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Ray Savant - Muhamed - Techzombie Exposed

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  • Eric Dollard Interview July 6, 2013

    This is an interview of Eric Dollard by me on July 6th, 2013 a few days after the Bedini-Lindemann 2013 Conference.

    Eric Dollard Interview July 6, 2013 - YouTube

    That was a few days BEFORE I posted the Trials and Tribulations post and you can see that despite the email from Webster and Ray's mouth that I was still in full support of Webster and Polakowski and even wanted to promote the Aether Force website. What did Eric say about Aether Force?

    I wanted to post the HD video interview but it was 4gb and it wouldn't process so that is the audio with pictures of relevance.

    Yesterday, I interviewed Eric Dollard again and this is being prepared for release. You might want to be sitting or actually even lying down when you hear this one - a little Zofran might be helpful. I'm serious.

    Anyway, anyone interested in what Eric's personal take is on all of the recent happenings needs to hear this other interview that took place early yesterday morning.
    Aaron Murakami

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    • Ray Savant and Tom Brown

      Now that Eric's interview is posted without too much noise going on, Ray Savant and Tom Brown are able to post here directly.

      Ray is welcome to post more lies about me and Tom is welcome to blow anything out of proportion that he wants.

      Very soon, a button will be pushed regarding Ray's delusions of grandeur and it will be known as the flush that will be heard around the world.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • Ray Savant

        An insider informant told me today why Ray Savant is hell-bent on damaging
        my reputation and trying to destroy my business. Ray keeps lying about me
        being money hungry, lying about me wanting to control Eric's material, etc...

        Well, what I was told and I verified it was true is that the whole
        Key Chests website that Ray had been promoting the Lone Pine Writing
        is actually owned by none other than Ray Savant!!!

        Not only is it for making digital content available, it was Ray's attempt to
        copy my business model and he even tried to create an affiliate program.

        Ray's business is "Leets Trading Company", whatever that is supposed to be
        and that is what is behind the Key Chests website. So while he is attacking
        me for my business model, he is trying to destroy my reputation and has
        actually copied my business model with the intent of capturing that
        business for himself.

        The hypocrisy is nauseating. What a forked-tongue snake.

        By the way, Ray Savant is illegally selling that book the Lone Pine Writings
        right now as he has been told to cease and desist from any further activity.
        It is not being used in the manner in which Eric has authorized and it needs
        to stop now.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • It seems all of this animosity towards each other came from the root of all

          A great inventor cant just build without a lab, without tools and equipment. All of which costs money and it seems when Eric gets donations some people want the funds to go toward that, while at the same time i'm sure Eric has bills of his own to pay.

          Now everyone is concerned where the money is going. Does one person want the money for the lab rent or to put it in their own pockets. Now everyone is concerned about loyalty. Do these people really want to help Eric or just help themselves?

          People who help maintain the lab have bills to pay as well, how do they make an income? Online businesses is one solution. You know what they say Aaron, imitation is the greatest form of flattery. They must think you are successful at what your doing if they are following the same venture.

          While angry everyone tends to use insulting words and tones, I've regretted doing so myself many times in life.
          I dont think being insulting shows someones true colors, I just think it shows they either need to calm down or dont have a real argument, or maybe both.

          I really dont know anyone in this thread, it just seems so sad to me, that it appears money has turned all of you against each other. Its amazing how money alone gives everyone a different agenda and can tear apart relationships. Why do none of you trust each other? It seems none of you really know what the other persons agenda is. Which is why it seems everyone is so concerned over who is controlling what Eric is doing.

          From an outside view, I see a bunch of good people who apparently spent years helping Eric who are now turning on each other thanks to the almighty dollar. Its just sad.

          The world will be such a better place when money isn't around giving everyone hidden agenda's.
          (just my $0.02)
          Last edited by jdodson; 07-15-2013, 01:38 AM.


          • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
            It seems all of this animosity towards each other came from the root of all

            A great inventor cant just build without a lab, without tools and equipment. All of which costs money and it seems when Eric gets donations some people want the funds to go toward that, while at the same time i'm sure Eric has bills of his own to pay.

            Now everyone is concerned where the money is going. Does one person want the money for the lab rent or to put it in their own pockets. Now everyone is concerned about loyalty. Do these people really want to help Eric or just help themselves?

            People who help maintain the lab have bills to pay as well, how do they make an income? Online businesses is one solution. You know what they say Aaron, imitation is the greatest form of flattery. They must think you are successful at what your doing if they are following the same venture.

            While angry everyone tends to use insulting words and tones, I've regretted doing so myself many times in life.
            I dont think being insulting shows someones true colors, I just think it shows they either need to calm down or dont have a real argument, or maybe both.

            I really dont know anyone in this thread, it just seems so sad to me, that it appears money has turned all of you against each other. Its amazing how money alone gives everyone a different agenda and can tear apart relationships. Why do none of you trust each other? It seems none of you really know what the other persons agenda is. Which is why it seems everyone is so concerned over who is controlling what Eric is doing.

            From an outside view, I see a bunch of good people who apparently spent years helping Eric who are now turning on each other thanks to the almighty dollar. Its just sad.

            The world will be such a better place when money isn't around giving everyone hidden agenda's.
            (just my $0.02)
            Most of all, Eric needs to learn how to help Eric. That way he would have more control of the situation. However, when you let everyone else foot the bill, there will always be expectations from those who are paying the expenses. It's like having someone staying at your house but won't help when you ask. Had he more focus, he wouldn't find himself in this predicament. There has to be a reason that a person loses 7 labs!

            Also, Eric is not an inventor, you might say theoretician, researcher, historian and lecturer, overall interesting guy, but not an inventor. He has replicated many devices, but he did not invent them.
            He has no patents of record to my knowledge.

            I agree totally about the disappointing childish behavior. The whole thing is an unfortunate mess.


            • Ray Savant

              Originally posted by jdodson View Post
              It seems all of this animosity towards each other came from the root of all

              A great inventor cant just build without a lab, without tools and equipment. All of which costs money and it seems when Eric gets donations some people want the funds to go toward that, while at the same time i'm sure Eric has bills of his own to pay.

              Now everyone is concerned where the money is going. Does one person want the money for the lab rent or to put it in their own pockets. Now everyone is concerned about loyalty. Do these people really want to help Eric or just help themselves?

              People who help maintain the lab have bills to pay as well, how do they make an income? Online businesses is one solution. You know what they say Aaron, imitation is the greatest form of flattery. They must think you are successful at what your doing if they are following the same venture.

              While angry everyone tends to use insulting words and tones, I've regretted doing so myself many times in life.
              I dont think being insulting shows someones true colors, I just think it shows they either need to calm down or dont have a real argument, or maybe both.

              I really dont know anyone in this thread, it just seems so sad to me, that it appears money has turned all of you against each other. Its amazing how money alone gives everyone a different agenda and can tear apart relationships. Why do none of you trust each other? It seems none of you really know what the other persons agenda is. Which is why it seems everyone is so concerned over who is controlling what Eric is doing.

              From an outside view, I see a bunch of good people who apparently spent years helping Eric who are now turning on each other thanks to the almighty dollar. Its just sad.

              The world will be such a better place when money isn't around giving everyone hidden agenda's.
              (just my $0.02)
              The animosity towards each other is not rooted in money from my side. I received a very disrespectful letter about something, which was made up in their minds and I called them on it. Then I get accused of brainwashing Eric and I'm all about money. I don't see how that could be missed. Money isn't the root of evil at all and never has been. That is propaganda to keep people from the truth. The root of evil is fear created by the carnal reasoning mind of mankind creating the judgment for ourselves that we are alone and separate from each other and more importantly God - that is why we are said to become naked and ashamed when we eat off of the tree of knowledge - that simply means we judge something taking it from its intrinsic reality that something is what it is and then we label it, which transforms it from it's inherent reality into something we made up. I'm not going to preach, but if you bring up the root of evil, that is what it is.

