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Can a dead battery charge itself? Is an LMD analog computer an amplifier?

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  • Can a dead battery charge itself? Is an LMD analog computer an amplifier?

    When I bought my electric car back in 2013, I expected to learn or figure out (someday) how does Eric Dollard‘s analog computer in LMD mode work as a power amplification methodology in conjunction with the load.

    At around the same time, I sent a letter to Eric and he responded describing how significant was his perusal of a book while he was in high school covering the topic of transmission lines by a fellow by the name of LV Bewley.

    After so many years, I finally decided to look it over and I discovered a slight variation to his analog computer in LMD mode that gave even better results for initiating the synthesis of electricity from a cold start when placed under simulation. After examining the schematics in Bewley‘s book, I discovered an archetypal ring of four capacitors surrounded by two coils opposing each other outside this ring.

    So, I posted an answer to a question over at Quora, and then I posted a second anonymous answer that was a follow up to the first. Here are the links to both posts for your amusement and enjoyment and appreciation of what Eric has shared with us over so many years…

    Sorry, but Quora broke all my links (in this post) and I’m not going to fix them.
    Last edited by Vinyasi; 04-22-2020, 03:13 PM.

  • #2
    But I will post this update since it is an attempt to comprehend the Amman brothers EV conversion of 1921 and (possibly?) Tesla’s replication of the Amman brothers experiment 10 years later in 1931 as the Pierce-Arrow demonstration.
    Last edited by Vinyasi; 04-22-2020, 03:17 PM.


    • #3
      Here is a back up copy of that Quora post at…


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post
        But I will post this update since it is an attempt to comprehend the Amman brothers EV conversion of 1921 and (possibly?) Tesla’s replication of the Amman brothers experiment 10 years later in 1931 as the Pierce-Arrow demonstration.
        I didn’t know it was so simple to create over unity.

        I got a hunch this morning that I should look at Paul Falstad’s various circuit simulations to see if there’s anything in there having to do with the resonance occurring in an LC circuit (utilizing the principle that John Bedini had mentioned at one time or another called impedance matching) and I think I found it. The interesting thing I discovered (upon looking it over and tinkering with it) is that I don’t have to double the capacitors and coils (like in Eric Dollard’s analog computer) in order to get over unity. Bravo!

        Here it is…

        And here is it’s back up at

        Here is my copy at my website…
        Last edited by Vinyasi; 04-26-2020, 02:26 PM. Reason: Added a link.


        • #5

          On the premise that it may be advantageous to apply Eric Dollard’s analog computer, for the purposes of power amplification, to the spherical structure of a truncated icosahedron.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post
            But I will post this update since it is an attempt to comprehend the Amman brothers EV conversion of 1921 and (possibly?) Tesla’s replication of the Amman brothers experiment 10 years later in 1931 as the Pierce-Arrow demonstration.
            The perfect circuit is overunity (more reactant output than energetic input), staccato wedges of self-regulating amplitudes of current and voltage maintaining a consistent level of output, and is simple to conceive and is buildable. Eric Dollard's analog computer[1] in LMD mode (longitudinal magneto-dielectric) laid on top of a dielectrical canister of helium fulfills these requirements providing a slight negative parallel resistance of –10mΩ among its four capacitors, C1 through C4, in addition to their +100mΩ of equivalent series resistance. The input is a fractional sine wave of 13kHz and 1µV quickly cutoff after one femto second of duration so as to prevent the suppression of reactance within the body of this circuit. This constitutes a “perpetual motion machine” after this initial input is disregarded! The eight resistors, R2 through R9, of 1.1kΩ may be increased to 4kΩ to quickly shut down this circuit if – in addition to these eight resistors, another two resistors of 4kΩ are each placed inline with the two inductors, L1 & L2.

            Not only do the neon bulbs periodically arc to collapse the overunity escalation towards infinity to prevent this circuit from exploding into its self-destruction, but the current and the voltage components of the triangular output waveforms are totally in phase with each other with zero degrees of separation between them and are oscillating at 50kHz after an initial warm up period of less than 135 milli seconds! The input current at the sine wave generator, V1, gives a short burst of 1.22e–29 amps at startup and then quickly drops to zero amps at 770.6 nano seconds and remains there for the remainder of the simulation. The input voltage is a steady sine wave of 13kHz, but this does not pass through the switch, SW1, after the switch closes upon reaching one femto second after start up.

            When applying a reduction of negative parallel resistance (of –10 milli Ohms as compared with –100 milli Ohms for example) within all four capacitors, C1 through C4, their capacitances must be reduced and the inductances of the shunt transformers, K1 through K3, must also be reduced or else this circuit will blow up for failure of the spark gaps to fire! Their capacitive and inductive amplitudes are directly related to this circuit's output. In other words, the greater their capacitances and/or inductances, then the greater will be the output generally speaking.

   - Quora post with screenshots

   - compressed ZIP file

   - archival copy
            Last edited by Vinyasi; 05-17-2020, 01:15 AM.

