Hehehe it is true that a very old method of intimidation is the fear of exposing parts of our private life; and is sometimes used as "punishment" against those who refuse to "get in line", useful as a warning to others (...like what happened last year to Elliot Spitzer, FORMER governor of NY State). But that only works on folks who CAN be intimidated, and is laughably lame to folks who cannot be
And the problem is that those doing these things cannot do so without showing their hands; and that is NOT in their interests as every whittling away of plausible deniability adds up; culminating to a point where the Emperor is suddenly naked, the Hundredth Monkey "gets it", and gig is up... And the limos are abandoned on the airport tarmac as the criminals rush to fight their way aboard the last plane for Paraguay. So let us keep our pen knives sharp, and keep whittling away 
The BEST way to fight suppressions or intimidations, is to talk about them publicly whenever they happen. Darkness is the lack of Light.... and as dark as things are now on this planet for Humankind; i believe Light, and the Rule of Law, will prevail. History will record these moments; and future generations of folks living in Peace, security, plenty, and harmony... will wonder what the hell those people must have been thinking back then

The BEST way to fight suppressions or intimidations, is to talk about them publicly whenever they happen. Darkness is the lack of Light.... and as dark as things are now on this planet for Humankind; i believe Light, and the Rule of Law, will prevail. History will record these moments; and future generations of folks living in Peace, security, plenty, and harmony... will wonder what the hell those people must have been thinking back then
