This is a a reward challenge. One thousand Dollards (pun intended) will be awarded to Eric Dollard and another one thousand us dollars will go to the first inventor who delivers a device that produces usable energy following the guidelines set forth below. Said inventor must be willing to release the aforementioned working device in its entirety for the good of planet earth and all inhabitants after I test and confirm. Since Dr. Steven Jones has a similar challenge, I will include him in the testing procedure which will, in all probability, qualify you for his award as well.
I am no longer posting my ideas of easily tested practical devices due to lack of interest.
After years of following the goings on at PESWIKI; I have grown weary of the fraud soaked environment of free energy. I have no love for slmm (silly little magnet motors) although I have recently become enamored with the efforts of skycollection on youtube and our very own mnsman with his extraordinary ticking time bomb ultrafast rotor.
Small scale Bedini battery chargers have not been scaled up to practical usage by the masses (that I have seen) and anything that does not produce or lead to the production of useful energy is a waste of everyones time and money. That is not to say a breakthrough is not possible. Keep buying copper wire...I have money in copper.
Anything of practical use that has been developed in the past has been buried, mostly from inventors not making information public leading to its suppression. That is, if ever such a device was ever produced at all.
I have not taken any time to try and follow the voluminous postings of Eric Dollard but I do not appreciate the statement that he expects to be paid for his contributions here and that if we don't "pony up" he might disappear.
"On a side note, Eric is not working any real job right now. He is spending his time fixing his car and writing for the Energetic Forum. He isn't trying to do all of this for free. Everybody must eat. If he doesn't get some income soon, it is likely that we will not see him around for much longer."
Many good and kind people have given him money so I want to add myself to that list by way of this challenge/reward.
Guidelines for the two thousand dollar prize.
1. If said delivered device comes out of the Math, work, or theories of Eric Dollard, one thousand us dollars with be paid to the inventor and another thousand dollars will be paid to Mr. Dollard.
2. If said delivered device does not originate from Mr. Dollards work, theories, etc.... then the two thousand dollars will be paid to the inventor in full and I leave that entirely up to the inventors honor and discretion.
3. Device must be reproducible (by me) with repeatable results.
4. Device must run entirely from one dc battery or 120 mains with power factor corrections made to prove the actual input power.
5. Device must produce 100 watts output power from 10 watts input, or must be self-powered and self-running after startup and produce 30 watts output power and must be scalable.
7. Output power must be converted to heat and measured by way of calorimetry.
I hope I am 2,000 dollars poorer tomorrow but something tells me I will have that money for a long time....please, please prove me wrong!
Any attempt at a scam will be exposed as such, forthwith.
I am no longer posting my ideas of easily tested practical devices due to lack of interest.
After years of following the goings on at PESWIKI; I have grown weary of the fraud soaked environment of free energy. I have no love for slmm (silly little magnet motors) although I have recently become enamored with the efforts of skycollection on youtube and our very own mnsman with his extraordinary ticking time bomb ultrafast rotor.
Small scale Bedini battery chargers have not been scaled up to practical usage by the masses (that I have seen) and anything that does not produce or lead to the production of useful energy is a waste of everyones time and money. That is not to say a breakthrough is not possible. Keep buying copper wire...I have money in copper.
Anything of practical use that has been developed in the past has been buried, mostly from inventors not making information public leading to its suppression. That is, if ever such a device was ever produced at all.
I have not taken any time to try and follow the voluminous postings of Eric Dollard but I do not appreciate the statement that he expects to be paid for his contributions here and that if we don't "pony up" he might disappear.
"On a side note, Eric is not working any real job right now. He is spending his time fixing his car and writing for the Energetic Forum. He isn't trying to do all of this for free. Everybody must eat. If he doesn't get some income soon, it is likely that we will not see him around for much longer."
Many good and kind people have given him money so I want to add myself to that list by way of this challenge/reward.
Guidelines for the two thousand dollar prize.
1. If said delivered device comes out of the Math, work, or theories of Eric Dollard, one thousand us dollars with be paid to the inventor and another thousand dollars will be paid to Mr. Dollard.
2. If said delivered device does not originate from Mr. Dollards work, theories, etc.... then the two thousand dollars will be paid to the inventor in full and I leave that entirely up to the inventors honor and discretion.
3. Device must be reproducible (by me) with repeatable results.
4. Device must run entirely from one dc battery or 120 mains with power factor corrections made to prove the actual input power.
5. Device must produce 100 watts output power from 10 watts input, or must be self-powered and self-running after startup and produce 30 watts output power and must be scalable.
7. Output power must be converted to heat and measured by way of calorimetry.
I hope I am 2,000 dollars poorer tomorrow but something tells me I will have that money for a long time....please, please prove me wrong!
Any attempt at a scam will be exposed as such, forthwith.