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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Aaron
    wrong questions

    Originally posted by Hoppy View Post
    So I think you are telling me that the accumulative free energy (from somewhere?) may actually exceed the level of energy input into the circuit by a factor of 16 over the period of the test? That's absolutely amazing Aaron and common sense to everyone - I don't think!!

    What is the ampere hour capacity rating of your test battery?

    You're damaging your credibility post by post.

    The common sense is that ANY extra running time indicates BOTH - heat and charge.

    Amp hour capacity is irrelevant!

    If the SAME battery is used for experiment and control and the times are measured from a specific voltage to voltage, it does NOT matter the ah rating. It is using the SAME power source.

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  • witsend
    Hoppy - your comments are now diluting what would otherwise be a really entertaining thread. Could you at least try and improve on the quality of your sad attempts at sacrasm if you must always be sarcastic. Otherwise perhaps you could just keep out of it until you've something interesting to post.

    You are patently enjoying your contributions here but I'd like to point out that you're alone in that enjoyment. I'd prefer to spare our readers as well as the contributors. Like I say - improve on the quality of the comments - in whichever way you wish to present them - then we can all have some fun.

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  • Hoppy
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    Drop your garbage hoppy. You have no idea about what is real or what is not - you don't even do the experiments here you are criticizing. That is incredibly ridiculous.
    So you can see the top of my bench then. You really must have special abilities

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  • Hoppy
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    For that common sense is required.

    OBVIOUSLY is the heat is nonstop while the Ainslie circuit runs much longer than the control, there is your FREE HEAT and FREE CHARGE.
    So I think you are telling me that the accumulative free energy (from somewhere?) may actually exceed the level of energy input into the circuit by a factor of 16 over the period of the test? That's absolutely amazing Aaron and common sense to everyone - I don't think!!

    What is the ampere hour capacity rating of your test battery?

    Last edited by Hoppy; 08-04-2009, 06:23 AM.

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  • witsend
    Hi Harvey. You definitely belong here. Another great find - together with Mike.

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  • Harvey
    Yes, I was thinking how rare it is for us all to be here at once myself.

    Actually the food for thought thread was specifically placed to encourage deeper thinking into how COP > 1 can and does occur. Not all magnetic interactions result in internal heating, some result in internal cooling. Gadolinium for instance has a strong magneto-caloric effect and was instrumental in the chilling process used to test for zero point energy. Light is electromagnetic energy in motion and therefore an EM wave can be considered a form of light.

    If your device effectively converts 143KHz to Infra Red then we may have a cause. Look at how well a tungsten filament converts 60Hz to a variety of frequencies including Infra Red. Imagine if it only produced one color of light instead, then all that energy would be a single frequency. Fluorescent paint effectively converts UV to visible light, another frequency (and energy*) conversion.

    So there are still unexplored classical possibilities as to the increased COP and where that energy actually originates from, but I'm rooting for the resistor being used for fuel theory myself

    *the energy of the photon is dependent on its frequency
    Last edited by Harvey; 08-04-2009, 05:02 AM. Reason: Forgot the footnote

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  • Aaron

    Harvey and Rosemary,

    Feel free to start a new thread on that topic. It is an interesting topic!

    Bouncing sunlight between two opposing polished copper surfaces causes a GAIN in heat production.

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  • witsend
    Harvey - I haven't done your question justice. I would normally plough in here and have fun. But it's considered off topic. Nice to see you on line though. It doesn't happen often.

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  • Aaron
    Free Heat

    Originally posted by Hoppy View Post
    Aaron, you say in post 1629 that: -

    "Most of the free work is constant heat production...".

    If its free (energy not input by the user), how are you going to measure this heat to compare its energy value with the electrical energy input to the system to prove the high COP claimed?

    For that common sense is required.

    OBVIOUSLY is the heat is nonstop while the Ainslie circuit runs much longer than the control, there is your FREE HEAT and FREE CHARGE.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by Hoppy View Post
    Skeptic or realist Aaron; do you understand the difference.

