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Who performs the first longitudinal Moon-Bounce in history?

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  • Testing report

    Yesterday, I was able to test my antenna's using a vector network analyzer. The results were surprising and therefore interesting.

    First, we tested the naked antenna for which we already knew it had a nice SWR ratio at the designed frequency. After some tuning, we got an almost perfect SWR at the desired 1296 MHz frequency, and we made a plot of the measurement:

    At the left of the image, you see the nice dip at the designed frequency, while you see another, wider dip at around 1750 MHz. When we divide 1296 by 1,57, we should get the transverse resonance frequency of our antenna, which computes to 825 MHz, so the first higher harmonic should be at about 1650 MHz. If you woud consider the reflector plane as a capacative load, one would expect the resonance frequency to become lower, so it is interesting that the first transverse harmonic appears to be at a higher frequency than expected.

    After we tested this antenna, we went over to the design with wave guide. Of course, Murphey came along and it turned out that my connector was NFG and that the solder between the dipole and the reflector plane was broken, so I first had to heat up my soldering iron and fix that. Fortunately I took my soldering iron along and there was a guy selling the right connectors for a nice price. It were used ones, but much better and cheaper than the new ones I had.

    When we finally were able to test the antenna with wave guide, we found out to my surprise that it did not come even close to any decent SWR at 1296 MHz. Hmm. Maybe I had to add some top-plate? Let's try that. I quickly pulled a 20 cents coin out of my wallet and soldered that on top of the whip, to make another try. NFG again.

    Then, more or less by accident, we found out that when we pushed the dipole antenna out of its socket into the wave guide, we DID get a dip.

    So, I completely removed the reflector plate and we did another measurement with the naked antenna. Again to my surprise, we did NOT see a dip in the SWR at 1296 Mhz.

    Then we moved the antenna into the waveguide, from the bottom. Like this:

    High-res version:

    This time, when we moved the probe/antenna into the waveguide, we DID see a dip, although it was very hard to tune the thing to 1296 MHz, because the lower part of the dipole was too short without the socket, and the socket was hanging loose on there and tended to slip away, etc. All in all, it was a bit touchy.

    Still, it was very interesting to watch the screen when moving the antenna in and out the hole in the bottom of the waveguide, and it seemed that the length of the part of the dipole inside the waveguide determined the frequency of the dip. The more of the dipole that stuck out at the bottom, the higher the frequency of the dip.

    Another observation was that the length of the wave-guide did not seem to have any noticable influence on the size/place of the dip. This is confirmed by the "microwave antenna book":
    The attraction of a coffee-can feed is that it is so simple to make, a matter of finding the right diameter can and soldering a coax connector with probe to one side. Horn length is not critical, but should be more than one waveguide wavelength to eliminate any stray modes launched at the probe transition. My experience with probes in circular waveguide is that they are touchy to adjust and get right; the horn impedance varies with changes in both horn diameter and horn length, so any modification can upset the VSWR.
    BTW, the diameter of my waveguide was 10,5 - 11 cm, which means it should NOT support any normal waveguide mode at 1296 MHz:

    The horn must be large enough for the lowest order waveguide mode, the TE_11 mode, to propagate. The cutoff wavelength for this mode is 1.706 × Diameter so the minimum waveguide diameter is 0.59 λ.
    According to this, at 1296 MHz, our waveguide should have a diameter of AT LEAST 300/1296 * 0.59 = 13,7 cm. So, the fact that we DID get a nice dip at around 1296 MHz is very interesting...

    Of course, we did not have a proper mounting of the probe or anything, but we did manage to make a nice plot of the situation skeched above:

    Interestingly, when I moved the antenna without reflector plane into the outer shell of the waveguide, just a hollow tube, we did NOT see a dip around 1296 MHz.

    So, it seems that the reflector is necessary in order to get the longitudinal wave to radiate, because the antenna without ground plane did not seem to produce anything near a decent SWR, which was measured by measuring the impedance of at the connector of the antenna, btw.

    It could very well be that the antenna without reflector DOES resonate, but NOT radiate, something I was worried about before:

    Originally posted by lamare View Post
    you have to realize that an important characteristic of longitudinal dielectric waves is that they propagate along the direction of the conductor, whereby the conductor acts as a wave guide.

    And since the wave is guided along your wire, it does not radiate away from your wire just like that. It keeps on propagating back and forth along your wire / wave guide. While this may raise some problems for me with my moon bounce experiment, it is a very nice characteristic for extremely low-loss energy transport.

    This is also possible with a so-called E-line ( Directory contents of /pdf/Patents/Elmore/ ) which is basically a transverse magnetic, longitudinal electric propagation mode that still has a magnetic component ( ), but the longitudinal dielectric wave we are after does NOT have a magnetic component.

    It appears that in order to get the TM magnetic mode to propagate along an unshielded wire you need "launchers/catchers" ( ) , while for the longitudinal dielectric wave you don' t need them. Otherwise Tesla's one-wire transmission system would not have worked....

    To sum this up: longitudinal dielectric waves propagate at a speed much faster than transverse waves, have no magnetic component and don't radiate away from a wire but rather follow it as in a wave-guide.
    Last edited by lamare; 01-19-2012, 03:32 PM.


    • That's some high quality professional experimenting you got going there. I hope the goal you set out to achieve will be achieved .


