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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Hoppy
    Aaron wrote: -

    From experience, I will say batteries must be used for the gains for this circuit. If anyone wants to do it with caps, I've already done some tests with caps on this circuit. Use batteries, that is the only way to replicate this circuit.

    Aaron, Assuming you are saying that the gain will be shown in the battery, exactly how do you intend measuring a gain in your test battery? Rosemary set out a suggested procedure in an earlier post which I commented but I have not seen your response yet. Do you agree with me that the test needs to be repeated until the calculated COP ceases to fall and stabilises? I'm not trying to disrupt things here, as I'm sure you will know from load testing batteries used on Bedini systems how important this is to get meaningful results. I see no evidence of this having being done in Rosemary's test report. I have taken system COP's as high as 15 on the initial run but they all eventually fall under unity, once the batteries have lowered and stabilised as much as possible in internal resistance. This can take many cycles to achieve. Please don't ignore this just because you think I'm a trouble maker. I'm trying to help you get accurate results that can hopefully convince the authorities that matter.


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  • witsend
    Originally posted by mikehingle View Post
    - - - - - - - - - - -
    Rosemary !

    Are you kidding ? I just had a pork chop for breakfast !
    I'm involved about as much as I am an attorney.

    Between the Catholic Church & the Illuminate, Islam & the Jews, attorneys & crooked judges,
    Buddhists who use the excuse of "karma" to be apathetic with the disadvantaged,
    jealous so-called "scientists" who should have chosen careers as attorneys,
    & our government hijacked by special interests, I have been, like many other creators,
    imprisoned & monitored in my home & denied the opportunity to have a normal prosperous life,
    because the value of my creativity would disturb the Old Thief's market.
    Amazingly, all these people believe they are morally right to live this way !

    Yes, I too have "models" of high COP magnetic energy generators,
    & many other energy conservation & energy production systems,
    as well as transportation, health, & clean & clean-up environmental technologies.

    You keep asking me what is it I do.
    My work is simply described as R&D to do God's will,
    i.e. to create a living environment here "on earth as it is in heaven".
    & "to keep on seeking that which is well-pleasing in God's eyes"
    that will be allowable in His kingdom here on earth.
    All else is a bunch of useless, time wasting, "yaba daba doo" (tounges) distructive hogwash.
    Many others among us are also realizing that this is their passion & life career.

    Cheers !
    Mike Hingle
    Mike, I was rather hoping you'd tell us which side of the fence you sit. You're holding back here. Let rip. Feel the force. With respect you're way too uptight.

    I've had a good laugh here. Still not sure that you're not an evil attoney. But I'll hold my tongue. - In fact all of them.

    EDIT - I think you want to know more about cold fusion? Definitely off topic. But if you can drudge through a few more weeks? Maybe there'll be something on offer to justify some further investigation of all such. We all hope so, in any event. Love your posts by the way.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-02-2009, 06:45 PM.

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  • mikehingle
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Mike, Very interesting. What is that KT liquid? My guess, vinegar? I think that's a jolly good ad for Coca Cola. Neat. Love to know more here. Especially the carbon deposits. It doesn't really tell enough.

    Do you know more about this company? Are you involved?
    - - - - - - - - - - -
    Rosemary !

    Are you kidding ? I just had a pork chop for breakfast !
    I'm involved about as much as I am an attorney.

    Between the Catholic Church & the Illuminate, Islam & the Jews, attorneys & crooked judges,
    Buddhists who use the excuse of "karma" to be apathetic with the disadvantaged,
    jealous so-called "scientists" who should have chosen careers as attorneys,
    & our government hijacked by special interests, I have been, like many other creators,
    imprisoned & monitored in my home & denied the opportunity to have a normal prosperous life,
    because the value of my creativity would disturb the Old Thief's market.
    Amazingly, all these people believe they are morally right to live this way !

    Yes, I too have "models" of high COP magnetic energy generators,
    & many other energy conservation & energy production systems,
    as well as transportation, health, & clean & clean-up environmental technologies.

