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Ray Savant - Muhamed - Techzombie Exposed

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  • Ray Savant - Muhamed - Techzombie Exposed

    About 6-7 weeks ago, I was first put in touch with Eric Dollard in order to discuss his participation in the recent conference. We had planned on him coming up to spend a week at my home for him to draft up his presentation out line. After the date was set and the general itinerary was planned, the Coyote left the dessert and followed his voodoo, which landed him in Spokane at the exact time as planned.

    I drove to the meeting location to meet the legend himself, in person, for the very first time. We sat around the table at my friend’s café and freaked out a handful of the customers sitting around us with the lively and detailed conversation about Eric’s trip, our interests and world affairs. We had a good ol time.

    Afterward, Eric followed me in his famous Toyota Corolla with the “free energy fusebox” all the way to my house with no place to setup camp. The Coyote kept wanting to run off and was hard to contain but nobody got bit, so that was good!

    In between the technical discussions and fish stories, we worked on the book. The powerpoint presentation came first and I really wasn’t looking forward to being the one to put that together. The four-quadrant theory has always been a mystery to me seeing that my background is not in electrical engineering or mathematics so as intimidating as the project seemed, I jumped right in.

    Fortunately, Eric knew exactly what he wanted in the powerpoint and in what sequence – at least enough to make the general outline for him to scurry back into the bush in order to start writing out his talk. While building the powerpoint, I was able to get more of a picture of what the four-quadrant theory was about. This talk was meant to bridge the gap a bit for the non-technical person since the other papers on the subject are strictly technical in nature – but this one included many simple analogies about moon phases and other things that the average person can relate to.
    While Eric was writing his notes, it turned into a book – the fastest one he ever wrote. And, he did it in just a few weeks. We kept in touch off and on while he back in his hole at Lone Pine and we sent up a time for him to come back up so we could make the final revisions to the powerpoint.

    On the day we had planned on meeting, my spidey-senses told me that I should head down to the location earlier than I had planned on meeting and Eric’s voodoo landed him there to the minute. It was an amazing synchronicity. Coyotes don’t need maps or clocks, they just follow their instincts.

    We had another lively discussion in the café while freaking out a few more people and then we headed up to my home for some more work on the presentation. We finished up the powerpoint and by this time, Eric had already discarded about 500 pages of notes, which he regarded as obsolete because during the outlining phase for the presentation, it had already advanced and took on a life of its own.

    What we were left with is a powerpoint with the historical sequence of events relating to the mathematics, how that evolved into the four-quadrant system along with plenty of analogies and other examples that makes it make sense for a lot more people than it did before.

    What Eric also had besides the powerpoint was a book of notes for the presentation and enough material, which is literally a book that stands on its own even without the presentation. Other than my home, Eric enjoyed staying out at my friend Jeff’s home which was more out in the sticks – just where Eric likes to be.

    While he was there in the outer skirts of Spokane, he wrote another few hundred pages, which is part of the book.

    So, the first day of the conference, we went out to check out the place with a bit of setting up. Eric was busy talking with a friend and I was attending to conference business. As people were piling into the building, Eric’s group of spectators standing around him grew like a cloud of mosquitoes.

    On Saturday, Mark McKay brought out his replication of Eric’s experiment from back in the late 80’s to early 90’s, which consisted of a pulse generator and some antenna coils with a light bulb in between. Mark had some issues getting it to work and Eric got busy working his magic. After a while, it was working!

    I didn’t understand what the point of the experiment was until later, but what we all witnessed was something that demonstrated the reality to Tesla’s “Radiant Matter.” By simply holding up a high voltage capacitor in mid air in front of the light bulb between the antennas, it charged up to over 5000 volts.

    Not only did the capacitor charge, you could feel the pressure emanating from the light bulb – that was the radiant matter emission that Tesla talked about. Eric was intercepting the radiant matter with his fingers and charged himself up to 5000 volts – all without getting “shocked”.

    This was the first known replication of Eric’s experiments on this particular setup, which he demonstrated years ago in the Borderland videos. But what is shocking to Eric is how many years have passed before someone finally did it!

    All the information necessary to build your own will be available in the near future with pictures, schematics, descriptions, etc… so stay tuned for that and much more.