      • Originally posted by broli View Post
        That's some high quality professional experimenting you got going there. I hope the goal you set out to achieve will be achieved .
        Thanks. I'll do my best. I hope I can get access to the kind of measuring equipment I was able to use last saterday. You see, all I have myself is a 10 Mhz scope and two multimeters. I don't even have a transceiver or anything.

        So I took the opportunity to work with a vector network analyzer at the once-a-year measuring day of a regional radio amateur club with both hands, as I posted at another thread:

        Originally posted by lamare View Post

        Yes, it has a limited bandwidth, but I am pretty sure it also works at higher harmonics. And if this is an important ingredient, it will have to include higher harmonics, because it would need to work with impulses (steep rising edge, soft falling edge) rather than harmonic oscillations in order to be capable of energizing an iron core coil. According to Dollard, it is possible to create extreme impulses with TMT-like devices, even though I do not yet understand this completely. See my earlier post:

        But we will know more about the bandwidth of the balun soon, because I will have my antenna analysed at january 14th. Then there is a "measuring day" by a ham group at about about an hours drive from my home, where there is measuring equipment available a radio amateur can only dream of:

        PAmicrowaves - Home

        A quick translation of the available equipment:
        - Sweepers 0-26 GHz
        - Spectrumanalyzers up to 26 GHz.
        - Spectrumanalyzer 10KHz - 3.8GHz + Tracking generator ; For measuring Filters, couplers, SWR and signals.
        - Measuring transmitter 10Khz - 3.3GHz (AM, FM, CW, and pulse)
        - SWR 5MHz - 3.0GHz (RF-SWR Bridge)
        - Spectrumanalyzer up to 325 GHz
        - Vector netwerk analyzer up to 20 GHz
        - Tektronix Videogenerator with sin x/x signal
        - Tektronix VM700 video measuring set
        - Barco Receiver I en II receiver/videodemodulator witht measuring probes for 23cm 13cm en 3cm,
        - NKF videodemodulator with baseband input for measuring baseband atv modules.
        - Spectrum analyser Agilent up to 3GHz.
        - Noise figure meter up to 24 GHz
        - Noise figure meter 47 GHz
        - Powermeter up to 76 GHz
        - Tuning unit 24 GHz Filters
        - Signal generator from 0 to 18,6 GHZ (Mar 2031 / HP8673) FM narrow- and wideband, so also ATV.
        - Spectrumanalyzer from 0 - 26,5 (of 31,8) GHz + Tracking to 2,7 GHz.
        - AM - 70 cm ATV generator
        - Counter to 24 GHz with rubidium stabilisation.
        - Powermeter up to 250 Watt up to 2,5 GHz.
        - Frequency standard 10 Mhz
        It would be interesting to frequency analyse a Gray tube, but then we would need a probe that is capable of measuring longitudinal dielectric waves propagating along the surface of the output wire connected to the grids, and we would need a proper termination impedance or something (may be a reflective metal plate?) connected to the wire as well.

        I have searched online for getting my own network analyzer, and there is one available that has been developed by a radio amateur, the VNWA:


        Covering 1 kHz to 1.3 GHz and powered from a PC USB-bus, the VNWA3 offers a dynamic range of 90dB up to 500 MHz and better than 50dB above 500 MHz.
        The price of a one of these is about 400 pounds, or about EUR 485,-. A version with some expansion board and calibration equipent in a nice suitcase comes at 534 pounds, or about EUR 650,-.

        This thing goes up to 1.3 GHz albeit with reduced accuracy, which is enough to do the job, but no more than that. Still, it is a considerable investment for me that won't be high on the priority list of the rest of the family....


        • Video of measuring day

          Just found out a video of the "Heelweg 2012" measuring day has been posted on Youtube:

          Heelweg Microwave 14 January 2012 - YouTube

          You can see me at 1:15 and at 5:09 in the video..

          In the shot at 1:15, you can see me holding the antenna with the quick&dirty capacative 20 cents coin soldered on top of the whip.
          Last edited by lamare; 01-16-2012, 01:36 PM.


          • I am working on the next version of my antenna. Some pictures here:

            Dropbox - Photos - Simplify your life


            • For TREX

              Originally posted by T-rex View Post
              It is great to find a point of discussion, the Energetic Forum has been very boring to me, like talking to my own echo. However bickering like that with Light Ship seems to be more what interests everyone, a good fight!

              When considering waves on coiled windings, leave out the electrons, let us forget them once and for all. They are for electronic devices (RG) NOT for electrical devices (LC). Forget the electrons, forget it!

              It is generally considered that any wave must consist of a conjugate pair of energies, magnetic and dielectric let's say. Only then an interaction between time and space is possible. As I have shown recently it is through the union of a conjugate pair (L and C) that the dimension of time is produced. The propagation constant is then equal to:

              (1) Negative Gamma Square

              Having a pair of imaginary roots, plus j Gamma and minus j Gamma

              It is however that the JJ Thompson Longitudinal Dielectric Motions cannot have a periodic solution, there is one energy only, dielectric. This needs to be resolved.

              There are four distinct forms of energy stored in a winding,
              Magnetic Pair:

              L, Leakage Inductance, Henry
              M, Mutual Inductance, per Henry

              Dielectric Pair:

              C, Leakage Capacitance, Farad
              K, Mutual Capacitance, per Farad

              The Magnetic Distribution along the coil axis is given by

              (2) Epsilon to the square root of LM power. It is an exponential curve along the axis.