    You keep asking me what is it I do.
    My work is simply described as R&D to do God's will,
    i.e. to create a living environment here "on earth as it is in heaven".
    & "to keep on seeking that which is well-pleasing in God's eyes"
    that will be allowable in His kingdom here on earth.
    All else is a bunch of useless, time wasting, "yaba daba doo" (tounges) distructive hogwash.
    Many others among us are also realizing that this is their passion & life career.

    Cheers !
    Mike Hingle

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  • witsend
    Mike, Very interesting. What is that KT liquid? My guess, vinegar? I think that's a jolly good ad for Coca Cola. Neat. Love to know more here. Especially the carbon deposits. It doesn't really tell enough.

    Do you know more about this company? Are you involved?

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  • mikehingle
    Coca Cola Bottle Plasmatic Magnetic Energy Generator

    Coca Cola Bottle Plasmatic Magnetic Energy Generator

    Rosemary !

    Here's a good reason to recycle plastic drink bottles :

    Cola Plasma Reactor Generates Energy
    Creation of electricity in cola bottle reactor

    "The proof of concept shown by the processes in these static reactors when applied in dynamic reactors
    deliver a much higher electrical outcome, able to deliver electricity for various applications,
    such as for households, villages, cars, electronics, machines, industry, lighting and industrial processing."

    I hope others don't think this information isn't getting too far off the main subject of this thread.
    That would be a disaster !!! &, It would indicate to me that those who don't see the relevance
    should have chosen a career to be an attorney.

    Mike Hingle

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
    And myself,

    Can someone savvy with this circuit pls do a video demo a la gotoluc for this circuit?

    And why is everyone hung up on mosfets?

    Love and light
    Hi Inquorate. I think this is en route. I also think Aaron's just waiting for some equipment to do the measurements? But I'm also hoping that he'll be able to set the protocols for the battery test for those who don't have the right measuring instruments. So. Maybe soon this should be clearer.

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  • witsend
    Mike OK just read it. It's not the same thing at all. I have another thing proposed going on here. Just magnetic fields that only interact with other magnetic fields. In effect all matter shaped and moved by these fields. We see the effects in the 4 forces. But it's just one force.

    And 3 basic stable particles just composites of these particles that make up the field. So. Just 1 particle - a magnetic dipole - and everything expressed with this. A 10 dimensional binary system.

    But there are those readers who do not need to know about the model. Apologies to them. I'll desist from here on.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-02-2009, 12:58 PM. Reason: correction

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  • mikehingle
    Rosemary !

    Here's Keshe's page describing his model :

    Plasmatic Magnetic Fields and SEPMAF's (Specific Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields)
    Plasmatic Magnetic Energies combine to SEPMAF's

    Enjoy !
    Mike Hingle

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  • witsend
    Hi Mike - I sort of rabbit on about the model in a separate thread here. - Magnetic field model? You could try that. It's not exactly oversubscribed by way of readership. But I sort of hoped to make things more understandable.

    I love your expression of 'talking in tongues'. Very funny. That's exactly what I feel like. There have been some really rude comments about the model generally - but some of them quite witty. It's not exactly popular. The model deals with the dark force- dark energy but it's sense remains as black as midnight. My children say that the general understanding of the model is advanced in inverse proportion to the number of people who read it. The cheek!

    Anyway - you're welcome to try it out. I'm in the unhappy position of being fairly certain that it's on the right lines. But if it cannot be understood that hardly helps anything at all.

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  • mikehingle
    Dynamic Plasmatic Magnetic Fields

    From Rosemary :
    My model is somewhere in this thread. Can someone point it out? You're welcome to try and understand it - but if you do, it'll be a first. I think there's a link at the start of this thread. Way way back.
    Let me know what you think.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Rosemary !
    I still haven't seen your 'model'.
    A friend recently suggested that I look at the Keshe' Model - discussed in his new book & website : Welcome to the Keshe Foundation website

    "One of the topics discussed in this book is that how Matter, Antimatter and Dark Matter are created in the universe. What scientists at present call elementary particles (like quarks and so on) are themselves in fact collections of smaller magnetic fields, which in group as dynamic plasmatic magnetic fields and their interactions with other dynamic plasmatic magnetic fields, lead to creation of quarks and so forth.
    Where in fact, what is called the mass of the quark, this in reality is created through the same method as the mass of any other object in the universe and is purely due to the interaction of constituent plasmatic magnetic fields within the center of the Matter. "

    Let me know what YOU think.
    Mike Hingle

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  • Joit
    Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
    And myself,

    Can someone savvy with this circuit pls do a video demo a la gotoluc for this circuit?

