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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Working on other video

    Hi Rosemary and Harvey,

    Thanks for your comments on the video, the secound is being worked out now, it is in relation to this thread.

    The power coil is replaced by a 10 ohm 15w wire wound resistor, I do not have the resistor you are using, but this will give something near the results and explain a little as to what is happening as far as I see.

    On the video I was using a 50% duty+-, the meter was in series with the battery and the complete circuit and as so was showing the total amp draw of which part was the pwm and as so this is taken out of the equation to give the gain in the steap circuit.

    The gain is quite evident, now where is it coming from? my take on this, as this is how I designed the circuit so as to do this, is in the complicated phasing created in the circuit.

    We have a 12v input DC whichis pulsed at a frequency and duty to the circuit. The output is the power coil with the 0.39 cap to form the tank. the frequency is set to tune the circuit into its main resonance. Now the phasing transformer starts to work as a collector of the harmonics and send them back in again, "thats why I said complicated". When the mosfet turns off the BEMF goes into the phasing transformer as well as it has now other place to go, this sets up further resonance in the tank.

    Now the mosfet switches on and adds another pulse into the mix and so it goes on. This is why we have high voltage on just about all parts of the circuit and a voltage difference on the two legs of the output. I will show this on another video where on the one phase we can have 150v and the other 110v.

    The frequency has to be turned to the main resonant frequency it start with and is done by tuning to max volts at min amps with the load connected.

    I'm rambling a lot, sorry about that, but I am quite passionate about this.


    The pulse jet was something that I started when I got my hands rapped on the jet engine project. I was told not to continue on this and that is why I have not posted more.

    Must get on with the video, hope to post it later today


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  • jibbguy
    Lol that is ironic as hell "The James Clerk Maxwell Building"...

    Sounds like the basis for a new Dan Brown novel: A secret society of English professors and their minions, dedicated to protecting Maxwell's legacy from discredit! Coordinating a hidden world-wide network of MIB's that insure all knowledge of electricity stays at 1870's level for all time!

    When ever they discuss F-E devices among themselves (...always dressed in full robes and wearing those funny graduation hats...), they ritualistically raise silver hammers and shout: "Demon be gone!"

    My apologies to the NSA then. It seems i may have wrongly accused them in the past

    Seriously, great detective work Harvey.

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  • Harvey
    Hi Mike,

    It is one thing to be watched and read. I have been watched from the time I left CSI in 1981 onward, due to my knowledge and involvement of the Indium Phosphide project which was funded by the US government. From the days of BBS onward I have watched numerous files pass from my hard drives off into cyberspace. My clients have watched 'camped' IP's outside their routers only to be told by the FBI that they are legal and not to be worried about them. I don't mind the benign and the occasional perusal as all of the sensitive stuff is kept off site and undisclosed locations. Everything they can access has not been restricted.

    What I take exception to, is the deliberate malice associated with occupying my time cleaning up behind them. Their intent is not to take information, they already have all of that. No, their intent is to try and create distrust among members and steal time away from the project.

    My surprise was that Academics are apparently interested as well as the BBC, broadcasting or government either one.

    Good job on the video. I think I've seen that term used on other forums and videos..."AV Plug" it think it is? It may be good to explain it here, as I for one have forgotten the actual components involved and the phase relationship it offers. Do you have a phototransistor or CDS cell? A simple meter can be fabricated using one that can give real data for comparative analysis. Also, a little information regarding the ammeter configuration in the PWM panel. Is that in series with the input feed? Waiting anxiously for the next video

    As an aside, I found your video on the pulse engine interesting. Did you ever produce any followup on that yet? Do you have a thread here? I may have an idea or two regarding the elimination of all moving parts.


    Last edited by Harvey; 10-23-2009, 12:26 AM. Reason: left a word out...o.O

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  • witsend
    Hi Mike. I watched your video. Very interesting indeed. Can't wait to see the follow up. Thank you for this.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    video upload

    Hi all

    as promised I have uploaded a video of my STEAP set up which is an extention of the video that I did of no input, phase switching to produce power.

