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Ray Savant - Muhamed - Techzombie Exposed

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  • #91
    Where to go from here...

    I'll post the brief interview I had with Eric and you all can see it for yourself. The video interview was created on Saturday, July 6th. That is a few days AFTER I received the email from David and Ray's pathetic accusations.

    Even AFTER those emails and AFTER my response to David, I am still portraying Webster and Polakowski in a good light because I am supportive of them... (until John P popped off at the mouth under the influence of Ray). I already understood that Webster emailed be based on a misunderstanding of what happened so I had no hard feelings against him. But Ray's verbal puss mouth was a different story but I still kept my cool. But you can see that despite the garbage from them by email, my intent was always to do whatever is in the best interest of the lab and Eric. I even promote the and website - and you can hear exactly what Eric has to say about that!

    It was AFTER this interview that a few more things developed that I had to publicly mention the nefarious elements.

    Eric must have read that later on and decided to post that Martian comment.

    As I predicted to be the first one to reveal himself as the nefarious element instead of saying nothing, Ray comes in scraping his knuckles on the ground spewing his vomit all over the place.

    Anyway, please watch the video when it is posted. Once that is posted, I will take all the posts in this thread that transpired over the last several days and will move them to a new thread that will be locked and it will be preserved. That way, this thread will be cleaned up and anyone that actually is interested in Eric's work can work in peace.

    Ray already showed what his agenda was in all of this - at least a part of it. To have the greatest forum in the world dedicated to Eric's work - but Eric wants nothing to do with Ray. As I said, Eric was given a demand to stop posting here way before any of this erupted and before Eric ever came up here to my home because Ray already had an agenda of "owning" Eric and his work. True story... and Ray just threw Eric under the bus a few posts ago regarding calling Eric out as being the one responsible for doing something "ridiculous".

    Ray is too stupid to know that he just broke all the edification that he has built for Eric by referring to Eric as "Professor Dollard" in one small stupid post where he describes the double face palm. Crap for brains - there is no other word to describe what Ray Savant has between the ears.
    Last edited by Aaron; 07-12-2013, 03:32 AM.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
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    • #92
      Ray Savant - Muhamed - Techzombie Exposed

      This has all the posts from the recent arguments in the Eric Dollard thread. It will be kept for the record.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #93
        Ray Savant - Techzombie fraud

        Since there are so many convoluted lies by Ray Savant and a handful of statements that nobody has heard from Eric, let me remind everyone that Eric DID post and stated that his organization was hi-jacked. And that was NOT me posting for him.

        Originally posted by T-rex View Post
        As a side note, my laboratory organization is being hi-jacked by Giant Negros From Mars, but I am trying to set it back on it's B.T. L. course. Wish Me Luck!
        1. I make my post about "nefarious elements".
        2. Eric posts about his organization being hi-jacked.
        3. Ray spews a bunch of lies about me to make it look like I put Eric up to it.
        4. A handful of people say they want to hear what Eric has to say.

        Well, look at Eric's posts - that IS what he has to say. You heard directly from Eric and he said his organization has been hi-jacked. But instead of believing Eric, unfortunately, a handful of people are buying into the lies of Ray Savant, someone that Eric has wanted to stay away from Eric's organization for a long time.

        I'll post my interview with Eric soon... will be a mp3 in video style. The original video is HD 4gb and will take some time to process so the mp3 is quicker. Hope to have it on youtube today.

        Again, that interview was a few days AFTER the emails I received from Webster and Ray and I'm still willing to give credit to Webster and Polakowski and even promote the aether force website. That is because I have no reason to let their email garbage interfere with supporting Eric.

        I have absolutely no reason to put Eric against his own organization. First of all, I'm not that kind of person and second of all, it accomplishes nothing. It actually is more beneficial to everyone, including myself, to have not just a relationship, but a strong supportive relationship with Eric's organization. It would be a win-win situation for everyone involved.

        The primary reason for me mentioning the nefarious elements was because it had been determined that it needed to be made public. Ray Savant IS that primary nefarious element that surrounds Eric.

        A primary function of those who are supporting any business, organization, etc... is to PROTECT THE BRAND - PROTECT THE BRAND - PROTECT THE BRAND. That doesn't mean Eric is a commercial product, it means that Eric's name needs to be protected and held in good light by every member of the organization. In that context, Eric Dollard IS EPD Labs and every one of them should be doing everything possible to do nothing but edify Eric Dollard in a good light no matter what. Eric is obvious a wild coyote who speaks his mind, but that is no excuse for Ray Savant to throw him under the bus. It is inexcusable.

        Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
        I agree the thought of Eric climbing poles to installing horizontal supports and insulators so he can then hang wire makes me shake my head. What if he falls?
        Farmhand obviously shows a concern for Eric's safety. He does NOT ask who came up with that idea. Maybe Farmhand did ask who came up with that idea and I may have missed it, but the point is that Ray is out of line and is a scumbag - look at what Ray has to say:

        Originally posted by techzombie View Post
        Whose ridiclous idea was that????? Great question....


        We all did a double face palm on that one.... Try talking to him yourself..

        David and I wanted to focus on getting the CIG done and getting it out to the world but.... Eric has MANY pet projects...

