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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • Originally posted by madhatter View Post
    i just finished the frame forms for the coils tonight. I found that pegboard and dowels make a great substructure, I also wanted the form to be round so I used lawn edge forms, it's a fiber board strip 3" wide .2" thick and comes in 50' rolls. forming that around the pegs will give a nice round base to work on. I'll get some pics up on the yahoo groups in the next couple of days.
    which one are you building the crystal receiver or transmitter?


    • When I spoke to Eric yesterday, he was inquiring about some ham radio so that he could have some form of communication aside from the payphones. Is there anybody out there that can locate a working PRC-47 for Eric?

      Also, he asked me if I had received any of the material that I had requested from his friends, Hal and Stephan. This material consists of a 300+ page book that Eric calls his "RCA book" that I think documents Eric's adventure into the works of Nikola Tesla. Hal will not seem to release the book for whatever reason. He even stopped responding to my emails. There are also some San Francisco Tesla Society lectures that Stephan has that were supposedly going to be mailed to me but that still hasn't happened even after multiple times of saying "Sure, I'll get those in the mail". I post this in hopes that Hal or Stephan will read this and make something happen. It is a damn shame to see people sit on this type of material...

      Does anybody have 30 to 40 acres in Arizona or California that would be willing to let Eric use it as an antennae field?

      Last edited by Web000x; 02-29-2012, 08:04 PM.


      • Eric's PRC-47 Request

        Originally posted by Web000x View Post
        When I spoke to Eric yesterday, he was inquiring about some ham radio so that he could have some form of communication aside from the payphones. Is there anybody out there that can locate a working PRC-47 for Eric?

        Hi Dave,

        I am unable to locate a PRC-47 online anywhere for Eric or I'd attempt to spring for it, in hopes that it even works... I doubt Eric will accept it, but ask him if he will accept a Kenwood TS-50, it is a good mobile HF rig with 100 watts PEP, does USB, LSB, AM, & CW of course. If he is ok with that, what else will he need, tuner, dipole, vertical 40m hamstick? I hope he will accept the TS-50, since even if I can locate and acquire the rare PRC-47, it may not even be operational, and he wants a working rig. If he does accept the TS-50, I'll ship it to him with everything he could need. This will at least get him on the air. Dave, you can personally email me for further discussion on this @


        73 DE WX9HV


        • Originally posted by Lambda View Post
          Hi Dave,

          I am unable to locate a PRC-47 online anywhere for Eric or I'd attempt to spring for it, in hopes that it even works... I doubt Eric will accept it, but ask him if he will accept a Kenwood TS-50, it is a good mobile HF rig with 100 watts PEP, does USB, LSB, AM, & CW of course. If he is ok with that, what else will he need, tuner, dipole, vertical 40m hamstick? I hope he will accept the TS-50, since even if I can locate and acquire the rare PRC-47, it may not even be operational, and he wants a working rig. If he does accept the TS-50, I'll ship it to him with everything he could need. This will at least get him on the air. Dave, you can personally email me for further discussion on this @


          73 DE WX9HV
          There appears to be a PRC-47 for sale here:
          AN/PRC-47 Tactical VHF Transceiver In Stock
          Search results for: 'prc-47'

          This is a direct link to the unit:
          AN/PRC-47 Tactical VHF Transceiver

          They ask $300 for it...
          Last edited by lamare; 03-01-2012, 03:45 PM.


          • True Wireless by Tesla


            I thought this article by Tesla, printed in the Electrical Experimenter, gives more background supporting Eric's video of the old radio site.





            • Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
              thats pretty high freq to put through the ground,
              Yes, it is, BUT...

              1. Eric wrote about modelling the Alexanderson Array (originally 19 kc.) in the 160-metre ham band (1900 kc.). Note that's not a flat-coil system; I include it to to show him working higher frequencies. (What I read and see on videos is that it was a great system for storing incredible amounts of circulating energy, but not so hot as a radiator, but I may be misinterpreting.)

