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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • witsend
    Milehigh Miles Off The Mark - As Usual

    I may be flogging a dead horse here but have posted another answer to MH via Allcandadian - on another

    By Allcanadian
    .... Regarding the Ainslie (name edited as MH persistently refuses to spell this correctly) paper---"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"--Albert Einstein.

    Hi AC. I get it that you're defending us here and am grateful. But there's an unhappy implication in your chosen quote that leaves one with the impression that we 'don't know what we are doing.' I beg to differ as the claim here has never been entirely that these heat signatures MAY be evident - but rather - that they WILL be evident. The initial Quantum paper detailed a circuit configuration that was intended to test a magnetic field model that proposed that all identifiable three dimensional objects - or amalgams - are bound by the very thing that astrophysicists claim 'binds' our galaxies. They call this energy 'dark energy' and propose that it's from a dark particle. The magnetic field model claims that this same particle binds amalgams and that it is invisible to light precisely because it is both smaller and faster than light. In effect the particle that binds the material of conductive wire on a circuit is the particle that is able to extrude the body of that material and adjust its position in space. In other words the 'thing' or the 'energy' that has been transferred to the atoms in that wire - is simply fields of these zipons as I have presumed to call the particle.

    So. The departure from classical physics is that these fields are extant, in the first instance, and that they are responsible for the apparent exchange of energy in the second instance. They are the fields that adjust to imposed imbalances - of whatever nature. And they are plastic and can and do move through space to balance their own charge. This, in turn, balances the distribution of charge of the actual atoms. But they only ever interact with the atom's energy levels. The atoms themselves are invisible to the field just as the field itself is invisible to us. We can only measure the ionised state of the amalgams. We cannot see these fields. We can only measure their effect over time. Their positional adjustment precedes our own time frame which answers both questions of locality and the apparent and instantaneous measure of voltage across a circuit that has this innate measurable imbalance. As presumptuous as it is, the proposal is that the change in the distribution and manifestation of these fields is precisely what classicists term and measure as an exchange of energy. In effect, the proposal is that energy is vested entirely in these fields and that the energy exchange actually occurs at a level that is also entirely invisible to us. And, in any event, the exchange has come and gone as we can only measure those 'changes' in its wake.

    All this would simply constitute an alternative description of classical views of energy exchange - but for one difference. The proposal is that these fields have properties of mass that vary. If their orbits are broken through some applied imblance their mass changes. And their mass has innate properties of heat and velocity. They become fast and small and cold or slow and big and hot in precise and inverse proportion to each other. Small and cold and fast, they have achieved their balance and interact with atomic energy levels. Hot and big and slow, they have lost their own balance and manifest in our own dimensions as 'flame'. The proposal is that the flame is simply another manifestation of the zipon that then decays again when it has found another field which may be outside the body of the amalgam that it first bound. Which explanation confronts classical understandings.

    But the simple fact is that if this is correct, as seems to be evident in this circuit's breach of classical norms in the exchange of energy - then the implications are that both thermal and kinetic energies can be far better and more efficiently exploited that is possible in terms of our Thermodynamic Laws. Which is very good news for those of us who would prefer to cater to our rampant energy requirements. That MileHigh chooses to ignore the evidence in the data that has been so carefully presented in the paper - is not a reflection on this new and emerging technology. Rather it is a sad reflection on that rigid and inflexible mind that can no longer adjust to new thinking. I am sure that there are many MileHighs in this world. Fortunately there are others who are well able to flex their intellects as required and they are also among those many credentialed readers. It does not constitute an argument to say 'you are wrong' or 'this is nonsense'. That only reflects on the incapacity of his intellect. It is usual that this stiffens with age, along with the aging body. So it is something to be pitied rather than criticised.

    What is alarming is MH's revision of history where he makes some reference to a semi-scientific dialogue in the art of gliding as opposed to motorised flight. This is so exaggerated as to be entirely fantastical and would require today's level of international discussion through the internet and through forums such as this - to be enabled. Nonsense indeed. And it's malicious nonsense, to boot.

    Last edited by witsend; 01-08-2010, 05:58 AM.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Originally posted by rave154 View Post

    thats a brave suggestion of yours to tally everything up in a package and go to a newspaper like the "News" of the World....but remember.... as soon as they know your name....they will go through your life with a fine toothcomb to find any dirt on you...even if its just an old charge of spitting on the sidewalk....they like nothing better ( to sell more papers ) than championing a "good guy"......only later to shoot him down in flames with past misdeeds etc..even though those might have been minor. Papers like this and others.arent in the "News" business...theyre in the paper-selling business.