    On Sunday, we had to skip the panel discussion and went straight to Eric’s talk – Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity. And again, what is different about this presentation compared to the older Four Quadrant papers is that there is the history included that leads up to the development of it with simple analogies to help bridge the gap between the non-engineer or mathematician and this theory.

    This particular presentation will be available on video in the next couple weeks and within a couple months from that, the complete presentation in book form will be available. The book will include the mathematics that wasn’t given in the talk.

    During Eric’s presentation, it was exciting to see so many people sitting on the edge of their chair for the next piece and the next piece and after the last slide, the applause was absolutely moving. Following the presentation was about a half an hour of Q & A from the audience.

    Many of those questions were somewhat related indirectly to the talk, but there were many general questions that many people had wanted to ask Eric for years. The Q & A might as well be a separate presentation on its own. There was some very interesting stories that Eric shared in regards to what was being asked including his experiences with large power generators doing things on the power company’s lines that aren’t “supposed” to be possible. All of this will be included at the end of the video presentation.

    After the conference quite a few people were so thrilled with what Eric was sharing that they gave generously to his cause. And over a few days, something transpired that now has him snapping like a rapid Coyote. And, this brings up the whole deal that we are all too familiar with in the life of Eric Dollard. The same old story where everyone trying to “help” him out is really appears to be helping themselves to Eric Dollard.

    Now, I’ve heard these stories over the years and didn’t have any reason to believe or not believe it, but I do understand these kinds of things happen. Well, let me tell you… I’m pretty fricking speechless because I’m in the middle of it with not just being a witness, but suddenly I find myself being attacked by what appears to be some nefarious elements pretending to help Eric. Now the Coyote wants to run to the bushes and hide forever and this situation needs to be corrected and needs to be corrected now.

    Personally, I’m not really known to be someone that rolls over like a dog and pees on itself when this kind of thing happens and because of what happened, I’m inclined to start snapping like a rapid dog myself.

    As much as I want to go into the details on this dog and pony show that has recently latched itself onto Eric Dollard and his potential laboratory operation, I’ll let that be for now, but this is to act a serious warning to the perpetrators that the end of their BS is near. We can’t let Eric get screwed again.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2
    Thieves, Victims and coyotees

    Waaaay too much drama!
    EPD is a 60 year old ADULT who does not need a "keeper", which has been proven by his ability to adapt and live in various environments as a homeless person.

    If someone is lavishing large gifts, it's a given that strings will be attached.
    It's akin to corporate or university science...there's ALWAYS an agenda...
    either you accept the price of the gift, or walk away.

    Giving talks and receiving donations appear to be a lifestyle choice for him.
    (Like an itinerant preacher in the old days, except Eric preaches the gospel of free energy)
    Leave him in peace. It is obvious that he does not like the pressure of having to "produce" anything tangible in a lab.

    If there have not been any working devices to change the world coming from his various labs in the last 30 years, I doubt that we will see anything in the future. Sorry, but sometimes history is an indicator of future results.

    I though the title of this post was catchy enough for a "Doctor Phil" show.
    Maybe that should be your little group's next venue?

    Don't get me wrong, Eric is some kind of force of nature, but also an enigma that none of you will ever solve.
    Leave him be. Eric will do what is good for Eric, as he always does.

    Look at this from his perspective, even you want something from him, ie; the book, getting the message out, etc. I propose that he doesn't really give a damn about any of it. You assume that he wants your vision for his life.
    Never assume ANYTHING!


    • #3
      Here I am seeing the same old mind virus entering the organism again -
      "Tesla Transmission is EM Radiation" but Tesla says otherwise. I guess Tesla was stupid, well is he?

      (Note that a common frequency is 1860 KC, the one hundredth harmonic of Alexanderson's setup in Bolinas - KET)

      Also, like a coyote, you cannot "cage" the unit, it must have a capacitance to outer space, not Earthly surfaces. I think Dr. Green shows this.

      As a side note, my laboratory organization is being hi-jacked by Giant Negros From Mars, but I am trying to set it back on it's B.T. L. course. Wish Me Luck!