              2. Eric seems to be saying in the SBARC video that he's using a flat coil system for transmit and receive on 40-metres (7000 kc.).

              3. In the longitudinal electricity video, he's using a small flat coil pair setup to transmit and receive a signal (the beach scene).

              4. In the Marconi Wireless video, he shows what looks like the exact same flat coil (one of the pair) and explains that it is "a 2.3 megacycle coil" and uses it to receive signals at 10,000 kc.

              Looks to me like he's using it at those frequencies, and making it work for communications. If he was using a similar system at 7000 kc in 1986, then that's double the frequency I'm aiming at -- being mindful of the low-frequency advantages. I want to duplicate the design and see how it works.

              I'm essentially trying to confirm that I read that right. If I'm right, then building the system seems fairly straightforward (once I've got the math sorted, which may be non-trivial).

              Did that throw a little more light on what and why I'm asking? If not, I'll keep trying -- I'm finding new information all the time, and it's helping my understanding.


              • Crystal Radio Rite of Passage

                Im moving all my crystal radio questions over to:


                Please show me what you got.

                Also I held out until I got the crystal ear piece. It works well. A little too well.


                • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                  Notes on the Crystal Set

                  When measuring the velocity difference between underground and our ground, the two seperate receivers can be brought into phase unison by the use of a test oscillator. Both receivers must have a primary tank circuit, here you can place your measurement equipment.

                  The detected AM output, audio frequency, signal is immune to receiver phase shift. This is a property of A.M. detection. Use the audio to measure propagation delay.
                  Ok, the provisional results of the experiment are in

                  Transmitter Power = 100kW
                  Transmitter distance = 84780 Metres
                  Underground wave velocity approx = 300178714.7 Metres/sec
                  Average time difference between wave detection = 363.888888888888ns
                  Ratio to overground wave velocity = 1.001288414
                  Average audio signal delay = 13469ns

                  Scope data in Excel charts:

                  Channel A (Blue) = Underground
                  Channel B (Red) = Overground

                  I'll upload the gathered data soon.

                  "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                  "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                  • I don't know if I've calculated it right, but here are some more charts of the data from the experiment in Excel. Based on the 363.888888888888ns difference in the radio signal, the underground wave velocity is 300178714.7 Metres/sec and the journey time is 282.431751µS, giving a ratio of 1.001288414 times the velocity of light. Starting with receivers in phase unison with a test oscillator:

                    Radio signal:

                    Audio signal:

                    Also despite the apparent better reception of the overground wave judging by the radio signal image, the underground receiver was much louder and clearer and had to be turned down to get it equal with the other. The noise/interference in the audio signal of the overground receiver can be seen and compared in the other image as an example. That was one of the best possible samples during the particular experiment.

                    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                    • out of curiosity did you put a well grounded faraday cage over the coil and grounds to insure no tem was getting through?


                      • Versors as a Personal Matter

                        And it came to pass, thru the years of 1978 to 1982, that the occurrence of a certain sequence of events took place at a small coastal town called Bolinas, California:

                        Within my laboratory at R.C.A. Bolinas, I had just completed my first full size Dipolar Tesla Transformer. It was a 500 kilovar unit. This was the product of efforts beginning in my childhood. The objective, physical realization of “Cosmic Superimposition”; the verification of the “Theory of Creation”. This seemingly harmless endeavor was to create for me a life of eternal persecution, even before I started!

                        Two very important visitors arrived at my BL laboratory, Philo Taylor Farnsworth III, and his mother, the wife of the “Inventor of Television”. They had come to see the “Galaxy in a Lightbulb”. This visit was encouraging, however soon after I was shut out of my BL Laboratory by R.C.A. The Tesla Transformer immediately vanished, and Commonweal destroyed most everything else over a period of time.