              Their animosity was rooted in an illusion created by the carnal reasoning mind that took the inherent reality (that I was simply helping Eric get some donations) and it was turned into a story that they created that I was sabotaging their fund raising efforts.

              What I did was defend myself against their attacks and faulty logic that they accused me of doing something, which they themselves were actually guilty of.

              I haven't demanded money for anything. I helped get $x into Eric's hands and half was taken away by them at the end of the conference. They are attempting to sabotage every one of my efforts to help Eric, but it isn't working. They are only revealing their own motives, which are all self-serving and have nothing to do with helping Eric.

              There are two separate accounts - a personal one for Eric and one for the lab donations. They asked for my help in the past to raise funds for the lab and I was happy to do it. This conference was between Eric and I and any income from that was to go to Eric's personal account. Them taking any of it away from Eric is completely inappropriate and they need to step off.

              All I can show is that any of my relations with Eric has been contributory in nature so my actions should be judged by what I have done and not what liars and thieves claim about me. I'm not saying you're accusing me of anything, but there are a handful of people that will read what you wrote and will apply it to me. So there is no mistake, that is why I am addressing you as if you are referring to me.

              Maintaining a lab obviously takes money. However, when "angel funding" is promised to Eric - that means that finances are taken care of without strings attached. If there is something attached, then it is no longer "angel funds" so to speak and is really an investment or is to be considered venture capital. And if that is what it turns out to be, well, the whole world is a witness to something very dark.

              Again, money didn't turn me against anyone. Being attacked and accused of being a liar and brainwasher put me on the defense. Despite those original attacks, you should listen to that interview that I did with Eric BEFORE anything was brought to this thread but still AFTER the email issues happened, I was still trying to support and promote the aether force website. Despite the lies and myths about me, I normally let those petty things go, but when I found out that this wasn't some petty attack, but was the appearance of a full-blown take-over of Eric's organization, I had to speak up for what is right.

              Make sure it is perfectly clear that I have no part in controlling anything that Eric does. My involvement is very, very simple. He is a guest speaker at my conference and I will be publishing his presentation and book and possibly other materials. It doesn't get any more complicated than that. On top of the business relationship, I had the opportunity to get to know him better on a personal level and I'm thankful for that. He is a legend in this field and I'm honored to have been able to have him stay at my home.

              Please understand that first of all, I don't have to explain anything to anyone. I'm just doing this as a courtesy to some of the long term members of this forum. Besides helping Eric with some finances (with zero strings attached) and thousands of pounds of very rare equipment worth many thousands of dollars (with zero strings attached), etc...

              I come to find during all of this about other things that are going on that can turn someone's stomach and that is why I am speaking out publicly and have given Ray Savant, primarily, the opportunity to publicly reveal himself for who he really is. Someone that actually is and has been trying to control Eric and his work and take exclusive control over everything he does for a profit. Ray accuses me of all of this, yet I'm the only one who actually has not just evidence but proof to back everything I have said and he has zero evidence that I am doing anything he claims.

              Yes, arguing does show someone's true colors. Why? Because when Ray posts outright concocted lies out of thin air about me, which I can and will prove that he is a pathological liar, his true colors are revealed while my colors have never changed.

              So, please do not put me on equal ground with them as being in some equal fight because that simply is not even close to the reality. I am standing up for Eric and am telling the truth and Ray Savant is a pathological liar who has been screwing up Eric's life since the first day Ray ever came to Eric's shop.

              What everyone wants to hear is what Eric himself has to say about all of this. Ray Savant has been trying to cause me as much damage as possible before that can happen, but it is already done and Ray has already been exposed before I even posted about the Trials and Tribulations of a Coyote in my Home. In time, everyone will see what I mean and it is coming soon - very soon...
              Aaron Murakami

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              • Eric Dollard

                Originally posted by jimm View Post
                Most of all, Eric needs to learn how to help Eric. That way he would have more control of the situation. However, when you let everyone else foot the bill, there will always be expectations from those who are paying the expenses. It's like having someone staying at your house but won't help when you ask. Had he more focus, he wouldn't find himself in this predicament. There has to be a reason that a person loses 7 labs!