      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


      • #4
        Oh Sweet Irony


        I reread your post, on the page preceding this one, and it now has me in a state of great alarm and concern. I get the sneaking suspicion that you are attempting to undo all the good that Techzombie, David Wittekind et al have done for Eric with the indegogo fundraising campaign and the new laboratory. I don't have any proof that your less than amicable "announcement" was indeed directed towards them, but the content of your writing strongly suggests so.

        Furthermore, I would have to agree with Jimm on the subject:

        Look at this from his perspective, even you want something from him, ie; the book, getting the message out, etc. I propose that he doesn't really give a damn about any of it. You assume that he wants your vision for his life.
        Never assume ANYTHING!
        Jimm appears to be quite logical in his thoughts regarding your recent post, probably because he's not looking to latch on to Eric and use him as a means to make profit.

        Taking from the Bedini-Lindermann 2013 Conference page, your presentation at the conference, in your own words, are as follows:

        ENERGYPRENEURSHIP - ONLINE GUERILLA AFFILIATE MARKETING - Aaron's online marketing systems and methodologies have tapped into a very small niche market of "Free Energy" yet has been able to generate nearly half a million dollars in revenue over the last few years and he put a majority of that into the pockets of those who helped spread the word. Learn the basic steps of setting up an effective online marketing campaign as an affiliate to generate an above average income increasing the awareness of advanced energy technologies.
        John Bedini & Peter Lindemann Conference 2013, Energetic Science Ministries™ | Energetics & for comedic relief Will Ferrell Oh Sweet Irony

        To be honest, I don't have a clue as to what "ONLINE GUERILLA AFFILIATE MARKETING" means (let alone why you capitalize it all--are you yelling?) but it certainly doesn't sound what a "spiritually enlightened" person would do to make an honest dollar. Furthermore, I don't feel your mixing of philosophy and "spirituality" with free-energy research ("Energetic Science Ministries"?) is doing anything productive--quite to the contrary, it may be having the exact opposite effect on the efficacy of real work being done. And as far as I am aware, it's a ploy to lure the weak of mind and kind of heart to fund your ridiculous and futile lifestyle.

        It's my contention that your are actively and intentionally seeking to make conflict with the EPD Labs group in an attempt to use Eric as a means to make profit, at any cost to Eric and his research. While Eric is a grown man, and can make his own decisions, I still feel you are trying to twist and contort the seemingly productive situation he has with EPD Labs. Is this what a spiritual person would do? I wouldn't believe so, however, this is indeed what an avarice filled human would do. It would seem you more resemble the latter. To be honest, I'm quite offended by your "Kansas shuffle" and lack of decency.

        I encourage anyone else who has something to say regarding this matter, to speak up. Its best that the issue be be addressed in public, as well as in amicable terms. So if anyone from EPD Labs has something to say, now might be a good time, before Aaron closes this thread and starts a new one, or what else he might do to avoid the subject.

        Also, if you're out there reading this Eric, and feel so inclined, I would love to hear your side of the story, aside from short quips about "Martian Negros" etc. Which while humorous, does nothing to answer the details of the situation or treat it seriously.


        Garrett M
        Last edited by garrettm4; 07-09-2013, 02:48 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
          ... anyone else who has something to say regarding this matter...
          You have new PM.

          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


          • #6
            Hello All.

            Garret, Thank you for speaking truth. Warriors are needed in this fight now more than ever.

            Indeed Aaron was speaking about us. Everything Aaron said is 100% true.... ABOUT HIM.

            This perverse method of telling huge and complete lies has a name, psychological projection. Imagine a rapist who claims that it was his victim that seduced him, this is Arron's MO. Was it your mother who raised you this way Aaron? Someone did because you don't just get this way without training... from birth!

            Basically he smells money. All the Good that David Wittekind, David Webster and all the people who fought to get the word out about Eric's work is now being pimped out for a few schkles. Thanks to the hard work of everyone we have done alot more than just raise money we have given people alot of hope and built up Eric as a new symbol of hope.

            Now Aaron seeks to capitalize on that hard work, like any bottom feeding parasite does. This is what "online guerrilla marketing" is all about. Aaron has no problem replacing people like checkers pieces when he no longer needs them. Lindemann and Bedini are feeling that now I would bet. Eric will feel it as well once Aaron see's that without the people backing Eric all of Aaron's his schkle laiden dreams will not come to bear and Arron will dump Eric on the side of the road after having sucked his last drop of blood.

