Originally posted by Aaron
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So my hope is that EPD Laboratories sorts out who is on the executive committee, who’s not and what their plans and projects are for the future. Of course there are Eric’s business deals with the EGF and EPD Labs promotions and business deals if they wish to pursue that too. Eric, EPD Labs & EGF could all work together similar to how Bedini's Lab operates.
This whole deal has had its causalities, Techzombie of course being one of them. If he had handled himself better / differently he still may have had a fairly decent “auxiliary” outlet for Eric’s material. But it seems he wanted the ‘exclusive rights’ to it and now that bridge is burnt to ash. Too bad for him & I hope he has the decency not to cause further trouble.
There are other casualties too, Tom Brown – While I know Eric still has certain issues with him. In general (except for that so called posting where he calls for T-rex to be banned) Tom has been rather helpful to the overall cause since the re-emergence of Eric on the forum. (Maybe he is attempting to make amends for past transgressions caused to Eric)? - Now he has a caused an issue with Aaron and took sides with the zombie. - Anyway the situation is unfortunate and sad, at least from my point of view.
Further casualties are a few long time and important contributors to this forum (Garret & Raui for example). Once this is all resolved, I would plead for them to return! As they are first class contributors and we need them here alongside Eric.
As for the current situation concerning Dave Webster and John Polakowski - this is still unknown to the readers of the forum, but it my hope that any negativity has been neutralised and forward progress can now happen. (Perhaps we could hear from them)?
As for the projects concerning EPD Labs, there is the CIG which is one project we know of (I am working away at this too, with my 100 Watt CW Tube transmitter, nearly finished).
The other Project Eric is talking about with the climbing of poles, while it isn’t said directly as yet my guess would be that it is some kind of Alexanderson Antenna arrangement. Anyone who has followed Eric’s thread would guess that.
Enough for now.