        Seriously... you guys don't know the half of it. and now we have a sociopath wanting to further suck his blood after eating up 3 months.....

        double face palm....
        It served absolutely no purpose for Ray Savant to paint Eric as someone who is coming up with "ridiculous ideas". It wasn't asked who came up with that. Ray takes it upon himself to first suggest the question to everyone about who came up with that idea - and then to boldly, literally, exclaim that it was Eric's idea.

        Really??? The self-proclaimed warrior of God fighting for the truth is such an altruistic human being that he has to contribute statements that completely disrespect and label Eric as coming up with stupid ideas? His pea brain is too small to comprehend the fact that anything coming from his mouth should only speak good about Eric to protect Eric and to protect the organization. Again, the question wasn't asked who came up with that idea and even if it had, it did NOT warrant an answer - ESPECIALLY from someone that is supposed to be such a strong altruistic supporter of Eric and a "member" of the organization.

        Can you imagine what would happen with the Red Cross for example if one of the members was publicly disrespecting the the most important name of someone that is a member of the board? They would be crucified! But we see that Ray continues to blab his pathetic mouth and what is astounding is that Webster, Polakowski and even Wittekind endorse this kind of defamation by Ray, which is absolutely implied by their silence. They cannot play ignorant because you all know damn well, they're watching these posts with baited breath.

        Then he goes on to graphically exclaim how ridiculous "we" think about Eric's "ridiculous ideas" - so he is also now outing the other members of the organization as having the mutual feeling that THEY also believe Eric's ideas are ridiculous -

        "We all did a double face palm on that one...."

        Ray is literally too stupid to know when to keep his mouth shut for Eric's benefit or the organization's benefit. And he just revealed one or more people in the organization as having the mutual feeling that they believe Eric's ideas are ridiculous. STUPID!

        "Try talking to him yourself.."

        And to continue disrespecting Eric with that statement showing that he claims Eric is unreasonable. It is irrelevant if it is true or not (I actually found Eric very reasonable the whole time he was up here - Ray just doesn't know how to communicate with Eric without prioritizing his own ego). Personally, I have nothing but compassion and empathy for Eric's situation. Not just for his past experiences with others but for the current hi-jacking of Eric's organization by Ray Savant.

        How do you all think Eric feels about having his hands tied because his organization is held hostage by Ray Savant. That is literally what is happening and everyone there is deceived in believing that Ray is such a good guy. They are just drinking his kool aid but Ray has already shown his true colors multiple times with multiple slanders against Eric and in the videos Eric is talking about situations that are going against what he wants, which were situations that happened WAY BEFORE Eric ever came up here to my town.

        Anyway, even if it is true that Eric is hard to deal with, it's irrelevant. Ray has no business, as an unofficial representative of Eric's own organization to speak about Eric in this manner. It is prima facie evidence that not only does Ray have a mental defect, he is obviously problematic to the organization and to Eric. Eric has an obvious issue with Ray as Eric was very explicit in his feeling about his organization being hi-jacked - That came straight from Eric (I had nothing to do with that post) so anyone who is delusional and is drinking Ray's kool aid needs to stop asking what Eric has to say about it!! It's COMMON SENSE.

        "David and I wanted to focus on getting the CIG done and getting it out to the world but.... Eric has MANY pet projects..."

        Then Ray goes on to show what him and David want done. The Cosmic Induction Generator. Since the building has been renovated, there is a next step that needs to be taken and Eric is very clear about what that is and it is not necessarily the CIG. That is Eric's business to state what that is, but it isn't necessarily what Ray wants to happen next.

        Please understand that Ray is not on the board of directors and is not an official member of the organization. Eric doesn't want Ray involved in any of it. Ray simply inserted himself. I do not know if Wittekind and Ray have a prior relationship before all of this... hmmmm

        Anyway, Ray has claimed he only does what the organization wants him to do. Put up a video, etc... but suddenly you see that not even being an official member and having no say-so and Eric doesn't want him involved - Ray is tell you all right here in this forum that he has WANTS for what needs to be done! What a joke!

        Eric is very smart about practical matters of what needs to be done next in the project. You all have been led to believe he is incompetent in anything that doesn't involve electrical engineering. And from the video interview with Eric, it should be common sense to everyone from Eric's own words that things are being done in a way that he does NOT approve. Again, Ray Savant has his own agenda and it is contrary to what Eric wants done and Ray is overtly admitting that right here if anyone takes the time to see it for what it is.

        And by stating Eric has MANY pet projects, which Eric does have a right to have his own pet projects, but Eric is also very clear about what needs to be righted with the organization for it to move forward and the priority is to eject Ray and that is not negotiable. But the mannerism in which Ray discusses Eric's pet projects continues to cast Eric in a bad light making it look like Eric is wishy washy with A.D.D. and can't focus on simply doing one thing. It doesn't take much intelligence to see that Ray should keep his trap shut and it takes even less intelligence for him to actually be willing to make these statements as a self-assumed representative of Eric's lab...defaming and making a mockery out of the very man who has an organization named after him!

        The Ray goes on to say: "Seriously... you guys don't know the half of it."

        Not only is Ray so openly disrespectful to Eric, he does so multiple times and summarizes by making sure you all know what a problem Eric is (from Ray's own perspective and words). Ray just keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper.

        But what that last statement actually reveals is this: the level of disrespect that Ray has for Eric has only been revealed in a small portion and under the tip of the iceberg of disrespect that Ray has for Eric, there is an invisible mountain lurking under the surface.

