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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Thank you Rosemary for posting the most amazing positive response I have ever received of all the video's I have done to date

    I will be redoing the experiment in about 4 days but this time using resistors to accurately measure the heat dissipated over time and post a more Scientific video. I just did not have time to do it so I did this simple test using a bulb to get a visual idea only of the energy difference (not a measurement) of pulsing vs straight DC.

    Anyone who can see the light (pun intended) should be able to see that the pulsing circuit method is visually demonstrating less energy needed than using straight DC. That is all this test is demonstrating since I have done this test in the past but using my quality digital ammeter and the results were telling me that nothing special was going on in the pulse circuit. So from now on I will never use an ammeter in my work no matter how expensive it is. I will measure heat in compared to heat out.

    and to all



    • Mark - always there, always covering our back. Many thanks. The one advantage of an 'evil sceptic' to coin one of TinselKoala's phrases, is that it rallies the forces.

      This is just such a HUGE battle. I must now try and plough through these threads and see for myself what other evidence is out there. If this, gotoluc's test is knocked, then all will be knocked. Surprisingly, academics are not so closed minded. They just don't own up to it. Perhaps we should get this forum to their attention or to their student's attention. It will then get to their desk, maybe? I'm possibly being a bit optimistic.

      In any event - it's at least good to identify the permanently closed minded. I'm just not that good at spotting it - close up or at a distance. Perhaps with time? Sorry to have dominated the thread with my sad attempt at getting henieck to look to the obvious.


      • gotoluc - nothing to thank me for. The test was fantastic. Elegant and entirely self-explanatory. It's heniecks reaction that may have finally taught me that there are none so blind as those who will not see.

        Sad really. But that, happily, is entirely outweighed by your own findings.

        I knew about the ammeter distortions from way back. It also held me up for a while. My actual measurement standards were given me by academics. So I knew they were right. The best proof, unfortunately, is with those digital storage scopes. Try and borrow one. Or take your test to a lab where they've got one. You'd be surprised how genuinely interested other engineers are when they're exposed to these kind of experiments.

        But well done gotoluc. You've done something wonderful.
        Last edited by witsend; 07-10-2009, 01:21 PM. Reason: added


        • Originally posted by witsend View Post
          So let's change the parameters of the test. We now have a circuit that has no switch. The inductive load resistor is simply placed in series with the supply source. I'm sure you'd agree that we can now apply the v^2/r analysis to establish the wattage.
          - here is what you stubbornly keep on overlooking due to the lack of knowledge. When you connect the battery, at the first fraction of the second electric energy is converted into energy of magnetic field. It happens very fast. Some energy delivered at the beginning is responsible for magnetic field formation - and the rest is going to fight the resistance- so it ends up as heat. It happens only at short time frame, takes relatively small fraction of energy – but it does take some! What keeps you from finding that is the fact that thanks to your “unbiased/uneducated” approach you don’t search for it here and the other one – that the amount of electric energy turned into energy of magnetic field comparing to the energy turned into heat, which we naturally measure in the hundreds of thousands times longer time frame is very small. On top of that there is your heavy bias of free energy perception, on which you have built far fetching theories for many years. Once the field is established – then all the energy transferred within the coil is turning into heat. You can precisely measure how much energy is delivered during the first few us of ms depending on your frequency – but you have no possibility to actually measure how much heat it really gives. You just assume that everything goes into heat and my position is that in reality some of that goes into the form of magnetic field- and is being stored there for later as long as there is the current flow present in the coil. Once this stops – the coil gives back all the stored energy and changes its form back to electricity – what you see as a “hefty spike”.

          You'll find that this is pretty well consistent with vi being the voltage from the supply source divided by the Ohms value of the resistor. No extra energy. But if you check you will find that there is an extruded magnetic field across that resistor with a measurable and identifiable justification or polarization. That field is there.
          - yes indeed it is here, like hell, and it took some energy to develop this field.

