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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Hi everyone,

    just a quick update of my replication. Sorry for the bad quality pictures. My digital camera is very basic.

    Should be able to fire up this baby tomorrow.

    Stay tuned

    Last edited by gotoluc; 11-29-2009, 04:28 AM.


    • Originally posted by EgmQC View Post

      I have no answer to your question, i only see the evidence that is not a attack because we clearly see thats a outgoing connection and not a incoming.Maybe some Skype server are hosted by some university and that can answer why we see in his Log that the connection is made from him going to the university , the port 44303 is also used for a SSH connection.

      I was just responding to his claim, that university was attacking him and the Log he showed clearly state the inverse.I think its more a misinterpretation from him than a false accusation.

      Best Regards,
      Were I you guys I'd be looking for trojan scripts.
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • Hi Luc, That's looking really good. I got your email BTW. Thanks for that.


        • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
          Were I you guys I'd be looking for trojan scripts.
          Hi Benjamin,

          Thanks for the reply .... and yes we have looked for backdoor trojan scripts .... some us use multi layered security software and additional security hardware and there is some way through several ports access can be obtained, it's directly related to "Skype" and it's built in shared software options and other similar software Facebook and others sites uses opening these ports so access can be gained.

          I know you have a nice scope are you trying a RA circuit replication .... I know you have other projects at hand and may be busy ....

          Open Source Experimentalist
          Open Source Research and Development


          • Hi Luc,

            Your project is looking good ..... the load resistor is really nice and the wire spacing appears to be right on .... the Ni Cr wire is some "springie" stuff and not easy to wind .... great job

            Open Source Experimentalist
            Open Source Research and Development


            • Thanks Glen

              I just posted a video of the circuit in operation. However I'm having problem with my USB Scope ... it gets kicked off (freeze) with the high spikes (over 500v) or it's the RF. I'm going to have to find a real analogue scope to continue testing and tweaking.

              Video Link: YouTube - Rosemary Ainslie Circuit test 1



              • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                Thanks Glen

                I just posted a video of the circuit in operation. However I'm having problem with my USB Scope ... it gets kicked off (freeze) with the high spikes (over 500v) or it's the RF. I'm going to have to find a real analogue scope to continue testing and tweaking.

                Video Link: YouTube - Rosemary Ainslie Circuit test 1

                Hi Luc,

                HOW EXCELLENT !!! I just saw the video .... and the isolating voltage on the DMM is exactly what you want, this is to cool you did it !!! If your USB is seeing spikes over 500 volts on the drain pin of the Mosfet this is another indication (520 to 560 optimum). You might try to take some IR temperature readings at the load resistor coil winding ends for a average .... the RTV insulated the borosilicate glass tube some and the coil ends are a little warmer.

                If you have a compass there seems to be a magnetic field that extends from the load resistor ends ... so beware of that effect ...

                Great Job !!

                Open Source Experimentalist
                Open Source Research and Development


                • Hi Glen,

                  thanks for the positive comment.

                  I've been having a real difficult time for the past month with my laptop (serious hacking going on). They were even able to modify my Ghost Image backups of my C: system disk (kept on D: partition) Now when I refresh my C: drive with the Image they are back within minutes I never had any problems for the past 10 years using this method. I'm going to have to reinstall everything from scratch (without any Internet connected) and this time I'll save the backup Image on optical disk so they can't hack it. Boy! it sure is getting ruff these days

                  Anyways, I was able to get a scope shot with the probes across the 10 Ohm resistor coil before to USB Scope freezed, see below 1st scope shot.

                  Also, with the suggested components the minimum frequency I can get the 555 down to is around 40KHz and a minimum Duty Cycle of around 8%. Is this correct ... see 2nd scope shot, Green is the probe across the .25 Ohm resistor and Yellow is the probe at the gate. Let me know if this sounds normal to you.

                  Thanks Glen



                  • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                    Hi Glen,

                    thanks for the positive comment.

                    I've been having a real difficult time for the past month with my laptop (serious hacking going on). They were even able to modify my Ghost Image backups of my C: system disk (kept on D: partition) Now when I refresh my C: drive with the Image they are back within minutes I never had any problems for the past 10 years using this method. I'm going to have to reinstall everything from scratch (without any Internet connected) and this time I'll save the backup Image on optical disk so they can't hack it. Boy! it sure is getting ruff these days

                    Anyways, I was able to get a scope shot with the probes across the 10 Ohm resistor coil before to USB Scope freezed, see below 1st scope shot.

                    Also, with the suggested components the minimum frequency I can get the 555 down to is around 40KHz and a minimum Duty Cycle of around 8%. Is this correct ... see 2nd scope shot, Green is the probe across the .25 Ohm resistor and Yellow is the probe at the gate. Let me know if this sounds normal to you.

                    Thanks Glen

                    Hi Luc,

                    Sorry to hear about your LapTop Computer .... those buggers are everywhere and to think were doing open source stuff you might try "Peer Guardian 2" it helps keep more out above and beyond in addition to a firewall and anti virus program.