        Then Ray claims I'm a blood sucker and have wasted 3 months of everyone's time. Let me remind anyone that forgot to read that Eric DID say something about Ray and the organization - but instead, the primary troublemaker for Eric wants you to believe he is a saint and only does good for Eric, while doing a horrible job at covering up Eric's opinion by constantly bad-mouthing me. Ray can't make the truth go away - and you all ALREADY heard it directly from Eric:

        Originally posted by T-rex View Post
        As a side note, my laboratory organization is being hi-jacked by Giant Negros From Mars, but I am trying to set it back on it's B.T. L. course. Wish Me Luck!
        Aaron Murakami

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        • #94
          Techzombie moves to destroy Eric Dollard's reputation

          Originally posted by techzombie View Post
          David Wittekind got them for an source that chooses to be anon.

          hint he is a dude that helped out Eric MANY times in the past... and also got burned hard.
          Wow -

          Ray Savant doesn't know how to quit. Exclaiming to everyone that Eric is burning people. The reality of that statement is irrelevant to the point that Ray is in high gear to destroy Eric's reputation to make himself look good. And he is supposed to be helping to represent Eric's organization?


          I see that this anonymous person is probably Tom Brown - so I see collusion behind the scene for Ray to get Tom to come here and cause trouble for me too. Now it is all making sense. Didn't seem quite right for Tom to act that way. Trying to call me out for ignoring his request to ban Eric when he never identified himself? Binky? Seriously? And for anyone paying attention, Tom's mention that I keep all my PM's. If you read what I wrote, I said I keep all PM's from Facebook... To the best of my knowledge, this forum is not Facebook. I delete posts here all the time because the box is limited in size. It appears that Ray's mental virus has infected Tom - most unfortunate.
          Aaron Murakami

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          • #95
            Ray Savant 1

            Originally posted by techzombie View Post
            One of our comrades was attacked and we rallied to his defense.

            I have been called an infidel and a muslim terrorist thus far...

            Who else but a sociopath accuses grown men of "popping off at the mouth" when having a rational discussion?

            I wouldn't talk to children that way, yet this creature does so without guilt and then expects our sympathy. Classic sociopathic behavior.

            I see clearly why nothing has ever come out of this forum and why nothing ever will.

            Would you speak to me that way in person Aaron?

            All this work is about to be thrown away because of one man's greed.

            Aaron wishes he could have made this happen himself and create a real brand for Eric... but all Aaron can do is count beans and do seo hacks to sell more nofat pills and ass water.

            Or will you jump in and defend her ?

            JohnP, Garret and I all jumped in and we are still being assaulted.

            My personal information was dropped all over this website..... ask yourself what kind of creature does this.

            Then Eric announces he is taking a 3 month break.... to give a lecture at the conference.... (double face palm)

            David was accused of "nefarious" acts and I was accused of misrepresenting Eric, so the videos stopped.

            The plan Aaron has is simple. Sabotage EPD Labs, turn us all against each other and then claim he is saving it from us "messing up".

            Eric never gave me permission to do anything, not post a video, not to make a fundraiser, write an article, make a website ... nothing. I did it anyway and it worked, we are here. And now we see an army of vulture here screaming and waiting to move in for the kill.

            no movement can withstand betrayal from within.

            Eric knows electricity and aetheric science.... he does not know how to handle people and often trusts the very worst ones. In any venture letting the wrong people in is the very worst mistake and Eric has let in the very worst.

            So let me make it clear. I am not doing this for Eric or anyone else. I am doing this to get to the truth.

            I can only do so much guys. I have a life. I cannot fight Eric's demons for him. Aaron is just a sad joke. All the key people leave here for another forum tomorrow and he is finished, just selling Ass water and optimizing his seo all day like a good little bean counter.

            I choose to assert my will here. Those who choose to help. Please do join us.
            More nauseous spew from Ray Savant's mouth...

            Everyone can see the emails and Webster even admitted he should have sent the email and was out of line assuming he should be soliciting funds at the conference. Ray's "defense" of Webster was out of line because Webster was wrong himself to send me that letter. It shows that Ray is incapable of seeing things as they are instead of jumping the gun without knowing the facts.

            I never called Ray a "muselim terrorist". Multiple sources told me that Ray is someone that changed his name to Muhamed and is on some personal holy war and Eric or Eric's work is some tool in all of this. There are many instances where Ray changes what I said because he is a snake tongued liar.

            There has never been any rational discussion from Ray. He defended Webster's email as being polite, when even Webster admits he shouldn't have sent it because of its annoyed tone, etc... Eric PERSONALLY states his organization is hi-jacked and Ray starts to accuse me of brainwashing Eric. And all evidence posted thus far shows indisputably that Eric has had issues with his organization PRIOR to Eric ever meeting with me. Anyone with any self respect can see that this IS the sequence of events.

            Sociopathic behavior??? Anyone is welcome to Read Ray Savant's description of his motorcycle - it isn't about racing bikes and chasing women... Someone is a flipping loony toon.