    Drop your garbage hoppy. You have no idea about what is real or what is not - you don't even do the experiments here you are criticizing. That is incredibly ridiculous.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by Hoppy View Post

    Its not a battery capacitor analyser, its a battery capacity analyser. Read up on how they work. John Bedini uses one to measure his batteries before and after discharge

    I know that its under 100% efficient, well under. but its not me saying that 16pints can be put back into the fridge. Perhaps you would like to explain to Rosemary how this is possible.

    My point is valid and accurate. You can go do the reading, I have real world results. I do know it measure the battery capacitance. Again with your irrelevant points. You know what I mean.

    I already know how it it possible. You should go back to the beginning of the thread and not just read it but COMPREHEND it.

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  • Aaron
    Thank You Rosemary And Tektronix!!!

    Originally posted by witsend View Post

    Tektronix are lending us the use of a Tektronix 4 channel TDS 3054 500 mHz bandwidth for our tests

    This is really good news. As I've said before, if anyone wants to argue results after this then they must argue with God.

    SO WATCH THIS SPACE. My guess is that soon and maybe within a week or two we'll be in the happy position of posting some tests on youtube.


    Jibbguy - You'll be pleased I think.

    This is VERY GOOD NEWS! Thank you Rosemary for making this happen and thank you to Tektronix for helping this project!

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  • poynt99
    Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
    To Hoppy and Poynt99,

    Apparently you guys have finally played your last cards, and shown the readers here the astonishing limits to your knowledge. The simplest DC-to-DC converters are an "inductive fly-back charging system" and almost all of them operate at electrical COP>0.9. This is true of the smallest units made that deliver less than ONE WATT. The idea that you guys openly admit to not being able to build one that works better than COP=0.6 is remarkable.

    All I can say is.... can't you two find something more interesting to do than bothering us?

    Not playing any cards Peter. Yes most DC-DC converters these days work at better than 90% efficiency. I am not and was not disputing that.

    I would however like to hear your thoughts (if I may) on how the RA circuit is different in order that it can exceed COP>1.

    Last edited by poynt99; 08-04-2009, 12:09 AM.

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    Food for thought:

    If I shine 1 Joule of light through a glass window, will the glass change temperature? If so why? Is any of the light lost in the process?

    If I allow that same light to reflect off of highly polished mirrors, capable of reflecting 100% of the light, on each side of the glass, so that the same light penetrates the glass repeatedly, will the light eventually cease to exist?

    What if I chose a frequency of light with a wavelength of say 750nm. Would that change anything?

    If UV light becomes visible when reflecting off of Fluorescent Paint, is it possible to convert other photons into Infra Red by passing them through a ceramic material?

    At what point do you consider a magnetic field as a form of light? Or do you? Why, or why not?

    Harvey these are some mind bending questions. My take is that the magnetic fields move the photon

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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    another note for TK

    Hi TK - thanks for the 'off thread' science lesson. Re post 837. Can you please advise the relevance of the point in your second para 'hard copied' hereunder.

    ...The instantaneous power dissipated in the shunt is then (4.8 x 4.8)(0.25) or about 6 Watts.

    I fail to see the relevance.

    Then - who programmed the 4th Trace on your LeCroy?

    Re the next post 838. Are you seriously proposing that the 'spike' that first reaches -1.2 volts and then returns to zero - somehow 'cancels out'? I would have thought that both moments have energy associated with it. Not so much a 'cancelling out' but an addition to the energy delivered to the battery.

    Kindly explain your comment that the waveform over the battery looks like it is recharing but 'may not be recharging' - 'mind' - or words to that effect. And, more to the point - why do you think the battery is showing the same waveform pattern associated with recharging batteries yet it is not recharging?
    I would also like to add the following question for TK regarding the Battery waveform:

    If the flatline represents the battery voltage e.g. ~24V then the spikes above and below indicate a change in battery voltage at the point the probe is connected, right? So, in your opinion, does the spike above the line represent charging, discharging or neither? Same questions for the spike below the line.

    EDIT: And isn't that E squared over R?
    Last edited by Harvey; 08-04-2009, 05:05 AM.

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