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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Aaron
    German Silver

    Here is a long post I just did about German Silver - PLEASE READ IT

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  • rave154
    just when you thought this thread couldnt get any hotter ( pun not intended, honest, making me smile though ).......

    fuzzy....... cant wait

    michael........ cant wait

    pull it all together into a coherent, easy to understand package guys, cos i have a bunch of mosfets here just dieing to be used.

    I, like you rosemary, am staggered at the tenacity of the people in here.

    to all you fella's & lasses

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  • thaelin
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Had a shrewd idea you'd be pleased. LOL

    EDIT - thanks for the note Joit. Indeed it all helps to 'add to the list'. it's just so nice to show the open source contributions. But I've hardly done it justice.
    Hi All:
    Well, I really wanted to join in on the fun but the job decided that we needed to do 6 ten hour days and sort of took what life I had. You have all made it to the point of no return. Not sure what to say really but, "Great Team".

    I want to personally thank TEK for stepping up to the need.


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  • witsend
    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    What a surprise to have the keys for the "Ferrari" until Mid January 2010 ..... this will give me additional time to do some re-testing of the other resistors that I constructed earlier, some new tests other members and myself have and the "LIVE" Broadcast of this puppy to see what kind of performance we can get .... hang on tight this is going to be a ride to remember ......

    Had a shrewd idea you'd be pleased. LOL

    EDIT - thanks for the note Joit. Indeed it all helps to 'add to the list'. it's just so nice to show the open source contributions. But I've hardly done it justice.
    Last edited by witsend; 12-05-2009, 04:29 AM.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Golly - I've been trying to get hold of Fuzzy. Hope you're reading here. Anyway - MORE GOOD NEWS

    Tektronix require a return of their TDS3054C Digital Phosporous Oscilloscope by the 14th Jaunary 2002. Lisa. I've run out of ways to say thank you.

    What a surprise to have the keys for the "Ferrari" until Mid January 2010 ..... this will give me additional time to do some re-testing of the other resistors that I constructed earlier, some new tests other members and myself have and the "LIVE" Broadcast of this puppy to see what kind of performance we can get .... hang on tight this is going to be a ride to remember ......


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  • Joit
    EDIT - by the way Joit - your name's amended on the new submission. Apologies for the oversight and many thanks for this

    Hi witsend,
    and thanks for putting me in then.
    But anyhowy, it has not really worth for me, its anyhow more, to fill up the List,
    but pleasant, when i can serve with it.

    I hope things did settle down with Harvey, seems there was a misunderstanding in a Hurry.

    But what i have read lately again from the TPU, and the Circumstance about it,
    i really think again, they dont have really Interest, to make some things public what is something like FE.
    It is dated back to 2007, and there been FBeeI, a Scientist and a Judge involved, and they do deny it, that something like this exist.
    And with the old story about national security, and some bad Terrorists can take this Device, to blow something up.
    Like, Humans are just not ready.
    But as they blow the A-bomb, they did not know, if it cause a chainreaction or not, but still did it.

    Anyway, i hope, you did find a good Magazin, where it can go public.

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  • witsend
    Lisa You Are Open Source's Angel

    Golly - I've been trying to get hold of Fuzzy. Hope you're reading here. Anyway - MORE GOOD NEWS

    Tektronix require a return of their TDS3054C Digital Phosporous Oscilloscope by the 14th Jaunary 2002. Lisa. I've run out of ways to say thank you.


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  • witsend
    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    Hi all can anyone tell me if the heating element in electric toasters is Ni-Cr wire. I would love to keep the heating element in my future tests using this wire.

    While I am away I have an opertunity to go to my favorite flea market, there I might find something with this wire inside. I don't think my wife would like me to take apart her toaster

    I leave this afternoon, so post if you can before 6 GMT as I may not have an internet conection while away.

    Not sure if I've met your deadline here Mike. But your Ni-Cr is as good as any - I'm sure. Possibly something with more inductance would be good. And I've got an idea that the thicker the wire the better. But am open to correction. So how's that. I think I've covered all possible options LOL.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Ni-Cr wire

    Hi all can anyone tell me if the heating element in electric toasters is Ni-Cr wire. I would love to keep the heating element in my future tests using this wire.

