Luc Choquette - pathological liar
"I was about to give it away because I just don't care for this kind of stuff but something in me said don't let this guy have his way and hold firm as inventor." - LOL - what a righteous man - I've established not with words but with evidence in Luc's own words (screenshot of his own post) admitting that he updated his circuit per my recommendation - then he concludes his post asking me to proof it to make sure he got it right!
LOL -again, who is the inventor of the patented circuit?
"You be the judge of who's name should be on the patent!" - One thing I will agree with Luc on, you be the judge based on the evidence of who came up with the circuit that Luc admits he updated to reflect what I taught him and he even asked me to proof it.
"Aaron's argument was the circuit the Aquapulser Team used in the patent was closer to the circuit he shared then mine. This is true as my circuit was basic and as I mentioned my electronic skills was minimal and why I did my switching by hand on the first video and 2 weeks later I used a relay. However, both circuits are based on the same effect and I think this is what the Aquapulser team had originally considered prior to the patent." - Luc you mean the same effect that has been patented for over 40 years???
Mine gives the same effect and I have admitted that for the past 10 years - the difference is that mine does it with a single cap doubling as the input to the primary AND the LV source that jumps the gap that nobody in history has figured out until I showed it, which I did as a necessity to disprove the claims by you and others who said the inverter output was necessary.
"One way or the other I can tell you that profit or recognition are of no interest to me. I have never profited one cent from anything I've shared or ask for recognition and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong." - More lies - again, Luc kept demanding more royalty percentages. And he doesn't want recognition? He lies about who came up with the circuit and has the audacity to ask whose name should be on the patent! lol
"For you profit oriented people. You may want to reflect on how those actions will help others. As taking more for yourself then others have is contrary to the flow of nature or the universe. If that doesn't make you think then, tell me which person was able to bring something from this world when their end comes? Better chances for those who have helped others will be seeding for the next then ones money piled in the bank." - a very predictable summary of the hypocrite singing the blues with the "I'm so righteous" trip.
That is my response to Luc's pathological lies in his 2015 post in response to questions about his involvement with a patent. He did it to protect it? LOL, all while being fully aware that it was MY circuit and it should be up to me whether or not I want it public domain, patented, etc... it is my call and my call only and his actions on the matter have always been rooted in lies, deception and fraud. Luc is a liar, I have proven that with this thread and these posts showing the chronology and Luc's own post asking if he got my circuit right, etc. Anyone's further attempts to justify Luc's actions or make excuses for him will simply reveal themselves to be in resonance with psychopathic ways of being and no amount of lies will ever cover up the CLEAR, documented, historical and chronological proof that Luc is a liar and took credit for my circuit, period, end of story.
"I was about to give it away because I just don't care for this kind of stuff but something in me said don't let this guy have his way and hold firm as inventor." - LOL - what a righteous man - I've established not with words but with evidence in Luc's own words (screenshot of his own post) admitting that he updated his circuit per my recommendation - then he concludes his post asking me to proof it to make sure he got it right!

"You be the judge of who's name should be on the patent!" - One thing I will agree with Luc on, you be the judge based on the evidence of who came up with the circuit that Luc admits he updated to reflect what I taught him and he even asked me to proof it.
"Aaron's argument was the circuit the Aquapulser Team used in the patent was closer to the circuit he shared then mine. This is true as my circuit was basic and as I mentioned my electronic skills was minimal and why I did my switching by hand on the first video and 2 weeks later I used a relay. However, both circuits are based on the same effect and I think this is what the Aquapulser team had originally considered prior to the patent." - Luc you mean the same effect that has been patented for over 40 years???

"One way or the other I can tell you that profit or recognition are of no interest to me. I have never profited one cent from anything I've shared or ask for recognition and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong." - More lies - again, Luc kept demanding more royalty percentages. And he doesn't want recognition? He lies about who came up with the circuit and has the audacity to ask whose name should be on the patent! lol
"For you profit oriented people. You may want to reflect on how those actions will help others. As taking more for yourself then others have is contrary to the flow of nature or the universe. If that doesn't make you think then, tell me which person was able to bring something from this world when their end comes? Better chances for those who have helped others will be seeding for the next then ones money piled in the bank." - a very predictable summary of the hypocrite singing the blues with the "I'm so righteous" trip.
That is my response to Luc's pathological lies in his 2015 post in response to questions about his involvement with a patent. He did it to protect it? LOL, all while being fully aware that it was MY circuit and it should be up to me whether or not I want it public domain, patented, etc... it is my call and my call only and his actions on the matter have always been rooted in lies, deception and fraud. Luc is a liar, I have proven that with this thread and these posts showing the chronology and Luc's own post asking if he got my circuit right, etc. Anyone's further attempts to justify Luc's actions or make excuses for him will simply reveal themselves to be in resonance with psychopathic ways of being and no amount of lies will ever cover up the CLEAR, documented, historical and chronological proof that Luc is a liar and took credit for my circuit, period, end of story.