            This began when David Webster politely made his disapproval of Aaron's deliberate attempt to snub David, fund raising at the Conference. Aaron tried to cut David out of his duties and direct all funds to Eric, not to enrich Eric but to buy points with him at the cost of the operation. When David politely made this known and I politely made it clear to Aaron that we would work much better as a team he feigned ignorance and viscously attacked David Webster's character and tried to intimidate him in a way that was truly despicable. He accused David of doing exactly what Aaron was trying to do, pervert everything to profit himself.

            David has been THE MOST HONEST PERSON I HAVE EVER MET IN MY LIFE, Thru all of this. David collected the funds and SENT every DIME to Eric!!! David even paid the transfer fee's himself and now David will have to pay taxes on over $30,000. Yet Aaron accuses him of letting his greed and ego get in the way????? Imagine if Aaron had collected that money... Aaron is the type of guy to charge you for having a smoke with him.

            I made my disapproval of his repugnant behavior known... The result? He attacks me in the exact same way and then issues a blatant threat about me "digging my grave deeper"....

            It gets far worse however and this shows you exactly how sick and twisted this creature really is. He started doing background checks on all of us. Especially me. He discovered I used to be a wild MMA fighter and would chase dancers and rise around on exotic custom motorcycles etc.. Then he contacted everyone he could and tried to defame me. Now Aaron thinks he has some kind of power over me and thinks he has leverage to destroy my "reputation"

            We are dealing with a real sicko here everyone. After this happened several people stepped forward and shared their Aaron Murakami horror stories with me. This guy has a chronic habit of stealing peoples ideas, embezzling money and simply being a crude and repulsive liar. The fact that he is running this forum makes alot of things clear. Now I know why nothing major has come out of all the super smart folks here...

            The worst thing out of all of this is that now Aaron is basically turning Eric against us. David Wittekind has SOLD his HOUSE, put up his entire 401K and MAXXED out his credit cards to make this thing work. David Webster has been there for Eric and spent countless hours being his sole friend and transcribing all his notes. None of us would have known of Eric now where it not for David Webster. Eric would just be a fossil of Borderlands where it not for the SELFLESS sacrifices of both David's and all the amazing folks who spread the word about Eric.

            Now we are dealing with a situation where everything is about to be undone by one man's greed. This is truly disgusting and infuriating. Everyone that came forward to tell me about Aaron has told me the same story. Outrageous lies, Aaron accuses them of exactly what he is doing, attacks their character, brute intimidation, bans them and pockets any cash if he can. Several people have come forward already and I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg. A few other forums have been started just to get away from Aaron's bs.

            This needs to end and end now. Aaron, is not the type to be reasoned with. Everyone here at EPD Labs and AetherForce... we are warriors, we're not here to count change. We're here to Fight for the Truth and strike a blow for science and the humanity that depends on it. We take that VERY seriously. We've fought off hackers, an army of shills and even a few hostile NGO's already but.... as Cicero said...

            “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

            I didn't sit on my ass and let another Tesla vanish in the desert and I sure as hell am not going to sit back and watch a mini Morgon, except with the mind of a petty their, ruin a lifetime of work just when it is about to break thru.

            Calling all Warriors to fight back this vile gremlin virus. All those who have been screwed by this guy and know his nature, make it known to us.
            Don't worry... he only has like 2 hit points and can't hurt anyone with his wooden sword of small minded greed +1

            We the people have plenty of other places we can go and we see exactly what you are. We don't need you. You need us. The very same passion and faith that helped raise Eric up again can even more easily TEAR YOU DOWN.

            -TechZombie + We the People

            P.S. Aaron.. do your worst kid. You can upload pics of me with two Japanese Gogo Dancers if you want. I might send you some.
            Banned For Illegal Activities / Fraud


            • #7
              Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
              I encourage anyone else who has something to say regarding this matter, to speak up. Its best that the issue be be addressed in public, as well as in amicable terms. So if anyone from EPD Labs has something to say, now might be a good time, before Aaron closes this thread and starts a new one, or what else he might do to avoid the subject.