                Also, Eric is not an inventor, you might say theoretician, researcher, historian and lecturer, overall interesting guy, but not an inventor. He has replicated many devices, but he did not invent them.
                He has no patents of record to my knowledge.

                I agree totally about the disappointing childish behavior. The whole thing is an unfortunate mess.
                Well, you are full of conclusions about things that you assume without actually knowing all the facts.

                Eric is very focused on what needs to be done. It is just that when swine come into the picture to assert their will on Eric, problems occur. What else is to be expected?

                I don't believe you know enough about Eric, his life or his work to know whether he is an inventor or not.
                Aaron Murakami

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                RPX & MWO


                • Letter of Advice & Cheque from David Webster

                  Just got this.

                  I decided that I wouldn't be cashing in this $100 cheque I just got from David Webster at EPD Labs. I believed it was important that Eric got the money I had sent. After all ray and david already refunded the $1000 donation from my partner as well. So why add another $100 to the subtraction, really? No.

                  This author has almost reached the end of his patience with this ridiculous testament. It goes something like this. Adam Bull asks where his perk/$100 letter from eric is. Adam Bull's Question vanishes from indiegogo campaign comments page. Adam Bull re-posts his question. Vanishes again. Question appears unwelcome. Adam Bull posts question privately instead so nobody on the campaign can see. Adam bull gives ample time , some month awaiting some message or email confirming where my perk is or why I didn't or will not be receiving it. Adam Bull receive no explanation. (Please David Webster, or Ray if you would like to add an explanation maybe you could do it here?). I have nothing to hide. Adam Bull Wonders if indiegogo campaign raisers are in fact checking their mail. Adam Bull wonders if indiegogo campaign raisers could be checking their mail whilst deleting and ignoring my comments. At first i doubted whether such levels had been reached. So, Adam bull a week or so ago from this date decides to not give up , and repost his question each time it gets deleted, adam bull simply wants to know if he will get his letter from eric, and if he isnt getting it, why. That was the limit that I set as the minimum expectation. This minimum expectation of mine apparently makes me a harassment to the campaign. Very well!

                  I should in any case direct David Webster notwithstanding to the writings that I have made openly and honestly discussing the treatment that I had received from said parties.

                  I have dedicated a significant amount of time to writing here the turn of events that I have experienced not just so that yourself can see my term of events, and the context in which they exist, but can also defend myself as I have in fact been threatened by a said person with being "ruined".

                  That I believe justifies a reasonable tenacity in ensuring that my written statements are both jusifyable and correct. As I had suggested some months ago had certain persons heeded my advise, it would have resulted in people making statements that were not incorrect or unjustified, and could have saved the entire thing altogether.

                  This, solely upsetting to me, rather than hurtful. Tears I shed are for others.

                  All this in aid of fact and description, not for the purpose or intent of mallice or revenge, or out of some sense of my being a nomadic warrior against a suppressor, but in fact out of the deep sense and respect for truth, and justice that any scientist, philosopher or engineer engaged in work should attempt in attitude.

                  I will attempt to re-itterate and summarise my position.

                  1. I was an important part of the indiegogo webteam
                  2. I never received my perk.
                  3. My partner had her $1000 contribution refunded. To her horror.
                  4.. I have been threatened with being "ruined" by a campaign organiser.
                  5. I have been called a "psychopath", by written text on the indiegogo campaign by "ray"
                  6. All of this so far because I asked about why my comments about the indiegogo perk I had not received were being deleted.
                  7. MY response on this thread at EF.
                  8. Letter from David Webster you see attached.
                  9. This response on this thread at EF.

