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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Harvey
    Great Job on the Live Feed Mike! Looks very good.

    How are things going with the capacitors? Once that is up and running it would be fantastic to have that on the live feed also =)

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Hi glen and all

    Go over to the livestream site and we can talk there


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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    Hi all

    I have just activated a live stream channel, it is on now, what you see is a 11w FL running on an upgraded STEAP circuit and is recharging or the battery is acting as an integral part of the circuit. The battery never runs down.

    Livestream Webcaster

    name of centraflowsystems

    Hi Mike,

    I see the CFL is running bright ..... have you posted a schematic of the circuit yet ??

    For those who want to check it out "LIVE" Centraflow Systems - live streaming video powered by Livestream


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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    live stream video

    Hi all

    I have just activated a live stream channel, it is on now, what you see is a 11w FL running on an upgraded STEAP circuit and is recharging or the battery is acting as an integral part of the circuit. The battery never runs down.

    Livestream Webcaster

    name of centraflowsystems


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  • Joit
    Which one does? Gadegtmail? Do you have a Link?

    Fuzzytom, yes i know, not to post, what you are using,
    but i give the guys from the programs a challenge, to keep them uptodate :P.

    I think anyway, so far you are using Windows, there are some hidden open Doors made from the Builder.
    It just shows, how much holes M$ have to jam,
    when someone did find another Gap at this System and report it,
    but they dont do it by her own.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    OU prize is being claimed?

    Hi all

    Have you seen this guy on OU is claiming the OU prize.

    It seems that he is getting overunity in a similar form as us others, does anybody know more, his name is agentgates on


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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    Sorry to hear about this Mike, I was busy on other things today and missed all that. You may want to consider getting a new HDD, or at least do a military wipe on the old one before reinstalling everything. If the authorities have a mirror of your drive, then they will probably know in about 4 hours who did this. All they need to do is setup the trap with your old IP address and let the guys go on it. These types of attacks are serious crimes and specific tactical units have been put into play to enforce the laws that are already in place.

    I hope things get sorted out quickly. I don't think I'm on your contact list but I'll keep an eye out just in case.

    Anymore word on that burn or rash? That does have me concerned.

    Hi Harvey and Glen

    Thanks for the words, I am on my other computor at the moment which I hope is clean!!!!!!!!!!

    The rash is getting better with cortizone tablets, as of yet do not know what it is.

    I have found out how or through which enterty they got into my computor. They used a hack into the Ecartis mailing list manager and have been told that that goes to another trail etc, quite impressive!!!!! The message is criptive, the commands are unknown. Ecartis have been helpful and assure that there are no commands in the message, that is to say, any recipients do not have a problem!!!! only me. I have scaned the enclosed file so as not to pass things on to here which is coming from another computor.

    I will keep you all posted

    Attached Files

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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    Thanks Harvey, check your skype!

    Sorry to hear about this Mike, I was busy on other things today and missed all that. You may want to consider getting a new HDD, or at least do a military wipe on the old one before reinstalling everything. If the authorities have a mirror of your drive, then they will probably know in about 4 hours who did this. All they need to do is setup the trap with your old IP address and let the guys go on it. These types of attacks are serious crimes and specific tactical units have been put into play to enforce the laws that are already in place.

    I hope things get sorted out quickly. I don't think I'm on your contact list but I'll keep an eye out just in case.

    Anymore word on that burn or rash? That does have me concerned.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    Hi all"DO

    I am back after my few days away and whilst away I have had my computor invaded.

    Yes it was switched on from an external source, the pear gaudian 2 was infiltrated and turned off, all I have on the computor has been copied and all the peoples addresses I have have received a poor english written e-mail, some 330 people.

    For those here who have my e-mail address, which means I have theirs, this has not come from me and do not pinch the link that is in it in case it is a trap,YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

    Tomorrow I might have the police in to see what they can do to trace it back, here they have a special unit for computor crime. I will keep you all posted, even Peter has received this, well he was on my list.

    Hi Mike,

    I'm very sorry about what your experiencing which sounds like a worse case event .... one that everyone fears happening. The computer your using has been compromised and even using it to make contacts can be dangerous unfortunately as now the hackers always leave many ways to get back inside and it's up to you and programs to find them all which could be impossible or take days. I would suggest to copy all files of your work if you can and if your software is available do a fresh install of "everything" the easiest and safest way to get rid of anything thats hidden or been modified .... a pain in the arss yes, but from what you have indicated a must.

    This is where the best available hacker proof firewall plus additional software is needed what ever you can afford ..... but what ever you do and all members take note "DO NOT TELL ON LINE WHAT YOUR USING" under any circumstances because the hackers will know what you have and it narrows there attacks to that software ..... keep them guessing it makes it much harder .... unless it's a government agency then all bets are off they can and will do what ever they want and it's almost impossible to stop them.

    Best of luck my friend ....


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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Thanks Harvey, check your skype!


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  • Harvey
    Hi Mike,

    I've been thinking about your Fluorescent tube there. Without a photometer it is difficult to do any true comparisons between input and output. But it is very nice to see the long duration beyond the expected for the supply current.