              The Dielectric Distribution along the coil axis is given by

              (3) Epsilon to the square root of CK power. It too is an exponential curve along the axis.

              LM an CK are time scalars hence it can be seen that these initial distributions at t = 0 give rise to complex energy exchanges because of the exponential space distributions. We have now a fourth order differential in space and time. Alice lands in Wonderland. Forget Maxwell, forget the Corums, dead ends, forget them once and for all!!

              Break, more to follow

              DE N6KPH
              Hi Trex, long time fan..

              I have some questions I have to clear up in mind while I am studying your work.

              Eq 1. is the gamma of your writings, broken down to [(S^2)/T] and [(T^3)/(S^4)], this is the basis for EM waves through space, of an LC form, that of light and other associated phenomenon. So then the imaginary roots are ways to

              Did you mean Mu to the square root LM and Epsilon to the square root CK, both CK and LM being coefficients of dielectric and magnetic that are between 1 and 0?

              Its interesting how RG shows up in the Heaviside eq, you describe it to be the scalar component, and how its also a scalar dimensionally (ohms * siemens) = 1. This is a scalar that uses both dielectric and magnetic units..

              And there is XB which is also a scalar dimensionally (H/s * F/s). However since only RG is the scalar component then XB must be the longitudinal wave.

              And when we look at LC which is electrical in nature, (Farad * Henry) = second^2. Why does time come out to be squared?

              Now some answers to give (or rather have straightened out):

              1. How big is a planck, it is unity, it is the true individual unit of energy.

              2. How many Q/s are equal to one W-s? Is this even possible, you say that this Planck energy and classical energy are different! However dimensionally one (W-s) ^ 2 is in fact equal to one Q/s. How does this relate?

              3. What ratio of dielectric flux density and mag flux density are need to balance the contractive and expansive forces. Well the only equation that I can think of is the one you gave.. (C/m^2 * W/m^2 ) which is what set the poodle off barking..

              Some thoughts for now, I feel as If I have volumes of questions to ask!

              All The BEST!


              • Visit to radio telescope

                Just a quick update, so ye know I'm still alive and kicking.

                A few weeks ago, I visited the Dwingeloo radio telescope when a group of radio amateurs was performing moon-bouncing activities with it. I made some photographs:

                Dropbox - Photos - Simplify your life

                It was very interesting to see the instrument, touch it, smell it, etc.

                We also performed some measurements with an SWR meter on my latest antenna, and it was not good enough by far. I suspect the hole in the lower copper plate of the PCB is too small, so I scratched away some more copper at that side of the PCB. I also soldered some bolts in the bottom of the wave guide, so I can easily mount (and fix) the probe antenna into the wave guide. Yesterday, I mailed it to the radio amateur that is helping me with this, so he can measure the current antenna the coming days/weeks. Hopefully I got it right this time, but we will have to wait and see.

                Update: See the left one of the attached pics for the hole I am referring to. ( more pics of antenna here: Dropbox - Photos - Simplify your life )

                The hole in the copper on this side of the pcb was the same diameter (28 mm) as the outer diameter of the ring on the other side on which the balun section of the dipole is mounted. (Attached pic at the right). The copper ring on which the balun section is mounted has an inner diameter of 18 mm and an outer diameter of 28 mm. Around this ring, a ring of about 4-5 mm thickness is scratched away in the copper, so the outer diameter of the isolation ring is about 36 mm.

                I suspect the matching of the outer diameter of the ring where the balun section is mounted on with the diameter of the hole on the bottom side of the pcb gives too much capacitive coupling between the dipole and the wave guide, so I made this hole considerably bigger.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by lamare; 02-24-2012, 10:12 AM. Reason: added pic


                • Introduction & Some Thoughts on Longitudinal Waves & A Transmitter;

                  Hi Everyone,

                  I am new to this post so please forgive me if I am posting anything redundant. I have been doing alot of research along similar lines and I wanted to share some info and resources that you all may find interesting.

                  1) There was earlier mention of Meyl, and then subsequently of the vendor doing Meyl esque hardware setups at a significantly cheaper price. (His name is William Jensense and he is a very sharp guy doing some amazing stuff, but more on him in a littl bit!)

                  Also check out Pharis (see)

                  Before diving into either of these examples it is important to undestand what they are both doing as it is a valuable step along the line of wanting to send pure Longitudinal potential via a transmitter setup as mentioned. Konstantin Meyl's setup is actually designed to efectively recreate the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter with some significant but logical changes so these updates are a more realistic to getting the setup out to individual researchers and schools "en masse" to be able to cost effectively recreate Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter setup in a more realistic setup that is also cost efficient (Realistic has the meaning here of not electrocuting oneself using the extreme power levels of the original experiment which are also very expensive if not currrently prohibitive to recreate provided that you actually had the subject matter expertise to survive the experiment Re Meyl; (See)

                  Konstantin Meyls tries to reproduce the Tesla experiment using modern IC electronics which in essence replace the Spark Gap Generator (ZAP! & $$!)with a simple Function Generator and it replaces the operation of High Tension with Low Tension of 2-4 Volts low tension. (see)



                  William Jensen takes this to another level with a Pancake Coil setup that also effectively allows you to recreate the Tesla Energy/Magnifying Transmitter tests with simple kit that is a fraction of the price of the Meyl hardware setup but he doesn't have any units available at the moment but you could see them on Ebay at this url (See)

                  I encourage everyone to get one of these setups and actually try to recreate the Tesla Magnifying/Energy Transmitter experiment as it has massive application towards the current stated goal of generating pure Longitudinal potential via a transmitter setup. (A bunch of different things could effectively ride the carrier wave as it were so audfio, video, morse code, etc. could all eventually be used on the transmit side to ride the Longitudinal Wave with infinite speed and distance!