              Also, if your out there reading this Eric, and feel so inclined, I would love to hear your side of the story, aside from short quiffs about "Martian Negros" etc. Which while humorous, does nothing to answer the details of the situation or treat it seriously.
              Thanks for starting this off, Garrett. I would have said something sooner but was at a loss for words when EPD Labs was called by Aaron "nefarious elements pretending to help Eric". After two years of selflessly helping Eric, I was absolutely speechless that my intentions were called nefarious. Having my own life to deal with, I was just going to let this one settle rather than trying to prod a fire. After all, Eric should know what my true intentions are after being in continuous contact with him since I started helping him in 2011. I have only once asked for any type of compensation and that was when I missed days of work to go out the the lab. All of the forum postings and everything else that I have done have been profitless. That was A LOT of time donated.

              One of the events in question that has this thread stirred up with talk about Martian Negros happened at the conference. Two weekends ago, I was sent out by EPD Laboratories to Idaho to attend the conference. This was to be a familiar friend there for Eric to have around and the other was to secure donations for EPD Labs. The conference was going great. Eric had just finished his presentation, and during his ending Q&A session, I stood up and announced to the attendee's that I was taking donations thru a Paypal application on my phone to help further Eric's laboratory. (I am not sure if I stated that it was specifically for EPD Laboratories, but anyone that has been following Eric should know that EPD Laboratories is the nonprofit organization that is legally pursuing the logistics of assembling a lab.) After I made the announcement, Aaron chimed in and said "Or you could just give cash to Eric." This didn't quite sit well with me because I had been informed by an anonymous person that Aaron didn't trust what was going on in EPD Labs. It seemed to me that it was a purposeful deflection (this being only my suspicion) of funds away from EPD Labs and into Eric's pocket. I am by no means stating that Eric doesn't deserve money for all of his hard work and efforts, but since I am running a Paypal account,, I knew that Eric had more money in his name than EPD Labs did in it's account. Seeing that EPD Labs has expenses that need to be taken into account such as rent, utilities, hired labor, equipment purchases, etc, it seemed to me like to appropriate place to funnel the money would be into the bank account of the nonprofit organization so that there would be operating capital to ensure that the stated goals of the organization could move forward as unhindered as possible. Let it be known that all purchases are agreed upon by the EPD Labs Board of Directors on which Eric has a seat. No money spending decisions are made without his knowledge and agreement.

              I should have addressed the problem there in person but didn't. That was my fault and a bad decision. Instead I wrote and email to Aaron in which I had an annoyed tone. This email stated to keep his input out of organizations of which he didn't belong. Aaron came back at me with an extremely upset email accusing me of soliciting paid attendees at the conference for donations and that I was out of line for doing so. He asked me to respect the decisions of organizations that I didn't belong to. I thought that this was fair since nowhere was it explicitly stated that taking donations for EPD Labs would be permitted. I just thought it was implied because of one of our private message conversations where I was told by Aaron that we would be able to have our own table to take donations. My background is in electrical engineering, not business, so I naturally just didn't take into account the backlash that might occur from not having everything in writing. I learned a valuable lesson from all of this and that is make no assumptions. Have it written and signed as that is how the business world operates when arguments arise. Again, I take responsibility for my shortcomings in how I handled the situation between Aaron and myself, but I operate with pure intentions and those are to see Eric back in a fully functional laboratory.

              Eric called me the following day after I sent the email and was irate. I tried to explain to him the situation of the lab and the need for EPD Labs to have operating capital. I believe that Eric felt betrayed that I would have rather seen the money go into EPD Labs than into his pocket. I understand where he is coming from but also have to look at the reality of keeping the lab in good operating order. Nothing gets done if the power gets shut off...

              There are many more "Martian Negros" and "Nefarious Elements" selflessly donating time, effort, money, and labor into seeing Eric's lab come into fruition. I want to personally thank John Polakowski, David Wittikend, and Techzombie for all of the hard work, money, and countless hours of time that they have all spent in trying to make this all a reality. These men are truly heros, and Eric, if you think that we are not all in this to see the stated goals become a reality, I have no idea what to tell you because you will not find a better group of dedicated folks to help you accomplish this.

              There are some other minor incidents that have Eric suspicious of the workings of EPD Labs, but let me assure you that they are nothing worth abandoning ship over. I believe Mr. Wittekind is going to share these misunderstandings with you all at some point in the near future.

