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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Joit
    For the Backstreet Boys at

    OMY, now they need to look over any Post here, what we are doing, because they cant get progress by herself.

    And Mr. MH Weisenheimer knows of course, that there is no different at all Wires, because he did hundrets of practical Tests with different Materials,
    because Doctor Know-all is our best. You wish. MH


    YouTube - which backstreet boy is gay
    Last edited by Joit; 08-09-2009, 02:41 AM.

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  • Armagdn03
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    Does anyone know of an online calculator for coil inductance for nichrome wire?
    The only difference is the resistivity of the wire. The inductance will not be affected, you can use any available calculator.

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  • rave154
    Peter, i vote yes too.

    my name is David Doyle, i use David .D in almost all of my posts

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  • Joit
    Aaron, Thanks for the Answer, i know about the Diode, lol.
    With the Diode, you get Charge for the Batterie and lesser Heat,
    Without the Diode, you get more Heat and lesser Charge.
    Nothing to confuse, lol.
    I think, all this Calculators are only made for Copperwire,
    maybe the Factor for nichrom against Copper can help to calculate it.

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  • Aaron
    nicrome coil inductance calculator

    Does anyone know of an online calculator for coil inductance for nichrome wire?

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  • Aaron
    oscillation puts circuit into resonance.

    Here's the deal on resonance. Let's first define it.

    It is a synchronization in the circuit plain and simple. With all resistances, impedances, etc... taken into account, the circuit will be at a resonant frequency when everything is timed right... charging coil discharge, etc... impedance of battery, etc...

    Basically, we know the SG type circuits find their own resonant frequency for the most part. Yes, there are the sweet spots, but the wheel spinning gets up to speed and the speed sits at wherever is the exact perfect timing for everything it its own circuit taken into account. Magnet spacing, coil, battery, transistor switching, etc...

    It is an example of SELF ORDERING. That is resonance.

    When the SG circuits self oscillate, it finds its own frequency according to the above.

    In the Ainslie circuit, it IS IN RESONANCE whenenver it is in self oscillation. The aperiodic frequency of the pulsations is proof of this. From moment to moment, there are subtle changes in battery impedance, etc... as there are on other parts of the circuit.

    Depending on gate resistance, frequency, etc... the aperiodic pulsing is an indication in and of itself that it is pulsing in resonance and it is not a steady will stay close to the same frequency (the pulsations) but not exactly because in reality, with nature's perfect imperfections, the frequency is FUZZY.

    With each pulse and the catch up times of coil in relation to mosfet being pulsed by timer circuit etc... everything taken into account, the resonant frequency can be for example 143kHz...but at that frequency, which may be the general default frequency for the mosfest under certain conditions for example. That is the mosfet's oscillation frequency. But does that guarantee with gate resistance, etc... frequency/duty cycle, coil impedance, battery impedance, etc.. .that the circuit will actually pulse at 143kHz exactly?

    The anwer is no, it will generally be that but you can see the aperiodic pulsing as the oscillation provides a spring type potential either pushes out the pulsed frequency spacing.... or is pushed together by a stronger timing signal pulse. But generally, it stays around the same but from pulse to pulse, it does wobble.

    The difference is this. If the circut is not in oscillation, you all know very well the timer circuit is maknig the circuit pulse EXACTLY at very specific intervals. It is closed off to anything that will offset that symmetrical and even spaced frequency.

    When in oscillation, the steady frequency can fluctuate taking into account the nature of the circuit itself. This IS self ordering because it is able to determine it's own frequency.

    Even without oscillation, the circuit can show a gain (over 1.0 COP).

    With oscillation, much more.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by Joit View Post
    Other thing, you said, with the Quantum Timer Circuit, you only could get 50% Dutycycle?
    Hi Joit, the timer I'm using isn't from the Quantum article but the Quantum article is showing the correct circuit (without diode). The COP 17 was with no diode.

    The timer circuit I"m using has 1~50% duty cycle.

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  • Armagdn03
    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    Hi all,

    It seems to me the people who want to disrupt do not want to show who they really are, I wonder why!!!!!!!!! I use my own name, Aaron and Peter as well, how about coming clean?

    Sounds like a plan,


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  • Joit
    lol. It is that, what i did learn about the EE's.
    I can do some explanations, maybe you get a better Picture then.
    Randomness = like unexpected Energy or behave at Circuits, where someone could expand more. Mostly its like, they only build, what they want to build.
    And the comparison with a Cook is for, have her Basics of Electricity, what they work with, and understand it.
    I remember, as they found out, that 'Electrons' are moving to the Minus of a Batterie at charging, and therefor, they go back to Plus when you use it,
    they said, uh, its to much work to change all the Descriptions at the Parts.
    Thats what i call wrong Ingredients. And there are still more Flaws.

    Well, i am glad, they found theyr Company at Ou, what fits them.
    Maybe that is what you can call Backstreetboys, when they play her lonely Songs.
    Last edited by Joit; 08-08-2009, 08:04 PM. Reason: adding

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  • witsend
    Joit, at the risk of dominating this page - may I say - you really make us work to get to an understanding of your posts. I think it's the language that lends your sense a rather cryptic mysteriousness. Just so nice. And unlike the most of us - no one can accuse you of being immoderate. Always the philospher. You give this thread it's balance.

    I really do love your posts. This last one is another that I'll be printing and keeping.

    EDIT Golly - such a commotion on OU.Com. Anyone need proof of OU, just look at all that hot air. Astonishing.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-08-2009, 07:00 PM. Reason: another point

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  • Joit
    Another Story

    As i did look around at the Net before some Years,
    because i did looking for generating Energy,
    I found a lot of Forums, where People did debatte about Electricity.
    And mainly at hardcore EE' Forums you see it, that theyr Experts never have or show any Randomness, its all explained there, and measured.
    I was pretty certain, that there is no Answer to find, how you can do a more efficient Work.
    They can use and work with the Energy, but not proper generate.
    But that is anyhow like cooking with the wrong Ingredients.
    The Cook can be a good one, but the meal is maybe just a average.
    Therefor i know, you can not find over the EE's Field any unexpected Things.
    And if i would really been interested to learn and go into that Stuff, i surely would have done that.
    Maybe the Science is made like this, that they exclude these Things,
    or its her Routine, what let them oversee things,
    or its her Passion, to come over from the EE forums, to debunk anything, what do looks like a extraordinary Claim.
    Me personally dont have even a Problem if there is a Patent, or just a handwrited Paper as Plan. Either try it or leave (it).
    I dont wanna know, how much Patents, what are outside, dont work, when you do rebuild it.
    And funny thing is, any Friend i do talk with about such things, seems do have more Clues, as most from the picky Opinions i did see here.

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  • witsend
    Actually I can appreciate the contributor's need for hiding their identities - the more so in the light of the attack on those of us who don't. But I think it's shabby to hide behind an assumed persona - simply to indulge some spiteful attack.

    And I'd give my right arm to know how TK can afford to spend all this time and all that money on testing equipment, on this debunking exercise. It's a really costly exercise - unless he's getting some compensation for his efforts. In which case from whom and why?

    There's the intimation that he works as a technician on fixing these instruments and that is the source of the ready supply. If so, then he's also abusing his client base. And why then would his clients send in a brand new Fluke 123 for fixing? Seems a bit redundant. If he works for some research laboratory - then even more cause for concern. What patents and what technologies is he protecting that he needs to destroy my own.

    Frankly I am more than a little suspicious. If his attack were based on appropriate facts or even if they were more moderated - then I'd be less so.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-08-2009, 05:56 PM. Reason: another point

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  • Joit
    But i dont need an Advertising for my Name,
    and sproading personal Informations around the Net is allways so ...humm.

    But i will promise, to not disrupt, or leave, before i do.
    Would it make more sence, to got the Debunkers here with her Realname?
    Dont know. So i vote for Hum, I dunno!

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    ANY MORE VOTERS, don't be shy


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  • Peter Lindemann
    Great idea!!

    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    Hi all,

    It seems to me the people who want to disrupt do not want to show who they really are, I wonder why!!!!!!!!! I use my own name, Aaron and Peter as well, how about coming clean?


    Great idea!!! Is it possible to limit this thread just to people who use their real names? That way, it can settle down to being a quiet "replication thread", since all of the disrupters, hiding behind their anonymity, will be forced out.

    I vote YES.


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