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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • witsend
    DaveE - I must tell you - I've had the first long laugh in a really long time. Thanks for that. Both posts. Up there.


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  • Hoppy
    Originally posted by witsend
    Actually Hoppy this is the kind of thing where I entirely sympathise if you're now locked out. It's just jolly unfair to pretend that you can argue classical anything on results that defy classical prediction. Please delete this post if your still there. come on Hoppy. It's fuel to the fire? Make a reasonable concession here.
    Rosemary, I'll let Aaron read and digest what I'm saying and let him decide if it needs deleting.


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  • DavidE

    basic electricity?
    Are you trying to make a blond joke?
    I am offended.

    Note to Self: Study the bible on Basic Electricity (Buddhist Version).

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  • poynt99
    Inductive Circuits - The Classical Approach

    For those that may be interested in learning/discussing "Inductive Circuits", a new thread has been started here:

    Here it is OK to discuss the technical aspects of these circuits from the "classical" point of view. New-Ager's and those wanting to learn about or better understand these circuits from the classicist perspective are of course invited.

    Rational debate is welcome. Philosophy and beliefs should be relegated to other appropriate threads.


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  • Hoppy
    Rosemary wrote: -

    And I would appeal to you to look at it from Aaron's point of view. He's been fighting his corner. And it has not been easy.

    And its been no easier for others to convince him that he's on loosing wicket if he is relying on EE principles to prove his case and convince others when he clearly demonstrates a lack of knowledge and understanding of those principles and how to apply them.

    Last edited by Hoppy; 08-01-2009, 02:22 PM.

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  • witsend
    Dave - I'm printing that post and shall frame it. Have been giggling here. I sure as hell hope I'll find wings. Ground's decidedly shakey.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-01-2009, 01:52 PM.

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  • DavidE
    “When you have come to the edge of all light that you know, and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly.”
    -Patrick Overton

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  • witsend
    Altair, I've just read through your contributions on this thread. Indeed, we'd be sorry to lose your support.

    I would like to point out, in defense of Aaron - that you claim your own work constraints prevented your more active participation. Just think then what it is like when Aaron puts in his 16 hours a day and more, gratuitously. On top of that those efforts are presented without thought of anything other the advancement of the hopes in OU which have countered extraordinary resistance from every reputable quarter of application and study. He's up against mainstream and mostly alone. Then put yourself in his shoes and test your own tolerance levels. I'm afraid my sympathy goes to Aaron. I've been on this thread for two months - and I'm permanently exhausted. It challenges the intellect at a very profound level to counter the attacks. And - by close reckoning Aaron's been in the front of this battle for seven long years.

    And the truth is - one could prepare a raft of detailed examples as to why it was necessary to rebuff certain allegations. But we all know the need. It has not been a reasonable investigation. It's been an attempted slaughter. It's been exhausting. And while it may have cost you some time. Think of what it has cost Aaron in sheer applied hard work to keep up with the requirements to rebuff attack. On top of which he still needs to marshall the required protocol to allow others to replicate the test without those sharp instruments. The last thing he now needs is further doubt on the subject.

    Indeed if you had the heart we'd be glad if you could perhaps prepare some schedule where experimenters could simply measure advantage from battery draw down rates. And I would appeal to you to look at it from Aaron's point of view. He's been fighting his corner. And it has not been easy.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-01-2009, 01:51 PM. Reason: spelling

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  • Altair

    Aaron, I had respect for you. I followed this thread almost from the start, albeit mostly silently. My busy schedule prevented me from contributing with my EE experience and knowledge.
    Now I realize it would have been wasted time anyway, to try to point out blatant errors and correct faulty understandings of basic electricity.
    Just your recent drawing where you put the Mosfet between source and load proves that you do not understand the very basics of electronics. Somebody had to point it out to you (probably Peter).
    I won't take anymore time on this already excessively long thread, but I just wanted to tell you that it was a big mistake to ban the contributions of very knowledgeable people like Hoppy, MileHigh and Cloxxki, to name a few.
    Please, don't respond to this message, your point was already well received.
    Guy Sirois

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by Hoppy View Post
    Rosemary wrote: -

    How can one deride a case that has not been put to the table...

    You ask? The derision has been conducted with the use of the most colourful and defamatory of language and statement spread thoughout 800 odd postings by TK and his team with a persistence, I might add - of a full insurgent confrontation. I have never known the like. Ask yourselves how this could have happened? I only know that I needed to defend myself every step of the way. I drew breath when I saw that TK's debunk had completed. But I see now that the death rattle's not quite over.

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  • Hoppy
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Cloxxki - I don't think we are here to bolster your hopes - but it would be nice if we did. The point is that the actual replicated test is waiting some measuring instruments - one of them due shortly and - we hope a second on loan.

    We are not in a position to publish results until this is to hand. And then, when we do give the numbers the hope is that they'll be argued with the security of calibrated instruments that can sustain the required critical scrutiny.

    I think the truth is that Aaron is tired of the 'rebuffs'. We all are. We've had the systematic 'debunk' from TK's thread where I see/saw you on a daily basis - and had the dubious satisfaction of reading your own contributions to the scathing remarks about our poor efforts. To this day TK has not delivered a single watt measurement - not a single value other than a perpetual discussion on the waveforms and God know what else. Notwithstanding which his bad science has been entirely acceptable by all. Our's, not yet put to the table, is consistently derided by members. And on this forum those members who do argue - have never called TK's debunk to account for the patent lack of impartiality that it should have elicited.