          It is not changing the amount of current flow from the battery. It is simply an inevitable result of an electromagnetic interaction. Where there's a measurable electric field there is a corresponding and measurable magnetic field.
          - I agree.

          And I think you'll agree that there is no EXTRA energy to apply that magnetic field.
          - the Ohm’s Law only determines how much flow is possible through given resistor having given pressure (voltage) – and in principle is not different from Venturii phenomenon known in hydrodynamics. But it tells you nothing of what this flowing stream of energy does, how it’s energy is changing forms. Some go into heat, some is used to form magnetic field of the coil, some may be changed into potential energy of lifted magnet, some into electromagnetic radiation in the form of light from a light bulb (which is the same as heat radiation but shorter wave), different fraction may accelerate some object increasing its kinetic energy, all at the expense of this electric energy flowing in the wire, and so on.

          Somehow the system knows that you are going to throw the switch and turn off the energy so it better take up more current.
          - it didn’t take up any more current – because due to Ohm’s Law – it couldn’t – but it transferred some flowing energy into the coil’s magnetic field in the very first instance you connected the coil to the current.

          And if it knew this, where did it put that extra current?
          - In your coil the energy is being stored in the form of the magnetic field - the same way you can store energy by lifting a brick. When it lays on a table doesn’t look like accumulated any energy at all, yet when it falls it gives back all the potential energy accumulated during lifting, no matter how long it was sitting there and not moving or doing anything. Although in the “zipon theory” you may think that the brick didn’t know when you were going to remove its support – and quickly picked up free energy form zipons - so it had some to transmute to the kinetic energy. Actually it can be equally useful model of reality as well- provided that the numbers make sense. In your case - they don't.

          We are simply allowing the benefit of that coil to enable a second cycle generation of electric energy in terms of known inductive laws.
          - known inductive laws don’t allow to form magnetic field out of nothing.

          If this is 'ridiculous' as you propose, then you must surely, at its least, show me where the extra energy came to allow for that magnetic field?
          - when you measure some amperes going from the battery to the coil – some of them in the very fist phase (multiplied by the voltage) are converted into the energy of magnetic field. This field stays there until you stop the current flow and gives back the same amount of energy as previously stored.

          But by using a resistor to generate it's own inductance refutes any evidence or need for that 'extra' energy.
          - it is not a resistor – but an ordinary coil with some resistance. Coil’s typically don’t generate their fields out of nothing.

          Don’t go for additional certificates for it – better go for certificate of your own logic.

          I have to defy not only my logic but the evidence of my senses to assume that extra energy has been delivered by the battery.
          - so there is the moment when you close the switch – when the current from the battery is starting to go through your coil- right? This is just normal thing – ordinary battery, a bit longer lead formed into one layer spiral, typical switch – the conventional current starts to flow… Why is it that this initial current flow in every other known to the human kind coil, right away starts to generate the magnetic field – but not in yours?

          you know that at some point after the switch closure the magnetic field is present - at least you are using its collapse to capture “free energy”. You know that the current must flow because you are using Ohm’s Law– yet you like it better to go into great struggle to invent new magical theory – instead just connect the dots here or get educated about what really happens to the coil when you close the switch and the current begins to flow. At least you were right about that – that it has something to do with current flow. Indeed – there is always the connection between this and magnetic field. Initially there is no flow and no magnetic flux, finally – there is maximal flow and maximal flux. After these several ms all the energy transformation in the coil goes from electrical energy towards heat only. Unlike forming magnetic field - it is not mutually reversible process of energy transformation here – so you say bye bye to the heat. But the energy stored in the field will later come back at you. When you stop the current flow – then reverse process begins and energy from the on battery cycle, stored in the from of the magnetic field transforms back into electricity again. There is no mystery to this process, there is no free energy generated here, the numbers form my actual and extensive tests confirms that. No f gain... By designing this circuit and by developing false assumptions based on that you have set an insidious, first intellectual, and then emotional trap for yourself. I wish you were able to set free from this “b u s h i t” as quickly as possible (with special regards to bull) and don’t drag other naive ones into the darkness with you. Test your littlie funny circuit thoroughly in different, energetically holistic way in the presence of qualified personnel. Cool down to 1uLn or less Take some pills if necessary. You deserve some rest after so many years of intensive hallucinations. This is it. It is over, you are not gonna to save the world. Grow up and get educated. Best regards, Henieck.
          Last edited by henieck; 07-10-2009, 05:02 PM.


