You are really turning out to be a low life - working with Techzombie for him to make another video to paint Eric as a meth addict. You are showing your true colors. Please don't start crying or whining about how you're just trying to help - you obviously don't have any common sense whatsoever.
You know damn well his claims against Eric and I are a bunch of BS and YOU are the instigator on this for attacking me after the conference by email. How does it feel to be the one that lit the fuse because you decided to speak for the lab without Eric's knowledge or consent and to attack me with a smart ass email accusing me of doing what YOU actually are guilty of doing.
And when are you going to get it through your thick skull that the last straw for Eric was when he was told that in order to have his other friend in the organization that Ray was going to be put on the board??? That IS hi-jacking his organization and to pretend it is anything other than that just reveals that you have no common sense or you actually are intentionally trying to hurt Eric.
By having Ray on the board, that ensures they will always have a majority vote over Eric even if Eric's other friend was on the board. Therefore, control over Eric's org is guaranteed.
The only thing you are doing by associating with Techzombie is assisting him in hurting Eric. You're obviously too blind to see that. You think your little testimonial does any good? For your information, Eric was completely willing to have you, Polakowski and Wittekind work with him but when it was obvious that you kept associating with Ray Savant when Eric wanted him to have NOTHING to do with him or his work, you screwed yourself. Don't blame Eric - blame yourself.
You are a liar and a fraud.
1. You misrepresented why you wanted to come to my conference - you claimed that it was so Eric could have a friend there. (Trojan Horse)
2. You admit later the others thought it would be a good idea for you to come to the conference to raise money for the lab.
3. You ask for donations for the lab when I told you MULTIPLE times money that is earned for Eric through the conference, book, etc... was for Eric's PERSONAL donations and Eric can decide how he wants to spend it. Do you have any comprehension whatsoever how disrespectful that is to tell me you understand this then to ask for money for the lab? It was expressed to you and Polakowski in no uncertain terms that Eric does not trust Ray's involvement and money can't go to the lab until everything is set right first.
Eric did NOT trust how the organization was being run and with Ray's involvement, it was decided to NOT pay the money to the lab! Again, David, your lights are on but nobody's home. So, don't give me your bleeding-heart story about all you're trying to do is help Eric and the lab and that's what your guilty of? Play me a fricking violin David - can the crap.
4. Three days AFTER the conference, you attack me by email and when I emailed you back to put you in your place that everything you accused me of was actually what YOU were guilty of violating the organization that created the conference - you can't walk into someone's conference and ask the paid attendees for money. The FIRST AND ONLY TIME I ever mentioned that you could have a table at the conference in the vendors room was in the response to your email attack against me. I told you if you wanted the lab represented, you should have asked for permission and I would have given you a free table in the vendors room.
What did you post in the Ray Savant Techzombie Exposed thread? You said you thought it was implied that it would be ok to ask for donations because of the offer to have a table. You are a LIAR! Why? Because it was 3-4 days AFTER the conference was ALREADY OVER when I brought up the idea that if you wanted the lab to have a presence, you could have a table in the vendors room. You never said one word to me about wanting the lab to have representation. Therefore, how can you claim you thought it was implied that it was ok to ask for money for the lab by the offer to have the table?![Whistle Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/whistle.gif)
Let's listen to what happened at the end of the conference:
At the actual conference, I only caught the tail-end of you mentioning something about being able to take cards on your phone. I thought you were talking about Eric's personal donations account because that was the only thing that was acceptable to Eric and I had made it clear that no money is to go to the lab. If the lab needs money, Eric can decide to give it to the lab.
Aaron - "OR if you have cash you can just give it to Eric if you want."
David - "That works too!"
If that works too, David, you liar and manipulator, why would you send this to me 2 days later - did Ray put you up to that? What kind of idiot is going to speak on behalf of Eric's organization attacking someone that has a business relationship with Eric without discussing anything with Eric or the other board member?
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Stunt at ConferenceDate: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 19:21:44 -0500From: DavidWebster511 . <>CC: TecZ anon <techzombie432@gmail.com>, David Wittekind <>
Hello Aaron,
I want to express my disappointment in the statement that you made after Eric's presentation where I made the announcement that I was taking donations for EPD Laboratories. EPD Labs is a nonprofit organization that has monthly operating expenses, equipment purchases yet to be made, payroll for hired labor, etc. That was very uncool of you to come behind me and tell the crowd that you could just give cash to Eric rather than donating to EPD Labs. While I understand that Eric is the star of the show, there is a great need for EPD Labs to have any influx of funds at this point in time. When the money dries up, it seems that it will fall in David's lap to continue to pay rent on the building. This is not fair considering the huge debt that he has accumulated already from acquiring the lab in the first place.