    MY approach, if i might humbly suggest it, would be to do this....

    perfect your working circuit as best you can so that you can demonstrate clearly an excess output....or at the very least, an exotic effect with regard to the "classic rules", then approach a university, the electrical department with an approach of the following kind " i have a novel circuit which could prove useful to you and your students in understanding the interactions of ...blah blah" other words....dont rush in there yelling "FREE ENERGY !! ".......slip your foot in the door first and play it....'cool'.

    In other words, get the "head of electrical engineering department"...or whoever it is, get them to raise their OWN curiosity about the circuit and question it, rather than trying to bash them over the head with "FREE ENERGY !!! "

    hope this helps

    David. D
    Thanks David, I think that the only dirt on hands is on the government side, I think mine are quite clean, well I do smoke


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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Originally posted by nilrehob View Post
    Wow! Scary!
    May I suggest throwing out Windows in favor of a Linux, maybe Ubuntu?
    Ubuntu Home Page | Ubuntu
    PM me if you need directions.

    Thanks Hob, I will check it out after the police special unit has finished with my computor.


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  • nilrehob
    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    Hi all

    I am back after my few days away and whilst away I have had my computor invaded.

    Yes it was switched on from an external source, the pear gaudian 2 was infiltrated and turned off, all I have on the computor has been copied and all the peoples addresses I have have received a poor english written e-mail, some 330 people.

    For those here who have my e-mail address, which means I have theirs, this has not come from me and do not pinch the link that is in it in case it is a trap,YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

    Tomorrow I might have the police in to see what they can do to trace it back, here they have a special unit for computor crime. I will keep you all posted, even Peter has received this, well he was on my list.

    Wow! Scary!
    May I suggest throwing out Windows in favor of a Linux, maybe Ubuntu?
    Ubuntu Home Page | Ubuntu
    PM me if you need directions.


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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Hi All I'm back WARNING

    Hi all

    I am back after my few days away and whilst away I have had my computor invaded.

    Yes it was switched on from an external source, the pear gaudian 2 was infiltrated and turned off, all I have on the computor has been copied and all the peoples addresses I have have received a poor english written e-mail, some 330 people.

    For those here who have my e-mail address, which means I have theirs, this has not come from me and do not pinch the link that is in it in case it is a trap,YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

    Tomorrow I might have the police in to see what they can do to trace it back, here they have a special unit for computor crime. I will keep you all posted, even Peter has received this, well he was on my list.


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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Guruji View Post
    Thanks FuzzyTomcat for response. Can this circuit be used to heat water using a water heater filament?
    Hi Guruji,

    The possibility of this circuit heating water is one of the objectives of using this circuit and might need some modification to do it although. The problem of use in a standard water heater element is that they are rated at 240 Volt and are around 2000 watts .... presently the circuit is using a inductor which is a 10 ohm resistor that uses around 5 to 6 watts during operation and the Mosfet is rated at 6 amps .... not saying that it couldn't be done ..... just not as the circuit is now but all options from Oxyhydrogen (HHO) production to several heating methods are being explored by myself and others here and elsewhere.


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  • Guruji
    Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
    Hi Guruji,

    The mosfets you have -

    IRF510 is rated @ 100 Volts Vdd

    NTE2376 is rated @ 50 Volts Vdd

    The Mosfet that is used in the Rosemary Ainslie circuit is -

    IRFPG50 is rated @ 1000 Volts Vdd

    I'm afraid that using the Mosfets you have would not last very long or not at all, you might see if you can find the one that is presently being used.

    The best and most inexpensive source is ........

    Quest Components - Resistor & Capacitor Distributors - Obsolete Electronic Components - Discrete Semiconductor Distributors - Integrated Circuit Distributors

    Quest Components IRFPG50 Part Number Search Results

    Thanks FuzzyTomcat for response. Can this circuit be used to heat water using a water heater filament?

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  • nvisser
    [QUOTE=Aaron;77991]The capacitor recycling method works and is similar to what I did here to
    keep this oscillator self running. I initially charge the front side cap (instead
    of having a battery). Then I remove the charge, and it keeps going. I do
    have a simple earth ground rod that I'm using and it keeps all the pressures
    balanced. Input goes down, then climbs up to a happy medium and stays
    YouTube - Self Running Bedini Oscillator

    Hallo Aaron
    Is there somewhere a schematic of your Self Running Bedini Oscillator circuit as I cannot download such large youtube videos

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Guruji View Post
    Hi guys I am trying with a 2" resistor for my heater from a old TV does it make any difference or I will blow out the Mosfet?
    Can I use another mosfet instead? I have an IRF510 and a NTE2376?
    Hi Guruji,

    The mosfets you have -

    IRF510 is rated @ 100 Volts Vdd

    NTE2376 is rated @ 50 Volts Vdd

    The Mosfet that is used in the Rosemary Ainslie circuit is -

    IRFPG50 is rated @ 1000 Volts Vdd

    I'm afraid that using the Mosfets you have would not last very long or not at all, you might see if you can find the one that is presently being used.

