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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • Helping Eric

    Dear Eric and all,

    I am not sure whether this helps Eric, but he can stay in Victoria BC near Seattle where I am. And I know an electrical bike shop owner with an office space, I have some options to work and gain money for further costs.

    Eric please let me know if this helps. Otherwise, please do not give up hope until I can rake up some money. Meanwhile, if all of us in this forum donate some money like 20,30,50, 100, 200,..... I think the money he wants gets manifested.

    Please continue fundraising and help this man. It is as important as research guys! I am off to paypal now.
    * Your best is good enough.



      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


      • Primary is floating?


        • Interesting stuff...

          It sorta sounds like the point is to have a driver circuit that when not shorted out it has a very high inductance and when shorted via the spark gap it would invert the very high inductance on the order of a few hundred Henries to a capacity of over 1000uF (the capacity increases based on the conductance of the arc in the spark gap, just shorting the gaps electrodes together gives one a reading of about 60uF-1000uF with the higher reading being a result of putting pressure on the electrodes to force them into better contact.)

          That said I use a darsonval style driver that has a pair of teflon doorknob caps at 3300pF each, one on either end of the primary which consists of 5 turns of 1/4 inch soft copper pipe bent into a 6inch diameter helix. The spark gap is on the opposite side of the capacitors from the inductance. The spark gap side is fed HVDC by an oil ignition transformer and the gap is set to arc from 2000vdc to 5000vdc via manual adjustment of the gap while the system is running.

          I don't mean to come on this thread and hijack the thought process, but I wanted to share a way that might get us to where Erics gone more quickly. I also need to take the time to see about the weight comparison between primary and secondary as that might be pretty close on my setup, tho I'm outside the height to length dimensions noted by Eric.

          I use an open odd layout in my collection side of the circuit that uses 2 coils on the common axis of alignment, Both coils are shorted out to themselves and a single wire is run out from both coils to a pair of diodes setup similarly to an avramenko plug on the end of each wire. And yet this output delivers charges that are 10-12,000volts in potential which I'm in process of sorting out how to step down to usable levels. I'm willing to share specifics and would actually like it if Eric might review what I've done as I've not see anything else that looks like my arrangement before. I can be reached at if Eric would be so inclined to contact me there, I'll share with him the schematic and details to see what his insight might add to my own understanding of the same. (you can also go on youtube and search for bellerian apparatus or bellerian device and see what this thing looks like and how it seems to be working.) Its just hard finding someone with actual bench experience to discuss it with as most like the math aspect and the theory more than the doing. So thought I'd post here and see what might come of it. Sorry for the distraction, please continue.



          • Originally posted by T-rex View Post

            I am having trouble understanding how you chose 14 gauge wire to be suitable for the secondary winding for 1000 Kc per second transmitter. When I used your formula given above for the (6) "Maximum Solid Conductor Diameter", It gives me 0.51 mm, the equivalent of 24 gauge. 14 gauge is 1.63 mm in diameter. It would seem that the 14 gauge as prescribed by you is larger than the maximum diameter according to your formula at 1000 Kc per second.



            • Originally posted by Web000x View Post

              I am having trouble understanding how you chose 14 gauge wire to be suitable for the secondary winding for 1000 Kc per second transmitter. When I used your formula given above for the (6) "Maximum Solid Conductor Diameter", It gives me 0.51 mm, the equivalent of 24 gauge. 14 gauge is 1.63 mm in diameter. It would seem that the 14 gauge as prescribed by you is larger than the maximum diameter according to your formula at 1000 Kc per second.

              The 14 gauge is the best compromise size. That way no fancy coax, you still have enough surface area to keep the magnification factor high. Obviously 8 gauge would have to be hollow to be useful. Remember the frequency given is approximate. Someone is going to have to build one to see how far off it is. Examine closely the frequencies in the Extra Coil in the Tesla Colorado Springs Notes, very closely. In the Theory of Wireless Power use the design equations to find the characteristics of the coils I presented in these recent presentations of the Crystal Radio Initiative.

              73 DE N6KPH

              Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
              Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


              • Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
                Primary is floating?
                It is center tapped. The primary is balanced. There is no connection between the primary and the secondary.

                Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                • Eric, the use of Radians is brilliant. I do have a question, have you investigated the length of the radian in respect to a time variant helix?

                  The known: Frequency is a time variant, radians are time invariant. a cycle is time variant and thus the sine wave. the radians of 1 cycle without a time variant displacement have a fixed length, i.e. 1 rad= 57.29577 degrees. However in a helix the arc length is dependent upon:
                  X=a cos(t)
                  Y=a sin(t)
                  Z= ct
                  so that L=2Pi sqrt a^2 + c^2 where C= pitch/2Pi
                  then, rad = (L/a)^-1
                  Ok so what of it? wouldn't the radian thus have a time variant length based on the frequency? a radian of 1 would be a static time invariant length and would vary based on fq, the higher the fq the closer to 1.


                  • TMT Primary Coil Excitation & Conductor Inquiry

                    Eric, thank you for all the very detailed transmissions bringing us ever closer to making the TMT replication a reality.
                    I have a few inquiries... You are describing the coils and theory of them better than I ever hoped for. I believe understanding the excitation of the primary is also imperative and the next logical step (not that I'm done learning about the coil arrangements, please do continue!) Did you excite the primary coil with an AM transmitter, and if so, what did you seek for an impedance output for the transmitter or rather the impedance input of the primary coil once the secondary and extra coil are optimized for the frequency of operation? I doubt one would get that 50 ohm match that solid state and tube transmitters are engineered for maximum power transfer. (I'm well aware solid state cannot be used in this application & I know tubes can operate well outside of this 50 ohm match. I've heard that many years ago ham operators would tune the output of their vacuum tube exciters with a 100 watt light bulb on the output and tune for maximum brightness! I'm 32 years old and didn't get my ticket until 1999, so I got in the hobby when solid state was predominant, so I appologize for any misconceptions). I recall you mentioned that when transmitting into the ground with no antenna on 160 meters, one would seek an SWR of infinity, as well as high plate currents in the tubes. Does the same set of inverse circumstances exist with the TMT arrangement?

