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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Test #11

    Hi everyone,

    I did a short test using a new replication of the "Quantum" October 2002 Load Resistor, as per some revised specifications from Harvey and Rosie with a 32mm x 254mm coil on a 280mm piece of "Borosilicate" glass tubing and a calculated inductance of 8.64 uH @ 48 turns of 22AWG Ni Cr type A wire.

    The results were somewhat expected with the Mosfet Drain spikes (Channel-2) smaller in amplitude but the battery spikes (Channel-4) remained the same, the Channel-1 mV readings were much larger than a normal running at the frequency that I'm usually operating at. The Load resistor temperature was between 110 and 140 degrees F a normal range, and the Mosfet was running at 200 to 260 degrees F much higher than normal.

    I was also refining the gate pot type for publication and am going to wind another load resistor coil for a comparison between my original prototype resistor with the same center to center coil wire spacing but using the "HUGE" 76mm "Borosilicate" glass 6 inch long tubing shown in the set-up photograph.

    ************************************************** ******
    Rosemary Ainslie COP>17 Heater Circuit
    "Quantum" October 2002

    Replication Components -

    1) International Rectifier - IRFPG50 HEXFET® Power MOSFET
    w/ Sil-Pad insulator between Mosfet and Heat Sink

    2) Fairchild Semiconductor - NE555N Timer

    3) Vishay Spectrol - SP534 Percision Potentiometer/ 10-turn 2-Watt

    4) Exide Technologies Battery "Liquid Lead Acid" Model # GT-H - TRACTOR 12V 12Ah CCA 235

    5) CSB Battery Company "Gel Lead Acid" #GP 1270 F2 / 12 Volt 7.0 Ah

    6) Prototype "Quantum" Load Resister 10 ohm 32mm x 254mm

    7) "Shunt" - Caddock High Performance Film Resistor "non-inductive" 30 watt type MP930-0.25-1%

    ************************************************** *******

    Channel 1 - Mosfet source shunt
    Channel 2 - Mosfet drain
    Channel 3 - 555 Timer pin #3
    Channel 4 - 24 VDC "Liquid" Lead Acid Battery Bank

    TEST #11 - Complete Original Image & Data .Zip File Set









    All Images and data by a Tektronix TDS 3054C from the Tektronix Corporation

    Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 11-28-2009, 11:01 AM. Reason: grammer - added TEST #11 .zip File

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  • sucahyo
    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
    i can say tho with confidence that we had a secret Ip logging software on the Panacea university site once
    Check the routers log too. You might find more abuse than what can be detected from the computer behind the router. Some router can be accesed via web browser if you know it's ip. Otherwise need an expensive software.

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  • gotoluc
    Originally posted by eternalightwithin View Post

    Gotoluc PM me your addresses, as I have some special glass tubes I want to mail you. For round 2.

    David P.
    Hi David,

    thanks for your glass tube offer however Glen (Fuzzy) has mailed me a piece of the same one he used, so I'll start with that.

    I haven't received it yet!...sometimes deliveries take up to 2 weeks from the US to Canada. Hopefully it will come in this week.

    Let us know how your replication works out using your glass tubes.

    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-23-2009, 05:12 PM.

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  • ashtweth
    Hi EgmQC/ALL

    I am with Rose, i will still keep my eye out for any thing suspicious , thanks for posting Glen. Also thanks for pointing some of that's out EgmQc, that is a bit clearer to me, i can say tho with confidence that we had a secret Ip logging software on the Panacea university site once, if you ask Patrick Kelly, we had visitors from the military to the world bank. So they certainly are interested in what we are doing.


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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Hi everyone,

    For those members whom are using Peer Guardian 2 to monitor unknown computer traffic and have a technical back ground that may want to see more details of the intrusions there is another free program available through Microsoft called Process Monitor v2.8 that can be used if you and your computer is up for it .....

    Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. It combines the features of two legacy Sysinternals utilities, Filemon and Regmon, and adds an extensive list of enhancements including rich and non-destructive filtering, comprehensive event properties such session IDs and user names, reliable process information, full thread stacks with integrated symbol support for each operation, simultaneous logging to a file, and much more. Its uniquely powerful features will make Process Monitor a core utility in your system troubleshooting and malware hunting toolkit.

    This is a very powerful program that monitors "EVERYTHING" and with this software combined with the information from Peer Guardian this problem can be resolved .... it will take some time but with these tools it can be done ...