    As regards the dark spot, this is usually a metallic transfer of materials in the tube to the glass. The gasses propagate to the colder regions and become deposited there. The metals come from both the mercury and the tungsten and when the conditions are right they can displace the phosphor coating on the inside the glass. This condition is common where ballasts or starters fail to turn off the heater current through those filaments. But I have also witnessed this effect in CCFL's which have no heater. It would seem then, that the cathodes themselves decompose under high voltage or high current conditions.

    Another cause of a 'dark spot' which can occur anywhere along a tube, is simply a loss of ionization. This can occur at nodal points within the tube or at one end or the other where the voltage drops enough to prohibit ionization in that region.


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  • Joit
    in case, you dont switch to Ubuntu you maybe wanna try search&destroy,
    it is a nice tool to look for spyware, i think, the usual way is first a harmfull File on your PC, that someone can get access to it.
    The home of Spybot-S&D! with continous updates.

    Sandboxie is a enviroment, where all Application can run at a secure Enviroment and not access the HDD without Permissioin.
    Sandboxie - Sandbox software for application isolation and secure Web browsing

    For a Firewall i use Commodo, what you can adjust how much it ask you.
    Firewall and AntiVirus Free Software Download from Comodo

    i still wonder, why and wherefrom we still have such Heroes there,
    which think, they are smart, when they hack other PC's ... actually NOT.

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  • witsend
    My dear Michael - this is getting positively alarming. Frankly I think Harvey must come forward with advice here and I'm not sure that he's at his computer at the moment. Otherwise Fuzzy - but he's also working today. I'm useless at giving advice as I know next to nothing about computers. But if they're also into your bank accounts Mike - ??? that's really bad.

    Please keep us posted. I wish EgmQC could come in with some advice. Anyone? I'll see who I can rally at this end. Golly Mike. My thoughts are with you and am so utterly impressed at your courage. What an example you are to us. But that hardly helps things. Just keep us posted please. And I'll see who I can rally at this end. Personally I'd close my account immediately and get my attorney involved. But am not sure if this is so feasible from your end. I know banks carry insurance against fraud - so your assets should be safe.

    There you go. You're the first member who is posting on higher power and applications and I think your trend setting is definitely alarming someone, somewhere? Who knows? Good heavens. Just PLEASE keep us posted.

    And you haven't given us an update on your arm. What gives there?

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Hi Michael. The good news is that if they're attacking your computer they're also running scared. But I'm really sorry to learn that they've been effective. Hope you've got the required backups. And I also hope that the Spanish Police can find the culprit. If they do, please let us know. I think we've all had a sample of these efforts.
    Hi Rosemary

    As of yet I have not included the police in this matter. I have been in contact with a mutual friend of ours, yours and mine, and it seems that this is a possible warning that they can do what they want.

    As of yet I do not know what I am going to do, my wife is very scared and familly comes first, but on the other hand, I AM A STUBOURN OLD BUGGER, and I have and will leave a trail that will cause them more that a little problem.

    As far as information on my computor, they are welcome, I do not keep really delicate things on my computor.

    Today also I am having problems with various banking accounts that I have, such as they cannot give me a transaction account of my credit card!!!!! they cannot give me an exact account of the movements of my current account, why, the answer is the computor is issuing a jumble of things, in which case I do not even know what is in my account, IF ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!

    At the moment my banks are returning ALL receits untill things can be clarified, this is their doing, not what I instructed. WHAT IS GOING ON?

    I will keep posting here, they will not stop me from doing this, even if I have to use a pay terminal.

    I was speeking to Luc yesterday via skype and giving a bit of a demo as well, I can confirm that I am now at least 11watts OU recharging the battery at the same time. That is 11w FL load + all the circuit over night and the battery is at its saturation point of charge, 12.78v, after 1hr of rest, running voltage 12.21v at a 200ma draw.

    This is the 5th circuit that I have built, this last with two phasing transformers so as to increase the load. As it stands at the moment, I calcultate that I can increase the load by some because the voltage going to the battery is just over 25v for recharging.

    Here is a very strange thing, without the load the current draw GOES UP. The other thing is it seems that the trigger frequency is just that, when it is in tune the circuit has gone into its own oscillation and I do not think it is the mosfet. Without a scope I can not say exactly except the main frequency is 6khz with an infinite amount of sub frequencies, when you have these multiple sub frequencies this is when it goes into orbit, to coin a phrase.

    Now I know that this is being read by my intruders and this is for them, TRY JUST ONE MORE THING AND I WILL CREATE HAVOC WITH THE TRAIL THAT I WILL LEAVE BEHIND. I know that the introduction of a free energy would colapse the world ecconomy, I am not that stupid, but leave ME ALONE

    Michael John Nunnerley

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    Hi all

    I am back after my few days away and whilst away I have had my computor invaded.

    Yes it was switched on from an external source, the pear gaudian 2 was infiltrated and turned off, all I have on the computor has been copied and all the peoples addresses I have have received a poor english written e-mail, some 330 people.

    For those here who have my e-mail address, which means I have theirs, this has not come from me and do not pinch the link that is in it in case it is a trap,YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

    Tomorrow I might have the police in to see what they can do to trace it back, here they have a special unit for computor crime. I will keep you all posted, even Peter has received this, well he was on my list.

    Hi Michael. The good news is that if they're attacking your computer they're also running scared. But I'm really sorry to learn that they've been effective. Hope you've got the required backups. And I also hope that the Spanish Police can find the culprit. If they do, please let us know. I think we've all had a sample of these efforts.

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