          • Thanks Rosemary

            I'm a complete novice here and an optimist I must admit. I've been working with Bedini motors but I'm very interested in how to produce cheaper heat.

            "Witsend" how appropriate, you must be!


            • Originally posted by witsend View Post
              your bulb does not indicate the energy entering the circuit - it just indicates how much of the total energy supplied you dissipate in the bulb before it ever enters the circuit.
              This is not true. The energy that is entering the bulb must be equal to the energy dissipated by the bulb. It's a pure resistive load.
              - but it doesn't say how much energy passed by the bulb to the circuit.

              - It's a pure resistive load- of dynamically changing according to temperature resistance. You better use analog ampmeter, but he knows that...

              Why I didn't say anything about the 555 timer when you were arguing with Coala?
              - I simply don't care how one chooses to introduce pulses to the transistor-it was entirely irrelevant to the spirit of the phenomenon we were trying to investigate…


              • No Personal Attacks


                You are welcome to post in this thread and disagree with everything that is presented on a scientific level. But you are NOT WELCOME to use MY NAME as a SLUR in an attempt to express your disdain for Rosemary's excitement level, as you did in Post #417.

                Consider this a warning. Insults from anonymous posters are not tolerated in this Forum. Anymore uncivil behavior from you and I'll refer you to the Moderators.

                Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 07-10-2009, 04:58 PM.
                Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                • Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                  But you are NOT WELCOME to use MY NAME
                  - Hi Peter, you are famous. No offense, it is just my sense of humor and the lack of thereof of yours. Why don’t you relax and make 1He as a unit of skepticism or something… It was just the way to express what I think about the little gravity wheel I wonder sometime, whether you did more good or bad to this field. You lost much of your hard earned credibility in my eyes when I started associated you with thinks like – you know all the projects which turned out to be… noting at best. Consider this a warning yourself. You will loose all the credibility if you keep jumping into everything. But on the other hand - thanks for bringing this heater to the light – so I could check myself one of the things in this fascinating field. I am sincerely grateful for a little taste of what otherwise was remote.

                  Anymore uncivil behavior from you and I'll refer you to the Moderators.
                  - I am powerless, you can refer line, post or the whole person to the moderator. You know personally the moderator and you can do whatever you want. If the moderator sees it the same way as you do, which I doubt – you can press delete to this whole topic as well.

                  No more personal thoughts here. Let us treat each other as patients of psychiatric hospital.

                  From now on I promise to use only “Ln” abbreviation Ok, I am kidding…

                  On the other hand please just don’t get paranoid or something so from no on, that every time I mention “excitement level” you think I am making fun of you.

                  Anyhow, best regards Peter…
                  Last edited by henieck; 07-11-2009, 08:45 AM.


                  • henieck - You cannot seriously propose that I'd care to try and argue your points any further. You've played your cards - not so carefully I might add.

                    Edit I've just seen your last post. It constantly amazes me that disagreement must also result in disparagement. It seems that this 'closed mind' of yours is also accompanied by an extraordinary amount of testosterone and a rather overstated, heavy handed attempt at some kind of sarcastic wit.

                    henieck you have gone to some lengths to mock my own 'bad science' as you call it. But in doing so you've paraded your own. My comfort is therefore that as you've criticised Peter's device - then in a rather twisted way - I take it as a complete endorsement of that device. I now add my recommendation that you no longer be allowed to post on this thread. You have defied Peter's warning to indulge - yet again - another series of implicit and explicit insults.
                    Last edited by witsend; 07-10-2009, 06:18 PM.