                        Earlier in life, my San Francisco Laboratory at 1360 Howard Street was obliterated, and my stored gear at Pier 3 in Fort Mason was junked. About 10 tons of R.C.A. gear was lost forever. To finish it off Commonweal smashed the rest left behind at R.C.A. Bolinas, about 30 tons total. Soon after my Radio Propagation Laboratory at Sonoma State College, with its priceless R.C.A. dual diversity receivers (SSB-R3) vanished to the winds, this along with surviving R.C.A. records and notes, including the complete blueprints for the 1919 Alexanderson Network. Some of the notes were by Alexanderson himself. All gone. Then R.C.A. went to the bottom like the Titanic. Not much different than my life now IS IT?! But I was only 30 years old that time around, in the cycle of the Continuous Destruction of my efforts. Afterwards, I lived in a box in the bushes in the Town of Bolinas, foraging by day and crawling back into my hole at night, a Human Rat. I actually learned to enjoy rat life, and it had many advantages not found in so-called “Real” Life. But the women in the “Real” Estate office did not like it at all. The box in the bush was close to a house owned by some crazy guy who claimed his father invented Television. Right, and I am Nikola Tesla. One day he invited the rat inside.

                        When I first met Farnsworth, we were not likely friends. I was an “R.C.A. creation”, and R.C.A., aka David Sarnoff, was the Arch-Enemy of the Farnsworths, this for good reason. I may have been a Human Rat, but Philo did not look so cute either. Years of his own Commonweal Harassment, along with drugs and alcohol, had left Philo a complete wreck. However, I had lived with this on the street before, so it was fine. As the gallon bottle of wine found its way into our bellies our discussion turned to favorite “Sea Tales” of self edification, and the boasting began.

                        After attentively listening to Philo’s account of how he got into M.I.T. at age 16, this without his parent’s knowledge, I knew I was “one upped”. My tale was only of R.C.A. at age 16, and my parents and school helped. But maybe I did have an even better tale. Next I expounded an event of childhood in the laboratory of my parents garage. My half of the two car garage was crammed with a Few Tons of combined R.C.A. gear from Bolinas and Navy gear from Standard Surplus in S.F. The assemblage was connected directly to the main terminals of the house circuit box. During the intervals in which the parents went out for guaranteed periods of absence, my high school buddies would arrive. It was time to play “Nuclear Meltdown”. Nuclear Meltdown was great fun and looked like an episode right out of the 1960’s T.V. show “Outer Limits”. That was our primary aim. It was however also the dread of the neighbors. Now only did playing Nuclear Meltdown dim the lights in every house on the block, but it also wiped out Television reception for miles. I later learned in the Navy that Nuclear Meltdown even appeared on the Radar Indicators at nearby Hamilton Air Force Base.

                        Philo convulsed a bit at this point in the story, but not because it was a better one. The radar effects meant that playing “Nuclear Meltdown” created a Controlled Fusion Reaction! In Philo’s mind my connection with R.C.A. was not an issue anymore. I had replicated his father’s fusion work and the Farnsworths had kept this work a secret from public knowledge. Well, you don’t know any better when you are a kid, do you? (Don’t try it today).

                        It was however that my own interests were more Electrical than Electronic, and Farnsworth was indeed the “Master of the Electron”. My own work, this within the giant Cathedrals of R.C.A., with their Megawatt Polyphase and High Frequency Power Systems, led me to Tesla and Steinmetz, the masters of electricity. Also, the Cosmic Inductorium, as it is properly called, is a Goethean concept, where the Farnsworth Fusor is a Newtonian concept. Farnsworth’s work was outside of my field of endeavor.

                        My own efforts at this time were directed towards the Steinmetz Versor System, this leading to a better understanding of my Experimental studies and Discoveries. But Philo took an unexpected interest in my Steinmetz work. He and his mother had just finished with their efforts to start a postage stamp series commemorating “The Four”, Farnsworth, Steinmetz, Armstrong, and Tesla. But this was only a historical interest, who cares about the Electricity in the Square Root of minus one anyway? But Philo did, and he made a noteworthy remark: Philo stated that “if you were to develop a system for the Hyperbolic Functions, rather than the Circular Functions, then you would have found the Holy Grail of Electrical Engineering”.