    So yes. You may well be tired. Think what it's like at this end. Personally I'm aware of a readership out there that far exceeds the members of this forum. In a way the object is to keep their interest alive rather than yours. It's always the silent majority who eventually carry the day.
    Rosemary wrote: -

    Notwithstanding which his bad science has been entirely acceptable by all. Our's, not yet put to the table, is consistently derided by members. And on this forum those members who do argue - have never called TK's debunk to account for the patent lack of impartiality that it should have elicited.

    With respect Rosemary, your case has already been put to the table in the form of a technical report that others at your request have commented on both positively and negatively. How can one deride a case that has not been put to the table. If you are referring to the test case that Peter and Aaron are going to set up on your behalf, the jury has not yet sat.


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  • witsend
    Cloxxki - I don't think we are here to bolster your hopes - but it would be nice if we did. The point is that the actual replicated test is waiting some measuring instruments - one of them due shortly and - we hope a second on loan.

    We are not in a position to publish results until this is to hand. And then, when we do give the numbers the hope is that they'll be argued with the security of calibrated instruments that can sustain the required critical scrutiny.

    I think the truth is that Aaron is tired of the 'rebuffs'. We all are. We've had the systematic 'debunk' from TK's thread where I see/saw you on a daily basis - and had the dubious satisfaction of reading your own contributions to the scathing remarks about our poor efforts. To this day TK has not delivered a single comparative watt measurement - not a single value other than a perpetual discussion on the waveforms and God know what else. Notwithstanding which his bad science has been entirely acceptable by all. Our's, not yet put to the table, is consistently derided by members. And on this forum those members who do argue - have never called TK's debunk to account for the patent lack of impartiality that it should have elicited.

    So yes. You may well be tired. Think what it's like at this end. Personally I'm aware of a readership out there that far exceeds the members of this forum. In a way the object is to keep their interest alive rather than yours. It's always the silent majority who eventually carry the day.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-01-2009, 12:16 PM. Reason: qualified

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  • Cloxxki
    I was told by a fellow FE fan that this forum was the more serious one, especially compared to
    It saddens me to see that gospels rules science here. That vague "research" is demanded to be replicated including results, before the original experiment is repeated at any increased level of credibility, per the view of critics. You should be looking for nothing but ways to please the critics! They want to believe just as well, but decide to do so after reasonable proof has been offered, and won't accept gospel.
    Very valuable time and energy of more skilled researchers has been wasted, while in the process they've been discredited for their methods and sharp eye for incomplete evidence they themselves would not try to get away with, just to get some good results published.

    How hard is it to just repeat the original experiment, while incorperating superior measuring methods? If you are so sure, this could only confirm your case. These critics are not here to sabotage your FE device, they are here to get proof they themselves will accept, and base their furher life of research on.

    Scientifically I am now bored with this thread, as I have become convinced that no over unity is here in any form. And if somehow there is, probably a totally different form that the believers will be aware of. I'm now just skimming these pages to feel a bit smarter myself when I need this (I did not enjoy the luxury of any education apart from the crude lessons of life), a bit like watching that silly reality show you know is mainly staged, and not going to bring anything new, but is entertaining in a voyeuristic kind of way.

    This makes me sad. Inadequate research, where any critics are bullied off, and confusing result is allowed to bait-waste capable scientics' time, is the kind of stuff big oil and governments would pay me much better money for than my day job. If the very elite of the believers, on the most serious of FE forums are doing this for free, I'll likely be looking at paying a lot of high energy bills over the rest of my life, unless I get a permit to build a windmill on my roof.

    I came to this forum to try and be a small part in the process that will one day produce over unity, to eventually feed the hungry and heal the sick. This post would also need to serve that purpose, albeit surely unappreciated by the believers whom are very much "believe with us, or go away". An outspoken atheist would expect no other treatment in a church. Some would say "you are welcome as child of the same maker, as long as you respect us for the way we choose to live". It's a mutual thing.

    I have mostly a human factor to offer to the FE community , and can sometimes have an innovative idea. If one doesn't work, I move on. The Ainslie circuit believers on here better also make sure to devote significant time on totally unrelated research rather than allowing this magical, and after years yet unproven circuit to absorb all of their invaluable brain power.
    Let's make FE something we can give to our children, rather what making our greatgrandchildren wonder why let it all to them to figure out . My country was fed and built by windmill power, and I've yet to see something better. I'll donate the largest amount I can afford to developing this kind of circuitry once gullable uneducated me gets convinced there really is something to this. I feel to see any progress between the thousands of lines of distorting distraction.


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  • Hoppy
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    I keep trying to answer this and couldn't edit - so another attempt.

    We have a test that empties the bottle and returns 16 bottles to the fridge. If it were a paltry 10% of 90% or 50% or whatever - then, indeed, we'd be arguing the point.
    That's excellent Rosemary

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by Hoppy View Post
    Aaron wrote: -

    But if you think it does any good trying to convince anyone here that the spike is insignificant (MH and 99 sure did and you seem to be on the same team), etc... it can't go back to the front battery and a bunch of nonsense over and over.... all those comments don't show me what you know.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone that the spike is insignificant. If I take half a pint out of a pint bottle and drink 90% of it. I can still put back 10% of the 50% originally taken out. Its just not a gain on input. No point arguing the toss on this one here, we already have an apples thread to do that in.

    I keep trying to answer this and couldn't edit - so another attempt.

    We have a test that empties the bottle and returns 16 bottles to the fridge. If it were a paltry 10% of 90% or 50% or whatever - then, indeed, we'd be arguing the point.

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