Hi Alex. I know you weren't addressing me here but may I please ask you to post results of that test that you did. All such help with analysis - and we're more than happy to deal with results negative or positive. It all adds to the general picture and is precisely why open source becomes so dependable.
I take it you're referring to the test where the collapsing fields from a pure inductor are directed to a light source?
And may I also say how grateful we are for your efforts here. Truly appreciated.
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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie
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This is a sticky topic.
Alive and kicking. :-) My main problem is spare time right now. I have been
very busy (and still are) with job related research, design and building
of various circuits. I hope to find some spare time around xmas. Transistors
and other parts is not a problem for me. I have enough parts available to
make almost any circuit.
I have done some testing on the AN circuit with coils instead of the load resistor.
I have tried air core coils, Ferrite core coils, and one Iron core
single wire transformer. All tests showed me that my lead acid battery
did not charge up. I do not want to report negative findings so I did not
>>I'm just wondering if we can introduce some sort of steeper triggering to
>>maximize the inductive collapse.
I did build my version of the (switch with the unspoken name hex something)
for trying to charge a lead acid battery. My switch can switch on the
transistors at a high speed of approx. 200nSec. My understanding was that
a switch on time of 1 - 2 uSec should be enough.
I'm currently in contact with a person that can provide me with the
silver coated, Teflon insulated copper wire and powder Iron core needed to
fully test this circuit. I hope to close that deal this week.
I think that the ONLY thing that can convince the skeptic is a circuit that
connects to a battery (no other inputs) and if the battery gain real charge
then there is no way to dismiss the result. So my focus has always been
on such circuits. The hex controller (obs, I did it again:-) or more correct
my fast switch will probably show me some good results.
I must add that I have been researching and building various circuits
for many years now. I have personally spent more than 100.000,- NOK
on this research. So far NO circuits has provided me with ANY proof
of over unity (or COP>1). I must stress that this does not mean it is
impossible, it is just very difficult to make a COP>1 circuit. I have
decided to scale down my research into such circuits based on
the time consuming (and money consuming) part of this o/u research.
That said, if you can provide me with some broad ideas in drawing on
how you want a fast switching resonant circuit to perform, then I will
help the best I can to design such a circuit.
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Guys I see that Fuzzy's already advised about our moderator status across at OU.COM. thread. There's an irony here that is positively delicious and I can't resist a brief revisit. The thread was started by TK and intended as a 'debunk on any grounds available' exercise. His objects were entirely defeated by the complexities of the circuit, on the one hand, and by some skillful questions posed by Wilbyinebriated, AKA as our very own Captain Skat. Those questions were asked with such persistence that they entirely defeated TK and also threw some question on Wilby's actual state of sobriety. This is a gentleman with remarkable skills with the dialectic and with a memory from Hell. Nor does the occasional foray into the bottom of the occasional glass - seem to blunt his expertise. 'Not To Be Trifled With' - it seems - on either side of his preferred tipple. LOL
During which time and - indeed in line with TK's stated preference - I was not only barred from the forum as a contributor but very often also as a guest. it may be of interest to note that I carry the rare distinction on the internet of being the first person to be barred from a forum without ever having posted. TK's attack died - but not his thread. This struggled on with the various levels of noise and nonsense but after TK's departure not only was I allowed to join the forum and contribute to the thread - but was actually signed on by Hartiberlin himself. Another strange historical paradox.
Having got there I anchored in as I was determined that never again would the trolls run rampant without some supervision. It seems to have paid off as I am now a moderator? Golly. Happily for me Harti does not realise how anxious I am to allow that thread to 'fall off a cliff'. In any event - and as a rule - I encourage as much irrelevance as possible - from its contributors and am not averse to adding my own here and there. My reasoning is that - what it lacks in critical input - it at least benefits in comic relief.
So now, it seems that my own objects there carry endorsement from all over the place. Such absurdities crowned by the distinct honour of being nominated and elected a monitor - with absolutely no prior discussion. Since I am constitutionally incapable of editing anyone's contributions - and entirely averse to the principles of 'banning' unless it's to secure a critical survival - then I shall simply continue my own irrelevant commentaries on all irrelevant discussions there. I trust that it will, at its least - entertain some of their readers.
What can I say. Only in this strange universe of the internet can so many compounded ironies come to pass. LOL. I think TK will be turning in his grave.
EDIT - I might add that we have Fuzzy there to lend some gravitas to the thread - and some relevance to the topic. Thank goodness at least one of us is over qualified to do the necessary and keep matters in check.Last edited by witsend; 11-07-2009, 05:55 AM.
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Originally posted by Groundloop View PostHarvey,
I will look into your proposed circuit this weekend and see what I can do.
Alex.). I've been thinking some on the circuit we discussed before and I have a total of two MOSFETS here, you are welcome to my spare if you need it as the company Glen found that has them is within driving distance to me and I could get another reasonably easy if need be. I like the self resonant nature of both yours and Mike's circuit. I'm just wondering if we can introduce some sort of steeper triggering to maximize the inductive collapse.
