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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Bedini-Ainslie Hybrid

    Maybe the world's first Bedini-Ainslie-Hybrid. SG oscillator with inductive resistor in series with the coil and transistor's collector. Inductive spikes fed to front to power itself and charge the front battery at the same time.

    YouTube - Bedini-Ainslie Hybrid - self oscillating inductive heating circuit

    Anyone that sees this video without the blinders will know what they're looking at and the significance of it. I'm not showing efficiency, cop, or any claims. What I AM showing is that I can take the inductive spike and put it back to the front to do 2 things. One is to charge the front battery and to heat a resistive inductor at the same time.

    With output connected to input, the battery voltage has incremental increases while the overall trend is down. I'm not saying the battery will charge until it explodes and causes a black hole that sucks us all in. I'm saying the battery receives charge from the spike that adds some kick to the battery slowing its overall decline in power giving ability. Without the output connected to the input, the battery drops faster over a shorter period of time.

    This means I expended a certain amount of potential from the battery to get a certain amount of work done. And for that potential, more potential is available to do more work and this happens over and over and over and over and over for the same amount of potential from the input. Each time it cycles over and over has a diminishing amount free from nature each cycle and the collective amount of work done is more than would be accounted for from the potential that was depleted from the battery.

    I showed my self-powering oscillator. YouTube - Self Running Bedini Oscillator I'm doing the same thing there and the spike DOES recharge the front. That is why you see I have a cap on the front end and one on the back end. There is no battery on the circuit. You see it start to run, input capacitor drops, drops, drops and by then the output cap has more in it and the spikes created will increase the voltage in the front cap. The cap voltage increases, the spike is being used as potential to charge the coil AND charge the cap. The front cap charges until it is in harmony with the voltage pressures on the back side. I admit there is a single ground rod connected to the recovery cap but the feedback to the front is the same.

    The feedback method has been discussed in the Electric Motor Secrets thread as well. And I described a few scenarios to take output and put it back to input a couple days ago.

    If anyone believes in the first and second and even third law of thermodynamics, read my last few posts in the 1 joule thread here:
    If anyone has a skeptical answer based on the conventional viewpoint, it won't add to that thread by posting it since there are already a good handful of posts about the conventional viewpoint.

    I think that anyone that wants to look at it unbiased for it I'm saying may find that even if it is not correct, it is more logical and makes more sense than the conventional viewpoint as far as definitions of even the concept of potential energy and the myth of "storing" potential in an apple sitting at 20cm. lol
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • funds

      Originally posted by witsend View Post
      Aaron - I'll see what can be negotiated. The problem in getting money off the device - is not moral. It's just so difficult to contract. And so boring to monitor. I've got better things to do with my time.
      Money is a good resource to leverage for many projects. I'll email you the African related ones and others. You'll see how it all fits together.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • Originally posted by Hoppy View Post

        Could you offer your work to other labs in the US? Once you have a few validations, then your claim is much more difficult to refute. You need to be in full control of the process from start to finish. Its not wise IMO to trust others to present your work independantly for validation on your behalf.

        Edit - sorry I meant to say I can't control it without actually going to America - and that's not going to happen if I can help it unless it's under the duress of a Court Injunction. I have a horror of air travel only surpassed by a greater horror of sea travel. I'm more than mildly neurotic. I travelled when I was younger. Now the only thing I'll tackle and enjoy is driving. If there were a land link to the US I'd maybe get there.

        But my experience of 'replicated tests' is very good. There is only really resistance from academics. Most engineers are very open minded - in my experience. The problem is that they can't motivate research unless there's some explanation for the energy. That's why I'm trying to concentrate on the 'measurable proof'. It's classical protocol.


        • Aaron - that was FANTASTIC

          I just need to tell you that. I've got to go back and look again.


          • Originally posted by witsend View Post
            Edit - sorry I meant to say I can't control it without actually going to America - and that's not going to happen if I can help it unless it's under the duress of a Court Injunction. I have a horror of air travel only surpassed by a greater horror of sea travel. I'm more than mildly neurotic. I travelled when I was younger. Now the only thing I'll tackle and enjoy is driving. If there were a land link to the US I'd maybe get there.

            But my experience of 'replicated tests' is very good. There is only really resistance from academics. Most engineers are very open minded - in my experience. The problem is that they can't motivate research unless there's some explanation for the energy. That's why I'm trying to concentrate on the 'measurable proof'. It's classical protocol.

            I understand your problem. Measurable proof can only come from a method and procedure that satisfies all those who intend to study and analyse the results. Using batteries is frought with problems because they are by nature extremely non linear devices. Aaron is correct when he says that a battery will discharge slower when receiving 'spikes' and this is completely understandable even in the classic sense. I have spent hundreds of hours studying this and have built systems that appear to gain for an hour or so, but they all end up under unity if left to run long enough.

            I have been mislead many times using batteries and have learnt the hard way that they operate in a complex manner, almost akin to living things. However, I'm more than confident that if a system can operate true OU for a few percent of the total test period, then there will be irrefutable evidence available by means of a battery capacity measurement. John Bedini tells us that we will not see a gain in any of his pulse operated devices without measuring the batteries. I have no reason at all to doubt his wisdom in this respect. IMO the method and procedure is reasonably straightforward. Getting the desired result is not!