                    • Everybody - Aaron has advised me that he regards this thread as being mine. This is generous and is actually not the case, but his generosity is deeply appreciated.

                      But mine or his, here's the thing. The claim to achieve any over unity result is really contentious. That it will generate anger from the both readers and contributors must therefore be inevitable. It is based on deeply held convictions from both sides of the argument. I know this.

                      I think therefore, any argument that is based on some question of science be it measurement or logic, should therefore be enabled, if not encouraged. But, this is only provided always that it is not accompanied by any indulgence in personal insults. The point is this. I and others on the forum do not hide behind an identity. Any comments that can be construed as an attack on the character or ability of those of us who do not hide behind an identity is, therefore potentially actionable. No-one would tolerate that level of insult outside of the forum. Why then should it be tolerated within the forum.

                      Freedom of speech, while a desirable object, also carries with it the need to temper that expression. I know I am largely speaking to the converted here. But it seems that yet there is a need to remind people. As has been repeatedly said by many contributors - courtesy is always a good guideline. Quite apart from which the lack of this tends to kill the energy that makes these forums 'just such a nice place to be', in the words of Armagdn03.
                      Last edited by witsend; 07-10-2009, 06:58 PM.


                      • What a fiasco.

                        An honest researcher tells you what he's found--again--and because he doesn't agree wit you and in fact his findings contradict yours, you get huffy and insulting and refuse to continue. And then you brag about how open minded you are.

                        Well, how about this:
                        BUILD THE CIRCUIT in the Quantum article, using Groundloop's circuit board, breadboards, or point-to-point, I care not. TEST IT with an oscilloscope just as Rosemary wants you to.

                        You will find that I am correct about the duty cycle problem and she is wrong.

                        Look, there's no point in arguing about this. I built it and showed what I found. And Rosemary is saying that I am wrong. Well, 4 other independent researchers that I know of, by now, have built the circuit and confirm my findings.

                        If I am wrong about the duty cycle it would be ridiculously easy to PROVE IT. But, since I have shown what I've shown re the duty cycle, it is now up to someone else, who might be claiming I am wrong, to refute me WITH EVIDENCE. Not more words.

                        Believers in Rosemary: Build the circuit and PROVE ME WRONG.


                        • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                          I now add my recommendation that you no longer be allowed to post on this thread.
                          - the truth hurts...

                          You have defied Peter's warning to indulge - yet again - another series of implicit and explicit insults.
                          - are you kidding? This is just the feedback from the environment - you choose how you interpret this.

                          If my friends were depriving me feedback for prolonged time – I would be miserable and don’t knowing even that I don’t know – which as you Rosemary, probably even don’t know how bad position it is to be in.

                          All right, I am new on this forum and I have to say I am sorry, because I didn’t know its rules. I understand that I am not forbid form formulating my thoughts in my head (yet) but if I thing that somebody is for example stupid (don’t take it personally again) I better keep it to myself, or better yet overwrite that with something else - but I don’t know how to translate it to English. I understand that you have nothing against what other people think and nothing against free, (yet contradictorily tempered) speech – but you prefer not to see it, or hear it. It is a part of reality deletion, I understand and respect that. I can adjust specially to those, who need protection from the surrounding environment like that. Also I am now aware of the fact that even talking about special treatment comparable to required in the presence of certain patients can be insulting to overly sensitive people, and talking about overly sensitive can be equally problematic as talking about no special treatment, because the latter may implicitly or explicitly imply something. No problem, I am adjustable and will keep my mouth s. I thought we were adults striving to get to the core of truth capable of hearing whatever the objective reality can “say”. But clearly people from the “free energy” field, after many years of intellectual beating and ridicule have lowered tolerance to criticism and I have happened to cross their lines – and I apologize for that. I didn’t use statement “you stupid f b” – but instead I said “get educated” and finished with “best regards” statement and hug emoticon. I thing people mostly will agree that it was neutral message if not positive one – but I promise to keep even personal thoughts like that to myself.

