I know it's not what you had in mind but as my father use to say; " I did it my way"
So as promised here is the 3rd video calculating the Input Watts and the recovery Watts power after the heat dissipation. Please keep in mind that this is a very early stage of testing for me and that many other configurations could improve the results.
I will add to this post the power measurement details.
Link to video: YouTube - Rosemary Ainslie Circuit test 3
Here is my test data as mentioned above.
Power consumed from feed side:
22.8vdc at 198ma = 4.51 Watts
Power collected from the recovery side (after heat resistor):
25.7vdc at 67ma = 1.72 Watts
This is a 38.3% POWER RECOVERY and at NO Extra cost of input power
Temperature at Heating Resistor at all time (collecting Flyback or NOT):
112.8 Fahrenheit or 44.9 Celsius
Temperature at MOSFET Heatsinf at all time (collecting Flyback or NOT):
95.3 Fahrenheit or 35.2 Celsius
__________________________________________________ _______________
Please Note:
As Broli mentioned in the above post. It maybe possible that Ultracapacitor could have a better ability of charging with flyback then Lead acid batteries.
This would need to be tested. Believe it or not, when I was in Florida I bought 5 of those 650 Farad Ultracapacitors on eBay (Need to be member to see): http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.d...m=360197905482 or use this link and anyone can see the auction ended Nov. 1st: Maxwell Boostcap Ultra Capacitor Ultracapacitor 650 F - eBay (item 360197905482 end time Nov-01-09 14:56:51 PST) As you can see gotoluc bought 5 on November 1st and this was before the information was posted at OU Forum. This is exactly what I had in mind to test these with

Anyways, still many things to play with till then.
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