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The transformer you are using that has a center tapped primary and you are seeing 12V on the end taps and zero volts on the center tap for that primary - then you are seeing 240V across the secondary end taps; is this the transformer that you say is a 1:1 winding ratio?
Also, did you alert your doctor to look for RF burns as a possibility?
@ All,
For those that may be interested, Steorn has its live feed up and running ATM. Steorn - Convenient, Clean and Constant supply of Energy It is their claim that the prototypes will continue to run indefinitely as they are generating about 300% more power than they are consuming. Both of these systems (Rosmary's circuit and Steorns Drive circuit) use sharp edge magnetic pulses in their operation. Both Rosemary and Sean have alluded to the possibility that their energy is linked to dark matter or dark energy. Both of these systems have produced a documented COP > 3. Both of these systems have excess heat in addition to the documented work load. It is quite possible that both systems have their gains rooted in the same power source.
I have been doing some thought experiments surrounding Rosemary's model and have discussed some of the geometry with others superficially. We may have to accept that the shapes of these particles are not strictly spherical. We may also have to accept the possibility that there is a gender relationship responsible for part of the interconnections between them. In other words, and interlock can occur between particles that is dependent solely on shape which is reinforced by a weaker gravitational and electromagnetic attraction. These things become necessary where the 2D surface is of a specific area normal to a sphere but the volume for which is bounds is less than that of a sphere due to surface impinges. I have been performing these experiments based on my own concepts which are taken from Einsteins work surrounding curved space and gravitation. In simple terms it is a displacement theory. The gravity of any single particle is proportional to the volume of space that its surface displaces. Therefore, if you have a sphere with six impingements on 3 axis which take on the caternary form along each axis, you would have a particle with the same surface area (and thus the same energy / mass relationship) as the sphere, but the spatial displacement is considerably less. This gender specific (female) particle could then interlock easily on any of the six sides with an inversion particle (male) which would resemble a six pointed 'jack'. Likewise, hermaphroditic particles could exist as well, all of which could easily provide interlock systems and polarities that can interpose electromagnetism and gravity. The foundation of any particle rests on its energy content. If its energy is not stored as matter, electromagnetic or kinetic then it must be stored as thermal energy. The concept that a particle itself, apart from any other particle, can contain a thermal register has been proposed and set aside by academia. This may have been presumptuous. While it is well known that temperature is directly related to kinetic energy in atomic material assemblies and the molecules they frame up, little discussion exists regarding the actual material that quantum particles consist of and whether or not that material itself can contain thermal energy. When we evaluate this in our thought experiments we uncover the possibility that thermal energy can be stored in the 2D surface of these particles of which protons and electrons are made. One of the simplest examples of this may be HHO gas. If the evidence indicates that more heat is being produced in the metals being heated by an HHO flame than can be accounted for in the production of the HHO itself, then we must ponder if the proton and electrons themselves have stored thermal energy that is able to be communicated to the metals (or any other material for that matter) electromagnetically during the flame proximity interaction.
This point is a vital point as part of Rosemary's magnetic model. In her writings you will find reference to Zipons becoming slow and big and hot. For those versed in thermodynamics this simply fires up the alarm systems because classically it is the small, fast energetic particles that produce the 'heat' in thermodynamic reactions. But we must allow our minds to consider a large, slow moving particle such as a hydrogen proton, that has a high thermal register. And we must consider that if this existed, how would the thermal energy ever escape from it? It is at that point that we begin to realize that it must be converted to another form or else it is trapped there. If two protons were able to touch, then perhaps a transference could occur, but this is neither practical nor necessary. Magnetic fields have a means of sweeping these particles and providing conduits for this energy to find balance where most material common to us is at an average of 300°K. Thus in Rosemary's model, all energy is communicated via electromagnetic interaction and from her perspective even the 'electro' portion of that is only a convenient method of looking at the same thing from a different perspective. If a zipon in superluminal space contains a finite portion of energy and part of that energy is stored in its velocities, mass and temperature, then it follows that if the velocity is reduced then that portion of the energy must be converted to temperature and mass. Naturally the question of relativity arises and it was explained to me that the velocity is always an angular velocity. This is a new concept as well because it intimates that light only travels in great arcs and never in a truly straight line. And that arc identifies as its center, the center of a minor radius of a toroid which constitutes our universe. The tighter the arc, the closer you are to the center of the universal minor radius. There is also a motion along the axis swept by the revolution of the minor radius around the major radius. So technically, a photon moves along a spiral path through the toroid. Don't worry if none of this makes sense to you now. In time it will. It is sufficient that you have read it so that your thoughts can digest it slowly. When these things become fully understood, replicators like those on the sci-fi Enterprise will become as common-place as microwave ovens.
Harvey - that last post of yours was a miracle of articulation. Really well done. I have never before had such a high level of clarity and insight into what I've been trying to point to. Very exciting for me.