                          Moreover I will rethink whether I or any others in my presence have ever used Hertz’s name as a SLUR in any attempt
                          Last edited by henieck; 07-10-2009, 09:42 PM.


                          • Hi everyone,

                            I made a new video using standard resistors of equal value on the input side and on the recirculated Inductive flyback side pre entry of the coil. I have measured the heat on each but have not wet come up with a better way of measurement that will satisfy all but I am working on it.

                            New Video: YouTube - Effect of Recirculating BEMF to Coil test 4

                            In this test it is very very difficult for me to understand how energy could slip though the input 22 Ohm resistor and leave basically no heat and end up in the collapsing field side resistor at higher temperature then the boiling point and also do work pushing up a one pound magnet over 3/8 of an inch off the coil. We cannot consider voltage as having anything to do with the effect since it has no heat Energy. So what is doing this?

                            Please find the attached scope shot measured across the 22 Ohm input resistor and let me know if you can calculate this.



                            • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                              Everybody - Aaron has advised me that he regards this thread as being mine. This is generous and is actually not the case, but his generosity is deeply appreciated.

                              But mine or his, here's the thing. The claim to achieve any over unity result is really contentious. That it will generate anger from the both readers and contributors must therefore be inevitable. It is based on deeply held convictions from both sides of the argument. I know this.

                              I think therefore, any argument that is based on some question of science be it measurement or logic, should therefore be enabled, if not encouraged. But, this is only provided always that it is not accompanied by any indulgence in personal insults. The point is this. I and others on the forum do not hide behind an identity. Any comments that can be construed as an attack on the character or ability of those of us who do not hide behind an identity is, therefore potentially actionable. No-one would tolerate that level of insult outside of the forum. Why then should it be tolerated within the forum.

                              Freedom of speech, while a desirable object, also carries with it the need to temper that expression. I know I am largely speaking to the converted here. But it seems that yet there is a need to remind people. As has been repeatedly said by many contributors - courtesy is always a good guideline. Quite apart from which the lack of this tends to kill the energy that makes these forums 'just such a nice place to be', in the words of Armagdn03.
                              Well, usual its pleasant here and the Regulars are pleasant-natured, there are just some Guys. what pops in sometimes, and cause the Trouble.
                              They can not say, "I cant.." they only can say " You are wrong...".

                              And when someone claim OU for something, then its a red rag for them, to proove it, that you are wrong. Maybe they get paid for that. Who knows.
                              But when i look at H's posts, 1 at another Thread and rest here, then i think, he dont even want have it prooven, and he s only here for the Trouble.
                              Dont even get a Pic from his device, just shouting, that it dont works.

                              You only need to think outside the Box, and not inside, as seems most like to do, or only leave.
                              This way is not or hard to explain with the conventional EE Terms, wich most love so much, even, what really happens at the Magentic Field.

                              Just to sad, that they destroy with her ...... Behavior the work from all others.

                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                              • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                                But when i look at H's posts, 1 at another Thread and rest here, then i think, he dont even want have it prooven, and he s only here for the Trouble.
                                - you have no idea how much I want to see the free energy device, but I am not stupid and I will not get overly (“implicitly or explicitly”, you know, rather implicitly now) excited over some junky idea and swallow ever piece of s as…

                                it goes.

                                In the other thread I pointed out serious possible health hazard for those who in their blind high level excitement might have never thought about - and proposed how to detect it home way. Some guys are up scaling the devices both in dimensions and wattage terms and we are here to point out the possible hazards as well, but you can call finding hazard as trouble seeking, your choice.

                                They can not say, "I cant.." they only can say " You are wrong...".
                                - to be correct I should have said: I cant make my coil not to make magnetic field using electric energy when I put some current through it". Now I am politically correct, I hope.

                                debunker and trouble seeker henieck...
                                Last edited by henieck; 07-10-2009, 08:58 PM.