                  Final remarks:

                  I am sorry and everyone who has helped Eric including David Webster and Ray have my respect, I do not believe in fighting battles. Only in adequate and justifiable defense. I believe that constitutes the fair manner of self defense as has been outlayed by myself here, and some of the grievous attacks directed at me are more reflective of said person that the accusations that I stand accused. The only reason why I must publicly respond is that it is morally and logically flawed to consider that one is harassing your campaign when simultaneously you are threatening and libeling the party in question.

                  A good tip for any "nefarious element" would be to ensure that before accusing the other parties of harassment , that you were not yourself actively engaged in a far greater harassment on that person (that person being me), and having stood me accused of harassing you. I must now publicly challenge it. In any case a professional ought to know that slander is no way to respond to harassment. Indeed, if you have the interests of Dollard at heart as I have always claimed, maybe you could have put your personal feelings aside.

                  If someone is attacking you. You attack them. That seems to be the philosophy that is being adopted.

                  Indeed the writings that have been written here by me, as aforementioned are as complete and truthful as the extent I can allow. It does not include all of it, but it includes enough to demonstrate what I wish to satisfy and that is the representative truth of my personal interaction with this group. As well as to satisfy a response to the gross accusations of my harassing this campaign.

                  I unfortunately must declare (although hesitantly and without further action) that it is I who has received a gross harassing, it is I who has received the defamatory and threatening remarks suggesting I will be "ruined", which constitute a gross violation of my rights as a person and as a contributor on the indiegogo campaign! And a gross violation of professional conduct, not to say simple common sense.

                  When you run a campaign fundraiser you cannot act so fast. Everybody understands that sometimes things get heated. I believe things can go quite a lot further than that, and I believe they may already have done, and for that there is no excuse. It is not professional conduct.

                  What it is I am saying is one cannot be taken seriously in such cases. By amateur authors and electrical researchers alike, it is a difficult situation.

                  So I now declare the letter from David Webster is patently misrepresentative of the truth. As I have suggested it is I who has been wronged most grossly and seriously, to far greater extreme than "Harassment".

                  I was "Adam Bull: Adam wrote a Book featuring the work of Eric and has been a key person on the web team, referring many people and much money to the fundraiser." You say it on your website here. Eric Dollard is Going Viral… Bankers not pleased

                  But now I am a harassing influence that is out to get you. NO! I want to know where my letter from eric is that I paid for. I know you already ousted me and are ignoring me, and providing no explanation. You have so far called me a psycho and my book ****, and threatened to ruin my reputation, but ultimately I was really hoping for contact with Eric and to see what I could do with my book publisher to help. I already tried once, twice 3 times.

                  I am open in my work and what I do and write prolifically, but for 3 or 4 years before that I was engaged in Eric's work, which very much "saved me", and so I will continue to be open and honest in what it is I am doing, and I will continue to expect the same high standards I place on myself from other people. As will I continue attempting to support Eric Dollard regardless of the negative element that has been directed at my persons.

                  My only regret is that I have to post about it at all.

                  I believe you should not be so quick to forget what others have done to help. I am not concerned for this hardship in primary sense, but how the campaign conduct reflects on the work that the organisation is doing, right now this very thing is reflecting on a large audience of people. That is to say I am only and always have been solely concerned with the benefit of the campaign, as, it is in Eric's interests for it to succeed. Those who still wish to do that can do so by supporting ERIC, and HIS campaign.

                  EPD Labs has sent me this letter (letter) received today 15th July 2013, without a date or signature (the envelope is however stamped 9th July 2013, origin CHATTANOOGA ),

                  I know it has already been said, but I am forced to re-itterate for clarity, should anyone wish to respond, it has been suggested that I am "harassing" the Eric Dollard campaign. Indeed for some months now I have felt as if I am being harassed for helping this campaign. I do not understand why they refunded my partners $1000, that was supposed to be Eric's money. It was donated for Eric. Why are the campaigners refunding money? I was merely told that I was "not co-operating", but I have absolutely no idea what sort of rhetoric they are talking about. I have suspected for quite some time that something is not right, and "Eric" may not be the "Driver". In the possibility that this is so, then may I be forgiven for expanding this dilemma any further.