Of special interest in your grasp of the gavitational interaction with surface mass as opposed to density. Ånd fascinating that you see that coupling arrangement. Had not thought of this and see that it is ideal to describe the interlocking of zipon composites. Also goes some way to explain the 'lock' of the neutron with the proton. I get it that the proton - neutron - would no longer be spherical. Not sure about the photon though.
With this level of understanding I think I should propose the earlier monopolar sub-division of the zipons in the field as that would also allow an interaction with the quark of the photon and electron composite and the level at which the proton is then 'out of reach' of the field.
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Those who are friends of this project, can help by registering there at OpEd News and "rating" it, and/or by "DIGG'ing it" to help gain maximum notice.
- Steve Windisch / Jibbguy
Well done Steve, An enjoyable read, should open a few eyes we hope
The transformer I was talking about is the one in the photo below, a small toroid, it has 20 turns.
The other photo is of the phasing transformer, vertical type, that I am using at the moment as it has quite a heavey wire and will take some amps if need be.
Now I think that, as in the Rosemary circuit, the trick is to have multiple sharp frequencies. In the STEAP circuit this is done with the phasing transformer. Depending on the final power coil will depend on the trigger frequency to some extent. When tuning to get these anomilies of power, it is nessecary to tune to get vast multiple harmonics happening in the phasing transformer. This can be seen in the photo of the frequency aniliser of that phasing transformer (does this ring a bell) crazy harmonics.
Now if I am on the right track, we can have an easy way of producing the tuning effect of Rosemary's circuit without using one type of MOSFET. The mosfet in this case is only switching as it is supposed to do in a normal way. The multi frequency caos is created by the phasing circuit which is in an endless loop, like a virus in a computor.
Now with careful selection of the cap sizes etc we can move the power capabilities up, and with the correct power transformer designed to give us some useful amperage at the desired voltage to run what we want.
At the moment I am not worried about feeding back as a self running circuit, the most important would be a low power input for a high power output. Imagine feeding you mains in to the circuit in a box and running your house on 25% of the cost of that input.
This is where I want to concentrate on design, it is nearly there, I can feel it I need all the input possible in the form of help and constructing of this transforming circuit.
Moving on a little, I might get the university of Valencia interested in Rosemary's circuit as they are very much into renewable energy, it will have to wait until after christmas, might even get some form of grant, we will have to see.
P.S. the arms seem to be a little better with the pills I am taking. My thought was some sort of radiation as normally I do not have allergies.
Originally posted by Michael John NunnerleyView Post
Hi all and to billwarner9997
I have been playing around with different transformers on the STEAP and with a very small torroid 1:1 isolating trans: I am getting more energy on the secoundary than the primary as I can see it.
The first thing is as I get it into resonance the voltage on the secoundary is some 40% more than the primary, why is this, it is a 1:1? Why is this possible, the transfer should be par unless there is energy being sucked in inbetween the two windings, it is the only explination I have, unless Harvey can explain this as a normal occurance.
What you see is the peak, Sec voltage * 0.7 = rms (12v rms in->12v rms out). the peak is voltage rms * 1.4 = peak value(1.4 = 40% more). If you charge a capacitor with no load it will always be at the peak value , but when you put a load, it go to the rms voltage or less depending if the core is become saturated or not.
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- Steve Windisch / Jibbguy
What an unstoppable force in team work!!
got to start some where
My children are down for the Christmas holidays and I've not been as busy here as I possibly should have been. Apologies for the tardy response.
Jibbs thanks so much for your article. I thought it was balanced and fairly presented, and gave tribute where it was most deserved being an open source effort trail blazing some interesting blue prints. The object here was to inform the public and to alert them of the application to our editors to accept the paper for publication in a reviewed journal.
This latter point is critical. As stressed repeatedly, both in the article and in these posts, is the fact that previous attempts to publish have failed. This has not really served science that well. As I've stated - ad nauseum - science is only progressed by experimental evidence. Mainstream theories actually need revision as Fuzzy's test results contradict their predictions. And it seems that revision of these theories may now be urgently required as these results point to some kind of efficiency in the delivery of energy that is frankly 'outlawed' by conventional paradigms.
That this is good news is unarguable. The indications are that this there is a source of energy available out there that may give abundantly and cleanly - both of which attributes are urgently required. But we need to spread the word. If you've got the energy and the time all assistance here would be welcome.
The other point that I need to stress is that this energy seems to be readily available in the use of inductive components in switching circuits. But I'm reasonably satisfied that the best we've done here is to give proof. But we only join a long list of others who have trail blazed. The difference is that we've taken the trouble to give irrefutable numbers. And they're unarguable. But as Harvey has pointed out - we need to get the energy values up and the efficiency even better. The results point to this potential and the practical applications require it. I am entirely satisfied that, as more and more experimentalist start posting their findings, we'll gradually errode the scepticism of our academics and add to the growing confidence in this effect. But we, the authors do not have a monopoly on the 'best' means to configure the circuits and much, much more work is required.
