I'll PM you with my Skype info - I only turn it on when I am using it which is rarely. You can share it with Rosemary as well.
From a classical point of view, those large voltage swings (+/- 24V) seen in the ringing contain very little energy. In my imaginary circuit, the values were chosen to specifically exaggerate the power dissipation effects during the first spike cycle. After the body diode ceases conduction, the vast majority of the stored energy in the inductor is already dissipated. The residual energy seen is the sum of those minor ripples times the voltage swing, low power by comparison to the enormous 6kW pulse present in the center of the first spike after HEXFET turn-off.
I personally haven't read any data as of yet regarding power transformation from voltage to current or vice versa within a single wire due to its resistivity - I suppose it could be possible, I just haven't considered it. However due to certain physical geometries, self inductance can lead to power transformations where the process reacts similar to that of a standard transformer. A single wire acts as a one turn coil, and eddy currents in a core each act as a single turn. In order for a transformation to occur, a turns ratio must exist. When the ratio is other than 1:1, a voltage for current transformation occurs.
In the Ainslie test, there are other factors to consider - e.g. emissivity, incandescence, radio-luminescence, radiative cooling etc. Just because we do not see the photons being exchanged between the wire and the enamel does not mean they are not there. Also, we must consider the possibility that they do exist at invisible frequencies. Tungsten for example may emit red photons at low power levels, yellow at higher levels and full spectrum (white) at maximum levels. We tend to confine 'lumen' prefixed words to the visible spectrum, and 'radio' to that spectrum - but really, the process is basically the same across the board. Magnetolumenescence is also a distinct possibility. Of course the classical view is that all of these conditions represent an energy exchange and that the energy must pre-exist prior to the exchange. Static voltage, of itself with no current flow, is an energy source. The power can be as small as the energy stored on your comb after passing it through your hair, to as great as that stored in a cloud ready to produce lightning.
Lets say that none of the classical laws are violated in the Ainslie test. Can we still have a COP > 17? Sure. Just because the 'heating' efficiency is shown to be very high, does not mandate an OU condition. So we will have different camps, 1. the skeptics who simply refuse to accept such a high value and immediate jump to the conclusion that some error in measurement must have been involved; 2. the OU enthusiast who readily accepts that classical laws are flawed and immediately jumps to the conclusion that the test demonstrates a proof to the case; 3. The true scientists who recognizes that the universe is still being mapped and demands hard evidence to substantiate the observations and claims. 4. The experimental physicists who delve into the fringe areas of the unexplained and often witness first hand the bizarre actions that seemingly contradict the classical laws as we currently know them. 5. And then there are those who simply understand that we don't know everything yet, and that hard evidence is not always available at the present but are confident that in time the truth will always become known. And there may even be other camps that I haven't thought of. But regardless of what our beliefs are, the truth never changes. Our perspectives change - and sometimes the 'facts' change with them. But the truth always exists there, waiting to be uncovered. Remove all the possibilities and we are left with the truth.

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