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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Harvey
    IEEE Author Center

    ...If it is determined that a paper has already appeared in anything more than a conference proceeding, or appears in or will appear in any other publication before the editorial process is completed, the paper will be automatically rejected...
    And for the record, I got upset because my express efforts to ensure the paper would be accepted were ignored even after my repeatedly stressing what needed to be done. I was assured no less than 3 times by Rosemary herself that the PDF would NOT be submitted in that form.

    Water under the bridge and now we are back at square one.

    EDIT: I feel the need to stress a few points here. First, during these final hours prior to submission both Rosie and I barely got 4 hours sleep in the last 36 hours prior. Combine that with introducing new hands to the work in the 'eleventh' hour so to speak with little instruction and we really had a recipe for what transpired. I realize that all of us have made mistakes and I have probably made the most. Clearly, my getting upset was a mistake and I apologize for any undue stress it may have caused anyone. The comedy of errors that resulted in these problems was simply a major breakdown in communication and I don't fault any person for this, it simply is a collection of events that had an unintended and unsavory result.

    The good news is that a very presentable copy has been submitted at this point and for that I am quite happy. I am in hopes that IEEE will see how the wrong files were uploaded at first and understand why they are being withdrawn.

    Last edited by Harvey; 12-03-2009, 12:55 PM. Reason: Further Clarification

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  • ashtweth
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    Well I just got the document back that Rosie sent off to IEEE - I'm pissed. It is so messed up I can't think straight. ALL that work I put into getting things right plumb out the window...
    Hi Harvey, so sorry to hear of the mix up/mishap, some times we cant understand each other as well, through no intentional fault of our own, we have all been under the stress to get the paper done think of the end result with out YOU and Fuzzy it would not have happened, please let things subside for a while my friend, we are all only human and some of us a prone to make some sort of error, or misunderstand each other, I do that with my Girl Friend EVERY DAY Some times she comes back too

    Your time IS irreplaceable my friend, please sit back and get some rest we did it in the end and you have done exceptional, so as Fuzzy said "grab a brew it's time to celebrate "

    Thanks so much for your hard Work Harvey


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  • witsend
    Hi Luc - gets better and better. Thanks for the video - that's really interesting.

    EDIT - and Mike - I'd be really grateful if you'd post here. If you're up for it - we'd all be grateful. There is more than enough correspondence to justify it.

    Thanks guys.

    EDIT actually guys - from here on it's actually important to try and get some more energy through the system - which will put it out of range of most scopes. So. Let's test variations and try and sharpen up the measurement protocols. It's all got to help. Luc and Mike - you've both made excellent starts here. And there's got to be a million ways to improve on this. I think all we've managed is that proof for our doubting academics. LOL This is the fun end.
    Last edited by witsend; 12-03-2009, 04:51 AM.

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  • Inquorate
    I like what you've done with the place

    @ gotoluc - that's 70% energy recovery after? The anomalous ou heat generated?

    That's pretty cool to say the least

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  • gotoluc
    Hi everyone,

    tests are continuing

    Below is a new video of what I'm up to at this time.

    Here is my Old Test 3 data.

    Power consumed from feed side:

    22.8vdc at 198ma = 4.51 Watts

    Power collected from the recovery side (after heat resistor):

    25.7vdc at 67ma = 1.72 Watts

    This is a 38.3% POWER RECOVERY and at NO Extra cost of input power

    Temperature at Heating Resistor at all time (collecting Flyback or NOT):

    112.8 Fahrenheit or 44.9 Celsius

    Temperature at MOSFET Heatsink at all time (collecting Flyback or NOT):

    95.3 Fahrenheit or 35.2 Celsius

    __________________________________________________ _______________

    Here is my New Test 4 data.

    Power consumed from feed side:

    49.1vdc at 164ma = 8.05 Watts

    Power collected from the recovery side (after heat resistor):

    38.50vdc at 270 Ohm Load = 5.49 Watts

    This is now a 68.4% POWER RECOVERY and at NO Extra cost of input power

    Temperature at Heating Resistor When collecting Flyback

    101 Fahrenheit or 38.33 Celsius

    Temperature at Heating Resistor Not collecting Flyback

    98 Fahrenheit or 36.67 Celsius

    Temperature at IRF640 MOSFET Heatsink is next to nothing while collecting Flyback and goes up in temperature when Not collecting Flyback

    Here is a scope shot with probe at gate of IRF640 Mosfet. Frequency is 780KHz while circuit operating and 1.32MHz when only the CMOS 555 is operating. Notice the 4 different patterns of pulses repeating.

    Video Link: YouTube - Rosemary Ainslie Circuit test 4


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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    First circuit attempt

    Hi Rosemary et all

    I have posted the first attempt at a circuit for the MMRA on my STEAP thread, it seams to be showing some good results and it is easy to tune, would be pleased for some feed back.

    The idea is to be able to heat oil, like transformer oil, which would in turn through a heat exchanger, heat water to steam, the rest is history.


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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    beautiful work

    Hi all and especially Harvey and Fuzzy, some very very nice work, I take my hat off to you, Rose you must be so proud of the team, lets hope this will open up those eyes that look the other way.

    Still working on a usable product, will need some help when I get the preliminary tests in all their forms done.

    I do not know if to post here or on my steap thread, as Harvey has pointed out and I agree with him, the effect is one and the same and maybe will become a more usable product.

