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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • jas_bir77
    huge back emf recovery

    hi,everyone i was just going through and this thread and videos came up IST! NEO ZAP! TECK Breakthrough ....
    and these videos YouTube - IST NEO ZAP! TECK , YouTube - Neo transformer effect.AVI , YouTube - IST! NEO ZAP! IN THE DARK
    in these video you can see how easily and abundantly back emf is being generated with just 12v
    i thought since we are utilising back emf so why not enhance to a great length and then use it sorry if i went off topic.
    good luck guy's
    one thing more one video is from allcanadian and he is posting in this forum also so he might be able to help us better
    Last edited by jas_bir77; 08-01-2009, 10:10 PM. Reason: new information previouslly left

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  • Hoppy
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    OK this is how I would suggest the test be conducted if there are no storage scope meters available.

    Set the duty cycle and check the temperature of the resistor when it's stable.

    Then apply the same resistor to a variable power supply and adjust the voltage until the same temperature is found and stable over the same resistor

    Then do a v^2/r analysis to determine the wattage dissipated at the start of the experiment.

    Then record the start time to run the experiment until the battery is depleted to say, 11 volts from a 12volt supply or 22 volts from a 24 volt supply.

    Then recharge the batteries and apply a resistor in series with them to draw down the same amperage as recorded at the start of the experimental test.

    Then record the time it takes for the battery to deplete to the same level as the experiment.

    Then rerun both tests.

    If you've got two sets of batteries - run them concurrently until one or other hits that critical voltage level. Then recharge both and swap them, control to experiment and vice versa.

    Please comment if I've left out anything critical.
    Yes, re-run test as many times as necessary until calculated COP stops falling and stabilises out!


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  • witsend
    OK this is how I would suggest the test be conducted if there are no storage scope meters available.

    Set the duty cycle and check the temperature of the resistor when it's stable.

    Then apply the same resistor to a variable power supply and adjust the voltage until the same temperature is found and stable over the same resistor

    Then do a v^2/r analysis to determine the wattage dissipated at the start of the experiment.

    Then record the start time to run the experiment until the battery is depleted to say, 11 volts from a 12volt supply or 22 volts from a 24 volt supply.

    Then recharge the batteries and apply a resistor in series with them to draw down the same amperage as recorded at the start of the experimental test.

    Then record the time it takes for the battery to deplete to the same level as the experiment.

    Then rerun both tests.

    If you've got two sets of batteries - run them concurrently until one or other hits that critical voltage level. Then recharge both and swap them, control to experiment and vice versa.

    Please comment if I've left out anything critical.

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  • Hoppy
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    From where I sit, it seems we want a higher amplitude ring if possible. The frequency of that ring will depend on the battery and inductor combined resonance. Perhaps Hoppy or Milehigh can offer suggestions on methods of determining the battery capacitance so we can actually engineer a resonant circuit. My time is divided greatly over the next few days, but I will help where I can.

    The Avalanche circuit inside the HEXFET serves to snub the ringing, but under certain conditions can actually exacerbate it when it encourages an increased current draw at the start of the spike but on the next cycles of the ring the Avalanche diode turns off for some reason. That would result in an increased field energy that dissipates in the ringing.

    Rosemary, were any voltage measurements taken across the HEXFET? Did they ever exceed 1KV?

    How can I measure the capacitance (NOT capacity) of a battery? - Yahoo! Answers
    Chapter 9: Internal Battery Resistance
    Although I have seen the fundamental resonant frequency of an LA battery quoted to be anywhere from 8.0KHz to 3.5MHz, the only resonance I can see possibly applying to this exercise is what is termed the 'absorbtion resonance' I have found this to be around 700Hz to 800Hz for an SLA battery. The absorbtion resonant frequency is the frequency where the battery can take maximum charge with least internal resistance at the commencement of the charging process. It is not IMO viable to see this circuit working in a classic resonant mode. Furthermore, as I've pointed out in an earlier post, given that batteries are non-linear systems, I can see no useful purpose using battery drain measurements by conventional load testing as an acceptable method of proving that this circuit is working overunity, unless the test circuit does in fact work at COP17 as claimed, in which case a straight 'before and after' battery capacity meter reading (BCM), although quite innacurate, will at least confirm that the system is working OU and should be more readily accepted by academics.

    Last edited by Hoppy; 08-01-2009, 08:30 PM.

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  • witsend
    Many thanks Fuzzy. Much appreciated.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Hi everyone,

    I found another possible substitution for the MOSFET ...

    International Rectifier IRFPG50

    ST Microelectronics STW9N150

    N-channel 1500 V - 1.8 Ω - 8 A - TO-247
    very high voltage PowerMESH™ Power MOSFET
    Single pulse avalanche energy - 720

    @ Aaron and Rosemary ....... look at Figure 4 Typical Output Characteristics and Figure 5 Typical Transfer Characteristics everything else appears fairly close.

    Best Regards,

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  • Aaron
    Rosemary Ainslie Schematic

    Originally posted by rave154 View Post
    is there a clear, definitive schematic for this circuit that your using so i can begin replication,
    Hi everyone, here is a more clear schematic of what I'm using. It works and has great variability depending on what you want to do. Any inductive resistor you put on this can be tuned to its own resonant frequency with this timer circuit. Gate resistor tunes the ringing.