                  OK, now the disruptive technology part. This experient has now been open sourced by Steven Jackson and this entire setup can now be built for under a $100 aprox. now (See)

                  Also See:





                  Meyl, Jensen, & Jackson are all re-creating the Tesla Magnifying/Wireless Transmitter experiment but with the changes I have identified above, but it is important to understand that they are all creating what I call A “Pseudo” Longitudinal EM wave here. As you all know, Pure longitudinal EM waves have infinite energy and infinite velocity that constantly and continuously propagate forever unless cancelled out. Meyl, Jensen, & Jackson will all make a “pseudo-longitudinal wave”; i.e., a “pretty good” longitudinal wave however in that it still has some low-level transverse component contained within the wave it creates. (This is not a problem for mentioned for specificity)

                  A pseudo-longitudinal EM wave differs from LEM Wave in that it has finite energy and finite velocity, but its velocity may be less than or greater than the velocity of light in free space. When it’s subliminal, it’s called an “EM particle”. (e.g. Nimtz) Quantum tunneling has been known to permit superluminal communication so this can and probably does tunnel FTL under some circumstances that I wont bore you with, but I am experimenting with this daily and will remit, and I encourage all of you to check these setups out, as it's very cool stuff!

                  2) Has anyone seen any of the work from JL Naudin? He has a couple of Scalar Transmitter designs that are currently very interesting; (see)

                  I thought the following was very interesting;


                  Curl Free Transceiver- There are some incredible claims re Rodin coils for Transmitting and Sending Longitudinal space communications signals. (See)

                  The answer regarding the required antenna may not be a sphere at all, but perhaps possibly a Torroid Coil to deliver a pure Longitudinal potential waves or even a cadeuceus coil as per Naudin's experiments which have very pervasive results. This coil has a cancelling effect of the magnetic fields at the nodes (see above), due to the opposing magnetic fields summing to zero. The nodes MUST lie along a straight line.

                  Once the magnetic field is cancelled, you are left with a field of PURE (Yes, I said PURE!) Longitudinal potential. (Not a Pseudo Longitudinal Wave as mentioned above,) but the reall Mcgillicutty in terms of a pure wave of Longitudinal Potential! This field will have longitudinal scalar wave pattern. This field will be a narrow thread like beam parallel to the cylindrical axis.

                  The Caduceus coil is wound on a 45 degree angle up and down the length of the form creating a series of 90 degree intersections where the windings cross (caduceus coil).

                  These types of translators (which can also be wound at other angles to facilitate the production of different wave & shape types) tend to create 'free' A, 'free' B, or 'free' E fields which have been separated from the em source wave by selective cancellation of the unwanted component fields of the source wave leaving the true Champ and Holy Grail.

                  In contrast to the common Hertzian transverse vector waves, scalar waves travel, or rather "materialize" at the receiving end, at superluminal velocities. Scalar waves in this context also behave as expected re Faraday Cages by quite effectively penetrating through Faraday Shields, which would obviosuly stop an ordinary electromagnetic (read) Hertzian type wave.

                  OK, two more stops on this "tour" & some additional Antenna approaches to action that need to be thoroughly & formally tested ;

                  1) One stop is to visit ARRL to get a pure "Ham's" perspective on this proposed Longitudinal EM Wave Antenna and Transmitter of pure Longitudinal Potential to try to finalize the necessary requirements of a Longitudinal Transmitter & Antenna setup into a more functional specification with clearly defined requirements;

                  In July/august 2011, QEX Magazine Published a Must Read Article titled "Transmission and Reception of Longitudinally Polarized Momentum Waves" which has amazing information from a Ham and Antenna Perspective that will answer alot of the questions I have read in this thread regarding the development and deployment of a Longitudinal Transmitter. As well, the July/August Edition also coincidentally has coverage of the Silicon Labs Frequency Synthesizer/ Signal Generator that can generate 10 Mhz - 157 Mhz with some models that are able to do 1.4 Ghz + with the addition of the mentioned daughtercard component which adds some great functionality and capabilities. To tie this back to the Meyl, Jensen and Jackson platforms that inexpensively recreate the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter using modern IC substitutions, this allows for very powerful and flexible Frequency Synthesis/ Signal Generation in a very flexible and large signal range to enable a very powerful Transceiver/Oscillator that can be used to build the aforementioned Longitudinal Wave Transmitter being contemplated in this thread (see)


                  To put this into context, the Meyl, Jensen and Jackson platforms are using their own Signal Generators to generate Longitudinal Waves as follows:

                  Konstantin Meyl (see)
                  Simple hardware waveform generator from 4 MHz up to 8 MHz $1,055.84 USD

                  Next Level Up: Simple hardware waveform generator from 140 kHz up to 14 MHz $1,846 USD

                  Next Level Up: digital sine power generator by FG1power does 0.1 Hz to 9.9 MHz adjustable in steps of 0.1 Hz, from 9.9 MHz to 20 MHz in steps of 1 hertz. $4,747.74 USD

                  LINK:ETZS-Shop - Hardware

                  William Jensen (See)
                  Simple hardware waveform generator on 1 Watt System at up to 4.72 MHz @ $300 for system, but totally sold out with no new delivery dates as of yet. New pancake boards for a new 500 Watt System in development to get up to 28.322 MHz, at a system cost of $2,000 which hasn't shipped yet and no confirmed eta.