    I think this gives an insight into what is happening in your circuit Rosemary


    YouTube - STEAP 1

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  • witsend
    Guys - I think as a word of caution - it appears that our computers have all been fairly heavily targeted by some interested parties. Harvey's shown us the extent of his own compromised situation, Fuzzy's also cleaning things up and, discussion with Aaron shows an even wider target range. My own computer has now got a fairly aggressive blocker of the odd hacker - lacking until today. So. Those of us who subscribe to conspiracy theories - there always seems to be due and ample cause lending fuel to the fire - grist to the mill. Whatever.

    Mike - I don't think you were the cause. I think that these forums keep some rivetted attention from all kinds of interested parties. But Jibbguy is right. Provided one can keep a reasonable handle on the abuses - then open source is, in fact, our best protection. Even if we're individually targetted - the fact remains that it will need the systematic destruction of every member's credibility before another orchestrated attack on the individual can ever again warrant effectiveness or force. We're all a bit tired. But I think we're nearly at the top of a really long climb. It will be so nice to see the view from that summit. My prediction is that things will never quite look the same. A spectacular dawn on aether rising. Can't wait.
    Last edited by witsend; 10-22-2009, 03:40 PM.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley

    Trying to get this video done today. I know it is not exactly as your circuit Rosemary, but I think it has a relationship as to where the extra power is coming from.

    I will post it on my thread STEAP when it is finished and will be open to all comments be it good or bad


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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    Hi All,

    Sorry if I have been a bit absent here. I've been triple checking possible security holes to find that Skype seems to be the culprit. For those that think I am only being paranoid, I offer a couple screen shots I've humorously named Octoberus Virus Typicallus:

    Octoberus Virus Typicallus

    Octoberus Virus Typicallus Emailicus Enumerati

    Seriously, though, dealing with this stuff is time consuming and is the only reason such volume has increased 4,000% since I have been involved with the RA circuit. I have done specific IP tracing back from actual live connections facilitated by these viruses, Skype and these two forums (this one and OU).

    I was surprised to find a computer in Edinburgh University attached with an active connection. The contact information for that IP block was routed to a building called the James Clerk Maxwell building. That connection was monitoring my contact with Rosemary via Skype. I was also surprised to find a computer connected to mine via the OU forum, also located in England. This one was one of the many associated with the BBC communications company.

    Whatever the case, it is quite apparent that someone is trying to throw a wrench into the works here. A word to the wise.

    Hi Harvey

    The BBC is the british government, this may have come about because of my association with this forum, sorry about that. They use the front of the BBC so as no one can have a go at them if they are discovered as you have done.

    The Edinburgh university is a scientific research set up, similar silicon valley in the states, again HMG control.

    I am perminently monitored since 1989, I live with it, but it is frustrating when sending files and when the reciever opens the file, the file is empty, which often happens


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  • sucahyo
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    Octoberus Virus Typicallus

    Octoberus Virus Typicallus Emailicus Enumerati

    Seriously, though, dealing with this stuff is time consuming and is the only reason such volume has increased 4,000% since I have been involved with the RA circuit. I have done specific IP tracing back from actual live connections facilitated by these viruses, Skype and these two forums (this one and OU).
    Becarefull, norton product is well known to have security breach that allow remote control. Use zone alarm or kaspersky for firewall. Or something like fortigate (hardware).

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  • Harvey
    Hi All,

    Sorry if I have been a bit absent here. I've been triple checking possible security holes to find that Skype seems to be the culprit. For those that think I am only being paranoid, I offer a couple screen shots I've humorously named Octoberus Virus Typicallus:

    Octoberus Virus Typicallus

    Octoberus Virus Typicallus Emailicus Enumerati

    Seriously, though, dealing with this stuff is time consuming and is the only reason such volume has increased 4,000% since I have been involved with the RA circuit. I have done specific IP tracing back from actual live connections facilitated by these viruses, Skype and these two forums (this one and OU).

    I was surprised to find a computer in Edinburgh University attached with an active connection. The contact information for that IP block was routed to a building called the James Clerk Maxwell building. That connection was monitoring my contact with Rosemary via Skype. I was also surprised to find a computer connected to mine via the OU forum, also located in England. This one was one of the many associated with the BBC communications company.