            Motorcycle Info Pages - Featured R1200GS's > Crazy Pink R1200GSA

            "Of course 'The Toast' (me!) has been air brushed right onto it. IT is a masterful job"

            That picture is pornographic so up to you if you want to see it, but that picture and the more clear avatar graphic below the photo of his windshield is 100% absolutely indicative of how Ray sees himself. This is the psychology that is lying right under the surface of his holier-than-thou claims about being for truth and justice, etc...

            Has has demonstrated this destructive behavior here be retaliating against my post and what Eric said about his organization being hi-jacked by trying to dominate and control everyone's perspective of what is actually happening by lying about me manipulating Eric.

            Here is a censored version of Ray's windshield, his bike and him in the picture so there is nobody that can claim that I'm just making this up - go look at that link!

            That is who Wikkekind, Webster and Polakowski has chosen to align themselves with. READ Ray's own description of his bike and go search his name. There are people around the world that know him and look at the problems they all have with him. Eric doesn't want to associate with this kind of person.

            Let's talk about sociopathic behavior...

            Although the dominated female in the picture is a willful subject of the domination and is giving the world the middle finger because other people don't understand... the inherent desire underlying the fantasy of domination is to violate the rights of others. Ray has already admitted to others that he used to "beat up people for fun". Disrespecting other people's rights to their own freedoms, safety and security is sociopathic in nature.

            Here is a definition of sociopathic behavior - basically a sociopath is synonymous with a psychopath or someone with antisocial behavior.


            psy·cho·path (sk-pth)n. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.

            Beating up people for fun is pychopathic and so is the perverted domination of someone else.

            Antisocial behavior disorder is: "a mental health condition in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others. This behavior is often criminal."

            So, the only one here exhibiting any form of sociopathic or psychopathic disorders is Ray Savant. He is a low-life lying thug who puts makes himself look normal when he has visited the lab pretending that all this violent life is all in the past - and what we see here is someone concocting stories out of the blue about me manipulating Eric just because it has been called to his face, publicly by Eric himself, that Ray hi-jacking his organization!!!

            Ray has been called out and he is desperate to make it look like his is actually the good guy in all of this and if anyone has been manipulated or brainwashed is the manipulation of John P and Webster by Ray... and possibly Wittekind, unless there was some prior dark agenda that preceded Ray's self-insertion into the middle of Eric Dollard's life.
            Aaron Murakami

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            • #96
              Ray Savant 2

              Another insight into Ray's psychology is here:



              Before the opening bell of Saturday night’s MMA Xplosion Super Fight Night main event, Bryan Humes (6-0) knew his opponent was planning something devious.

              “I could see it in his eyes that as soon as we touched, he wanted to hit me,” Humes said.

              Ray Savant (0-1) was eager to start his professional MMA career with a bang, and threw a punch at Humes immediately after the fighters touched gloves to begin the bout.

              “That’s an amateur move,” Humes said. “We always touch gloves to start the fight, it’s just a sign of respect.”

              The heavyweight responded to the etiquette faux pas with a devastating right hook that sent Savant to the canvas and almost out of the ring completely.

              “When I dropped him my eyes went big,” Humes said. “But he went through the ropes, so I couldn’t do anything about it.”

              But there was no coming back for Savant, as Humes slammed him back to the canvas almost immediately after the knockdown. From there Humes transitioned to the mount where he rained down blows upon Savant’s head until referee Steve Mazzagatti stopped the fight 2:23 into round one.


              You can see the level of respect and honor he has for a respectful fight. After touching gloves, Ray throws a sucker punch. I'm have many friends
              here that are high level martial artists who train MMA fighters, police, swat
              team, etc... and that kind of sucker punch is not just something that
              amateurs do - what it shows is the level of mentality that someone is
              operating with. Touching gloves is like shaking hands and then they should
              back up and then go to work... Ray sees himself as some comic book
              hero samurai warrior, but the manner in which he demonstrates who is is
              is that he has no respect for the fighting art and just wants to make a
              name for himself.

              We can see that here as well... he is trying to make a name for himself
              while simultaneously slandering Eric Dollard, the very man who he claims to
              be helping.

              Anyway, plenty of good has come out of this forum over the years - you just have to filter out the noise like any other forum. Ray admits Energetic Forum is the BEST forum available and now when it suits his purpose, he bad mouths it.

              He only posted that after I expressed my concern that he is misrepresenting where the traffic boom came from (my promotion, which he said was because it went viral). So, he begrudgingly gave me credit and says this forum is the best.

              So, he is willing to say this despite the fact he ALREADY had plans to monopolize Eric's work and have control over all Eric's posts by trying to get Eric to only post on his website, which Eric does not approve of.

              Then he bad mouths this forum here... first it is the best, now it is useless. What that shows is that there is no integrity in anything he does or say and is willing to say whatever is necessary to push his agenda based on whatever happens to be going on in the moment. There is an EXTREME amount of cognitive dissonance going on between his ears.

              Poor Ray Savant - when I responded to David Webster's RUDE and CONDESCENDING email, you came back with a whole host of accusations and insults. You are a hypocrite... talk to you like that in person? And you just publicly threatened me with physical harm. You really are too stupid to know what you are doing. You are the one who instigated the accusations against me and all I have done is speak the truth and everyone here also heard it directly from Eric Dollard - as he said a mouthful in one sentence.