                  LINK:eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices

                  Steven Jackson uses a software SG capable of a pretty large and flexible range run via software. Links to the software and source code can be found at the above links that I provided.

                  I'll end this here but I have some further info on Harmonics that will be very helpful to you in terms of creating Quantum entanglement to target specific Space and Constellation target locations for such a Longitudinal trasnmitter which is the final piece of the Trasnmitter equation.




                  • Originally posted by packetizer View Post
                    Meyl, Jensen, & Jackson are all re-creating the Tesla Magnifying/Wireless Transmitter experiment but with the changes I have identified above, but it is important to understand that they are all creating what I call A “Pseudo” Longitudinal EM wave here. As you all know, Pure longitudinal EM waves have infinite energy and infinite velocity that constantly and continuously propagate forever unless cancelled out. Meyl, Jensen, & Jackson will all make a “pseudo-longitudinal wave”; i.e., a “pretty good” longitudinal wave however in that it still has some low-level transverse component contained within the wave it creates. (This is not a problem for mentioned for specificity)

                    A pseudo-longitudinal EM wave differs from LEM Wave in that it has finite energy and finite velocity, but its velocity may be less than or greater than the velocity of light in free space. When it’s subliminal, it’s called an “EM particle”. (e.g. Nimtz) Quantum tunneling has been known to permit superluminal communication so this can and probably does tunnel FTL under some circumstances that I wont bore you with, but I am experimenting with this daily and will remit, and I encourage all of you to check these setups out, as it's very cool stuff!
                    This statement of yours caught my eye:
                    "As you all know, Pure longitudinal EM waves have infinite energy and infinite velocity that constantly and continuously propagate forever unless cancelled out."

                    For starters, I did not know that nor do I agree with that. I would love to see some references where this is substantiated further, because it is quite a statement, which goes against one of the most fundamental laws of nature we know of, the law of conservation of energy.

                    So far, we have two of the greatest names in scientific history, Tesla and Wheatstone, who both measured propagation speeds for electric signals of about 1.5 times c. When we reject Einstein's theory, because a fundamental mistake has been made in the formulation of the Maxwell equations (in their currently accepted form at least) and go back to the good old (a)ether theory, as Tesla was a proponent of, then we have magnetism as a rotational movement in the aether and dielectric phenomena as a "straight" movement of the aether, which can also be related to gravity. According to Paul Stowe, gravity is Grad E, the gradient of the electric field. See:

                    Tuks DrippingPedia : Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity
                    Tuks DrippingPedia : Stowe Personal E Mail

                    Within a framework based on aether theory, we have EM waves with a rotational component and longitudinal dielectric waves without such a magnetic component. And because the aether has to move in circles/spirals in order to propagate a rotating magnetic component, an EM wave, we get a fixed proportion between the propagation speed of longitudinal dielectric waves vs EM waves of pi/2, 1.57.

                    Within this framework, longitudinal dielectric waves are very similar to sound waves and thus have no infinite amount of energy.

                    Now it may be possible to have other kinds of phenomena that propagate with an infinite speed, but longitudinal dielectric waves are not one of them.

                    Longitudinal dielectric waves are simply a different kind of movement of one and the same medium our well known EM waves propagate trough. The idea that waves with just a characteristic different movement pattern should have an infinite propagation speed and/or infinite energy is actually ridiculous. There is no way that can be substantiated, IMHO.

                    Once again, I do not rule out the possibility that phenomena with an infinite propagation speed can exist, but these would be totally different phenomena that have nothing to do with EM nor LD waves.


                    • Originally posted by packetizer View Post
                      Curl Free Transceiver- There are some incredible claims re Rodin coils for Transmitting and Sending Longitudinal space communications signals. (See)

                      The answer regarding the required antenna may not be a sphere at all, but perhaps possibly a Torroid Coil to deliver a pure Longitudinal potential waves or even a cadeuceus coil as per Naudin's experiments which have very pervasive results. This coil has a cancelling effect of the magnetic fields at the nodes (see above), due to the opposing magnetic fields summing to zero. The nodes MUST lie along a straight line.

                      Once the magnetic field is cancelled, you are left with a field of PURE (Yes, I said PURE!) Longitudinal potential. (Not a Pseudo Longitudinal Wave as mentioned above,) but the reall Mcgillicutty in terms of a pure wave of Longitudinal Potential! This field will have longitudinal scalar wave pattern. This field will be a narrow thread like beam parallel to the cylindrical axis.
                      Yes, the key is in cancelling the magnetic component as much as possible. That is exactly what I am doing with my antenna, because the dimensions (length) of the dipole elements are designed to sustain resonance for the electric field, which propagates at pi/2 times c.