    Happy Hunting

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  • witsend
    Hi EgmQc - Thanks for the advice.

    I REALLY am a strong advocate of open source - and people are welcome to the technology. My take is that they think more info is withheld and they're checking? Else they're just trying to send a virus to crash the compters? Who knows?

    There's a lot of spiteful people out there. I'm just happy that Fuzzy et al are sorting this out for us.

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  • EgmQC
    Originally posted by witsend View Post

    Guys - just to follow through on comments here - there is no question that Skype uses technology that bounces from portal to portal to maintain that direct link that gives us computer to computer contact. Presumably that means that there must be some function that searches for those available portals. I simply can't comment. I do not understand - however - why we should then get spurious messages from phantom contacts disguised as known contacts - inviting us to open sundry files. Nor do I understand why my emails should be recorded as having been sent - when they're in fact never received - at addresses that are regularly used. Alternatively they get blocked? Nor do I understand it when my computer cursor springs a life of its own and simply starts scrolling up the text bar to reference previous file down loads. And then scrolls back. Nor do I understand the continual breaking of the links when any of us are talking 'technical'. And I've only touched on the evidence here.

    However, we've got Fuzzy looking into the matter and he's had some experience in blocking the unwanted interested parties. And between him and Andrew I'm reasonably certain we'll get the right firewalls to prevent this from continuing. And - for the record - All tests have duplicated files that have been sent away for safe keeping. I mention this to re-assure our supportive members and to alarm our hackers. And we're obliged to keep the systems used - off forum - for obvious reasons. So - anyone who is involved in experimentation - check your screening. It seems that there is some uninvited and intrusive interest in all our technologies.


    I think you should keep that simple, if someone want some information , it will be easy for them to get what they want, lol (he/she) only need to ask on this forum and he will get great help to replicate so if its true its not to know how to make your circuit working. Now take this 2 exemple if its some government agency who want you to stop posting.

    How to break our life.
    Exemple #1

    Add some entry Log in a alquaida forum with YOUR ip. Call interpole , and they will get EVERITHING you have in your life without even telling you why you are in jail.

    Exemple #2

    Since its probaly a government agency , they will have access to all your information, what happen if they add entry log with your IP on a pedo website and get a membership with your credit card ? How you will be able to fight em if both information are against you ?

    Both exemple get our credibility to zero and let them to take our computer and everything else they want.
    If they realy want to listen to your communication on Skype they will just have to call Skype and arrenge a Audit with them on all conversation you have with everyone, that will be invisible to you.

    Im not a big fan of conspiracy theory as you see because they so many thing they can do with all the information they already have on us (credit card, school background,social number,etc,etc) that make me think , "Why they will bother to try to hack some computer when they can do some realy simple thing to get quickly to they end?".

    Millions of people each day get hacked.Some just for fun, other to get information , other to blow up some information.Its not because you see someone try to hack your system that mean its because your a threat with your circuit.I didnt see 50 successful replication with a COP of 17 up to now.Whn you begin to see that you and your close friend get all so wierd attack , there one thing you should ask yourself, what we have in common, in your case its seem that its Skype, change your communitation medium to something else to see if its solve the problem, maybe there a flaw in skype who can let other know your IP. Dont send real Email too(the one with your internet provider) , in each email you show your IP.If you and all your friend have communicated by real email with the same guy it can be another source of problem same with public forum because the owner have access to all IP from ALL member who access the forum.

    Best Regards,

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  • witsend

    Guys - just to follow through on comments here - there is no question that Skype uses technology that bounces from portal to portal to maintain that direct link that gives us computer to computer contact. Presumably that means that there must be some function that searches for those available portals. I simply can't comment. I do not understand - however - why we should then get spurious messages from phantom contacts disguised as known contacts - inviting us to open sundry files. Nor do I understand why my emails should be recorded as having been sent - when they're in fact never received - at addresses that are regularly used. Alternatively they get blocked? Nor do I understand it when my computer cursor springs a life of its own and simply starts scrolling up the text bar to reference previous file down loads. And then scrolls back. Nor do I understand the continual breaking of the links when any of us are talking 'technical'. And I've only touched on the evidence here.

