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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    WOW! Thanks Rosemary and thanks Lisa & Tektronix!

    It is amazing what this TDS3054C has allowed us to see!
    This is great !!! This is what open source is all about !!! Thanks Rosemary and Lisa at Tektronix the TDS 3054C is a incredible Oscilloscope, a product to be proud of !!!


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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by eternalightwithin View Post
    I'm having trouble finding the hexfet heatsink.

    Also I have most of the PCB soldered except for the 1k resistor. The diagram shows as part of the 555 timer circuit but on the PCB there is extra hole in the middle that goes to the middle pin on the hexfet. Looks almost like a 1kOhm mcb potentiometer would go there instead of a 1k resistor.

    Hi David,

    Do you have this Groundloops Assembled PCB Image

    Groundloop made the board so him or gotoluc would know where to get the heat sink maybe another member that got one ..... but the Mosfet seems not to get over 140 degrees F ever that I've seen with a heat sink like I have.


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  • eternalightwithin
    I'm having trouble finding the hexfet heatsink.

    Also I have most of the PCB soldered except for the 1k resistor. The diagram shows as part of the 555 timer circuit but on the PCB there is extra hole in the middle that goes to the middle pin on the hexfet. Looks almost like a 1kOhm mcb potentiometer would go there instead of a 1k resistor.


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  • Aaron
    Thank you!

    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Everyone - MORE GOOD NEWS. Lisa has extended the loan of the TEKTRONIX TDS 3054C DIGITAL PHOSPHOR OSCILLOSCOPE until the end of November.

    Many, many thanks Lisa. This is much appreciated by all of us.

    WOW! Thanks Rosemary and thanks Lisa & Tektronix!

    It is amazing what this TDS3054C has allowed us to see!

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    @Rosemary & Lisa

    Great News!


    I'm sure it spelled out somewhere in a prior post, but can you refresh our memory as to what your last waveforms relate to? I cannot recall if you were looking at the sensing resistor, load or some FET pin. Thanx
    Hi Harvey,

    All the Tektronix TDS 3054C wave forms 40ns, 200ns, 4us and 20us were all on the International Rectifier - IRFPG50 HEXFET® Power MOSFET shunt the only photo of the Fluke 123 ScopeMeter was across the 10 Ohm "Quantum" prototype load resistor.


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  • Harvey
    @Rosemary & Lisa

    Great News!


    I'm sure it spelled out somewhere in a prior post, but can you refresh our memory as to what your last waveforms relate to? I cannot recall if you were looking at the sensing resistor, load or some FET pin. Thanx


    Still looking over the data dump - check your Skype

    @ .99,
    Thanx for the PM - Can you poynt me to a protel specific declaration to that effect? I recall reading somewhere that protel modeled a 0.04 Ohm impedance in the VSRC object, but I may be mistaken here. This exercise has not been to argue the validity of the various spice object models, but rather to draw you into an admission that the entire tool is only as accurate as the care put into ensuring each aspect is modeled as closely to reality as possible. Your use of the added arbitrary impedance resistor begged for specific attention as did the complete omission of any internal capacitance for the load resistor. If we expect to simulate what is really happening, we need to include the correct values for these things, not just picking something that 'closely resembles' the effects observed in a you-tube video with no real validation as to the values involved. I can twist the cal knob on my scope input and make 1V look like 5V and even a close up of the dials won't tell you what it is. Then you have to trust me when I tell you its 5V - and that will never fly. You put too much faith in TK's shows, and unfortunately, that is part of his tuition package - misleading those that are willing to believe what he tells them. Put your hands on the circuit and you will win the respect of your peers as well as those you believe you are trying to educate.

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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Hi Tyson. You spelled his name wrong. It's subhumanform.
    Glad you clarified that - I was trying to figure out why it resolved to:

    Should B Ham For Me

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
    Hi folks, it looks like as im typing this his recent spam effort has been removed, good job. I think he is trying to move some thread that probably has hit a high chord of truth and is trying to bury it. oh the user is shubhamforme
    peace love light
    Hi Tyson. You spelled his name wrong. It's subhumanform.

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  • SkyWatcher
    Stop The Spamming

    Hi folks, it looks like as im typing this his recent spam effort has been removed, good job. I think he is trying to move some thread that probably has hit a high chord of truth and is trying to bury it. oh the user is shubhamforme
    peace love light

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
    Crazy idea : maybe resonance poll electrons from 12V battery which is connected through ground wire...
    Hi Bogus. You're proposal is not as crazy as my own thesis - but its close. In all seriousness I'm inclined to a certain optimism here. But the frustration is that these negative effects are so, so small. How much error needs to be realistically factored into the results?

    But truth is that if we could get this shown with a little more wattage to measure then it would definitely argue to a breach of unity - rather than an improved efficiency. I might add, that having said that I'm now braced for a barrage of obections from our classicists - and the trolls from across the great divide.

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  • witsend
    Everyone - MORE GOOD NEWS. Lisa has extended the loan of the TEKTRONIX TDS 3054C DIGITAL PHOSPHOR OSCILLOSCOPE until the end of November.

    Many, many thanks Lisa. This is much appreciated by all of us.

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  • boguslaw
    Crazy idea : maybe resonance poll electrons from 12V battery which is connected through ground wire...

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  • witsend

    Guys - just a general question here. Did anyone notice the fact that Fuzzy's waveform shows a negative cycle apparently preceding a positive? Aaron went to some trouble to show that this is replicable.

    The fact that net negative voltage values are shown at all is rather extraordinary. But that this new waveform is evident? It seems to point to the fact that during resonance - the supply of energy somehow can get transferred to the inductor/resistor. This is the more so as the ringing effect seems to also transfer to the positive cycle - the precise reverse of what is usually evident from these collapsing fields.

    I'm not sure how this effect would stand as it relates to 'stored energy' - as is assumed by classical physics - nor if the positive part of that waveform then comes from the battery or purely from the resistor. Just so many questions. I'd be glad of some input here. Perhaps Harvey? or Jibbguy?

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  • Aaron
    timer power resistance

    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    3) The added 4,000 ohms was only on the Ainslie - Murakami Negitive Dominant Waveform Generator Circuit for more resistance .... why we needed it, changing to the new 10 ohm prototype resistor "ONLY" .... Aaron and I both were surprised and I don't know why, but in order to lower the 555 timer voltage that is what we had to do. The other Rosemary Ainslie COP>17 Heater Circuit leave it the same but maybe change only the 1N4007 diode out to a 1N914 or a 1N4148 the 555 circuit works much better.
    This was interesting. My timer will flatline if I crank the pot to max resistance with 1k of resistance. Glen's ran with several thousand ohms of resistance at the positive rail to battery.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Hi Luc

    Hi Luc ,

    I am pleased to see you back and that all is well.

    I am uploading a vid as I write this and I would love you to do a replication as it is right up your street and in line with your resonance thread.

    It should be uploaded in about 15min if all goes well with youtube, and I will post a link in my thread S.T.E.A.P


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