                      Interestingly, a dipole length of 1/2 wavelength longitudinal, equals 3/4 wavelength transverse, which means the longitudinal wave is in resonance along your dipole, while the transverse wave almost cancels out.

                      So far, the measurements with my antenna have been very successful. The latest measurements that just came in show that we get a perfect SWR at 1296 MHz with a waveguide-length of 405 mm. A waveguide with a diameter that is not capable of sustaining any EM propagation mode at 1296 MHz....

                      So yes, you may be able to cancel the magnetic component with a cadeuceus coil, but then you would have to use your coil as the antenna feed. And that may not be enough, because with my measurements I found out that my dipole would not radiate energy, unless it is placed in a circular waveguide WITH a reflector plate at the bottom of the waveguide.

                      As far as I can tell at the moment, it is very important to have a reflector plate somewhere in order to get the system to radiate energy, because it seems like longitudinal waves normally follow a conductor and stay in it's vicinity. Otherwise, Tesla's one-wire energy transportation system would never have worked. And BTW, that is also the reason why Meyl's system appears to radiate energy waves that appear to penetrate a Faraday cage. They don't. The energy nicely follows the "ground" wire as a waveguide and is thus directed right trough the hole in your Faraday cage you stick your "ground" wire trough.

                      And I warned for the misunderstanding of Tesla's system before:
                      Last edited by lamare; 03-04-2012, 08:45 PM.


                      • “scalar waves” are pure longitudinal EM waves (LW) Per a nice paper by R. Ziolkowski

                        Originally posted by lamare View Post
                        This statement of yours caught my eye:
                        "As you all know, Pure longitudinal EM waves have infinite energy and infinite velocity that constantly and continuously propagate forever unless cancelled out."

                        For starters, I did not know that nor do I agree with that. I would love to see some references where this is substantiated further, because it is quite a statement, which goes against one of the most fundamental laws of nature we know of, the law of conservation of energy.

                        So far, we have two of the greatest names in scientific history, Tesla and Wheatstone, who both measured propagation speeds for electric signals of about 1.5 times c. When we reject Einstein's theory, because a fundamental mistake has been made in the formulation of the Maxwell equations (in their currently accepted form at least) and go back to the good old (a)ether theory, as Tesla was a proponent of, then we have magnetism as a rotational movement in the aether and dielectric phenomena as a "straight" movement of the aether, which can also be related to gravity. According to Paul Stowe, gravity is Grad E, the gradient of the electric field. See:

                        Tuks DrippingPedia : Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity
                        Tuks DrippingPedia : Stowe Personal E Mail

                        Within a framework based on aether theory, we have EM waves with a rotational component and longitudinal dielectric waves without such a magnetic component. And because the aether has to move in circles/spirals in order to propagate a rotating magnetic component, an EM wave, we get a fixed proportion between the propagation speed of longitudinal dielectric waves vs EM waves of pi/2, 1.57.

                        Within this framework, longitudinal dielectric waves are very similar to sound waves and thus have no infinite amount of energy.

                        Now it may be possible to have other kinds of phenomena that propagate with an infinite speed, but longitudinal dielectric waves are not one of them.

                        Longitudinal dielectric waves are simply a different kind of movement of one and the same medium our well known EM waves propagate trough. The idea that waves with just a characteristic different movement pattern should have an infinite propagation speed and/or infinite energy is actually ridiculous. There is no way that can be substantiated, IMHO.

                        Once again, I do not rule out the possibility that phenomena with an infinite propagation speed can exist, but these would be totally different phenomena that have nothing to do with EM nor LD waves.
                        Noted I know this to be somewhat contentious but Bearden felt he well established this in 98' so following that assumption you are still be describing a Pseudo LW, which is finite in both instances;

                        "What I call “scalar waves” are pure longitudinal EM waves (LW). Per a nice paper by R. Ziolkowski, whenever an EM wave starts to form, both the transverse and longitudinal waves start to form. However, the transverse wave has a function, which cancels the longitudinal wave. So if that function persists, we get the familiar EM wave. Now when we cancel the normal wave, we cancel the component that had cancelled the LW. So we get out a LW.

                        A normal old EM wave is comprised of photons (or so we can consider it, if we wish). Now a photon is a piece of angular momentum. So it’s a piece of energy welded to a piece of time, with no seam in the middle, so to speak.

                        What the “pieces of energy” represents, in the dynamic oscillating wave, is a dynamic oscillation of the energy density of 3-space. Now here physics does an odd thing. It just ignores the dynamics of all those “time pieces”. In other words, not only is the spatial energy structured and dynamic, but so is the flow of time (I discovered the mechanism that generates the flow of time when I was at grad school at Georgia Tech). Physicists just visualize the “observer time” flowing smoothly, and ignore the fact that the EM wave carries time dynamics as well as energy dynamics.

                        When you make what is CALLED a transverse wave you ignore (or have a component that cancels) that time-density variation. That is a normal transverse wave; considered as an oscillation of the energy density of three-dimensional space, with a structureless, free-flowing time stream.

                        When you make a longitudinal wave, by definition it cannot vary the energy density in 3-space. That is fixed. So it can only vary the time-density dynamics. In other words, a longitudinal EM wave is a time-density oscillation. That is, it oscillates the rate of flow of time itself, about some steady median value.

