair of Propagations of Electrification, flowing in opposite directions. The forward and reflected Power Flow, or counter traveling propagation of Electrifications, creates interference patterns on the Line. This gives rise to zones of constructive and destructive interference, these zones appearing as stationary waveforms along the length of the Line. These are known as “Standing Waves”.

                Standing waves represent the storage of energy, in Magnetic and Dielectric Form, by the Electric Field of the Transmission Line. This again represents a condition of left over Lines of Force. This is to say, not all Magnetic Lines of Force are united with all Dielectric Lines of Force. The left over Lines of Force represent Stored Energy. This stored energy gives rise to physical forces upon the conductors of the Transmission Line. It can be reasoned that these physical forces upon the Line Conductors are the result of Standing Waves on the Transmission Line. Standing Waves give rise to Stored Energy in the Electric Field of the Line, this resulting in physical forces upon the Line Conductors.

                The Transmission Line can act both as a Magnetic Inductance, and as a Dielectric Capacitance. One section of Line may exhibit a Magnetic excess and thus behave as an Inductance, and another section of Line may exhibit a Dielectric excess, and thus behave as a Capacitance. The effect of standing waves is to separate the Magnetic Induction and the Dielectric Induction in space along the length of the Transmission Line. Hereby differing physical forces act in a differing manner upon different sections along the length of the Line.

                Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                • Forces Upon Conductors, and the Planck (2 of 2)

                  Since the Transmission Line can now act both as an Inductor, and as a Condenser, the Resonant Exchange of Stored Magnetic, and Stored Dielectric, Energies is now possible. This is effected by the use of standing waves. Because the standing wave represents that part of the Electric Field not united into Electrification, in Plancks, the amplitude of this standing wave can be maximized by minimizing the unification of Dielectric and Magnetic Lines of Force. This is brought about by either, short circuiting the end of the line, or open circuiting the end of the line. Hereby no energy can escape eliminating the Traveling Wave. The Transmission Line now exhibits only Standing Waves and no part of the Electric Field gives rise to Electrification. In this condition the Stored Energy of the Electric Field will engage in an endless exchange of Energy between Magnetic and Dielectric Forms. This is a similar relation to that of the LC tank circuit. Since no part of the Electric Field on the line making up the Standing Wave unites into Electrification, it can be said that this part is an Imaginary, or Reactive, Component of the Electric Field. Since the Traveling Wave is the consumption of Power, as with resistance, this part of the Electric Field is united into Electrification, or Plancks. The traveling wave is a Real, or Resistive, component of the Electric Field. It then can be reasoned that the physical forces exerted upon the conductors of the Transmission Line are the result of Reactive Power, or stored energy, this contained by the Line. Hence in a condition of Resonant Energy Exchange in the Transmission Line, the Physical Forces upon the Conductors are maximum. These forces distribute themselves in a complex function of Length along the Transmission Line containing a Standing Wave. The condition of Resonance is maximized when a line is of such a Length as to take one half cycle of time to reach the distant end and reflect back to the sending end. This is called a quarter wave line. If the distant end of this Line is Short-circuited and the sending end Open Circuited, Powerful Resonance is developed. However, unlike a basic LC Tank Circuit, the waveform of the Line will be a Rectangular Wave, abruptly reversing polarity at the time rate given by its frequency of Energy Exchange. This important fact is very often overlooked.

                  In conclusion, the Electric Field of Induction contained in a T.E.M. Transmission Line can be split into a real component, and an imaginary component. The Real Component represents the Consumption of Energy, where as the Imaginary Component represents the surging to and fro of Stored Energy. The unused, or stored energy, gives rise to the formation of Physical Forces upon the Conductors of the Transmission Line. This is analogous to the Real and Reactive Power Flow of Alternating Current Theory. The Real Power is in Watts. The Reactive, or Image, Power is in Volt-Amperes Reactive, VARs. For the Electric Field the Real Power (Watts) is in Plancks, the Traveling Wave, and the Image Power (VARs) is in Physical Forces, the Standing Wave. Reactive, or Image Power is best called the Activity (VARs), Real Power is best called Power (Watts). The Real Part of the Electric Field is best called Electrification (Plancks) The Image best called Action (----).

                  Figure 1, an elemental section of a Transverse Electromagnetic Transmission Line. Vertical Lines are Magnetic Lines of Force, and Horizontal Lines are Dielectric Lines of Force. Circles at crossings are Plancks. Note that the Plancks are in planes of Magnetic/Dielectric Lines of Force. Three Planes are shown thus the product of Magnetic and Dielectric Force equaling Q in Plancks is a Planar Process, not a Volumetric Process in this Geometric Representation. Figure 2, this is a symbolic expression of the union of one Magnetic Line with one Dielectric Line. Figure 3 is the gradients in the Lines of Force and their direction of summation into the Electro-static Potential and Magneto-Motive Force. Fig. 4, 5, & 6 represent balanced and unbalanced Power Flow. Figure 7 is the section of the line reduced to a Basic Condenser, or Inductor, and No Propagation is in Effect.

                  73 DE N6KPH


                  Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                  Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                  • Originals

                    Forces Upon Conductors, and The Planck contains the original images scanned.


                    • Beat Me to It!

                      The above T-rex transmission is a continuation of his prior work Theory of Wireless Power [1986] specifically from pages 34 to 69. If anyone wanted to understand what Mr. Dollard wrote further, reading that portion of the afore mentioned book is highly recommended. Also the reference I listed on my prior post by Mr. Steinmetz is a recommended read to accompany this recent T-rex transmission.