              I hope we can all come back together on this and move forward with as few distractions as possible. I am still in this to further the goals of EPD Labs but the division between us right now is only going to end in failure. We must do away with this division and begin to operate with some unity. We will win but only if we are all together.

              Last edited by Web000x; 07-09-2013, 02:10 AM.


              • #8

                It's really good coming from an oldtimer, to be working with young people who have set themselves up with a goal and continue to work unselfishly and with no personal gain involved other than to be ever so lucky to have known this man and to be able to use what he has to freely offer.
                You can see why I made my request to Eric to re-locate to Australia as I knew the problems he and you are now facing were going to be on-going in the USA.

                I will continue to work here as best I can with Eric's detail at the bench but it would really be most helpful to those remotely located and to everyone in general to hear from Eric himself about all of this.

                Can that request be made to happen?




                • #9
                  this is some BS!!! seriously!!

                  i'm wondering WTF is going on!

                  all this crap about eric and his work. some people here really need to do some skype conferencing and sort this **** out before it gets TOO out of hand.


                  • #10
                    Unfortunate Turn of Events

                    I was hesitating to discuss this topic, as it puts me into a very polarizing position. I risk jeopardizing my good standing position with both Eric and Aaron. I have not had a disagreement with Aaron in the past, and he has been respectful towards me. Aaron was nice enough and actually gave me a ride to the conference from Spokane, which was very kind of him and I'm thankful for. Also he gave me a free pass to the conference in exchange for scanning some books for him. I feel like now that this topic has been brought up I should throw my two cents in. There's always multiple perspectives in any situation, and I will add mine.

                    I initially wasn't going to discuss this publicly, it seemed to be a private issue between Aaron and the group supporting Eric, EPD Labs. Specifically, between Aaron and Dave Webster. This transpired after a small difference of opinion regarding a fundraising comment at the end of Eric's talk at the conference. The disagreement continued in a series of email exchanges, and culminated in a post by Aaron a few days ago that I quoted below. In my eyes, the issue is a private matter and should have been dealt with in that manner. However because veiled threats and false accusations were made publicly in the following post, I feel compelled to respond.

                    Before I address the post, I should give a very brief summary of events so those unfamiliar with the issue can make up their own minds:
                    -Dave Webster and I accompany Eric to the recent conference
                    -Eric gives his excellent talk
                    -At the conclusion of the talk Dave Webster stands up and asks for donations for EPD Labs
                    -Aaron adds: or you can give cash directly to Eric
                    -Dave feels slighted, like Aaron was trying to steer donations away from EPD Labs
                    - Dave writes a short respectful email to Aaron expressing his disappointment at Aaron's comment, and expresses his opinion that Aaron's behavior was "unprofessional"
                    -Aaron responds with an email defending his actions, which has a somewhat angry and accusatory tone to it.
                    -Aaron makes the following post to the forum

                    I'm not one to publish someone's private emails, so if Dave Webster wants to post his email, that is up to him. Likewise if Aaron would like to post his response that is up to him. What I will do however is address the following factually incorrect post, which does make me a little angry, considering I've been selflessly helping Eric for the past year and a half to two years. (As well as Dave Webster)

                    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    After the conference quite a few people were so thrilled with what Eric was sharing that they gave generously to his cause. And over a few days, something transpired that now has him snapping like a rapid Coyote. And, this brings up the whole deal that we are all too familiar with in the life of Eric Dollard. The same old story where everyone trying to “help” him out is really appears to be helping themselves to Eric Dollard.

                    Now, I’ve heard these stories over the years and didn’t have any reason to believe or not believe it, but I do understand these kinds of things happen. Well, let me tell you… I’m pretty fricking speechless because I’m in the middle of it with not just being a witness, but suddenly I find myself being attacked by what appears to be some nefarious elements pretending to help Eric. Now the Coyote wants to run to the bushes and hide forever and this situation needs to be corrected and needs to be corrected now.

                    Personally, I’m not really known to be someone that rolls over like a dog and pees on itself when this kind of thing happens and because of what happened, I’m inclined to start snapping like a rapid dog myself.