                        We cannot measure time; we see that as a spatial change. So we observe it as a velocity-modulated wave. It seems to be increasing and decreasing its speed about some median speed. That’s what I have been calling a scalar EM wave. It is now recognized in the literature.

                        A pure longitudinal EM wave has infinite energy and infinite velocity. We don’t make those. Instead, we make a pseudo-longitudinal wave; i.e., a “pretty good” longitudinal wave that still has some low-level transverse component.

                        A pseudo-longitudinal EM wave has finite energy and finite velocity, but its velocity may be less than or greater than the velocity of light in free space. When it’s subliminal, it’s called an “EM particle”. Nimtz and his colleagues have also transmitted Mozart’s 40th symphony down a waveguide at speed 4.7c, and clearly listened to it on the other end. This blows the tar out of the old saw that “information cannot be transmitted superluminally”. In fact, quantum tunneling has been known to permit superluminal communication, for some decades.

                        When Maxwell wrote his theory, everyone (all 35 or so of the good electrodynamicists; that’s all there were!) assumed the material aether (a material fluid filling all space). In other words, they thought that there was no place in all the universe that was devoid of mass. Period. So all the EM entities are DEFINED as mass entities: Electrodynamicists today do not actually have anything to say – anything at all! – about the form of EM entities in mass-free space. Even the scalar potential’s magnitude at a point is defined as the energy in joules collected upon an intercepting point Coulomb at that point. In other words, they have confused the magnitude of the water-collected in/on a standard bucket from a raging river, as the magnitude of the water in the river at the dipping point! The scalar potential itself isn’t even a scalar entity! It’s a multiwave, multivector entity. It’s a bunch of bi-directional rivers of EM energy, flowing in both directions at once. Of course, how much of that flow is diverged by (collected upon) an intercepting Coulomb, is a scalar value! But that has nothing to do with the magnitude of the potential itself, just the magnitude of how much is dipped from it by a standard bucket.

                        So EM theory is thoroughly and seriously flawed, from the ground up.

                        Now let’s see what happens when you transmit and receive a signal (simplest case).

                        First, in the transmitter you perturb the Drude electron gas, which being embedded in a violent interaction with the active vacuum, perturbs the active vacuum. In other words, the mass perturbations in turn perturb the spacetime. Then that SPACETIME perturbation propagates to the receiver, where it interacts with the waiting Drude electrons, perturbing the Drude gas (the mass).

                        Rigorously, we have a MASS-TO-SPACETIME TRANSFORM, followed by a SPACETIME-TO-MASS TRANSFORM. Neither of those appears in electrodynamics.

                        Instead, by assuming the material there in the space, Maxwell and others assumed a MASS-TO-MASS TRANSFORM (INTERACTION). As we saw, what he wrote actually consists of two hidden transforms, the mass-to-ST transform and the ST-to-mass transform, in serial order.

                        The vacuum/spacetime is just a big old scalar potential (an active virtual particle flux, and a very intense one). It is comprised of longitudinal EM wave pairs, by Whittaker 1903. By Whittaker 1904, those vacuum perturbations (spacetime perturbations) are just two potential functions – each of which is just LW functions. So the entire thing in the vacuum is just a bundle of LW functions.

                        Now here’s the giant leap in physics, a real revolution! We always told you that scalar waves were electrogravitational. And so they are.

                        Look at the two “hidden transforms” that are really involved. Well, they are nothing but just Wheeler’s general relativity principle! In short, “mass interacts upon spacetime to curve it, and curved spacetime interacts back upon mass to move it or form forces.



                        • [QUOTE=lamare;182979]Yes, the key is in cancelling the magnetic component as much as possible. That is exactly what I am doing with my antenna, because the dimensions (length) of the dipole elements are designed to sustain resonance for the electric field, which propagates at pi/2 times c.

                          Interestingly, a dipole length of 1/2 wavelength longitudinal, equals 3/4 wavelength transverse, which means the longitudinal wave is in resonance along your dipole, while the transverse wave almost cancels out.

                          So far, the measurements with my antenna have been very successful. The latest measurements that just came in show that we get a perfect SWR at 1296 MHz with a waveguide-length of 405 mm. A waveguide with a diameter that is not capable of sustaining any EM propagation mode at 1296 MHz....

                          AWESOME! Sounds like you are making good progress.

                          And noted on Tesla, I had not seen that previous note. Have you seen the following? ;

                          Scaling Down Tesla's Wireless System for Experimentation | Tesla FAQ No. 55 | Interesting Facts About Nikola Tesla

                          Another Question:

                          Have you ever done any testing using simple Function/Signal Generators to generate the Waveforms? (I posted a link to a very good programmable one that is very flexible).

                          I think the answer could also be solved with other methods and approaches outside of standard Transceiver metaphors of Broadcast or Receive units, as Scalar Waves/Longitudinal waves can also be in resonance so either end can transmit or receive so you are then looking at Resonance and Harmonics. Not to say that would not work, it's just a different metaphor and approach.

                          I have some info on this I am going to dig up and remit around how you could achieve the same with resonance using the actual frequency & Harmonics of the Earth and Moon to achieve resonance between the two and therefore trasnmissions back and forth either way that I think you will find to be very interesting.


                          • Interesting Moon Bounce Ham's!