                  Otherwise I wish the organisers and campaigners very many successes, and I emplore them to think about approach, rather than just the work, as a lot can be discerned about the work from a persons attitude.

                  My partner is truly & deeply offended and no longer wanted to support Eric at all after the way she was treated. It is true, and it is wrong to alienate people that have made this campaign a success.

                  Unlike my partner I was unwilling to make sweeping assumptions that Eric Dollard himself was behind the treatment, and I have said to my partner that she needs to be patient and find out who is doing what, as I am yet to know or hear any of Eric's comments directly. In any case I believe it one thing to note that a campaigner such as myself, running 2 indiegogo campaigns of my own, would not accuse paying contributors supporting my work of harassment for asking about their perks, nor would I threaten them with "ruining" their reputation. I certainly would not threaten them with slander or libel. I believe it is important to separate such professional things from personal feelings or, or otherwise both work and persons can suffer great detriment.

                  I have never threatened the reputation of Eric Dollard campaign or any of it's members, but I suggest that I have instead been threatened.

                  It is worse to get a stern and short letter, from David Webster accusing me of doing something that has been done by his organisation to myself.

                  Might I add that I do not consider it "harassment" to inquire whether I would be receiving the letter from eric,, having given a great deal of help to your campaign and contributed a significant amount of time and effort to Eric Dollard and your campaign, I expected no less than average treatment. Instead I have found a special place reserved for me in the threats which I have received. And I do not even deserve an explanation! Why Ray? Why David? Because I am a non co-operator! Yes, that's right! I am not co-operating, with these 1984 organizers. Simple lessons in self respect are required, or adjustment to David Websters sense of naivety is significantly required, as either myself or indicated persons are not being entirely honest with the truth. May the people and the testament of time be the judge. Why, why is this question we must ask, as that is what motivates any conscious thing that can walk , talk, stand or run.

                  May I leave everyone concerned with a small and fictional tale of a WORM, a beast, and the unknown.

                  That's not fair", the little worm said.
                  "Nobody is looking", said the beast.

                  "That is what you think", and the beast was suddenly gobbled up whole.

                  THE END.

                  Last edited by 7redorbs; 07-15-2013, 07:53 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    Well, you are full of conclusions about things that you assume without actually knowing all the facts.

                    Eric is very focused on what needs to be done. It is just that when swine come into the picture to assert their will on Eric, problems occur. What else is to be expected?

                    I don't believe you know enough about Eric, his life or his work to know whether he is an inventor or not.
                    Does anyone know all of the facts? I have reached some conclusions based on interviews that Eric has done and the recent brawl that ensued here.

                    This whole thing did start about money, as in who controls it and what it is used for.
                    You have a business deal with E.D. that makes some money for you and him. Your detractors should not begrudge you the 40% because there are expenses associated with book selling and you need to eat too.

                    On the other hand, the EPD is NOT a business or official non profit of any form that I can determine. It's all pure donations. people like to donate to things that feel are important or at very least interesting. As near as I can tell, they are trying to roll out the CIG as a glitzy project to show for fund raising which is badly needed. Eric is not cooperating in his own fund raising effort!!
                    He need to understand that without some promotion, there will be no lab.
                    String wires in the desert may be what Eric wants to do, but it's not as "sexy" as a machine, which can be taken to different venues.
                    The primary people appear to be very poor at promotion because it hasn't even occurred to them to put up an official website. All they have is the Energetic forum (to which there have been no posts from Eric lately) and techzombie's site/youtubes. He is the closest thing to webmaster/promotion person that they have.
                    It's interesting, then, that Techzombie is the focus of your ire.
                    His site may be something that Eric/EPD labs don't necessarily endorse, but they let it evolve this way.

                    Also, putting people's personal address on here probably isn't a good idea.
                    I find it shocking that these refunds are coming from personal accounts rather than some corporate or escrow account. All of those folks are treading on thin ice!
                    They need a business manager and they need one NOW or this will be lost lab number 8.
                    Eric needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Even Tesla had more business sense!
                    A very sad situation all the way around.