                    As much as I want to go into the details on this dog and pony show that has recently latched itself onto Eric Dollard and his potential laboratory operation, I’ll let that be for now, but this is to act a serious warning to the perpetrators that the end of their BS is near. We can’t let Eric get screwed again.
                    First a little history- Eric lived with me off and on for a year and a half. During that time we talked a lot, had some good times together, and got lots of stuff done. We acquired some good glom, he was exceptionally patient and taught me LOTS, and I published some things for him on this forum. When Eric wasn't staying at my place, he would mail his writings to Dave Webster, who would painstakingly type out Eric's letters onto the forum. Throughout this whole time people would donate money to Eric for his work on the forum. Dave Webster would transfer money from the PayPal account to my bank account, and then I would withdraw the cash and give it directly to Eric. During that whole time neither Dave nor I took A SINGLE PENNY from the money donated to Eric. We worked to help him for free, and continue to do so.

                    How this can be misconstrued as "helping ourselves to Eric" is beyond me. Or how can a disagreement regarding a comment made at the conference suddenly transform us into "nefarious elements"? What exactly is this "dog and pony show" referred to?

                    I am working for Eric for free. I don't get a single penny nor do I want any. I do get one thing though- knowledge. Eric is absolutely brilliant as anyone who has met him can attest to. If there is any selfish element to this, it is that I am learning things from Eric.

                    So lets put things in perspective-
                    1. EPD Labs is a nonprofit organization who's members donate freely of their time, energy, and money. None of us are paid

                    2. The energetic forum is a business selling products that are produced by Eric (his coming book, his talk, etc.). Profit is gained from these sales, only a portion of which flow to Eric. The other portion goes to Aaron.

                    3. None of the money donated to EPD Labs goes into our pockets, while some of the money of the sales of Eric's products on the EF go to Aaron. I don't know the figure, nor is it relevant.


                    Neither I, nor David Webster, nor David Wittekind, nor TechZombie are paid. What have we accomplished though?
                    - We published a huge amount of excellent material on the forum, for free
                    - We have a huge desert laboratory for Eric that he can go to anytime he likes
                    - We acquired another car for Eric in case his dies
                    - We acquired a huge amount of glom for him, including an expensive AM Broadcasting Transmitter
                    -We basically brought Eric's name back to light

                    Out of this there are 3 people who have profited from this:
                    1. Eric- he now has people who regularly mail him money, so he is no longer destitute and can live comfortably. He has a Laboratory, awareness has been raised about his genius, and he has multiple options now that he didn't have before.
                    2. You, the reader, who can now read the genius of Eric Dollard on the EF, for free.
                    3. AARON- who profits not only from the products of Eric's he will sell, but from the additional traffic to his forum as a result of the papers Eric publishes. Eric is a goldmine for him.

                    There is no dog and pony show here. There is no BS story. EPD Labs always has been, and is, for the benefit of Eric. All of its members donate freely of their time and energy. Personally, I have basically dedicated my life to helping Eric.

                    It is my opinion Aaron is trying to polarize Eric against EPD Labs in order to be able to exclusively publish material from Eric, and to receive money generated from Eric. That is speculation, but it is my opinion.

                    As far as the post made by Aaron-
                    It is completely irresponsible of him to take an email disagreement, to the level of publicly slandering EPD Labs, highly exaggerating some ambigous "threat to Eric", and suggesting this is going to somehow screw Eric.

                    All over a stupid email disagreement that could have been quietly settled if people put their egos aside for a second.

                    I'm not a perfect person, and people are entitled to their mistakes. But I would NEVER take a private disagreement and then publish it on a forum, as well as making highly exaggerated, unfounded accusations. Not only is that irresponsible, but disrespectful. I don't like to point fingers at people, or make wild accusations, or get super defensive, but I feel an account of the facts had to take place to put things in the proper perspective. It's just not cool to try to intimidate people by making a private disagreement public, and further insinuate they are running a dog and pony show, are nefarious elements, and are going to screw someone over, when the opposite is true. There is not a single accusation there that stands up to scrutiny.

                    EPD Labs is a group of people with INTEGRITY, HONESTY, and SELFLESSNESS. We will continue to be advocates of Eric, regardless what is publicly said about us.