    I don't know any common item with these inductive resistors. Check Ebay, Mouser, Digikey, etc... Ohmite and Clarostat brands are the two best. The Clarostat's seem to have much more inductance for the same rating.

    Big and small version

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
    Hi folks, Hi cloxxki, you quoted "I'll likely be looking at paying a lot of high energy bills over the rest of my life, unless I get a permit to build a windmill on my roof."
    Well it seems you already have part of your answer. If you you need to ask permission from another human who thinks they have authority over another human being especially in regard to basic essential things like energy, well we need look no further than our own back yard.
    peace love light
    Hi SkyWatcher. A really good point here.

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  • Gre

    I feel the same way... There's just way too much hype at this point.

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    From where I sit, it seems we want a higher amplitude ring if possible. The frequency of that ring will depend on the battery and inductor combined resonance. Perhaps Hoppy or Milehigh can offer suggestions on methods of determining the battery capacitance so we can actually engineer a resonant circuit. My time is divided greatly over the next few days, but I will help where I can.

    The Avalanche circuit inside the HEXFET serves to snub the ringing, but under certain conditions can actually exacerbate it when it encourages an increased current draw at the start of the spike but on the next cycles of the ring the Avalanche diode turns off for some reason. That would result in an increased field energy that dissipates in the ringing.

    Rosemary, were any voltage measurements taken across the HEXFET? Did they ever exceed 1KV?
    Hi Harvey. If you're referring to our paper experiment - there were measurements but not recorded. To the best of my knowledge I have never seen voltage anywhere on the circuit that high - except when we tested from a utility supply source.

    Harvey - please may I ask you a favour. Can you schedue the test protocol required to prove the effect with battery draw down. Or I'll try and do something - would you and any other qualified to do so please then vet it?
    EDIT And yet again Harvey - many many thanks for the info re the MOSFETs. Much appreciated.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-01-2009, 07:10 PM.

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  • witsend
    Guys - I've just watched yet another sad attempt at TK trying to apply power analysis to my circuit - two efforts on youtube, both using a LeCroy. He's using a machine which, by his own acknowledgement has the dc off set on the blink. Any analysis after this point is entirely erroneous. Please disregard any numbers at all that he references in either of the two videos. The wattage analysis function that he's employed relates to the product of the entire waveform. It is not able to determine the returning energy that is evident in voltage across the shunt and across the battery.

    Also. There is clear evidence of aliasing - and he does not have enough samples to draw an analysis. He does not have a periodic waveform and is trying to draw conclusions from a ridiculously small sample range. If there were any validity in his claim he should be able to point to the dump with the numbers that determine the voltage across the shunt. He can't do this because DC coupling on the LeCroy is broken! For goodness sake.

    Quite apart from which I suggest he brush up on his mental arthimetic. It's sadder than this new attempt at debunking. What qualifications does this man have? I'm an amateur and can see through this nonsense? Why .99 are you not poynting this out? And Hoppy? And MileHigh? Why do I need to do this? Where is the impartiality of our mainstream scientists?

    EDIT Again, Ramset seems to have left the building. Could someone belonging to that forum please be good enough to post this across?
    Last edited by witsend; 08-01-2009, 07:27 PM.

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  • Harvey
    From where I sit, it seems we want a higher amplitude ring if possible. The frequency of that ring will depend on the battery and inductor combined resonance. Perhaps Hoppy or Milehigh can offer suggestions on methods of determining the battery capacitance so we can actually engineer a resonant circuit. My time is divided greatly over the next few days, but I will help where I can.

    The Avalanche circuit inside the HEXFET serves to snub the ringing, but under certain conditions can actually exacerbate it when it encourages an increased current draw at the start of the spike but on the next cycles of the ring the Avalanche diode turns off for some reason. That would result in an increased field energy that dissipates in the ringing.

    Rosemary, were any voltage measurements taken across the HEXFET? Did they ever exceed 1KV?

    How can I measure the capacitance (NOT capacity) of a battery? - Yahoo! Answers
    Chapter 9: Internal Battery Resistance
    Last edited by Harvey; 08-01-2009, 07:39 PM. Reason: Added two links that may prove useful.

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  • Harvey
    Article on Avalanche

    Larger Image

    Larger Image

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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by rave154 View Post

    ive got hold of 3 IRF740's

    they seem very comparable to the mosfet youre using, avalanche rated, diode inside etc.... will it suffice you think?

    David. D
    That part has a lower on resistance (good thing) but a lower Avalanche Voltage (400V instead of 1000V) So it will Avalanche with a lower spike level, but it does have a higher drain current (another good thing).

    It's input capacitance is lower and it's output capacitance is higher. All the combined differences (esp. the on resistance) will cause it to act differently than Rosemary's circuit, but it (the circuit) probably can be adjusted to get the benefits sought after.

    I'll be posting the section on Avalanche from the Designers Manual in a few minutes.
    Last edited by Harvey; 08-01-2009, 06:35 PM.

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  • SkyWatcher
    Hi folks, Hi cloxxki, you quoted "I'll likely be looking at paying a lot of high energy bills over the rest of my life, unless I get a permit to build a windmill on my roof."
    Well it seems you already have part of your answer. If you you need to ask permission from another human who thinks they have authority over another human being especially in regard to basic essential things like energy, well we need look no further than our own back yard.
    peace love light

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