    I am trying to make a heating element for water, if it works, and we can get high temperatures (steam) it will open up a lot of things, GENERATION OF POWER from steam turbines.

    Well nothing more to say except and


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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
    YouTube - Building a simple but accurate Calorimeter

    YouTube - Building a Calorimeter #2

    Dr Stiffler made these videos, I wonder if the same principle has been used here to test the joules output as heat vs joules in for this circuit?

    Otherwise the temperature of a nichrome resistor is not accurate as it will heat and be cooled by the ambient air.

    My apologies if it's already been covered.
    Hi Benjamin,

    Not a problem ...if you check out the construction of my prototype "Borosilicate" glass Quantum 10 Ohm load resistors in POST 2684 the exterior of the resistors are covered with a thin layer of "High Temp RTV Silicone" and I'm using a non contact IR thermometer for temperature readings so if anything they may be a little low because of the insulating properties of the silicone.

    I also have a option of using the resistor as a device to measure the temperature also if ever required in this illustration.

    Thanks for the questions


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  • Inquorate
    Has this been done?

    YouTube - Building a simple but accurate Calorimeter

    YouTube - Building a Calorimeter #2

    Dr Stiffler made these videos, I wonder if the same principle has been used here to test the joules output as heat vs joules in for this circuit?

    Otherwise the temperature of a nichrome resistor is not accurate as it will heat and be cooled by the ambient air.

    My apologies if it's already been covered.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
    Yeah pretty busy and have had some health problems which have kept me on my back but should no longer be an issue soon; had surgery yesterday.

    I've been waiting on a summation schematic though, and I must admit I've only dropped into the thread occasionally.

    If someone could pm me some schematics links that'd be sweet, and I'll see what I can put together..


    Oh ok, I downloaded the submitted form. Will have a look when I can access a computer as my phone has stopped opening pdf's.

    Gotoluc made it look pretty simple in his video.

    Love and light
    Hi Benjamin,

    The schematic and list of materials is at POST 3178 this is what I've been using to get the results that has been posted ..... sorry that you've been ill but hoping you'll be getting better soon.


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  • Inquorate
    Adding one diode to 555 for variable pulse width

    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    Hi Luc,

    Sorry to hear about your LapTop Computer .... those buggers are everywhere and to think were doing open source stuff you might try "Peer Guardian 2" it helps keep more out above and beyond in addition to a firewall and anti virus program.

    As for the frequency you got lower than I did at 70 KHz and a 22% Duty cycle but the 555 always defaults during operation between 50% to 55% I cant explain why but it does. The frequency is another and may be different with each type circuit build with a different resistance and impedance my circuit operates best at 400KHz to 2.5 MHz so the original "Quantum" paper may not of addressed all the frequency's that the circuit has the capability to operate at.

    But you are very very very close in your video to where you want to be ... go by your instinct with this one ..... it has a learning curve ..... best that worked for me was "on" pot all the way off with no resistance, the "off" pot all the way on full resistance and mess with the "gate" pot and find that sweet spot ....

    YouTube - signal generator 555 timer based with 0 to 100% pulse width control

    And I recommend using an optoisolator; H11d1

    4108d1258825119-use-tesla-switch-scr - Vox

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  • Inquorate

    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    Hi Benjamin,

    Thanks for the reply .... and yes we have looked for backdoor trojan scripts .... some us use multi layered security software and additional security hardware and there is some way through several ports access can be obtained, it's directly related to "Skype" and it's built in shared software options and other similar software Facebook and others sites uses opening these ports so access can be gained.

    I know you have a nice scope are you trying a RA circuit replication .... I know you have other projects at hand and may be busy ....

    Yeah pretty busy and have had some health problems which have kept me on my back but should no longer be an issue soon; had surgery yesterday.

    I've been waiting on a summation schematic though, and I must admit I've only dropped into the thread occasionally.

    If someone could pm me some schematics links that'd be sweet, and I'll see what I can put together..


    Oh ok, I downloaded the submitted form. Will have a look when I can access a computer as my phone has stopped opening pdf's.

    Gotoluc made it look pretty simple in his video.

    Love and light
    Last edited by Inquorate; 12-02-2009, 10:42 AM.

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  • witsend
    Guys, everyone - I need to explain something. We unfortunately sent two copies of the doc to many recipients. Only the one is correct and that was the document submitted to the IEEE. Unfortunately the second - somewhat mangled in it's format - is entirely erroneous.

    I'm glad Harvey was able to see this to allow our apology to all those recipients of both docs. But you'll see for yourself which is correct. The second doc would NEVER have been able to be transferred for submission even if we tried. It's the info in the PDF that is substantially correct. But that too needs some minor formatting corrections. And to those who received both documents, abject apologies for any confusions that may have resulted from the posting of both.

    EDIT Open Source Evaluation of Power Transients Generated to Improve Performance Coefficient of Resistive Heating Systems

    Here's the link to the correct paper
    Last edited by witsend; 12-02-2009, 10:15 AM.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    Well I just got the document back that Rosie sent off to IEEE - I'm pissed. It is so messed up I can't think straight. ALL that work I put into getting things right plumb out the window...
    Hi Harvey,

    I'm not sure what the problem is .... are you looking at the IEEE site at the manuscript which is available in the author center , PDF, Word document or something else .... I'm confused here


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  • Harvey
    Well I just got the document back that Rosie sent off to IEEE - I'm pissed. It is so messed up I can't think straight. ALL that work I put into getting things right plumb out the window...

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