    And why is everyone hung up on mosfets?

    Love and light
    Seems it is a looking for matching Mosfets, what support the Avalanche effect and what do match for the Voltage.

    Above you see the List from which one has the Effect.
    Aaron did allready a Video, about how to bring the Mosfet into oscillation.

    I play around right now with some Mosfets, got my IRFPG50, but still have no Resistor.
    Just can play around with a Pot Heatelement or coils.
    But so far as i ve seen, the Load at Minus Side must be adjusted with a Resistor at the Drainside, seems for me, the Ratio is about 1:2,5.

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  • Inquorate
    Speaking for the newbies

    And myself,

    Can someone savvy with this circuit pls do a video demo a la gotoluc for this circuit?

    And why is everyone hung up on mosfets?

    Love and light

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  • Aaron
    batteries vs caps

    As far as caps, etc... anyone is free to try what they want but a new thread should be started for that.

    It is also known that the battery is crucial in showing high gains with this circuit. Batteries simply should be used for any replication attempt with Rosemary's circuit with the goal of over 1.0 COP.

    It cannot be gotten away from... the fact that batteries have properties in their chemistry that allow gains to be realized in a way that caps cannot. It is not the same thing.

    I Have already done a self running circuit that runs on caps attached to a single ground rod that delivers zero current.
    YouTube - Self Running Bedini Oscillator

    So I have experience with oscillating switches and transferring potential from one to the next with a positive gain instead of a loss. when meeting a balance with the impedances between the caps and coil, the charge stays right where it is at. I give a little bit of charge to one cap and then it just keeps going.

    The same is possible with batteries.

    From experience, I will say batteries must be used for the gains for this circuit. If anyone wants to do it with caps, I've already done some tests with caps on this circuit. Use batteries, that is the only way to replicate this circuit.

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  • gyula
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post

    So you agree that when a mosfet is in oscillation, that is may encounter avalanche.
    Well, If I am allowed to add: design engineers surely avoid those conditions where avalanche run away or breakdown may occur in the active device in any oscillator or amplifier or switching circuits they design because reliability of such a circuit SUFFERs!

    My first statement has 2 parts.

    The first is that there are mosfets that are made to allow for oscillation - as it is implied by the fact that some mosfets do oscillate.
    This is what I think is false, any active device that is able to amplify any signal can be made to work as an oscillator, it all depends fulfilling a phase and amplitude condition, these two are the criterias for oscillations in an active circuit that consumes energy from an outside source. Power MOSFETs has a very high transconductance (several Siemens) so their tendency for oscillator is big, this is why their gate input impedance must be kept at a low value etc etc. It is true that there active devices that has certain features improved upon (by manufacturing processes) to make better QUALITY oscillator output signals but this is not a focus on "making them allowing for oscillation!!! I repeat, any active device can be made to work an as oscillator as long as it has a higher than 1 gain and the components determining the oscillator frequency has the appropiate phase shift.

    If you disagree with the first part, then I can say there are simply some mosfets that oscillate as this would be a fact.
    Yes, adding the above written thoughts too.

    rgds, Gyula

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  • Aaron
    results are the bottom line

    Originally posted by Hoppy View Post
    The bottom line here is that if the mosfet is not driven correctly as designed to be, taking into consideration gate capacitance, the device is not switching efficiently. Any attempt to use the resulting effects of this in an attempt to prove high COP in the system in which the mosfet is used, only goes to complicate measurements and invoke criticism of test method.

    If it does it, it simply does it. Period.

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