                      It would seem that my prepared post on Natural Impedance and the hair pin circuit seems unnecessary now, I don't think I could follow up after a post like that! I do hope to have the free time to finish my post on the clear headed solution of parametric variation of storage parameters L & C with respect to time t soon. (I don't feel that anyone has posted a good algebraic study and generalized solution to this yet, at least on this forum)

                      I hope everyone reads that post by Mr. Dollard very carefully, there is a mountain of useful information contained within and new terms that have popped up that were in need of consideration (Traveling Wave & Standing Wave) in the study of Tesla apparatus.

                      For a good reference on those new terms:
                      C.P. Steinmetz - Theory & Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena & Oscillations 3rd Ed, 5th Imp [1920]

                      Section III: Transients in Space
                      Chapter II - Long Distance Transmission Line
                      Chapter III - The Natural Period of the Transmission Line

                      Section IV: Transients in Time & Space
                      Chapter V - Standing Wave
                      Chapter VI - Traveling Wave
                      Chapter VII - Free Oscillation
                      Chapter VIII - Transition Points & the Complex Circuit
                      Chapter X - Reflection & Refraction at Transition Point

                      Garrett M


                      • Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
                        It would seem that my prepared post on Natural Impedance and the hair pin circuit seems unnecessary now, I don't think I could follow up after a post like that! I do hope to have the free time to finish my post on the clear headed solution of parametric variation of storage parameters L & C with respect to time t soon. (I don't feel that anyone has posted a good algebraic study and generalized solution to this yet, at least on this forum)
                        I was just going to say I'm glad Eric covered how a standing wave operates specifically in respect to the hair pin circuit. Also because the primary of the TMT is fundamentally a hair pin style circuit. I believe understanding standing waves is crucial in figuring out how the hairpin/primary of the TMT interacts with the aether. In the video of the hairpin demo, Karl Palsness made reference to nodes/zones where there appear greater and lesser amounts of energy. (ignore the fact he says scalar waves) It appears creating standing waves is desirable in terms of separating the dielectric from the magnetic. Jeremy has an excellent post discussing this phenomenon here.

                        I am still trying to figure out how this all relates to radiant energy, and how longitudinal waves are created. Garrett I would still be interested in your explanation on Natural Impedance and the hairpin. It's good to have multiple perspectives on the same issue when it comes to understanding this.

                        Also I am wondering doesn't the core of a transformer naturally separate the dielectric & magnetic lines of flux, with the magnetic lines almost being entirely contained within the core material and the dielectric lines mostly existing outside of it?

                        I plan on constructing a hairpin circuit soon. I really want to experiment with these standing waves. Anyone know where I can get a 15,000V DC transformer?
                        A collection of Eric Dollards latest posts and writings on my website: Gestalt Reality - Eric Dollard


                        • Audio analysis - Phase difference confirmed:

                          Left channel is the circuit posted by Eric + flat spiral coil. Right channel is the circuit from "200 In One Electronic Project Lab".

                          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                          • Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
                            I am still trying to figure out how this all relates to radiant energy, and how longitudinal waves are created. Garrett I would still be interested in your explanation on Natural Impedance and the hairpin. It's good to have multiple perspectives on the same issue when it comes to understanding this.
                            In the most simplistic, man-made form, Longitudinal Waves are a result of an LC oscillation of the TEM transmission. L and C are spatial functions in themselves, but when multiplied, space cancels and you are left with a time function. This is when space becomes scalar. The RAYS of induction are existing equally, everywhere in space, tending towards electrification more-so on the COMPLIMENTARY RESONANT conductor surfaces. This is the basis for no inverse of distance function, propagation without loss of signal strength, longitudinal transmission, etc.

                            Last edited by Web000x; 01-19-2012, 07:32 AM.


                            • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                              Audio analysis - Phase difference confirmed:

                              Left channel is the circuit posted by Eric + flat spiral coil. Right channel is the circuit from "200 In One Electronic Project Lab".
                              That is some good looking data. What is your time span on that audio waves? also, how far away from the transmitting tower are you?



                              • New EPD Cosmic Induction Generator Photos

                                Thomas Brown just posted many photos he scanned of Eric's Cosmic Induction Generator, they are on the N6KPH yahoo group

                                I'm posting them here for the benefit of those who haven't joined the yahoo group.

                                **Eric, can you please explain the purpose of the bulbs beneath the 2 extra coils, I believe the bulbs on top are the "top loads" to add capacitance, but don't understand the function of the illuminated bulbs that are below the coils. Also, I'd love to hear any further elaborations you have on what is happening in the bulb where the galactic formation is occurring, such as the explanation of the comet you gave previously. Thanks in advance!**

                                73 DE WX9HV

                                Tom's post:
                                "-- In, "max.thompson" <alchemy2012@...> wrote:
                                > I've started two albums in the photo section:
                                > EPD Santa Barbara Labs - these are plasmas from the Cosmic Induction Generator circa 1987-88. They are numbered, those with an "a" are 600 dpi closeups of the 300 dpi main picture
                                > Marconi Building Number 1 - these are four pictures of Eric's from pre-Integratron days.
                                > I have more, putting the better ones first, but will them scanned and posted as able.
                                > Tom"
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Lambda; 01-19-2012, 09:39 AM.