                    • the lab

                      Originally posted by jimm View Post
                      Does anyone know all of the facts? I have reached some conclusions based on interviews that Eric has done and the recent brawl that ensued here.

                      This whole thing did start about money, as in who controls it and what it is used for.
                      You have a business deal with E.D. that makes some money for you and him. Your detractors should not begrudge you the 40% because there are expenses associated with book selling and you need to eat too.

                      On the other hand, the EPD is NOT a business or official non profit of any form that I can determine. It's all pure donations. people like to donate to things that feel are important or at very least interesting. As near as I can tell, they are trying to roll out the CIG as a glitzy project to show for fund raising which is badly needed. Eric is not cooperating in his own fund raising effort!!
                      He need to understand that without some promotion, there will be no lab.
                      String wires in the desert may be what Eric wants to do, but it's not as "sexy" as a machine, which can be taken to different venues.
                      The primary people appear to be very poor at promotion because it hasn't even occurred to them to put up an official website. All they have is the Energetic forum (to which there have been no posts from Eric lately) and techzombie's site/youtubes. He is the closest thing to webmaster/promotion person that they have.
                      It's interesting, then, that Techzombie is the focus of your ire.
                      His site may be something that Eric/EPD labs don't necessarily endorse, but they let it evolve this way.

                      Also, putting people's personal address on here probably isn't a good idea.
                      I find it shocking that these refunds are coming from personal accounts rather than some corporate or escrow account. All of those folks are treading on thin ice!
                      They need a business manager and they need one NOW or this will be lost lab number 8.
                      Eric needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Even Tesla had more business sense!
                      A very sad situation all the way around.
                      There is one more interview with Eric that nobody has heard yet.

                      It's not 40%, it is barely 20%. There are royalties on top of the 60% referral commissions and the merchant service and affiliate system fees. But none of that has anything to do with their attack on me about raising funds for their organization. And if it does, it just shows they are threatened by me and my work, when in fact, I could have been one of their greatest supporters. I still can be a supporter as long as the right people are involved with Eric's organization.

                      EPD Labs appears to be an actual 501C3, which is a charitable non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. Of course you have to donate enough to beat the standard deductions for it to even matter, but still, it does have an official structure registered with the state that they incorporated in. I know for a fact they have a Federal EIN #, so that shows me it is official on record.

                      Glitzy projects are not needed to raise funds. That is an illusion and a myth that amateurs believe is necessary. The next round(s) of funding need to be applied to very simple and non-glitzy things like actually getting 3 phase power wired to the building, etc... those are priorities for anyone that wants to build an organization and lab without needing to hype things up - not a demonstration of a CIG.

                      I think what you need to understand is that you really have no place stating what Eric needs or not. Eric wants his organization set straight with people that he wants to work with and Ray is not one of those people. It is beyond me why you cannot understand that simple fact. Why would someone want to do a bunch of things when someone is in the mix that is deemed a threat, etc... I would be demanding the same thing. That is a priority of the highest order. Unless the organization is functional, it will be an effort in futility to continue on any projects. Fix the organization by booting out people who aren't welcome and put people in that are.

                      The lab's website exists and was created because Ray Savant's websites were unwelcome. It will be revealed at the right time.

                      You are really full of assumptions - that is common around here.

                      And this... "String wires in the desert may be what Eric wants to do, but it's not as "sexy" as a machine, which can be taken to different venues." You don't even know what the purpose of the lab is and your own perspective is based on how it has been misrepresented by Ray. Another reason several of the members wants Ray completely out of the picture.
                      Aaron Murakami

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                      RPX & MWO


                      • Assumptions, perceptions, truth and reality

                        The lab's website exists and was created because Ray Savant's websites were unwelcome. It will be revealed at the right time.

                        You are really full of assumptions - that is common around here.