                    Another question I have since reading and understanding your transmissions: I now know that electricity flows on the outside of conductors (or reflectors) in the magnetic and dielectric fields. That being said, why is it that with high current DC (or 60cps AC for that matter) that the wire gauge must be large or the wire will heat up and eventually melt due to I^2*R, if the electricity travels outside the conductor? (I know at substations on 765kV, 345kV & 138kV buses, hollow aluminum tubes are used.) One would think that since only the surface area of the conductor is utilized in generating / sustaining the fields, why can't we use large hollow conductors even with high current DC, what good does the core of the wire do with high current DC? (I am well aware of "skin effect" and understand that the higher one goes in frequency, the thinner this layer is.)

                    Kind Regards and keep up the transmissions,

                    Michael Hess
                    73 DE WX9HV
                    Last edited by Lambda; 02-16-2012, 04:48 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Lambda View Post
                      Eric, thank you for all the very detailed transmissions bringing us ever closer to making the TMT replication a reality.
                      I have a few inquiries... You are describing the coils and theory of them better than I ever hoped for. I believe understanding the excitation of the primary is also imperative and the next logical step (not that I'm done learning about the coil arrangements, please do continue!) Did you excite the primary coil with an AM transmitter, and if so, what did you seek for an impedance output for the transmitter or rather the impedance input of the primary coil once the secondary and extra coil are optimized for the frequency of operation?
                      The primary is driven with an AM transmitter, or HAM radio transmitter, the primary coil and capacitor must be the tank circuit in a push/pull situation.(vacuum tubes not spark gaps. stay away from spark gaps). All of this stuff is in Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers. I'm going back into the mountains now, so I won't be able to answer any questions. I'll come back into civilization if people can get something built, or if someone can get the money together to pick up the stuff in Morro Bay.

                      73 DE N6KPH

                      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                      • TMT Primary Coil Excitation

                        Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                        The primary is driven with an AM transmitter, or HAM radio transmitter, the primary coil and capacitor must be the tank circuit in a push/pull situation.(vacuum tubes not spark gaps. stay away from spark gaps). All of this stuff is in Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers. I'm going back into the mountains now, so I won't be able to answer any questions. I'll come back into civilization if people can get something built, or if someone can get the money together to pick up the stuff in Morro Bay.

                        73 DE N6KPH
                        Thank you Eric, I think that cleared up a great amount of confusion! What may I ask is in Morro Bay? Before you leave, check your paypal, I made a donation last night. Please check in with us when possible, I'll do my best to get this up and running asap. Thank you for all your help.

                        Do you have gear to get on 40m CW? I know you used to do daily transmissions there, will you be reachable via 40m CW? If you need a radio / tuner / antenna, I'll help you out.


                        73 DE WX9HV


                        • 62%


                          How was the 62% calculated? Does it only apply to round conductors? Does it come from the wind to wind capacitance?

                          Many Thanks,


                          • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                            The primary is driven with an AM transmitter, or HAM radio transmitter, the primary coil and capacitor must be the tank circuit in a push/pull situation.(vacuum tubes not spark gaps. stay away from spark gaps). All of this stuff is in Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers. I'm going back into the mountains now, so I won't be able to answer any questions. I'll come back into civilization if people can get something built, or if someone can get the money together to pick up the stuff in Morro Bay.

                            73 DE N6KPH
                            Accepted, what are the details on Morro Bay? Eq.? location etc..
                            I've slowly been acquiring parts and Eq. in order to start the physical experimentation, also getting a HAM license as well. Some of those older tubes are expensive and hard to track down. managed to get a few Eimac 4-250A tubes various military radio HV ajdustable tuning capacitors. signal generators, detectors etc..


                            • Originally posted by madhatter View Post
                              Accepted, what are the details on Morro Bay? Eq.? location etc..
                              I've slowly been acquiring parts and Eq. in order to start the physical experimentation, also getting a HAM license as well. Some of those older tubes are expensive and hard to track down. managed to get a few Eimac 4-250A tubes various military radio HV ajdustable tuning capacitors. signal generators, detectors etc..
                              I just tried to get a message to Eric via John but apparently Eric has already gone back to Lone Pine so no more direct internet interaction for an indefinite period of time.

                              Eric told me that the scrapyard owner was asking for $5000 for all of the parts but he would probably only need $2500 worth to begin another seismic research lab. You will have to ask jpolakow about the specifics of this equipment as I wasn't there to see it. If anybody is sitting around looking for something to do with $2500, I can get your contact information to Eric.

                              Last edited by Web000x; 02-17-2012, 07:02 AM.


                              • thanks for the effort, I'll see what I can do but finances are tight given the economy at the moment. I rely on the generosity of some of my clients in the telecom industry for borrowing Eq.

                                I will say that there seems to be more old radio eq up for sale in the last yr by either estate sale or old HAM guys liquidating to stay afloat.

                                Does anyone have any input on the Trig question I posed to Eric? It seems that the time variant function should have some effect on the invariant radian. probably more related to L and C summation similar to impedance being the sum of vectors. I need to brush up on counter-space or grassman algebra as it may be more related to the counter-space of the negative time versor

                                I have been playing with a helicoid Eq and it produced some interesting results with regards to degrees and radians- need to further develop it to see what it's doing.