              What David Wittekind chose to do with his own finances is his own business and because of the way everything has been described to me, I have no evidence that Wittekind actually has such an altruistic agenda at all. Maybe he does or maybe he doesn't but YOU are the primary problem that calls ALL OF IT into question. Wittekind apparently approves of these messages from you and John P and Webster because he remains silence while being fully informed that these conversations are happening here. He knows this is being communicated on behalf of EPD Labs - so what kind of clue does that gives us to his leadership?

              I've always credited John P and Webster for their contributions - there is no doubt about that.

              The "one man's greed" is YOUR greed. Your need to manipulate and dominate Eric's work for your own purposes. You are so selfish and greedy that you have disrespected Eric multiple times right here in the open but are too blind to know what you are doing.

              I wish I could have made what happen? I never had a desire to be involved with the activities of EPD Labs. If what you say about me is true, I would have never promoted the Indegogo campaign to my network. The length of your memory is about as big as the diameter of your brain - very, very small.
              Aaron Murakami

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              • #97
                Ray Savant 3

                It's completely hilarious how you badmouth the health products I'm involved in. Let's take a look at one of your websites that you made while you were in Venice California trying to make a name for yourself for health related products, etc...

                The Best Greens for Detox, Weight Loss & Abs goes to The Best Greens for Detox, Weight Loss & Abs and what is one of your posts?

                The TITLE OF YOUR WEBSITE IS: "......Weight Loss......"

                Ray Savant has since changed the title to even cover this up
                It is now: "
                Health Level UP | Health, Fitness & Nutrition for Awakened Men"

                About losing fat with HGH. Yes, it is true HGH does that, but you say:

                "but all Aaron can do is count beans and do seo hacks to sell more nofat pills and ass water."

                HYPOCRITE - his blog is all about the same kind of things that he is making fun of me about and what is funny is that I don't even sell any diet pills, but Ray promotes quite a few ways to lose weight and burn fat!

                Ray is all about generating money...there are other sites he has if you look around. I understand he has to earn money somehow too, but criticizing me for actually doing business and earning money - he paints that as a bad thing, while he also is earning money online and of course, that must be good. Like I said, he talks with a forked tongue.

                Your "defending" comments are stupid. David Webster attacked me without warrant and you defended the attacker. You are a moron. David even admits he was wrong about the email, but you persist with the charade that you have only done good!

                Garrett was NOT a part of jumping in on anything that happened before anything got posted in the forum. Again... David Webster attacked me without warrant and you defended the attacker. Please don't sprinkle any more fairy dust in people's eyes to make it look like this all suddenly sprang out of my forum post. Your attack of me by email lit the fuse, but it wasn't until I was informed of other things that determined it was time for you to be publicly outed.

                I posted your identity public? Of course I did. Half the people working with Eric including Eric never even knew your last name - read that everyone - they never even knew who Ray really was. Just that someone named Muhamed was supposed to show up and start filming their work.

                The organization is dysfunctional because of your involvement. Don't blame Eric for wanting to take a break to work on a presentation. He has expressed his disappointment in a video that has already been posted so stop lying to people with the intent to have people believe that the lack of progress is because of Eric's involvement with the conference.

                Actually, I only said there were "nefarious elements" around Eric. You took it upon yourselves to bring yourself forward and I never mentioned Wittekind's name... you are crafting those words - that is not what I said. It is irrelevant what it "looks like"... unless I specifically spell it out, it can mean ANYTHING in the world until then.

                The videos didn't just suddenly stop because I posted about "nefarious elements"... there was PLENTY OF TIME between the last video and a couple days ago.

                When Eric was at my home, he kept demanding that Ray post the video of the "GLOM" at the shop so people can see that the donations are going where they are supposed to go. The videos not being posted anymore is because Ray has been withholding them and have refused to post them. It is only after I passed on the messages to Ray thru FB - Ray finally wound up posting the video, with hesitation... WHY WOULD RAY HOLD OFF ON DOING THAT?

                So, the truth is that Ray was resisting posting any videos all on his own and this was WAY BEFORE I ever posted anything about "nefarious elements"... Ray is a pathological liar.

                People were writing Eric asking about the equipment and Eric had been requesting that this video be posted for a long time. It took my request directly to Ray for him to finally get it uploaded to a private link so that Eric could watch it and give his ok.

                So if you all want to know why Ray "stopped" the videos - he was not in the process of getting them done to begin with and this "stopping" had already happened prior to Eric ever coming up here...which is WEEKS before my post here. So he is turning something that he is responsible for before I ever posted anything into my fault.

                Eric didn't give Ray permission to post a video? Oh really? He had been asking for quite a while to get the GLOM video posted so people could see what was going on. And you say you did it anyway - despite Eric not giving you permission... so doing things on your own without Eric's concent... Your statements are back and forth and sound like someone with a split personally disorder as well. There is a dogfight inside his head and he is confused.

                Army of vultures? Getting boring... Now I'm an army all by myself.

                "no movement can withstand betrayal from within." - EXACTLY!

                I crave control over aetherforce? A website that doesn't properly represent Eric and that Eric does not approve of? Why do I want to have anything to do with that? To introduce a headache into my life? Get real...

                The only "professional" liar here is you. And you don't even do a good job at it. You outed yourself, defamed Eric publicly, defend Webster's email as being a polite email to me when Webster admits it was out of line, you attack me as manipulating Eric to go against you when there is plenty of witnesses and evidence that Eric has already experienced opposition to his wishes by YOU and possibly others at the lab, and Eric stated clearly his organization is being hi-jacked and you made up the lie that I'm manipulating Eric to go against you. You are a pathetic sad nut case.