            • If Zoltan Joins

              Originally posted by witsend View Post
              There - I think it's already looking better.

              Guys, I have some news. It seems that some small application of this device will be studied for commercial application. I am not involved but have asked that there be a video made for reference. In principle this has been agreed to. So, with luck we'll have a small application of this device available in the near future. I'll keep you posted.

              The other good news is that I've heard from Mr Szili. I'm not sure he even knows about this thread but he's very approachable. I'm trying to solicit his interest here. Failing which, I at least hope to keep his interest in studying results - such as gotoluc's tests and maybe giving us an assessment.
              Looking forward to Zoltan's arrival.

              I've started a thread on it here:

              My findings so far are that the wave form is somehow "mirrored" and the amplitudes are quite high in his "results". I quote "results" because of the nature of how these values were calculated.

              Can anyone explain why many of the calculations are using a factor of "1000 times" ?



              • Thanks for understanding my little outburst. lol.

                I am not 100% free to speak. Bound by contract. I started out this thread giving pointers where I could.

                For the most part this is a fantastic place, and the only one I even consider reading. Thanks to all who have made this possible, for the first time (seriously) I think progress is being made.


                • Hi everyone,

                  I know many of you may have over looked my posting earlier in the thread on my comments on grounding .....


                  This I feel is very important so I'm showing it for the second time .......

                  There has been something that I have noticed looking at many older documents and illustrations of the term "Ground" as in Earth or "Terra firma" Terra firma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . As you all know common voltages from countries vary, the UK, Europe, Africa parts of Asia many more not to be named for example use 240 volt ..... but the United States and other North and South America countries use 120/240 volt ..... the big difference is how the "Ground" is connected and referenced.

                  Where 240 volt is and the only voltage available meaning "NO" 120 volt, a ground conductor is actually Grounded to "Ground", Earth or "Terra firma".

                  Where 120/240 volt is a ground conductor is bonded to the Neutral wire in a Electrical Service Panel (circuit breaker or fuse) whether in a residence, commercial or industrial application. This would also include "Bonding" of any ground rods, water pipes ( if metal ) and natural gas lines all bonded to the Service neutral conductor. SO A GROUND WIRE AND EVERYTHING CONNECTED TO IT ( neutral wire, pipes ) IS NOT A TRUE GROUND and anything connected to it can be subject to unwanted frequency's or harmonics induced into the grounding system through the neutral conductor.

                  How To Fix -

                  A separate "Ground" Earth or "Terra firma" connection must be used generally called a "Isolated Grounding System" using one 8'-0" ground rod a minimum of 6 (six) feet from any other ground rod system or underground water and gas lines. It must be totally isolated using a minimum of a #8 AWG insulated green conductor and must not be connected in any way to you existing grounding system ..... any questions you should contact a qualified person (disclaimer).

                  Testing equipment causing harmonics can be somewhat isolated during operation using a "UPS" power battery back up supply ( AC to DC to AC ) but that does not solve the ground reference problem.

                  An electronic circuit to free energy

                  Not need an oscilloscope to demonstrate on the unit: it is enough to measure currents ex 2: between the earth and the resistance R2, and between the land and the resistance R1 "
                  I feel there is some importance here because of the need for a "squeeky clean" ground so as there is no voltages, frequency's or harmonics induced into operation and measurements of devices.

                  As you know I'm sure, in a residential area as many as five (5) homes can be connected to one utility transformer supplying 120/240 volt "with a common neutral" to each home and bonded to a grounding system (if there) possibly inducing unwanted results in simulations of replications and measurements of results.

                  TK posting and admission of testing means ......

                  Claimed OU circuit of Rosemary Ainslie

                  It is connected to the terminal where I connect the negative battery terminal and also an Earth ground ( a wire to a cold water pipe under my kitchen sink which I always use in electrostatic experiments--which, by the way, show far far more "free" energy that any mosfet circuit can.
                  This is probably the best part ......

                  which, by the way, show far far more "free" energy that any mosfet circuit can.
                  He is admitting to stray voltages, frequency's and harmonics.

                  I have recommended that the testing is skewed by his own admission and that should be thrown out, you cannot cross reference "AC" and "DC" grounding through ground loops with bonded neutrals connected and have semi conductors operate 100% properly.

                  Best Regards,
                  Open Source Experimentalist
                  Open Source Research and Development


                  • Good News at last, that he see some possibilities in that Circuit
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • How relevant would the extra energy be?

