Hi Rosemary,
Guess what ..................... a e-mail from from "Zoltan SZILI" in my morning box ....
I think he wants to talk to "you" and wants me to forward your e-mail address which I will gladly do
Best Wishes,
Guess what ..................... a e-mail from from "Zoltan SZILI" in my morning box ....

Hello Glen xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank You for your e-mail.
My name is Zoltan SZILI. ( born in Hungary )
My english is not to good, but I understend and I can write it
a little bit.
I am a canadian private researcher. ( Near Montreal, Qc. )
My work is 99% simulation, using a computer program ( MICROCAP ).
This program include the Giles-Atherton physical model of electro-magnetism.
I have some experimental results in the electronic laboratory.
Actually, I have more than a thousend simulated electronic circuit of ZPE or
free energy. After 12 years of simulation, I have a good idea, what is the physical
processus of zero point energy extraction ( from vacuum energy fluctuations ).
I can also calculate the value of extracted energy using a simple formula.
E extr. = F * L * ( I max. * I max )/2
E extr. is the extracted ZPE energy.
F is frequency.
L is inductance.
I max. is the maximum current.
This formula is a degenerated formula.
The original physical formula is more complicated.
Can You communicate me the e-mail address of Rosemary Ainslie ?
Thank You for all.
Best regards, Zoltan SZILI.
Thank You for your e-mail.
My name is Zoltan SZILI. ( born in Hungary )
My english is not to good, but I understend and I can write it
a little bit.
I am a canadian private researcher. ( Near Montreal, Qc. )
My work is 99% simulation, using a computer program ( MICROCAP ).
This program include the Giles-Atherton physical model of electro-magnetism.
I have some experimental results in the electronic laboratory.
Actually, I have more than a thousend simulated electronic circuit of ZPE or
free energy. After 12 years of simulation, I have a good idea, what is the physical
processus of zero point energy extraction ( from vacuum energy fluctuations ).
I can also calculate the value of extracted energy using a simple formula.
E extr. = F * L * ( I max. * I max )/2
E extr. is the extracted ZPE energy.
F is frequency.
L is inductance.
I max. is the maximum current.
This formula is a degenerated formula.
The original physical formula is more complicated.
Can You communicate me the e-mail address of Rosemary Ainslie ?
Thank You for all.
Best regards, Zoltan SZILI.

Best Wishes,