I certainly hope that with all the busy-ness that has been going on here, that we have not in some way overlooked the generous efforts of others such as Elias, EternalLightWithin, Ashtweth, Gotoluc, Michael and others. The last thing I would want to happen here is for some to feel as though their contributions were eclipsed in someway by the extraordinary efforts of the others. All replications are important and I want to make sure that everyone's questions are answered to the best of our ability.
Aaron and Glen (FuzzyTomCat) have brought us a long way toward the goal of writing a collaborative open sourced scientific paper by providing a close replica of the original resistor, improved adjustment techniques and circuit components, and detailed data for analysis and most important, the elusive low current draw from the batteries. Any replications that are well documented can be presented for reference purposes for consideration in the paper. Unfortunately, we cannot accept anonymous data as it must be tied in reference to the person(s) that performed the replication and tests for peer review.
I am hopeful that we will be able to identify the key aspects of this circuit's operation that result in the observed increases in COP. Once correctly identified, it should be much easier to replicate with success. For now, we are still in a very manual stage where precision adjustments are necessary and the 'art' at which they are administered is a learned process.
Although there has been much debate and banter over beliefs and understanding, it should be aptly noted that the viewpoints of others such as Poynt99 and MileHigh have certainly had their proper place in keeping our focus on the matters academia will be addressing in due time. Therefore, even without realizing it, the 'skeptics' as they are called, have played a vital role in the progress here.
Like the green flash at sunrise, there is a spark of something unique and interesting on the horizon that piques our curiosity as a new day dawns on humanity. We look, and we ask: "What do these things mean?"
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Hi everyone,
I just wanted to say I was able to acquire again the TDS 3054C from the Tektronix Corporation ( Thanks so much!!) to resume testing and evaluation of the "Rosemary Ainslie COP>17 Heater Circuit" until the end of the month. We will be trying to address any of the DSO testing requirements or proposals that may arise including any circuit modifications if needed from all members involved. I have a tight schedule now so any additional testing wanted please advise us so we can respond ASAP or in a timely manner to the request.
I want to personally thank everyones participation in this project and continued efforts .... also anyone with a Over Unity Forum membership that cares to participate there can now without fear of ridicule in the thread .... Rosie and Myself have been chosen as "Moderators" of the thread by Stefan .... which was quite a surprise to the both of us .... Thanks Stefan !!
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Originally posted by gotoluc View PostHi Rosemary and all,
I've been back home for a few days now and I have all the components to replicate except for the glass tube piece that Glen is sending me by mail.
Hopefully it will come in soon. In the meantimeI've replicated Michael STEAP circuit and having some interesting effects that I'll share by video soon.
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Hi Rosemary and all,
I've been back home for a few days now and I have all the components to replicate except for the glass tube piece that Glen is sending me by mail.
Hopefully it will come in soon. In the meantimeI've replicated Michael STEAP circuit and having some interesting effects that I'll share by video soon.
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Guys - the good news is that the DSO will be in Fuzzy's clutches later today - (for you Americans - tomorrow) 05.10.09. So. That long fast is over.
Our hopes are to hone in on some measurements to establish if inductance on the shunt changes anything - check the junctions - and, if Fuzzy's up for it - perhaps some more tests? Really good news.
More comforting is that the OU.COM thread has finally fallen off the front page. Let's hope it stays buried.
Please, please, if anyone can pick up on any aspect of the testing that Fuzzy's doing - that may require clarification THEN LET US KNOW.
Edit: I might add that I'm personally enormously proud of our kitty cat here.
YouTube - 20091105230529 - For anyone interested - a study of Poynt LOLLast edited by witsend; 11-06-2009, 01:21 AM. Reason: quick added note - CAN'T BE RE-ITERATED OFTEN ENOUGH
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Originally posted by witsend View PostJoit and Aaron - thanks for the kind comments on my scribbles. Probably exaggerated TK's good looks. And apparently MH boasts a full head of hair. Otherwise apparently nearly right. LOL
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Joit and Aaron - thanks for the kind comments on my scribbles. Probably exaggerated TK's good looks. And apparently MH boasts a full head of hair. Otherwise apparently nearly right. LOL
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Originally posted by ashtweth View PostSawry guys am in the mood to plug Rosie and CREW
Last quote on the vid is by our dearest
YouTube - Panacea's Free Energy Suppression production (Part 2, Segment 31 of 31)
Thanks to ALL
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Originally posted by witsend View PostHi Guys, We're all waiting for delivery of the DSO to Fuzzy. Bored so entertained myself by doing a study of TK and MH. Hope you find it amusing.
YouTube - 20091102215507The TK one actually looks like the pics of TK that have been circulating around the net. I'll post a link if I come across it again.
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Sawry guys am in the mood to plug Rosie and CREW
Last quote on the vid is by our dearest
YouTube - Panacea's Free Energy Suppression production (Part 2, Segment 31 of 31)
Thanks to ALL
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Rose Rulz
Our DEAREST Rose and Aaron here
YouTube - Panacea's Free Energy Suppression production (Part 2, Segment 30 of 31)
2 minutes in guys, Rosie got some new circuit results to post soon, don worry about answering this, check out the vid tho.
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