                      EXTRA energy in the circuit would skew the results towards HIGHER COP!!
                      The reason he states its very easy to get OU [erroneous results]
                      If you don't have a good ground
                      Anyhow when he gets home from work I'm sure he will respond
                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                        EXTRA energy in the circuit would skew the results towards HIGHER COP!!
                        The reason he states its very easy to get OU [erroneous results]
                        If you don't have a good ground
                        Anyhow when he gets home from work I'm sure he will respond
                        You mean inducing AC voltages or frequency's or harmonics into a DC circuit through the ground ?? Even the now claimed isolation transformer TK has he now has mentioned for the first time, what kind is it, a plug in kind with separate wiring terminals. No, he states even making connections to the water pipe under his sink creating now a ground loop ..... he may have skills ..... so do I ..... and what he's done is wrong ....
                        Open Source Experimentalist
                        Open Source Research and Development


                        • Circuit

                          Not having a schematic/blueprint of how his domicile is wired
                          I cannot comment
                          Only to add this, he experiments with EXTREMELY high voltage
                          And has taken cautionary steps towards Safety
                          You are making a strong statement.

                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • Glen: You are misunderstanding and somehow connecting the mains ground vs. independent earth ground issue with running an experiment on your bench with a regular power supply pluged into a wall socket or with a battery. The power supply creates it's own DC power environment. The only ground that is significant for the circuit is the DC power supply's ground. The power supply's ground has nothing to do with the earth ground and there is no connection between them. The +12 volts that the power supply generates is relative to it's own DC ground, and it is stable and noise free, and it is the only thing that counts. If there is any tingle voltage on the ground of the wall socket relative to an independent earth ground, this will not affect the power supply's own DC ground/+12 volt environment. If the power supply's DC ground tingles relative to the independent earth ground, then the DC power supply's +12 volts also tingles in exactly the same way relative to the independent earth ground. Between the DC ground and the DC +12 volts, there is no tingle at all.


                            • different

                              Originally posted by Hoppy View Post
                              Aaron is correct when he says that a battery will discharge slower when receiving 'spikes' and this is completely understandable even in the classic sense. I have spent hundreds of hours studying this and have built systems that appear to gain for an hour or so, but they all end up under unity if left to run long enough.

                              You're describing the "fluffy voltage" thing that I mentioned. I've experienced that a lot too. But it doesn't always have to be this way and Rosemary's circuit isn't necessarily getting this fluffy voltage either. Only part of what the battery gets is fluffy, there is some real charge even though it may not be much.

                              If the battery receiving spikes is the sole power source for the input - meaning all the necessary power to run the circuit is coming from the battery, even if there are spikes being sent to it, the power battery has full view of the output, it will run longer than normal and of course will still go down but the efficiency is absolutely increased to a certain degree.

                              However, this is not totally the case with my circuit because the primary source of power is first taken from the output cap and whatever else is needed is then taken from the battery, while at the same time, the battery receives part of the spike. There is a HUGE difference.

                              The difference is this. Even if have spikes to the front battery, the battery will be giving full current for the operation at whatever voltage. Lets say 1 amp. With my circuit, the SAME work is being performed while the battery gives less current at whatever voltage.

                              On an SG, it is easy to do this method and drop the front current by 50% while doing the exact same amount of mechanical work. On these oscillators, over 90% can be reduced from the input doing this.

                              The spike isn't the only way to send power to the battery.

                              Charge a cap with the spikes and when the cap is a few volts above the battery discharge it - preferably with a mechanical switch but the discharge must be when the battery is disconnected from the circuit. With a fast high capacitive discharge, there is a VERY STRONG punch the battery receives.

                              This vid:
                              YouTube - Bedini SG | Mechanical Switch

                              You can see the left two leads on the switch are putting the front battery in the loop. Then it is disconnected and the cap is dumped straight to the battery. It wasn't running in this video, I was just showing how to take the output and dump it back to the front with the battery disconnected for that brief moment. You can do a lot with an empty cd rom container and pieces of copper. lol
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by MileHigh View Post
                                Glen: You are misunderstanding and somehow connecting the mains ground vs. independent earth ground issue with running an experiment on your bench with a regular power supply pluged into a wall socket or with a battery. The power supply creates it's own DC power environment. The only ground that is significant for the circuit is the DC power supply's ground. The power supply's ground has nothing to do with the earth ground and there is no connection between them. The +12 volts that the power supply generates is relative to it's own DC ground, and it is stable and noise free, and it is the only thing that counts. If there is any tingle voltage on the ground of the wall socket relative to an independent earth ground, this will not affect the power supply's own DC ground/+12 volt environment. If the power supply's DC ground tingles relative to the independent earth ground, then the DC power supply's +12 volts also tingles in exactly the same way relative to the independent earth ground. Between the DC ground and the DC +12 volts, there is no tingle at all.
                                I understand what your saying on power supplies also isolation transformers and UPS's, but TK's statement was ... and is ...

                                It is connected to the terminal where I connect the negative battery terminal and also an Earth ground ( a wire to a cold water pipe under my kitchen sink which I always use in electrostatic experiments--which, by the way, show far far more "free" energy that any mosfet circuit can.
                                This as far as I've been taught it's wrong putting a device operating on DC with a battery and placing it's negative on a AC grounding system, and doing testing of that devices DC circuit, am I wrong here ?? Should it if a "battery" is used in the DC circuit have a separate grounding system reference point and not be using a shared AC grounding system with a bonded neutral?

                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