    Whatever the case, it is quite apparent that someone is trying to throw a wrench into the works here. A word to the wise.

    Last edited by Harvey; 10-22-2009, 07:04 AM. Reason: Second link was to a small image

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  • Aaron
    circuit differences

    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    The added 4k ohms at the 555 positive rail was only for the "Ainslie - Murakami Negitive Dominant Waveform Generator Circuit" and is not used for the "Rosemary Ainslie COP>17 Heater Circuit" sorry for any confusion here with two circuits ......
    Just to follow up on this so nobody is confused...the negative dominant waveform tests were never intended to produce heat in the resistor. If anything, I have documented a temperature DROP on a few occasions, while showing a negative net draw from the battery.

    It was to show that the circuit load and timer can run on the SAME battery while showing that the battery is giving a net negative wattage meaning the battery is actually receiving MORE than it required to output to the circuit to run the 555 and switch the mosfet.

    The circuit Glen is running now IS intended to make heat, which is the original goal and is completely different from the "negative dominant" circuit, which I have done and Glen (the only one that I know of) that has replicated it.

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  • witsend
    Quantum - no problem. Goodness. It's necessary. I saw the parallel to those points that youbrought up so many posts ago? The thing is that all explanations are speculative - which helps no one. But they also all need to be expressed. We're all looking for an answer. I just needed to point out that we haven't actually found that answer.

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  • quantumuppercut
    Originally posted by Joit View Post
    First, you cannot sure say, it is the same Amount of Energy, what is comming out.
    You can measure something with a Meter, and say it is equal, but you dont count the Fluxfactor from the Field.
    Therefor, you can not sure say, how much Energy does move in there.
    Second, his assumptions about how long current moves in Wires is taken from
    classical View, but it isnt the same in a collapsing Field.
    Its pure Speculation, when he claim something, what maybe match at a Labor Experiment once, but not anymore, when you use different Wires and Coils.
    Even not sure. if the Mosfet is switching like he assume, but he do anyway no practially things,
    just spam the Threads full with Junk.
    Therefor, his whole Guessings what he do, he can trow it in a Ton.

    And the worst thing you can do is use a Powersupply, because the Spikes are lost in there. You maybe can measure a lesser consumption, but it is not the same.
    Most do know it, but they allways try to drag back to Caps and Power supplys,
    that the Results surly are not good.
    Its a Troll, nothing else, and everyone can see it. Nothing, like ' A Jury'
    I understand Joit. We cannot account for everything in the real world. Science is a guessing game and it can be wrong any day now. We just hope that we guess right and predict something that is useful..most of the time.


    I'm sorry for causing you trouble. It just made sense to me and I thought it would shed some light by brining it up. I neither see anyone contradicting themselves. Perhalf, it is just only me.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
    Hi Glen/Harvey/Rosie/Aaron /ALL. Well time for some Action then Luc . Glen it really has helped replicators my friend. Okay we finished a few tests and built your resistor. Went with Luc's/Alex's board lay out MAKES A DIFFERENCE, Also Glens rating inductor makes a difference got better performance 37 volts back spikes Still working through it guys, want to make sure we get what glen is doing and then can start the run time tests. Okay bare with us, here is Andrew's report.

    Hey all,

    I've been doing some more tests on the Ainslie circuit (negative dominant August 26 2009) and done a replication of Glen's / Quantum 10 ohm resistor (32mm diameter, 48 turns spaced 1mm, 150mm long). I used resistance wire of 6 ohms per meter (3 x 5m lengths of 30 ohms in parallel = 10 ohms).
    <Glen's resistor replication - windings.jpg>
    Imageshack - glensresistorreplicatioy
    <Glen's resistor replication.jpg>
    Imageshack - glensresistorreplicatio

    I changed the series gate resistance to 5.5 ohms and tried out the insertion of ferrite rods into the test resistors (the green one bought off the shelf, and Glen's).
    <resistor with ferrite rod.jpg>
    Imageshack - resistorwithferriterod

    Sure enough, the back spikes collected off the resistor / inductors improved - I then tuned the 555 timer and the resistor tests improved again. Our replication of Glen's resistor performed better than the green one bought off the shelf.