There was an original stated goal within EPD Labs which needs operating capitol to achieve. Reaching that goal will take the financial burden off of David Wittekind and allow this operation to really get the traction that it needs to move forward. Eric has his own idea of what is a priority, and it doesn't take into account the bank account of our prime benefactor, Mr. Wittekind. In all fairness to David, we need to consider the financial situation of the organization. With that being said, I hope you will respect the operating decisions being made by organizations that you do not belong to and keep your suggestions to yourself should the situation ever arise again.
1. You are the one that pulled a stunt at the conference. When I saw your email and realized for the first time you actually did ask for money for the lab - you went against Eric's wishes and my wishes that money was ONLY to go to Eric's personal donations account because Eric did NOT trust the organization and what was happening.
2. You make false allegations that I'm trying to get people to give Eric money instead of the lab? You say RATHER THAN - you are a LIAR. Listen to the video, you are completely twisting what I said. I said OR if anyone has cash, they can give it directly to Eric. Look up OR in the dictionary, David, because you have very poor comprehension of the English language. I said OR meaning CASH to Eric because if you're taking credit cards - that is obviously something Eric or I were not set up for and I thought it was to take credit cards for the PERSONAL DONATIONS ACCOUNT. And you spin this into a false allegation accusing me of sabotaging your fund raising efforts.
3. Your last statement in the email is a condescending statement that reeks of stupidity. You are accusing me of doing something that YOU are guilty of - disrespecting the operating decisions of the conference, disrespecting my wishes that money only go to the personal account, etc... and you accuse me of disrespecting the organization's decisions? What decisions, to infiltrate the conference and ask for money without permission in opposition to our wishes that money does NOT go to the lab at this time?
The very first attack against anyone was initiated by YOU to me! This is a documented indisputable fact. When I emailed you back to set things straight because you were completely out of line, Ray Savant writes back attacking me accusing me of being a liar, etc... He is nothing but a lying snake and so are you! Ray makes the video painting Eric as a meth fiend and labeling me as some suppression agent and here you are giving Ray a video testimonial that he is using to further paint Eric as being in the wrong here. You are a basket case.
Go ahead and post your own email response here. YOU are the one that has contributed to all of this and all I did was try to get some money in Eric's hands and you wrongfully attack me for it. You epitomize the very concept of cognitive dissonance. There are many logical incongruities with what you say, how you act and what you claim. You're trying to help Eric? All you do every time you open your mouth is hurt him!![Wall Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/wall.gif)
Imagine if I was some wealthy angel funder and was giving $5k/month to the organization and you pop off at the mouth in an email like you did, your mouth would have cost the organization a lot of financial support. You have NO common sense.
Although I'm not an angel funder, I do have the ability to help the lab, JUST LIKE I DID BEFORE with the Indegogo campaign and with thousands of pounds of lab equipment that I put in Eric's hands while he was up here. And by you sending me that letter, you could have jeopardized Eric's situation by me withdrawing my support. The reason I am supporting Eric is because I can see that Ray is a psychopath for supporting your letter, which was completely out of line, and then attacking me as someone that is trying to sabotage the lab and calling me a liar??!
And 4 days AFTER you and Ray attack me by email, I did the interview with Eric and still spoke highly of both YOU and Polakowski and towards the end, I even promote Ray's website! Why? Because, despite the stupidity of you and Ray's actions against me, I'm still committed to supporting Eric and the lab!
Listen to it yourself:
Eric Dollard Interview July 6, 2013 - YouTube audio with pics
Eric Dollard Video Interview - YouTube video
There is nothing but a trail of proof that shows the only thing I have done is to support Eric and the lab. The only trail of proof (concrete documentation) regarding you and Ray over the last 5 weeks is that you people are a bunch of wackos who are working against Eric. YOU have been brainwashed by Ray because you are so gullible and naive. The email you sent me says that you still believe Techzombie's intentions are good. Really? And he shows those good intentions quite well in the video slam against Eric and I.
You are like the rocket scientist that can't balance their checkbook. You might be a talented engineer, but you have absolutely no common sense whatsoever - not even the slightest.
You guys are low lifes for doing this to Eric and I. Congratulations David, you will go down in history as the one of the primary characters that wound up screwing Eric right along with Ray Savant.![Blowout Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/blowout.gif)
Good job man! We all thank you for your contributions.
