Originally posted by lighty
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Most of us here are seasoned adults and apart from strong beliefs based primarily on life experience we are open to constructive criticism. Granted, there are a few that would base their belief structure solely on the mathematical models and conventional application by 'tried and true' results specifically designed to remove 'unwanted spurious effects' - and they can seem a bit egotistical and pedantic in a puerile fashion while in there own minds they consider themselves pragmatists with much to share. But for the most part, if you understand their maturity level you can pretty much skim over the ostentatious pleas for attention and glean some of the value from what they have to offer.
Someone seasoned as yourself with practical hands on experience with these types of things would be a refreshing change from derogatory norm we often get from the current critics.
Please feel free to share anything constructive you wish to share - I for one am always open to new views and perspectives, and heaven knows the mistakes I've made over the years - (wish I had put a dollar in the bank for each one of those