                Thanks for the Freudian slip - yes, the VERY WORST were let in to his organization - YOU - Eric already admitted it had been hi-jacked. YOU are the one that is the very worst one that was let in... as I am not "in" EPD Labs at all!

                "So let me make it clear. I am not doing this for Eric or anyone else. I am doing this to get to the truth. " As I stated before, it had been made known to me my multiple people that you have your own agenda. You admit it here with your slip. You contradict your own self with false logic - cognitive dissonance anyone??? Your "truth" is just that - YOURS and is subjective. To be a part of Eric's organization, things should be done FOR ERIC and NOT for what you think is best!

                "I choose to assert my will here. Those who choose to help. Please do join us. " - EXACTLY my point... it is your will that you are asserting upon Eric and you have been outed - you are the one that Eric is talking about hi-jacking his organization. If anyone is stupid enough to buy your lies, then good riddance to them. Anyone that believes you over Eric is a traitor to Eric and stabs Eric in the back. And to say that Eric will follow you? He wants you to be out of his life... you should respect that and then crawl back under the rock that you came from.
                Last edited by Aaron; 10-24-2013, 06:46 PM.
                Aaron Murakami

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                • #98
                  Delete This Thread

                  Keyboard-Warrior Aaron,

                  While I may have said my previous post was going being my last, this one will indeed be the final.

                  It's quite clear that you're becoming a bigger creep by the minute! Are you on a holy free-energy crusade to slay all who come before you? Who cares about TechZ's pink crotch rocket? Why is that even "evidence"? Do you really think attacking Tom Brown bolsters your cause? I'm aghast at the amount of energy and enthusiasm you have for this disturbing and unproductive hobby.

                  BTW, "smarmy" was a fitting additive describing your character. Thanks Tom, had to look it up, but got a good hearty laugh when I did!

                  In summary, I would like to say that I find you, your comments and your actions truly pathetic!

                  Now I should point out that the above comments were merely after thoughts of my real reason for posting:

                  I would sincerely and truly appreciate it if you would Just delete this whole cesspool of a thread (that you perversely continue to feed).

                  This thread is not something that makes you look like a hero, I can promise you that.

                  Do the right thing, and end this smarmy crusade... with the deletion of this thread and all the god forsaken contents held within. That will undoubtedly earn you a token of respect from all who have befallen upon this thread and its deplorable contents.

                  Garrett M


                  To everyone else,

                  If you agree with deleting this thread, please write below this post asking Aaron to do so. Or alternatively, send Aaron a PM.

                  Let's take out the garbage and dispose of this thread.
                  Last edited by garrettm4; 07-13-2013, 12:07 AM.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                    Not replying to you Orion, just agreeing. Keep tending those chickens.

                    I agree the thought of Eric climbing poles to installing horizontal supports and
                    insulators so he can then hang wire makes me shake my head. What if he falls ?

                    He should have help, I admire his work ethic and I realize he is a safe worker
                    but there should at least be someone else there to "offside" for him and just
                    be there for reasons safety ect. Freak accidents happen.

                    He may want to do things himself so he knows things are done how he wants
                    them. Every Tradesperson building something should have an observing
                    assistant though for assisting and safety. Even if he must give them training first, I think he deserves some help.

                    This post has nothing whatsoever to do with Tech Zombie.

                    Why is it here ? I'm offended. Please send it back where it came from, because from where I'm sitting it looks like some kind of censorship.



                    • @Garrett M

                      Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post
                      Keyboard-Warrior Aaron,

                      While I may have said my previous post was going being my last, this one will indeed be the final.

                      It's quite clear that you're becoming a bigger creep by the minute! Are you on a holy free-energy crusade to slay all who come before you? Who cares about TechZ's pink crotch rocket? Why is that even "evidence"? Do you really think attacking Tom Brown bolsters your cause? I'm aghast at the amount of energy and enthusiasm you have for this disturbing and unproductive hobby.

                      BTW, "smarmy" was a fitting additive describing your character. Thanks Tom, had to look it up, but got a good hearty laugh when I did!

                      In summary, I would like to say that I find you, your comments and your actions truly pathetic!

                      Now I should point out that the above comments were merely after thoughts of my real reason for posting:

                      I would sincerely and truly appreciate it if you would Just delete this whole cesspool of a thread (that you perversely continue to feed).

                      This thread is not something that makes you look like a hero, I can promise you that.

                      Do the right thing, and end this smarmy crusade... with the deletion of this thread and all the god forsaken contents held within. That will undoubtedly earn you a token of respect from all who have befallen upon this thread and its deplorable contents.

                      Garrett M


                      To everyone else,

                      If you agree with deleting this thread, please write below this post asking Aaron to do so. Or alternatively, send Aaron a PM.

                      Let's take out the garbage and dispose of this thread.
                      Thanks for outing yourself as an imbecile and someone who is obviously joining forces with trash. If you don't have enough sense to see the sequence of events and look at things for what they are - multiple concocted lies, completely ignoring what Eric has said - you are an imbecile with a double standard. It is fine for Ray to say what he says, but I'm somehow restricted from the same. You are a hypocrite.