    However, we've got Fuzzy looking into the matter and he's had some experience in blocking the unwanted interested parties. And between him and Andrew I'm reasonably certain we'll get the right firewalls to prevent this from continuing. And - for the record - All tests have duplicated files that have been sent away for safe keeping. I mention this to re-assure our supportive members and to alarm our hackers. And we're obliged to keep the systems used - off forum - for obvious reasons. So - anyone who is involved in experimentation - check your screening. It seems that there is some uninvited and intrusive interest in all our technologies.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by EgmQC View Post

    I have no answer to your question, i only see the evidence that is not a attack because we clearly see thats a outgoing connection and not a incoming.Maybe some Skype server are hosted by some university and that can answer why we see in his Log that the connection is made from him going to the university , the port 44303 is also used for a SSH connection.

    I was just responding to his claim, that university was attacking him and the Log he showed clearly state the inverse.I think its more a misinterpretation from him than a false accusation.

    Best Regards,
    Hi EgmQC,

    I agree with you about this being misinterpreted because of the severity of the logging of "blocked" IP addresses also I thought the same thing until you mentioned the "source" and "destination" headings in Peer Guardian 2 .... I haven't seen this much of this problem as the other members have but something is triggering this which I'm very uneasy about and I know the other members are also in "how and why" this is happening.

    Thanks for your input, and I think there are still some more exploring on this problem is needed at this point.


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  • EgmQC
    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    Hi EgmQC,

    I guess the question is ..... being there are several of us with this problem .... and all effected are not trying to access these sites is .... how is our computers doing this when we are not physically going there but our computers are? The problem seems to arise the most when we are using Skype and mine sometimes happens when I'm away from my computer all together logged on but it's not being used ?


    I have no answer to your question, i only see the evidence that is not a attack because we clearly see thats a outgoing connection and not a incoming.Maybe some Skype server are hosted by some university and that can answer why we see in his Log that the connection is made from him going to the university , the port 44303 is also used for a SSH connection.

    I was just responding to his claim, that university was attacking him and the Log he showed clearly state the inverse.I think its more a misinterpretation from him than a false accusation.

    Best Regards,

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by EgmQC View Post
    Its exactly what ive done, search for this word:

    "In the pictures viewing the history above, under source the IP’s have been removed but in this column it would be your IP or the source of the IP."

    at PeerGuardian 2:Manual - Phoenix Labs Wiki

    The SOURCE is the sender. and if you look at your log ,it clearly show the same source for about 96% of what you show, only the port number change.So its clearly show in the screenshot that "you" tryed to access those site and not the reverse, is your router network address. 10.X.X.X is a local network address, not a internet address.

    Best Regards,
    Hi EgmQC,

    I guess the question is ..... being there are several of us with this problem .... and all effected are not trying to access these sites is .... how is our computers doing this when we are not physically going there but our computers are? The problem seems to arise the most when we are using Skype and mine sometimes happens when I'm away from my computer all together logged on but it's not being used ?

    Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 11-20-2009, 06:23 PM. Reason: grammer

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  • EgmQC
    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
    Why would we need to access those sites for? You sure? read the peer guardian program for more info
    Its exactly what ive done, search for this word:

    "In the pictures viewing the history above, under source the IP’s have been removed but in this column it would be your IP or the source of the IP."

    at PeerGuardian 2:Manual - Phoenix Labs Wiki

    The SOURCE is the sender. and if you look at your log ,it clearly show the same source for about 96% of what you show, only the port number change.So its clearly show in the screenshot that "you" tryed to access those site and not the reverse, is your router network address. 10.X.X.X is a local network address, not a internet address.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by EgmQC; 11-20-2009, 02:42 PM.

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  • ashtweth
    Why would we need to access those sites for? You sure? read the peer guardian program for more info

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  • EgmQC
    I dont see any attack in what you show, seem to be your router network adress, since its the source of about everything in the log, thats more likely show that "you" access them , and not the reverse.

    Best Regards,

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  • eternalightwithin
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    @Ash and Andrew,
    Using your 10MHz scope, set the duty cycle of your board to 50%.....

    ...really?!? FOR REAL? GOD! I was waiting and waiting thinking my 15MHz piece of 80's junk wasn't going to cut it. Well I start Sunday then

    Guess the paper contribution is out. Bummer.

    But hey, my sil pads came in today, along with some glass tubes.

    Plus I got most of my stuff in for the waterplug experiment and Groundloop's Hex But I digress...

    Thanks for the links Fuzzy.

    I hope you and Gotoluc will PM me your addresses, as I have some special glass tubes I want to mail you. For round 2.

    David P.

    P.S. Anyone want to make resistors? I have a crapload of this glass now. Only need a foot, but they only send it in 5' lengths.

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