You are really turning out to be a low life - working with Techzombie for him to make another video to paint Eric as a meth addict. You are showing your true colors. Please don't start crying or whining about how you're just trying to help - you obviously don't have any common sense whatsoever.
You know damn well his claims against Eric and I are a bunch of BS and YOU are the instigator on this for attacking me after the conference by email. How does it feel to be the one that lit the fuse because you decided to speak for the lab without Eric's knowledge or consent and to attack me with a smart ass email accusing me of doing what YOU actually are guilty of doing.
And when are you going to get it through your thick skull that the last straw for Eric was when he was told that in order to have his other friend in the organization that Ray was going to be put on the board??? That IS hi-jacking his organization and to pretend it is anything other than that just reveals that you have no common sense or you actually are intentionally trying to hurt Eric.
By having Ray on the board, that ensures they will always have a majority vote over Eric even if Eric's other friend was on the board. Therefore, control over Eric's org is guaranteed.
The only thing you are doing by associating with Techzombie is assisting him in hurting Eric. You're obviously too blind to see that. You think your little testimonial does any good? For your information, Eric was completely willing to have you, Polakowski and Wittekind work with him but when it was obvious that you kept associating with Ray Savant when Eric wanted him to have NOTHING to do with him or his work, you screwed yourself. Don't blame Eric - blame yourself.
You are a liar and a fraud.
1. You misrepresented why you wanted to come to my conference - you claimed that it was so Eric could have a friend there. (Trojan Horse)
2. You admit later the others thought it would be a good idea for you to come to the conference to raise money for the lab.
3. You ask for donations for the lab when I told you MULTIPLE times money that is earned for Eric through the conference, book, etc... was for Eric's PERSONAL donations and Eric can decide how he wants to spend it. Do you have any comprehension whatsoever how disrespectful that is to tell me you understand this then to ask for money for the lab? It was expressed to you and Polakowski in no uncertain terms that Eric does not trust Ray's involvement and money can't go to the lab until everything is set right first.
Eric did NOT trust how the organization was being run and with Ray's involvement, it was decided to NOT pay the money to the lab! Again, David, your lights are on but nobody's home. So, don't give me your bleeding-heart story about all you're trying to do is help Eric and the lab and that's what your guilty of? Play me a fricking violin David - can the crap.
4. Three days AFTER the conference, you attack me by email and when I emailed you back to put you in your place that everything you accused me of was actually what YOU were guilty of violating the organization that created the conference - you can't walk into someone's conference and ask the paid attendees for money. The FIRST AND ONLY TIME I ever mentioned that you could have a table at the conference in the vendors room was in the response to your email attack against me. I told you if you wanted the lab represented, you should have asked for permission and I would have given you a free table in the vendors room.
What did you post in the Ray Savant Techzombie Exposed thread? You said you thought it was implied that it would be ok to ask for donations because of the offer to have a table. You are a LIAR! Why? Because it was 3-4 days AFTER the conference was ALREADY OVER when I brought up the idea that if you wanted the lab to have a presence, you could have a table in the vendors room. You never said one word to me about wanting the lab to have representation. Therefore, how can you claim you thought it was implied that it was ok to ask for money for the lab by the offer to have the table?
![Whistle Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/whistle.gif)
Let's listen to what happened at the end of the conference:
At the actual conference, I only caught the tail-end of you mentioning something about being able to take cards on your phone. I thought you were talking about Eric's personal donations account because that was the only thing that was acceptable to Eric and I had made it clear that no money is to go to the lab. If the lab needs money, Eric can decide to give it to the lab.
Aaron - "OR if you have cash you can just give it to Eric if you want."
David - "That works too!"
If that works too, David, you liar and manipulator, why would you send this to me 2 days later - did Ray put you up to that? What kind of idiot is going to speak on behalf of Eric's organization attacking someone that has a business relationship with Eric without discussing anything with Eric or the other board member?
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Stunt at ConferenceDate: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 19:21:44 -0500From: DavidWebster511 . <>CC: TecZ anon <techzombie432@gmail.com>, David Wittekind <>
Hello Aaron,
I want to express my disappointment in the statement that you made after Eric's presentation where I made the announcement that I was taking donations for EPD Laboratories. EPD Labs is a nonprofit organization that has monthly operating expenses, equipment purchases yet to be made, payroll for hired labor, etc. That was very uncool of you to come behind me and tell the crowd that you could just give cash to Eric rather than donating to EPD Labs. While I understand that Eric is the star of the show, there is a great need for EPD Labs to have any influx of funds at this point in time. When the money dries up, it seems that it will fall in David's lap to continue to pay rent on the building. This is not fair considering the huge debt that he has accumulated already from acquiring the lab in the first place.