                            Originally posted by lamare View Post
                            Yes, the key is in cancelling the magnetic component as much as possible. That is exactly what I am doing with my antenna, because the dimensions (length) of the dipole elements are designed to sustain resonance for the electric field, which propagates at pi/2 times c.

                            Interestingly, a dipole length of 1/2 wavelength longitudinal, equals 3/4 wavelength transverse, which means the longitudinal wave is in resonance along your dipole, while the transverse wave almost cancels out.

                            So far, the measurements with my antenna have been very successful. The latest measurements that just came in show that we get a perfect SWR at 1296 MHz with a waveguide-length of 405 mm. A waveguide with a diameter that is not capable of sustaining any EM propagation mode at 1296 MHz....

                            So yes, you may be able to cancel the magnetic component with a cadeuceus coil, but then you would have to use your coil as the antenna feed. And that may not be enough, because with my measurements I found out that my dipole would not radiate energy, unless it is placed in a circular waveguide WITH a reflector plate at the bottom of the waveguide.

                            As far as I can tell at the moment, it is very important to have a reflector plate somewhere in order to get the system to radiate energy, because it seems like longitudinal waves normally follow a conductor and stay in it's vicinity. Otherwise, Tesla's one-wire energy transportation system would never have worked. And BTW, that is also the reason why Meyl's system appears to radiate energy waves that appear to penetrate a Faraday cage. They don't. The energy nicely follows the "ground" wire as a waveguide and is thus directed right trough the hole in your Faraday cage you stick your "ground" wire trough.

                            And I warned for the misunderstanding of Tesla's system before:

                            I found some very interesting information on some Ham's that are regularly using the Moon for Moon bounce contacts and communication using a special Yagi antenna design that you may find interesting. As well, they have developed special software that helps in targetting, etc. ! Apparently they have even developed terminology for these types of contacts called "EME" s (Earth>Moon>Earth) contacts!

                            Check out:

                            W5UN Home Page

                            Requirements are 2 Meter 100 Watts using a special Yagi Antenna (see)

                            PICTURES OF YAGI ANTENNA HERE:

                            All of the contacts on this page are all moon contacts that met via Moonbounce (See)

                            JT65 EME Link by NĜUK

                            MoonBrat software shows you where the moon is at and where to aim your antenna (see)


                            Skymoon software can help you determine the best operating dates & times, plus moon spacial conditions. (See)

                            Title: Skymoon.html

                            Let me know what you think...


                            • removed red color...

                              Originally posted by jpolakow View Post

                              It took me 8 years until I finished "Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave". However note that the space versor part is not there , it is at the end of "Theory of Wireless Power". Fortunately The Dumpsters or Olin Bales of SwinePlanet did not get these. They were 8 years of hard work every day on my part.

                              The entire working Telluric system WAS working at Landers. There WAS your velocity greater than c. It was based upon a navy situation of transmitting direct to deep submerged submarines through water, and through the metal hull of the sub.

                              Anyway the Mojave Research Facility at 57474 Linn Road Landers, is in the hands of criminals. Our Navy is N.F.G. now.
                              And there, ladies and gentlemen, we have the reason Eric lives the way he does now.

                              National Security (tm)

                              So, now we have our hands on a US state secret:

                              US Submarines communicate with longitudinal "Tesla" radio waves that propagate at a speed of 1.57 times the speed of light.

                              The public has no way of receiving or even detecting these signals nor make use of them in other applications.

                              We need HAMS to build replicas of my and Dollard's antenna designs and LISTEN IN on what is out there ASAP!

                              Update: The documentation of Eric's Telluric system is available here:
                              Tuks DrippingPedia : Telluric Electric Waves

                              This system is non electro-magnetic in its basic configuration. It is more an electro-static configuration. This results from the telluric waves having a non electro-magnetic character. The basic and compound telluric systems presented can be considered an advancement upon prior work of Nikola Tesla (1900) and Ernst Alexanderson (1919). In addition the systems presented can be considered improvements upon any existing methodologies or apparatus involving the reception of natural telluric impulses, communications or broadcasting systems utilizing electric wave propagation within the interior of the earth.
                              Eric's documentation on how to build this Alexanderson antenna can be found here:
                              Last edited by lamare; 01-25-2013, 09:52 PM. Reason: added link to Eric's docs.


                              • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                                That "Te(subscript) 01" fascinates me!
                                It does, right?

                                Sounds like fun to me.

                                Could be done, too.

                                You would need a tube metallic antenna, like an 18mm copper tube.

                                Now you need to get the tube in such a resonance mode that you get a Schumann wave circulating across the surface of your pipe.

                                Ok. That is your probe.

                                Now the transverse EM and longitudinal dielectric waves inside a hollow metal tube are connected to one another.

                                You can calculate transverse as well as longitudinal waves across the surface, and you can calculate longitudinal dielectric waves trough the centre of the tube. All you need to do is calculate with a propagation speed of pi/2 times c for the longitudinal dielectric wave.

                                You could do that with my probe design. You would then take the whip the same diameter as the balun section of the dipole, but keep some space between both dipole halves, because otherwise you get too much of capacitance between your quarter wave dipole resonators.

                                All right. Now the resonance mode has a much higher frequency. It's wavelength must match the circumference of your dipole pipes. The larger their diameter, the lower the obtainable frequency.

                                Now if you would put such a probe in a waveguide, I guess you may be able to get a Te mode in your pipe.

                                How would that propagate??

