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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • poynt99
    In both the quantum article and the EIT paper they specify batteries, however in the EIT paper page 13 they say this:

    Tests have also been conducted from alternating current supply sources using step down transformers.
    Not stating if the same effects could be achieved with the AC-sourced DC supply (assumed), only leaves one speculating.

    Therefore maybe it's best assumed that batteries are preferred.

    The "VDC" component in PSpice is not a modeled battery. It is ideal. It is possible that Protel created a battery component modeling a real battery, but I would be surprised if that were the case.


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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by poynt99 View Post
    Nice work Glen. It will be interesting to see how it performs.

    It doesn't look like I'll receive a response on my battery vs. lab supply question, so I'll pose it to everyone else. Is using a lab supply valid for RA's circuit?

    Aaron seemed rather adamant regarding the liquid acid battery being more reactive in some way. Honestly, I haven't checked the details in the Quantum or White Paper information to see if it denoted any difference there.

    However, I have seen very specific interplay between the Spice 'battery' (which is really just a voltage source with built in impedance) and the inductor. How this occurs in reality is a different story.

    At this stage of the research of this thing, I would say whatever you think you can to do to get the effects Rosemary demonstrated at the show is the way to go. But there should be some sort of hypothesis you are trying to prove or disprove in the process. If your hypothesis is that any power should be ok, then first we must have a circuit that produces the effect - then we can alter the power sources to exclude that as a contributing factor. Identifying the original type of power used would be a first step.


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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Hi Harvey. Such a pleasant surprise to see you back so soon. And am sorry to hear about that accident. How really sad.

    It's possible regarding the 'turns' edit (and wire type) but will check when Donny gets in. So chuffed you're back. I thought you'd be away for a week or so.
    I'll need the week to do the video proper - my camera with the tripod went flakey (switch I think) and needs repaired or replaced. Or I can rig up something to hold my cell camera which I have been using lately because the file compression is you-tube friendly. Also I want to get the circuits working without the convergence errors as well. Plus I have a couple other projects I need to attend to in between it all, not to mention prior engagements demanding my time. So, I estimate about a week for demonstrable results.

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  • poynt99
    Nice work Glen. It will be interesting to see how it performs.

    It doesn't look like I'll receive a response on my battery vs. lab supply question, so I'll pose it to everyone else. Is using a lab supply valid for RA's circuit?


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  • witsend
    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    @ Rosemary,

    The resistor for a first one came out better than I thought ..... hopefully the specs were correct in the Quantum article because testing will be later today

    Thanks for this Fuzzy. Very much.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    @ Rosemary,

    The resistor for a first one came out better than I thought ..... hopefully the specs were correct in the Quantum article because testing will be later today

    @ Don & Harvey

    I hope the Quantum article is correct ..... if not I have enough wire to make 5 more 10 ohm whatevers


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  • dllabarre
    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    Hi dllabarre,

    It's 8.64 micro Henries a replication of the load resistor made by Specific Heat CC (SA) that was used on the "Rosemary Anislie COP>17 Heater Circuit" in the Quantum Article - October 2002

    @Glen <----- now that's an annoying color

    I'm trying to get Glen's attention to my questions.

    Did you measure 8.64 micro Henries with an inductance meter?
    (some people use calculations which are not as accurrate as using a meter)
    Did you measure 10.0 ohms with an ohm meter?

    What temperature was it when you measured the resistor?
    The temperature will effect the ohms.
    I'm not sure if temperature effects the inductance.

    Please... no offense to these questions.
    I'll being picky because this circuit is picky.

    Last edited by dllabarre; 09-16-2009, 03:26 PM.

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  • poynt99
    Battery or Lab Supply?


    Is a lab power supply valid and permitted for the 12V and 24V supplies needed to test the circuit for the COP=17 claims?

    If not no problem. I have a number of SLAB's Gel-Cells etc.


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  • witsend
    Originally posted by dllabarre View Post

    I see you're posting on also.

    I take it you weren't getting enough abuse here.

    Hi dllabarre. We get the abuse no matter what. But it gives me a chance to get close and personal with the trolls. Not sure that it helps. I see, with some alarm that this device is being discussed all over the place. At least has Stephan there to stop the outright porn.

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by Harvey;

    Is it possible the printed specs for the resistor should have read [B
    3[/B]8 instead of 48 ? perhaps a subtle misprint easily overlooked?

    Also - Could it be that the manufacturer was using an SWG resistance wire instead of an AWG? This can change the values per foot.
    Hi Harvey. Such a pleasant surprise to see you back so soon. And am sorry to hear about that accident. How really sad.

    It's possible regarding the 'turns' edit (and wire type) but will check when Donny gets in. So chuffed you're back. I thought you'd be away for a week or so.

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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    Hi dllabarre,

    It's 8.64 micro Henries a replication of the load resistor made by Specific Heat CC (SA) that was used on the "Rosemary Anislie COP>17 Heater Circuit" in the Quantum Article - October 2002

    It's been a long day - but I'm back. Someone just a few minutes ahead of me didn't make it home tonight, rolled their car into the center divider CHP and Paramedics got there seconds before I did - I can only hope they survived, all the glass was out and personal items from inside the car were strewn for at least 1500' - tragic.


    The math shows the coil should be 38 windings for 8.7uH - I see about 46 or so on yours - calcs to about 12.8 for 15.2cm (Coil Calculator ) but then that would mess with the resistance.

    Well, hope you have a meter (wish I knew where mine went )

    Is it possible the printed specs for the resistor should have read 38 instead of 48 ? perhaps a subtle misprint easily overlooked?

    Also - Could it be that the manufacturer was using an SWG resistance wire instead of an AWG? This can change the values per foot.
    Last edited by Harvey; 09-16-2009, 09:55 AM.

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  • witsend
    Fuzzy - WOW. It looks amazing. Really well done.

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  • dllabarre
    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    Hi dllabarre,

    It's 8.64 micro Henries a replication of the load resistor made by Specific Heat CC (SA) that was used on the "Rosemary Anislie COP>17 Heater Circuit" in the Quantum Article - October 2002

    Congrats on the replication!!!

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by dllabarre View Post
    Looks nice.
    What inductance is your resistor?
    Hi dllabarre,

    It's 8.64 micro Henries a replication of the load resistor made by Specific Heat CC (SA) that was used on the "Rosemary Anislie COP>17 Heater Circuit" in the Quantum Article - October 2002


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  • dllabarre
    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    Hi everyone,

    I just finished my "Borosilicate Glass Tube" ( Pyrex ) 10 Ohm Wire Wound Resistor, it's specifications are - 32 mm OD. x 6 inches long, 48 turns of AWG 20 [.032 dia] ( .6348 ohms ft ) "Ni Cr A" 80% nickel, 20% chromium resistance wire.

    The outer covering is "Permatex" Red High Temp RTV Silicone - Continuous Operating Temperatures °C (°F) -54 to 316 (-65 to 600)
    Red High Temp RTV Silicone #81409

    Looks nice.
    What inductance is your resistor?

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