                    I apologize to all the readers out there that have to read all this BS disagreement, which distracts from an otherwise highly informative thread. Hopefully this issue can be put to rest at some point, and both parties can treat each other amicably. That is what I would like to see.
                    Last edited by jpolakow; 07-09-2013, 01:53 AM.
                    Please help support my indiegogo campaign: Cosmic Induction Generator


                    • #11
                      OH Boy!

                      I originally suggested taking this to Dr. Phil, which is still a good idea, but now I would like to add Judge Judy as well...
                      Why not make the whole tour, and talk shows too.

                      Why not put it ALL out there with your own reality show making a * REVENUE STREAM* for all! Lets call it something like "Real lives of scoundrels and Coyotes" .

                      I started reading here because I was curious about what EPD (the man) was doing these days.
                      What I discovered was a sad story of homelessness, revolving labs, waring factions and traveling circuses!

                      I have no idea what is going on here, but I am certainly disappointed!

                      Looks like I better stick to pupman and teslanet where adults are doing real science without all the schoolyard drama.


                      • #12

                        10 characters
                        Last edited by Raui; 07-22-2013, 09:44 AM.
                        Scribd account;


                        • #13

                          I'm just a garage hacker that enjoys putting equipment together, experimenting, studying electro/mechanical information, and sharing the simple techniques and approaches I have taken. I appreciate the theoretical and practical details that are being shared here (there's something for everyone); however, until I can get a handle on the magical Templar note situation I will no longer be contributing to this forum. I don't have an axe to grind with anyone here (yet). Peace to all.


                          • #14
                            Sustaining Development though Sustainable Development

                            Bedini-Lindemann 2013 Science & Technology Conference

                            Spokane, Washington - January 25, 2013

                            The Inland Northwest continues to prove itself to be fertile ground for the development of advanced technologies, especially relating to renewable energy. Four leaders in the grassroots, sustainable energy field, from the Spokane, Washington and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho areas, join forces by creating a one-of-a-kind conference, highlighting new and potentially disruptive technologies.

                            This conference will be held at the Eagle's Lodge in Hayden, Idaho, on June 28, 29 & 30, 2013. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to this non-profit organization, which is dedicated to community service and charitable causes in the Inland Northwest.

                            Last year, this was a two-day event, but this year, Friday is filled with events at no extra charge.

                            This conference will provide the attendees with the end result of over 100 years of research and experimentation by some of the best engineers in the field. If you have ever wondered whether advanced energy inventions really exist, then this is the Conference you have always wanted to attend! The fabled "free lunch" is also provided on Saturday and Sunday.

                            For additional information about this groundbreaking conference, visit John Bedini & Peter Lindemann Conference 2013

                            Conference Sponsors include: Energenx, Inc., White Dragon Press, Tesla Chargers, A&P Electronic Media, Energetic Forum, Flyback Energy, Inc., Atlantis Rising Magazine and others.


                            Damn Aaron. Getting those United Nations Agenda 21 sustainable development $'s working for you huh? You know which way the wind blows don't you. You were aware that this type of operation is legal in just about every county in Nevada except Clark county, right?

                            What comes around goes around buddy, and I see swift kick in the balls coming your way.


                            • #15
                              A Call for Calm.

                              Take a breath guys, breath! Anger never makes good decisions.

                              I think John Polakowski’s post laid out the issues very well. The dis-harmony between Aaron and David Webster should be sorted out between them, before this all gets too far out of hand, or perhaps it already has. I think Aaron was wrong to post what he did.

                              However I feel that this current situation can be repaired with apologies and some private communications. I pray that it can. Eric does not need all of this drama I’m sure.

                              I have not had any personal issues with Aaron thus far. He may have made some mistakes, or perhaps too money hungry, however he probably deserves some forgiveness or at least a pardon before it all goes pear shaped and all the bridges are burned. – Let us wait for his right of reply.

                              Having said that. - My loyalties lie with Eric Dollard as number 1. Closely followed, by the EPD Lab Crew* and the ‘quasi community’ developed through the Eric Dollard thread on this forum, as Raui put it.

                              As EPD Labs develops into something grand, there may bigger, more dangerous nefarious sharks to deal with. - They will all want to take a bite.

                              So let cool heads prevail! -


                              *David Webster, David Wittekind, John Polakowski & Techzombie.
                              "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD

