You really need to get in the real world and do EXPERIMENTS. If you think BCM gives you a real answer, you have completely and totally disqualified yourself from knowing anything about batteries. Battery capacitor analyzers never reflect what the battery will be able to deliver. If you think they do, go do it, film it and show everyone.
You want to bastardize a real test procedure by even hinting at using a BCM to tell the story? LOL, you have got to be kidding!
TIMEd draw down on the battery as I described from batteries charged by a charger that does know when the battery is really full is MANY times more accurate that your recommended BCM test!
Also, you clearly do NOT understand open systems. Make this particular circuit closed loop to run itself? Are you kidding me? It is not over 100% efficient, it is over 1.0 COP. There is dissipation but the dissipation of source potential simply dissipates over a much longer period of TIME! Hoppy, I think you're losing it here. Most of the free work is constant heat production...I'm supposed to magically make that heat make up for the loss in the battery so the battery never goes down. Please tell me your joking.
No need for time consuming procedures.
Yeah, lets not do real tests and experiments and take bogus shortcuts that won't tell anything. If that is your idea of science and testing, then you should really stick to something you can demonstrate proficiency at. Test procedures are NOT it.
Even with a BCM, do you not still have to draw down the battery in order to charge it back up to put a BCM to see if it is at full charge? So we magically wave our hand and pretend we depeted the battery, bypassing all time requirement then apply a charger, wave our hand and pretend it just got charged and then put a BCM on it? lol You even mention "before and after" the test but "There is no need for complicated and time consuming test procedures." What is this Orwellian double speak?
Doing that will certain eliminate long drawn out test procedure but I think I'll do it my way. Thanks for the advice but I'll stick to doing real tests.
This takes the cake hoppy. I was open to hearing what you had to say - please no more distracting suggestions.
Originally posted by Hoppy
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You really need to get in the real world and do EXPERIMENTS. If you think BCM gives you a real answer, you have completely and totally disqualified yourself from knowing anything about batteries. Battery capacitor analyzers never reflect what the battery will be able to deliver. If you think they do, go do it, film it and show everyone.
You want to bastardize a real test procedure by even hinting at using a BCM to tell the story? LOL, you have got to be kidding!
TIMEd draw down on the battery as I described from batteries charged by a charger that does know when the battery is really full is MANY times more accurate that your recommended BCM test!
Also, you clearly do NOT understand open systems. Make this particular circuit closed loop to run itself? Are you kidding me? It is not over 100% efficient, it is over 1.0 COP. There is dissipation but the dissipation of source potential simply dissipates over a much longer period of TIME! Hoppy, I think you're losing it here. Most of the free work is constant heat production...I'm supposed to magically make that heat make up for the loss in the battery so the battery never goes down. Please tell me your joking.
No need for time consuming procedures.

Even with a BCM, do you not still have to draw down the battery in order to charge it back up to put a BCM to see if it is at full charge? So we magically wave our hand and pretend we depeted the battery, bypassing all time requirement then apply a charger, wave our hand and pretend it just got charged and then put a BCM on it? lol You even mention "before and after" the test but "There is no need for complicated and time consuming test procedures." What is this Orwellian double speak?
Doing that will certain eliminate long drawn out test procedure but I think I'll do it my way. Thanks for the advice but I'll stick to doing real tests.
This takes the cake hoppy. I was open to hearing what you had to say - please no more distracting suggestions.