There was an original stated goal within EPD Labs which needs operating capitol to achieve. Reaching that goal will take the financial burden off of David Wittekind and allow this operation to really get the traction that it needs to move forward. Eric has his own idea of what is a priority, and it doesn't take into account the bank account of our prime benefactor, Mr. Wittekind. In all fairness to David, we need to consider the financial situation of the organization. With that being said, I hope you will respect the operating decisions being made by organizations that you do not belong to and keep your suggestions to yourself should the situation ever arise again.
1. You are the one that pulled a stunt at the conference. When I saw your email and realized for the first time you actually did ask for money for the lab - you went against Eric's wishes and my wishes that money was ONLY to go to Eric's personal donations account because Eric did NOT trust the organization and what was happening.
2. You make false allegations that I'm trying to get people to give Eric money instead of the lab? You say RATHER THAN - you are a LIAR. Listen to the video, you are completely twisting what I said. I said OR if anyone has cash, they can give it directly to Eric. Look up OR in the dictionary, David, because you have very poor comprehension of the English language. I said OR meaning CASH to Eric because if you're taking credit cards - that is obviously something Eric or I were not set up for and I thought it was to take credit cards for the PERSONAL DONATIONS ACCOUNT. And you spin this into a false allegation accusing me of sabotaging your fund raising efforts.
3. Your last statement in the email is a condescending statement that reeks of stupidity. You are accusing me of doing something that YOU are guilty of - disrespecting the operating decisions of the conference, disrespecting my wishes that money only go to the personal account, etc... and you accuse me of disrespecting the organization's decisions? What decisions, to infiltrate the conference and ask for money without permission in opposition to our wishes that money does NOT go to the lab at this time?
The very first attack against anyone was initiated by YOU to me! This is a documented indisputable fact. When I emailed you back to set things straight because you were completely out of line, Ray Savant writes back attacking me accusing me of being a liar, etc... He is nothing but a lying snake and so are you! Ray makes the video painting Eric as a meth fiend and labeling me as some suppression agent and here you are giving Ray a video testimonial that he is using to further paint Eric as being in the wrong here. You are a basket case.
Go ahead and post your own email response here. YOU are the one that has contributed to all of this and all I did was try to get some money in Eric's hands and you wrongfully attack me for it. You epitomize the very concept of cognitive dissonance. There are many logical incongruities with what you say, how you act and what you claim. You're trying to help Eric? All you do every time you open your mouth is hurt him!
![Wall Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/wall.gif)
Imagine if I was some wealthy angel funder and was giving $5k/month to the organization and you pop off at the mouth in an email like you did, your mouth would have cost the organization a lot of financial support. You have NO common sense.
Although I'm not an angel funder, I do have the ability to help the lab, JUST LIKE I DID BEFORE with the Indegogo campaign and with thousands of pounds of lab equipment that I put in Eric's hands while he was up here. And by you sending me that letter, you could have jeopardized Eric's situation by me withdrawing my support. The reason I am supporting Eric is because I can see that Ray is a psychopath for supporting your letter, which was completely out of line, and then attacking me as someone that is trying to sabotage the lab and calling me a liar??!
And 4 days AFTER you and Ray attack me by email, I did the interview with Eric and still spoke highly of both YOU and Polakowski and towards the end, I even promote Ray's website! Why? Because, despite the stupidity of you and Ray's actions against me, I'm still committed to supporting Eric and the lab!
Listen to it yourself:
Eric Dollard Interview July 6, 2013 - YouTube audio with pics
Eric Dollard Video Interview - YouTube video
There is nothing but a trail of proof that shows the only thing I have done is to support Eric and the lab. The only trail of proof (concrete documentation) regarding you and Ray over the last 5 weeks is that you people are a bunch of wackos who are working against Eric. YOU have been brainwashed by Ray because you are so gullible and naive. The email you sent me says that you still believe Techzombie's intentions are good. Really? And he shows those good intentions quite well in the video slam against Eric and I.
![Thumbs Up Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/thumbsup.gif)
You guys are low lifes for doing this to Eric and I. Congratulations David, you will go down in history as the one of the primary characters that wound up screwing Eric right along with Ray Savant.
![Blowout Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/blowout.gif)