    I re oriented the mosfet so it was less likely to pick up any stray RF energy. Should I put a resistor across the gate and (source) input negative to eliminate the RF energy if there is still any left over?
    <mosfet re oriented.jpg>
    Imageshack - mosfetreoriented

    I used two 12v lead acid batteries to power the circuit.

    Results (in the order of the tests conducted):
    Test 1:
    Input - 24.6v, 900mA
    Output - 38v across 470 ohm resistor / 4700uF 50v capacitor

    Test 2:
    Input - 24.4v, 1050mA
    Output - 28v across 235 ohm resistor (2 x 470 ohm) / 4700uF 50v capacitor

    Test 3:
    Input - 24.5v, 750mA (18.375 watts of power)
    Output - 37v across 235 ohm resistor (2 x 470 ohm) / 4700uF 50v capacitor (5.8 watts of power)

    Temperature readings (final test):
    Ambient - 26C / 80F
    Mosfet - 53C / 128F
    10 ohm resistor - 53C / 128F (this may be the reading because the heat has radiated out over a bigger surface area being the black silicone?)
    555 timer - 68C / 155F
    235 ohm 20W resistor - 105C / 222F

    I did have trouble with the 555 timer as per the suggestion of adding some 4K ohms worth of resistance in series between the +12v and the power input (+) of the 555 timer. The 555 timer would not work unless the resistance was set to at or near zero (so full power was reaching the 555). I used a 25 turn 5K ohm variable resistor. The 555 chip gets really hot (see above).

    Hi Ash and Andrew,

    It looks as if your getting very close just as I did at first with this small but complex circuit .... well done my friends

    The 555 timer does look a little warm but if your following the revised August 12, 2009 Rosemary Ainslie COP>17 Heater Circuit there are several changes that I have made that makes a big difference or will as soon as the equipment is possibly available again for me.

    The added 4k ohms at the 555 positive rail was only for the "Ainslie - Murakami Negitive Dominant Waveform Generator Circuit" and is not used for the "Rosemary Ainslie COP>17 Heater Circuit" sorry for any confusion here with two circuits ......

    1) The Gate pot was a 5k ohm 10-turn and now needs to be a 10 ohm multi turn potentiometer (15-25 turn ) so that using a DMM or equivalent be able to adjust to 6.0 to 5.0 using the 32mm prototype "Quantum" load resistor.

    A digital Multi Meter or bench top unit able to see 00.00 type ohms not just tenths but hundreds to get the sweet spot of 5.80 to 5.30 ohms (checking pot back lash) and using a second DMM monitoring the highest voltage reading from your 24 volt battery bank while doing the gate pot "fine adjustments"

    2) The 555 off time potentiometer was a 10K ohm 10-turn needs to be a 15K ohm 10-turn to get the 3% duty cycle for the other testing at a lower duty cycle ..... right now the lowest is about 22% at full resistance at 10K

    3) The 12 volt diode at the positive rail unmarked is a 1N4007

    These are the only changes that has been done and are much closer to the original October 2002 "Quantum" Article and when I have time I will issue a new revised schematic with these and any other changes needed.

    From the looks of things you appear to be very very close to some excellent results with your load resistor ..... these items the 32mm resistor and the 10 ohm gate pot are very important items that appear to be the key to success for the results you want.

    The PDF ..... what great work strange to have my name attached to such a document but you and any helpers you have are doing a stand up job giving the "open source" community the information at there fingertips to reproduce this circuit

    Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 10-22-2009, 04:58 AM. Reason: added "Quantum" article PDF

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  • eternalightwithin
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    ... to the best of my knowledge no-one on this side has danced a victory jig. What I'm pointing to is that we're all being excessively constrained.
    Because it's better to be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Eh, Rosie

    My grandma always say, "Don't dcount your chickens before they hatch."


    P.S. My board is finished and I got 6 batts ... problem is only one is at 12.6 volts. And my 10MHz scope is useless for this effect. Selling crap to get gold (500MHz Tek.)
    Last edited by eternalightwithin; 10-22-2009, 03:20 AM.

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