    While I am away I have an opertunity to go to my favorite flea market, there I might find something with this wire inside. I don't think my wife would like me to take apart her toaster

    I leave this afternoon, so post if you can before 6 GMT as I may not have an internet conection while away.


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  • witsend
    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
    I had a stiff drink any ways (had 3 drinks for Harvey and 10 for Rose). Need some water now

    EDIT And Ash/Andrew - not sure how to tell you this but I need a copy of the final doc!!! Golly. I hope I don't jinx this one too. Just send it email. Thanks guys.
    Last edited by witsend; 12-04-2009, 06:05 AM.

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  • ashtweth
    I had a stiff drink any ways (had 3 drinks for Harvey and 10 for Rose). Need some water now

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  • witsend
    Hi guys. The mix up on the papers - enough said. My abject apologies where I added to the complexities of manifold confusions. It was extraordinary. No need of 'gremlins' or 'hack attacks'. I, in fact we, managed their objects with some considerable aplomb. LOL

    But alls well - and many thanks to the authors for rallying and fixing all that was required. The result is a paper that is really presentable in format and pretty good in content. Here's hoping it's an opinion shared by our learned and revered.

    And just a reminder to our experimentalists. We need to start looking at 'upping the ante'. Luc is trail blazing here - with Mike - and Fuzzy has got plans that will blow us away. Not literally I hope. And Inquorate - so good to see you up for this. I might tell you I'm a great admirer of your videos. Intrigued as to how you manage some of those 'mirrored' effects. LOL

    And eternalightwithin - would love to hear how the tests are going.

    Great stuff guys. Paradigms shifting all over the place.

    EDIT - by the way Joit - your name's amended on the new submission. Apologies for the oversight and many thanks for this
    Last edited by witsend; 12-04-2009, 12:04 AM.

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  • jibbguy
    This kinda stuff happens all the time in business, and it's always maddening when it does lol.

    Excellent work on the Paper, Harvey. You deserve mucho credit for it!

    We need a "Open Source Energy Yearly Awards Cyber Dinner", hehehe... So the great folks who put so many hours into this and other important projects can be recognized for their great contributions

    Has anybody taken the nick-name "Opie" for their Award? If not it's ours, lol.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley

    Hi Rose,

    I hope there are no problems after all the hard work that has been done. Are the IEEE so precise on their rules?

    Well thanks for letting me post the things that I am doing here, I will post on the other thread as well for the moment.

    Here is my take on the MMRA in relation to the STEAP circuit, it is a combination of the two which works very well on the first round of experiments.

    I want to make up a heating resistor using similar Ni Cr wire if I can find some, but I will be making it with a center tap. This will be my 0v, like in a center tapped transformer.

    Tuning is different, it is tuned to give up the maximum amount of energy to the take off points as seen in the circuit below. I have found that these connections must be loaded at all times so as the heater coil heats up to a very high temperature (your break down current, free heat) and does not all end up in the phasing coils and burn them up as happened with one of my coils. A secoundary coil with this tuning will do nothing, 0v, all the energy colapses in the heating coil, quite impressive I must say, an internal colapse with no magnetic external field which I can detect. I think this is your atomic decay

    I posted some results on the STEAP thread but this was only using 12v battery, I have in the circuit beefed up the caps and running on 24v, this should supply a 110v 15w bulb and send some recharge to the battery. Light, heat and a partial recharge. On my 12v tests, which I have done several times, I am getting way over cop1.

    It will take me a few days to put the 24v version together along with the new heating coil, as from tomorrow I am away untill Tuesday for a conference on heating (maybe I can sell them all some new tech )

    Hope things get sorted out at your end

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  • ashtweth
    Hi Harvey, just spoke to Rose and the IEEE and have explained a few things Looks like it was just a simple mix up, so please dont jump to any conclusions yet, am gonna get Andrew to email you and explain, lets all just read and understand what happened .


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