                      Attacking Tom Brown? He came here instigating crap with me claiming I'm neglecting to moderate because he sent me some anonymous message from binky or zinky telling me to ban Eric for insulting him while not ever telling me who he was and without pointing out any specific posts. Again, double standard you hypocrite.

                      You're obviously willfully ignorant of the fact that most of my posts are in direct RESPONSE to each point by point piece of putrid garbage spewing from Ray's pathological lying mouth - then you are a lying hypocritical fool who is drinking Ray's kool aid. Go look at most of my messages - I actually address each and EVERY point made by Ray, John P and Webster.

                      Does Ray address anything specific that I have called him out on? No, he spews more worthless lies that you apparently are mentally incapable of seeing. Ray addresses nothing about what I say and only pukes more garbage and I'm calling him on each and every point.

                      There IS a difference between what I have posted and what Ray has posted. I haven't covered up anything by not answering specifics and spewing more trash - I actually respond to virtually every single item in each post in a very logical manner. For someone who is supposed to be fairly intelligent with technical matters in this forum, you are lacking any practical sense whatsoever when it comes to anything else.

                      I'm exposing a lowlife worthless piece of garbage aka Ray Savant. You are defending him and therefore are stabbing Eric in the back as he has already personally stated that his organization is being hi-jacked and who is doing it. You are a traitor and a backstabber to Eric.


                      @All, here is what Ray is doing and it is in all the posts between him and Tom Brown and it is easily deduced with common sense, in my opinion.

                      Tom Brown is the obvious "anonymous" source of the video at the psychotronics association. Tom watches what Eric and his organization is doing and offers Ray the video to get it out - most likely through the Facebook posts and other references. If you look at Tom Browns FB wall and Ray's, it is pretty much common sense. Ray acts as if he has some mystery connection to getting information like this when it is Tom Brown who has a very incredible library that he has compiled over the years. Tom Brown is in that video by the way... yeah, really anonymous - what a surprise.

                      You see here that Ray is the self-appointed guardian of Eric and his organization and is willing to attack those that have screwed Eric in the past. Eric has openly stated his issues with Tom Brown about embezzlement, etc... I have no personal knowledge of any of that, but what you see is that to Eric's face and everyone else, Ray will tell you how he has Eric's back, while behind the scenes, he is colluding with "the enemy" so to speak.

                      Again, I can't verify the embezzlement claims, etc... but here you have Ray and Tom with their arms around each other in flagrante delicto attacking me, Ray claims to have Eric's back, which Tom has been accused of embezzling Eric's money. It is irrelevant whether Tom is innocent or guilty - what is relevant is that Ray has no loyalty to Eric or the organization and only has loyalty to his own self-serving purposes.

                      Eric has stated from the beginning of Webster's email and Ray's response to me that Eric finds it completely UNACCEPTABLE for any of them to act in this manner and no longer wants to do business with anyone that is a part of it.

                      This is all BEFORE I ever posted one single thing in this forum. Webster, Polakowski, Ray Savant and Wittekind all 4 have copies of that message from Eric, which I was requested to submit to them in regards to this email issue.

                      So what does Ray do? He conspires with Tom Brown to cause trouble for me by having Tom Brown come here and stir up trouble with his accusations and insinuations that I am neglecting to answer his concerns - with that anonymous message where he doesn't want to identify himself or the actual posts of interest.

                      So, it is no coincidence that that Tom Brown had that video, gave it to Ray Savant, this issue is going on and suddenly Tom Brown mysteriously shows up as Binky or Zinky to make accusations against me perfectly synchronized with Ray's attacks.

                      Obviously the above is my speculation but anyone that has any common sense to put 2 and 2 together to actually see what is going on, I believe it is more than obvious.

                      @ Garrett, you have bought what Ray has said hook, line and sinker. You are drunk on his kool aid and are going into diabetic shock.

                      And for your information, my inbox is full of support from many members for what I'm doing because finally, there is someone with some kind of network with enough voice that can stick up for and back Eric, which he never had before. I will stand my ground and will continue to support Eric no matter what you think of me - you will not deter me from doing what is right - exposing Ray for the worthless lowlife liar that he is who is intent on owning Eric and his work for his own "truth" - and not for the benefit of Eric.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • @Farmhand

                        Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                        This post has nothing whatsoever to do with Tech Zombie.

                        Why is it here ? I'm offended. Please send it back where it came from, because from where I'm sitting it looks like some kind of censorship.

                        Offended? Censorship? Grow up.

                        I moved a lot of posts and any post that is not supposed to be moved, I moved by accident. Your drama about it is unwelcome. If you want to join the traitors against Eric go ahead. But if you simply want your post moved back to the Eric Dollard thread, all you have to do is ask. I'm not going to put up with with this dramatic censorship garbage when if it was to be censored it would be DELETED not out in the open for the whole world to read.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • cracking the whip

                          hay guise, fight much?
                          Worlds Best Fight Scene - Epic Hilarious Movie Action - YouTube

                          srsly, forget the drama & immaturity, all it's doing is distracting you from the WORK you should be doing! STOP SLACKING OFF


                          • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            Offended? Censorship? Grow up.