    The best and most inexpensive source is ........

    Quest Components - Resistor & Capacitor Distributors - Obsolete Electronic Components - Discrete Semiconductor Distributors - Integrated Circuit Distributors

    Quest Components IRFPG50 Part Number Search Results



    EDIT -

    Here is a "Snap Shot" of the IRFPG50 Mosfet oscilloscope Channel-2 "drain" pin operating with a 76mm diameter 10 ohm load resistor and the voltages that were achieved ..... over 800 Volts ..... normal operation is over 500 Volts with a 32mm diameter 10 ohm load resistor ......

    Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 01-02-2010, 09:34 PM. Reason: added image info

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  • Guruji
    Heater resistor

    Hi guys I am trying with a 2" resistor for my heater from a old TV does it make any difference or I will blow out the Mosfet?
    Can I use another mosfet instead? I have an IRF510 and a NTE2376?

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  • witsend
    Open Source Evaluation of Power Transients Generated to Improve Performance Coefficient of Resistive Heating Systems

    Hi bugler - and welcome to the thread. I think I've posted a link to the actual Scribd paper. Anyway that was the intention. It will explain more about the difficulties in getting the waveform. But I think the guys at Panacea have just replicated and maybe Andrew or Ash could post a link here. That should also help.

    And if you have difficulties - then chat to Fuzzy or Andrew or Ash or any of the replicators. I'm sure they'll rally. Good luck. Also, you can check out Fuzzy's live broadcast as well - as that gives you an idea of what to look for.

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  • bugler

    I just read the pdf in about the rosemary heeater.

    I have a friend who knows electronics and I am trying to convince him to do the circuit.
    Is the circuit on page 14 the real deal? Is it difficult to do? Does it really heat water in an efficiente way?


    PD: I am attaching the image on page 14 of the pdf.

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  • FuzzyTomCat


    I'm going to have another demonstration set up and am inviting all members and guests again with hopefully those that missed last weeks "LIVE" interactive streaming broadcast of this threads Rosemary Ainslie COP Heater Circuit.

    This also provides a opertunity for anyone to ask questions in real time inside the "on line" chat room and talk to myself or others that are involved with the project in some way or hope to be.

    "LIVE" NEW YEARS DAY (USA) January 1, 2010
    at 12:00 PM (noon) Pacific Standard Time or GMT -8

    Open Source Research and Development - live streaming video powered by Livestream

    Best Wishes,

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  • jibbguy
    Hehehe it is true that a very old method of intimidation is the fear of exposing parts of our private life; and is sometimes used as "punishment" against those who refuse to "get in line", useful as a warning to others ( what happened last year to Elliot Spitzer, FORMER governor of NY State). But that only works on folks who CAN be intimidated, and is laughably lame to folks who cannot be And the problem is that those doing these things cannot do so without showing their hands; and that is NOT in their interests as every whittling away of plausible deniability adds up; culminating to a point where the Emperor is suddenly naked, the Hundredth Monkey "gets it", and gig is up... And the limos are abandoned on the airport tarmac as the criminals rush to fight their way aboard the last plane for Paraguay. So let us keep our pen knives sharp, and keep whittling away

    The BEST way to fight suppressions or intimidations, is to talk about them publicly whenever they happen. Darkness is the lack of Light.... and as dark as things are now on this planet for Humankind; i believe Light, and the Rule of Law, will prevail. History will record these moments; and future generations of folks living in Peace, security, plenty, and harmony... will wonder what the hell those people must have been thinking back then

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  • rave154

    thats a brave suggestion of yours to tally everything up in a package and go to a newspaper like the "News" of the World....but remember.... as soon as they know your name....they will go through your life with a fine toothcomb to find any dirt on you...even if its just an old charge of spitting on the sidewalk....they like nothing better ( to sell more papers ) than championing a "good guy"......only later to shoot him down in flames with past misdeeds etc..even though those might have been minor. Papers like this and others.arent in the "News" business...theyre in the paper-selling business.

    MY approach, if i might humbly suggest it, would be to do this....

    perfect your working circuit as best you can so that you can demonstrate clearly an excess output....or at the very least, an exotic effect with regard to the "classic rules", then approach a university, the electrical department with an approach of the following kind " i have a novel circuit which could prove useful to you and your students in understanding the interactions of ...blah blah" other words....dont rush in there yelling "FREE ENERGY !! ".......slip your foot in the door first and play it....'cool'.

    In other words, get the "head of electrical engineering department"...or whoever it is, get them to raise their OWN curiosity about the circuit and question it, rather than trying to bash them over the head with "FREE ENERGY !!! "

    hope this helps

    David. D
    Last edited by rave154; 12-31-2009, 01:23 PM.

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