                    As for the frequency you got lower than I did at 70 KHz and a 22% Duty cycle but the 555 always defaults during operation between 50% to 55% I cant explain why but it does. The frequency is another and may be different with each type circuit build with a different resistance and impedance my circuit operates best at 400KHz to 2.5 MHz so the original "Quantum" paper may not of addressed all the frequency's that the circuit has the capability to operate at.

                    But you are very very very close in your video to where you want to be ... go by your instinct with this one ..... it has a learning curve ..... best that worked for me was "on" pot all the way off with no resistance, the "off" pot all the way on full resistance and mess with the "gate" pot and find that sweet spot ....

                    Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 11-30-2009, 04:35 AM. Reason: revised "Peer Gaurdian 2" comment
                    Open Source Experimentalist
                    Open Source Research and Development


                    • Luc your results here look extraordinary. Can you try and persuade Aaron to send you the Fluke 123 to do some detailed analysis?

                      Really amazing stuff at first shot. I think Fuzzy has blazed a bright trail.


                      • As some may know there's currently a joule thief buzz at This is mainly due to the discovery of the effects the joule thief has on charging ultra capacitors from the brand Maxwell BoostCap. The strange effect is mainly due to the ultra capacitor than the joule thief. The ultra capacitor seems to have the ability to capture the radiant spike or w/e you want to call it better than a battery.

                        I did a quick search through this thread and it seems like it hasn't be mentioned yet so I thought I put it out there. Basically most of these circuits and ideas do fundamentally the same thing, that is generating a high voltage spike that gives rise to unpredicted results. Perhaps the Rosemary Ainslie circuit can be upgraded with some ultra capacitors too. I realize that this circuit is ran on almost 10 times more voltage than a JT, but maybe if the budget allows it or if maxwell donates a few it can be done with little financial loss.

                        Like I said just putting it out there.


                        • Hi everyone,

                          here is an update video of where I'm interested in taking the circuit for a test ride

                          I will soon have another video with more results going in this direction.

                          So stay tuned for the show

                          Video Link: YouTube - Rosemary Ainslie Circuit test 2



                          • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                            Hi everyone,

                            here is an update video of where I'm interested in taking the circuit for a test ride

                            I will soon have another video with more results going in this direction.

                            So stay tuned for the show

                            Video Link: YouTube - Rosemary Ainslie Circuit test 2

                            Great stuff


                            • Thanks Rosemary

                              I know it's not what you had in mind but as my father use to say; " I did it my way"

                              So as promised here is the 3rd video calculating the Input Watts and the recovery Watts power after the heat dissipation. Please keep in mind that this is a very early stage of testing for me and that many other configurations could improve the results.

                              I will add to this post the power measurement details.

                              Link to video: YouTube - Rosemary Ainslie Circuit test 3



                              Here is my test data as mentioned above.

                              Power consumed from feed side:

                              22.8vdc at 198ma = 4.51 Watts

                              Power collected from the recovery side (after heat resistor):

                              25.7vdc at 67ma = 1.72 Watts

                              This is a 38.3% POWER RECOVERY and at NO Extra cost of input power

                              Temperature at Heating Resistor at all time (collecting Flyback or NOT):

                              112.8 Fahrenheit or 44.9 Celsius

                              Temperature at MOSFET Heatsinf at all time (collecting Flyback or NOT):

                              95.3 Fahrenheit or 35.2 Celsius

                              __________________________________________________ _______________

                              Please Note:

                              As Broli mentioned in the above post. It maybe possible that Ultracapacitor could have a better ability of charging with flyback then Lead acid batteries.

                              This would need to be tested. Believe it or not, when I was in Florida I bought 5 of those 650 Farad Ultracapacitors on eBay (Need to be member to see): or use this link and anyone can see the auction ended Nov. 1st: Maxwell Boostcap Ultra Capacitor Ultracapacitor 650 F - eBay (item 360197905482 end time Nov-01-09 14:56:51 PST) As you can see gotoluc bought 5 on November 1st and this was before the information was posted at OU Forum. This is exactly what I had in mind to test these with ... With 5 of these in series I would have a 13vdc at 130 Farad rated capacitor. The only problem is they arrived the day after I returned to Canada so they are still in Florida and I have to wait till mid December when my Mother returns

                              Anyways, still many things to play with till then.

                              Last edited by gotoluc; 12-01-2009, 05:15 AM.


                              • Hi Luc,

                                Watched that last video. I think what you're doing is really interesting. The real surprise is that you're managing your effects without reference to a DSO.

                                I'm not sure about the accuracy of your ammeter. They're not usually able to pick up numbers at a fast frequency. But what I will tell you is that you've got a net negative current flow. To me it seems as if you're operating at OU. But I'm not sure of this.

                                PLEASE NOTE I donated a fluke 123 Oscilloscope to the project. This is with Aaron. Please contact him - I don't think he's reading here - and ask him to forward this - if possible and if either of you can pick up the tab for the transport costs. The point is that you clearly need this now and can get your numbers and waveforms better organised.

                                VERY WELL DONE. I think you're managing an analysis brilliantly - in the light of the scope restrictions you're experiencing. And THANK YOU LUC for testing this at all. I am always comforted when I see that someone of your skills in experimenting and logic - are at the helm.