                        He offered no explanations on this remark but then gave me one of his father’s books. It was “Physics and Mathematics in Electrical Communications” by Perrine. This was the genesis of my work in Versor Alegebra. Now 32 years later, here we stand, in the same hole. Break, more to follow.

                        DE N6KPH


                        (1) "Physics & Mathematics in Electrical Communications”, Perrine.

                        (2) “Farnsworth Writings” of Vassillatos.

                        (3) "Distant Vision", Elma “Pem” Farnsworth.

                        (4) “Empire of The Air” P.B.S. Video.

                        (5) , (6) are Censored, (E.P. Dollard)

                        (7) “Bolinas Barbera Boxer” E.P. Dollard.

                        (8) “Borderlands”, Outer Limits T.V. Program.

                        (9) “Die Kunst Der Fuge” BWV 1080, First Fuge, J.S. Bach.

                        Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                        Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                        • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                          I don't know if I've calculated it right, but here are some more charts of the data from the experiment in Excel. Based on the 363.888888888888ns difference in the radio signal, the underground wave velocity is 300178714.7 Metres/sec and the journey time is 282.431751µS, giving a ratio of 1.001288414 times the velocity of light. Starting with receivers in phase unison with a test oscillator:

                          Radio signal:

                          Audio signal:

                          Also despite the apparent better reception of the overground wave judging by the radio signal image, the underground receiver was much louder and clearer and had to be turned down to get it equal with the other. The noise/interference in the audio signal of the overground receiver can be seen and compared in the other image as an example. That was one of the best possible samples during the particular experiment.

                          I presume that what you did here is build a matched set of coils, one receiving through the air and the other through the ground?

                          If they are not then we would need to know the both in air differences?


                          • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                            I don't know if I've calculated it right, but here are some more charts of the data from the experiment in Excel. Based on the 363.888888888888ns difference in the radio signal, the underground wave velocity is 300178714.7 Metres/sec and the journey time is 282.431751µS, giving a ratio of 1.001288414 times the velocity of light. Starting with receivers in phase unison with a test oscillator:

                            Radio signal:

                            Audio signal:

                            Also despite the apparent better reception of the overground wave judging by the radio signal image, the underground receiver was much louder and clearer and had to be turned down to get it equal with the other. The noise/interference in the audio signal of the overground receiver can be seen and compared in the other image as an example. That was one of the best possible samples during the particular experiment.

                            I presume that what you did here is build a matched set of coils, one receiving through the air and the other through the ground?

                            If they are not then we would need to know the both in air differences?

                            Ideally two identical coils, one receiving in air and one in a faraday cage receiving telluric?


                            • 20 turn coil vs. 30 turn coil

                              Originally posted by madhatter View Post
                              ....I would also like to ask if anyone noticed that there is 2 different designs, a 30 turn and 20 turn coil.
                              I think I have collected enough material to start building the receiver, however, I have a question. I have not seen any reply to Madhatter's question. Did anyone make a 30 turn coil yet? If yes, how does it compare to the 20 turn coil. The more turns the lesser the coil diameter for a given frequency, so this seems to be an advantage. Any comment? Thank you.


                              • I know Eric has mentioned the coaxial braid design complication of calculation. late last night I came across an army navy document with the old Fortran IV code for such a thing. This is coaxial cable braid design parameters by Jack Spergel. I'm working on making the equations and cards useful, hopefully I will have something that can take input from the current line of RG cable and spit out the info desired.

                                It may seem trivial but there is a specific calculation to the braid, the terms for varies parts are carriers, picks and ends. the carrier is the strand of N number of ends or wires, so for a 15/4 for example that's 15 carriers with 4 ends or 4 wires in each carrier for a total of 60 wires. now the picks are a bit more complicated as that's the weave pattern you see and it's the axial distance that the carriers cover as they braid past each other, that distance is based on the angle of the weave. SO that's the simple version, there's frankly a lot more on surface area, coverage and density.