                        And this... "String wires in the desert may be what Eric wants to do, but it's not as "sexy" as a machine, which can be taken to different venues." You don't even know what the purpose of the lab is and your own perspective is based on how it has been misrepresented by Ray. Another reason several of the members wants Ray completely out of the picture.
                        Yup, I don't have any idea what they are trying to accomplish at the lab.
                        So far, from where I sit, it looks like a poorly managed colossal waste of time and money. Rather than be part of the solution, Eric seems like he is part of the problem by doing projects that they can't afford. In fact he appeared aloof from the lab woes.
                        Now that's a real problem for an outfit that lives or dies by donations, isn't it?

                        You insinuate that you know what Eric wants to create/accomplish ,but never actually say what it is.

                        Everything is held close to vest by the members of the secret Eric Dollard club and I don't have a "secret decoder ring"...or is mine in the mail?
                        I only know what see and read..and alot of THAT is suspect.
                        It's a like a circus with free admission. So far I'm entertained , but the show is getting a bit long at this point.

                        OK, next question. In who's name is the Dollard website going to be registered? Are you referring to or another one?


                        • Originally posted by jimm View Post
                          Also, putting people's personal address on here probably isn't a good idea.
                          Or the zip code, or the routing numbers, or the authorized signature. Scary.


                          • What will the cosmic induction generator do ?

                            What will the wires strung up in the desert do ?

                            What is the plan ? What will be demonstrated that will show a departure from
                            current practices is logical ?

                            I think everyone should with hold further donations until a plan is put forward
                            so that people can understand what might come from the money they donate.

                            I thought Eric stated there is no "free energy fusebox" I seen the post before
                            it was removed.

                            Time and time again things are touted as being some great advancement over current tech, but no C.O.P. over 1 is shown.

                            Will energy be collected from the environment or will energy be synthesized
                            from other things ?

                            What will come of all this.

                            The Cosmic induction generator, is it anything more than a plasma generator
                            of some kind ?

                            Will the wires supported on the poles form an antenna or elevated terminal of
                            some kind ?

                            Considering the way Eric denounced Peter, John and Aaron I never expected
                            Eric and Aaron to team up. Has Eric suddenly changed his mind about them ?

                            Not seeing much that is making sense.



                            • team? what team? EPDlaboraties?

                              I have noticed no posts from Eric here or else where on this site since all of this animosity occurred.

                              You are right, none of it makes any sense.
                              The next almost predicable story will be " I was just about to change the world, but I lost the lab #8's all gone..."

                              It has piqued my curiosity so, after searching a bit (it isn't easy to find) I located the site that is apparently associated with David Wittekind. He's the guy who put up his house and maxed his cards for the EPD debacle.

                              His is the only name that I could find anywhere on the site and only on the "donate page" where he is listed as president.
                              Donate | EPD Laboratories, Inc.
                              The whois search has the registrant and admin names hidden.

                              It was just a drop and go quickie wordpress site with no SEO.

                              There is no mention of Dollard, or any other principle involved.
                              Whats' really strange is the Youtube video prominently displayed on the homepage that has nothing to with the lab itself! WTF?

                              Take a look, it's no wonder that they are dire straits.
                              The overall impression that I got is that this is where you want to donate if you are wearing a tinfoil hat. jeesh!


                              • Ray Savant Exposed

                                Hi everyone,

                                You all have wanted to hear from Eric Dollard personally so you can hear what he has to say about Ray Savant "Muhamed" Tech Zombie.

                                Here it is...
                                Eric Dollard Interview EXPOSING RAY SAVANT "Techzombie" - YouTube - if you have a youtube account, please login and LIKE the video to show your support of Eric!

                                After you hear this, if you still believe Ray Savant's allegations about me or anything else he says, please kindly excuse yourself from this forum.

                                If you support Eric Dollard and want to show your support, Boycott every single thing that Ray Savant is involved in and post your support for Eric here. That way, Eric knows that you care about him and his work and that you want to see things set right for his non-profit organization and lab.
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

