Originally posted by Aaron
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Non stop insults, ceaseless intimidation and a tone of utter contempt for everyone. We need to see this for what it is, a mental illness. We don't need to hate Aaron, simply to pity him for he is infected by some kind of supremacist virus.
Supremacism is exactly what this virus is. Aaron, you were not chosen by God. Enough of this insanity. You are speaking to human beings here and we will all stand up for ourselves and each other. You think you can just keep hammering out your lies and we will just give up and stop and you can declare another victory for your sick little world? Not gonna happen this time, not now, not ever.
We have all given up a good chunk of our lives for this mission and we are not going to roll over and let you piss all over it for a few shekels. You are like a screaming hysterical child running up to a building tsunami and whacking at it wildly with your little sword. Pathetic and doomed to complete and utter failure. This time mommy will NOT be there to pick up the pieces... or will she?
I'm from New York and I know how those who are infected by this supremacist virus act. This will all end with Aaron crying all over himself, rolling over and cursing all mankind for his own self destruction. Yes I would bet that urine shall also come into play when his whole fantasy world comes crumbling around him. Keep going Aaron I love watching mentally ill supremacists destroy themselves.
Allow me to translate for everyone exactly what is happening here. Sigmund Freud called this Transference. Transference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Basically the mentally transfer all their actions, paranoia and lies unto another person. They blame others for exactly what they themselves do to them. It is 100% twisted and has proven remarkable effective when coupled with extreme tenacity. Good natured people cannot believe that someone would tell such huge lies all the time because it is something they would never even think of doing, thus they begin to doubt themselves. Then the parasite goes for blood and at worst declares victory and at the very least saves face.
There will be no saving face here Aaron. You have already lost and lost everything. Please by all means continue to humiliate yourself and "dig your hole deeper" as you said to me. Aaron's emails show even more what a vile and insane creature he is.
Here is the email train everyone. Judge for yourselves if this creature can be redeemed.
David Webster: (David's strongest words in bold, decide for yourself if these words deem the response from Aaron)
Hello Aaron,
I want to express my disappointment in the statement that you made after Eric's presentation where I made the announcement that I was taking donations for EPD Laboratories. EPD Labs is a nonprofit organization that has monthly operating expenses, equipment purchases yet to be made, payroll for hired labor, etc. That was very uncool of you to come behind me and tell the crowd that you could just give cash to Eric rather than donating to EPD Labs. While I understand that Eric is the star of the show, there is a great need for EPD Labs to have any influx of funds at this point in time. When the money dries up, it seems that it will fall in David's lap to continue to pay rent on the building. This is not fair considering the huge debt that he has accumulated already from acquiring the lab in the first place.
There was an original stated goal within EPD Labs which needs operating capitol to achieve. Reaching that goal will take the financial burden off of David Wittekind and allow this operation to really get the traction that it needs to move forward. Eric has his own idea of what is a priority, and it doesn't take into account the bank account of our prime benefactor, Mr. Wittekind. In all fairness to David, we need to consider the financial situation of the organization. With that being said, I hope you will respect the operating decisions being made by organizations that you do not belong to and keep your suggestions to yourself should the situation ever arise again.
TechZombie: (my response to all)
David Webster brings up an important point.
I do not make executive decisions in regards to financial matters as I am not on the board of EPD Labs thus it not my business. I simply do what the board agrees. This conference was a public forum to bring light to EPD labs efforts, this is why Eric thought it was wise to accept your kind invitation. We should all respect motivations and leadership that has brought this organization so far. We are all prospering from that effort.
I have a great deal of respect for the chain of command here and the sacrifices and leadership of David Wittekind and David Webster and I hope that you will share this same respect Aaron. It is good for all of us to work in harmony and means more exposure for all and profit for yourself. Let's keep that in mind.
Are you with us Aaron ?
Aaron: (insane hysterical response. I count over 22 100% lies)
If you want to know how he replied just imagine everything he has posted here but twice as nasty. Pure and utter thug lunacy.
We are dealing with a deranged character here and we will tolerate whatever drama is necessary to rid us of this insanity. Garret stood up like a MAN and said what needed to be said. Now we are dealing with a hysterical child, a high chair tyrant that needs to be spanked and left in the dark. Aaron, if I was your layer I'd tell you to shut your mouth right now but we all know you will just continue to dig your hole deeper. You will probably threaten me with a lawsuit now for posting those emails.... oh wait you already threatened us with a lawsuit.
Just take everything Aaron accuses us of and reverse it onto himself. Or better yet don't even read his lies. It is like the scene from the Exorcist, where the older priest tells the younger one not to listen to the demon, for the demons only power is in it's lies.
We may pity Aaron but we will not tolerate your insults, lies and complete and utter lack of respect. Your petty greed and sabotage of our mission doesn't win you any points either. (hands Aaron a bigger shovel) Keep on diggin' kid. ( sits back with popcorn )