A final tribute to all the authors of that paper - with the entire exception of myself. I am on record as having an unerring instinct for doing the wrong thing - with a flair and aptitude second to none. Sorry again for the multiple errors associated with submission of the paper. Just delighted that it's finally been managed and many thanks to Fuzzy for stepping in with that sane and sensible damage control that he exercised with such extraordinary aplomb.
And as mentioned. There's nowhere left for us to go except onwards and upwards. I'm satisfied that the skills on this forum are more than equal to the task and confidently predict that - by the time our academics start looking at the data here - we'll have wrapped up that critical high output requirement. There are a few possible guides to ac application in the applied patent - but cannot guarantee that they'll work.
Great stuff guys, and great work here Jibbs. With all this talent - I've said it before, the destination is definitely global and stratospheric. And I think that Mother Nature can only be a beneficiary. I certainly hope so. She definitely needs some relief from the gunk we've been using for energy - thus far.
Sorry to be quoting myself but this is a reply that I posted to Poynty on his new forum - Over Unity Reseach (OUR). I think he's trying to discover the parameters required to put this claim to bed. Much desired by those who do not approve these results on whatever basis. LOL. The proposal was that I accept a rejection by the IEEE as a defeat of the claim in the paper. Golly.
Hi Poynty. I will not accept a 'verdict' by the IEEE. They've got the responsibility of bringing new 'discoveries' to the public academic forum via their reviewed journals. They are not expected to comment on experimental results. IF however, there are any apparent contradictions in terms of the arguments in the paper against the documented experimental evidence - then that may be addressed by the reviewers prior to publication. The onus is on the wider forum of all the journal readers to discuss the findings and either replicate, question, or refute the findings. The IEEE have never been entitled to make such sweeping judgements on the contributions on behalf of an enormous body of experts available in their readers. Golly. I fondly believe that the academics themselves would be angered at such gross violation of the their rights to information. We need to advise them. All of them - that they've been doing this.
You just go on quoting yourself, Rose. Especially when you make so much sense
Thanks for the comments, Mike: I am in awe of what you and the other good folks here have achieved this year, and wanted to tell others about it.
Because, folks, just think: What would happen if 100 million good people around the Planet knew what we know about Energy?
Oil would cease to be the dominant fuel within a short time.
No more wars for oil; and our brave soldiers could come home.
No more hidden tax on energy, larger and more regressive than ANY TAX ever argued over by politicians. Corporate executives hiding in the dark would no longer have this unprecedented power to decide the fate of our species.
No more poverty and hunger in the Third World; with cheap energy they can finally honestly compete... lowering their population growth naturally through increased education and prosperity, creating a new Middle Class there where before was only extreme poverty (which helps the Industrialized Nations too; by creating huge new markets).
No more secret monopolistic control of the single most important aspect of the economy... This means TRUE "free market" entrepreneurship can once again flourish here, allowing the new industries and prosperity of "Main Street" to control the economy... Not the phony derivatives and hedge-funds of "Wall Street".
No more of the never-ending and overwhelming streams of pollution from fossil fuels. Our sacred Gaia can start to heal herself; we can become Stewards of the Earth, and our children and grandchildren will benefit and thrive with an assured safe future.
All this?
And all it will take is to spread the word to those 100,000,000 folks (which is the arbitrary "viral" point, the "100th Monkey" when it can no longer remain suppressed or ignored)...
A little off topic but definitely topical - may I just take this opportunity to wish those of you who celebrate Christmas, the merriest of times. And for those that don't celebrate - good wishes nonetheless.
And a special thank you to eveyone who contributed to the thread, including our readers. It's been an extraordinary year and, as I mentioned on OU.com a really large chapter of it was spent here. It's been an education second to none and I feel very privileged to have participated in this.
Hope that those on holiday have their friends or family or loved ones around. And I shall be toasting you all on the thread in earnest over our Christmas dinner. I'll be away for Christmas day - but back again on boxing day.
Well I got it together and now have a "LIVE" Broadcast site to do the testing and evaluation on the Rosemary Ainslie COP heater circuit and others .... but ... in doing so I had to come up with a "CHANNEL" name and it's called .....
The strange thing is you must supply videos for some time to be a verified channel and somehow this was bypassed .... possibly because of the name I chose .... don't know this was in the e-mail .....
Effective immediately, you can now stream to unlimited concurrent viewers. In addition, your Livestream Free channel is now listed at livestream.com and is available via search or by browsing the Channel Guide. Plus, your channel is now eligible for promotion in throughout the Livestream Network.
I am broadcasting "RIGHT NOW" for the first time as a dry run .....
Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 12-26-2009, 06:11 AM.
Reason: grammer & spelling