                            I moved a lot of posts and any post that is not supposed to be moved, I
                            moved by accident. Your drama about it is unwelcome. If you want to join the
                            traitors against Eric go ahead. But if you simply want your post moved back
                            to the Eric Dollard thread, all you have to do is ask. I'm not going to put up
                            with with this dramatic censorship garbage when if it was to be censored it
                            would be DELETED not out in the open for the whole world to read.
                            Well if moved by accident then I apologize for the censorship comment and
                            request it to be moved back to where I posted it. I don't see anything in that
                            post that goes against Eric. I do understand how that could be done by
                            accident. See I don't mind to apologize if I make a mistake which is human.
                            This is how things get out of hand, My post was moved to a thread for people
                            causing problems, I was speaking in Erics favor, even though I may not like his
                            style fair is fair. So if you can't see why I would be upset and maybe claim I
                            was censored from the thread I posted in then so be it. No skin off my nose.

                            Isn't a traitor someone who is first in company with or aligned with the said
                            person then uses that relationship to undermine the person. I've never been
                            aligned with Eric so it is impossible for me to be a traitor in that respect.

                            I've received nothing but abuse form Eric, but still the common sense of him
                            doing that work alone is missing, regardless of my feeling for Eric.

                            Given the lack of moderator responses to the filthy abuse directed at me, I
                            can only assume there is bias against me. the evidence points to that.

                            Eric himself engaged in abuses and accusing me of filthy acts which is against
                            the forum rules. The abuses were not even removed. Go figure.

                            No one apologized to me. I wouldn't accept it anyway considering the
                            depravity of the abuses directed to me. It's your house Aaron.

                            So if we are talking of morals and decency where were those things when I
                            was being abused and complaining to the moderators about it, others
                            complained as well about the abuse directed at me so I'm told. And I an told
                            to grow up. You allowed people to accuse me of sexual acts with animals and
                            left the abuses on the forum. How is that right ?

                            As you can see this is not the first time I feel that I have been unfairly treated.



                            • @Farmhand


                              Do you or do you not want your post to be moved back to the Eric Dollard thread or not? You neglected to tell me which post # is it.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Tom Brown

                                Tom Brown's email to me and my response:

                                On 7/11/2013 8:40 PM, Thomas J. Brown wrote:
                                "I can't verify what Eric says about you, but I have enough information in my archives to show one or two very shady things that you have done in the past that are completely out of integrity and I can and will make this as big of a deal with as much publicity as it needs to be to expose the fact that you are not as altruistic as you claim."

                                OK, Aaron Murikami let's see it!!! Show me one shady thing I did in my past or be called out publicly (again) as a liar. You are a cowardly little piece of **** who manipulates words and bans people who would expose you if they could respond. You don't have the courage or integrity to allow me to respond directly where you have made false and libelous accusations.

                                I sacrificed much over the years to help a lot of people, not just Eric, and if it wasn't for my efforts and putting up with a lot of childish crap from him 25 years ago you probably never would have heard of him. I have nothing to hide like you do. And I certainly never told the whole story of all the problems Eric caused because of my great respect for his vision. But I'm seeing the same scenario playing out again.

                                This whole mess is already backfiring on you. Soon Eric will be blaming things on you, just goes with the territory. Your 'holier than thou' attitude has made a joke of your forum. You are just greedy, I gave all my work away for free and will continue to do so.

                                So now, what's shady in my past that you have in your archives? Put up or shut up you petty tyrant!!!

                                PS. This will definitely be posted in public places you can't stop. There's a hefty BCC list of folks whom I'm sure would love to hear your answer to this.

                       (that is the post in question)

                                You can see what I edited a few days ago (obviously before you send me this email here). You can see the date that I edited it is at the bottom of that post - it records the time and date anytime a post is edited.

                                I clarified what I mean by believing Eric about you... nothing to do with embezzlement, marrying a demon, etc...

                                You came to my forum and started to talk garbage about me neglecting to moderate Eric's statements about you. Your proof that I am somehow doing something wrong is a screenshot of a private message by you from your anonymous user name and you didn't even sign the post to tell me who you were and you did not reference any posts. Every post has an icon you can click to report any post. That is what everyone does to flag the post for the moderators. When I get an ANONYMOUS private message, which is exactly what you sent me telling me I should ban Eric, I ignore it. I'm not going to waste my time digging through hundreds of posts on behalf of someone who can't even tell me who they are...which is exactly what you did. If you can't understand that and you call me out as neglecting to moderate adding to the arguments, then the only conclusion that I could come to is that you are simply a trouble maker.

                                Had you had the decency to actually explain what post numbers you are referring to and had the decency to actually tell me who you were, I would have looked into it. I get too many anonymous messages declaring all kinds of garbage all the time and I'm not going to respond to or waste my time with any of it.

                                You are the instigator in this particular matter against me and your own proof of you contacting me in the past only proves that you refused to tell me who you were. That seems pretty shady and cowardly to me to try to get me to ban someone and you don't even have the guts to tell me who you were. Only a chump would do that - to use your own words.

                                And you comment about me having every single PM further proves that you are incapable of distinguishing the fine details of what is actually the case, because if you go back and look at what I posted, I said I have every FACEBOOK PM and the last time I checked, my forum is called Energetic Forum...and that is completely different from Facebook.

                                BCC this to anyone you want - they can go look in the forum to see that everything I said above is the truth.

                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

